Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 603: Reaction

Chapter 603: Reaction

"Yes!" Konan nodded as Yahiko and Nagato watched anxiously, then made her final point. "Otsutsuki Toneri also possesses the Rinnegan!"

"So even if I didn't fully believe what he told me, there was still a certain degree of credibility!"

"At least I know..."

"You are the same kind of people!"

Konan's tone was firm as she looked towards Nagato, not entirely heartfelt, as she had almost fully believed what Otsutsuki Toneri, also known as Aoba, had told her, but she didn't speak her true thoughts.

Nagato took a deep breath, his fears confirmed despite being psychologically prepared and was still shocked by the revelation.

Yahiko was silent, his mind active, understanding the significance of Konan's words.

The Sage of Six Paths, who owned the Rinnegan, was initially named Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

The person who captured Konan, possessing the Rinnegan, was named Otsutsuki Toneri.

Nagato also possessed the Rinnegan...

Otsutsuki Toneri claimed Nagato was also from the Otsutsuki clan.

If this was all a coincidence...

That seems hardly appropriate!

At this moment, Yahiko believed Konan's words and was certain Nagato was from the Otsutsuki clan. He thought about their plans to move to Konoha, realizing the objections from Nagato's parents no longer held much ground.

"What exactly is going on?"

Unable to hold back, Nagato asked, his curiosity piqued about Otsutsuki Toneri's claims, now truly believing them to be true.

After asking this, Nagato's heart pounded with nervousness, excitement, anxiety, and concern.

These complex emotions swirled within him, leading to internal chaos, and he was unsure how to deal with good or bad feelings. He just wanted to know the truth.

"The situation is roughly like this..."

Konan nodded, her eyes sparkling as she relayed the tales Aoba had told her.

In a few short yet seemingly long minutes, Konan talked about the Planet Otsutsuki, claiming Nagato was from there and how Nagato's father had transported him using the God Tree's coordinates. She mentioned Frieza and the various aspects of the Super Otsutsuki Mode.

Yahiko and Nagato simultaneously took a deep breath, overwhelmed by the barrage of information.

Such a huge scene!

A space war.

Planets shattered.

Such was the terrifying power of the Otsutsuki clan.

"Nagato, I think you are from the Otsutsuki clan. The Rinnegan is not of this world!"

Yahiko's tone was somber. He had imagined Nagato would be powerful and have great potential, even fantasizing about him as the Sage of Six Paths, but now he realized he had underestimated Nagato.

Yahiko's worldview was shattered.

His entire understanding was overturned, just like Konan had said...

The Land of Rain is nothing!

What is the Ninja World, then?

It is such a tiny place, not even one percent of this planet, let alone the vast, star-studded universe.

Such intense revelations could collapse a person's mentality.

Now Yahiko felt his mindset collapsing, like a country bumpkin stepping into a city, overwhelmed by skyscrapers and complex interchanges.

Knowing about the universe and the Otsutsuki clan's terrifying power and their cosmic feats, the issues of the Land of Rain suddenly seemed less appealing.

His perspective had broadened too much.

Yahiko now realized that no matter how hard he tried or what he achieved, it was all on the foundation that the Otsutsuki clan didn't care about their planet.

Once they took notice...

Their reign would indeed be re-established.

By then...

They could efficiently resolve what he could barely achieve in a lifetime with a flick of their fingers.

That was the starting line.

Yahiko knew he had lost at the starting line, but he hadn't realized he had lost so thoroughly on a path where even the light of a counterattack was unseen.

Some things, if not born with, might never be attained.

Yahiko sighed, his posture suddenly slumping, aging him or making him seem more defeated. His once vibrant eyes now dulled as if all his bold aspirations had turned to dust.

Konan observed Yahiko's change.

She couldn't tell how she had reacted when she first learned of this, but now she could see the spontaneous reactions of both Yahiko and Nagato to these revelations.

Yahiko's reaction was evident to her.

She knew exactly what he was thinking.

Just like her, his mentality had collapsed!

This mental collapse stemmed from shattered perceptions, making everything Yahiko once deemed important seem trivial, leading to despair.

Thinking this, Konan silently shook her head. This wasn't the Yahiko she wanted to see; even though her mentality had collapsed, she still hoped Yahiko would remain as he was in her youthful dreams, always bold and fearless.

Then, Konan turned her gaze to Nagato. His Rinnegan reflected all kinds of intertwined emotions, forming an extremely messy heart.


Konan spoke softly, knowing she shouldn't disturb him and should let him think things through. But she didn't want to wait any longer; she hadn't finished her book yet. Watching two people silently stew in their different emotions seemed less appealing than leaving them to their silence while she departed.

"Do you still think the ninja of Konoha are your enemies?"

After saying this, Konan felt it wasn't well-phrased, knowing she lacked experience in such matters. Otsutsuki Toneri could have said it better.

This statement had many loopholes.

For instance, Nagato could simply say, "A father is a father for life."

Even if they were adoptive parents.

Konoha was still the place that killed his parents.

"Otsutsuki Toneri said if we seek him, we should go to Ichiraku Ramen in Konoha. So moving the Akatsuki organization there would make it more convenient to help Nagato awaken the Rinnegan and restore his Otsutsuki bloodline."

Konan quickly changed the subject. Knowing Nagato for so long, she understood he wasn't very sentimental, except perhaps towards her and Yahiko.

She couldn't explain why; it was just a hunch. She felt that even if it were their Teacher Jiraiya, he might also be killed if he opposed Nagato's wishes.

Let alone adoptive parents.

Before, Nagato considered his adoptive parents as his parents and remembered the grudge of their murder. But now, with the revelation of the Otsutsuki clan, the issue of adoptive parents would likely fade away.

Konan saw this quite clearly.


Since neither Yahiko nor Nagato had spoken, she began to talk. But she understood that at this moment, neither cared about what she was saying or deciding.

"I've decided to move the Akatsuki organization to Konoha."

"Not only to better achieve Akatsuki's ideals."

"But also to frequently encounter Otsutsuki Toneri."

"For us..."

"There's no harm!"

Having said this, Konan turned and left the meeting room. She had said all she needed to say, and staying there had no more meaning. It was better to go back to reading her book.

She silently added to herself.

If the Akatsuki were moved to Konoha, she could see Otsutsuki Toneri more often.

Konan's departure.

Did not attract more attention from Yahiko and Nagato.

Both of them were so immersed in these matters that they couldn't think about the Akatsuki, which now seemed insignificant.

After Konan left.

She didn't go anywhere else.

But went straight back to her room.

She knew.

Now, she had a rare opportunity to read and had completed the reform of the Akatsuki.


Aoba didn't know...

He just wanted to plant a seed in the Akatsuki but hadn't expected it to sprout without his notice.

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