Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

125 – It’s Her Fight

125 – It’s Her Fight


Mila Rose and Cirucci had been holding off all the other Arrancar all by themselves. Despite being massively outnumbered they were holding on quite well. Cirucci seemed to hold the upper hand while Mila Rose was on the back foot, but neither were in any immediate danger.

Most of them were dealing with Cirucci who outclassed them as an Espada while Mila Rose dealt with the stragglers. If Cirucci and Mila Rose were more capable of working together they might have already beaten these failure Arrancar that could only hold on through sheer force of numbers rather than any real power or skill.

They weren’t even strong enough to qualify for a Fracción. That was probably exactly why Nnoitra picked them though. No one would miss them so he could just kill all the witnesses after they helped him complete the job. If there were no witnesses there would be no way for Aizen to find out after all. The fools weren’t even smart enough to realize the truth of their situation while they did their best assisting Nnoitra in hopes of a brighter future.

Mila Rose smirked when she noticed him. “Took you long enough. Were you going to leave all the fun to us?” She asked.

He chuckled. “I was just having a little fun of my own. Worried I would show up too late?” He asked.

She snorted. “You wish,” she said.

Cirucci frowned blocking multiple strikes aimed at her. “Could you two shut up and help? Am I supposed to be doing everything myself?” She asked.

Hisashi smirked. “I thought you could handle it,” he said ‘innocently’.

She gritted her teeth. “Just do something,” she retorted.

As soon as Hisashi joined Mila Rose the balance shifted entirely in their favour as the other Arrancar could no longer gang up on her like before and break her rhythm.

Over their years spent together they had long adapted to each other’s fighting style.

When she advanced he retreated and when he advanced she retreated in return keeping the many enemies occupied with minimal exhaustion to either of them. Their timing was perfect leaving minimal openings for their enemies to take advantage of.

Only when they were assured they could finish an enemy off did they strike fast and hard. It started slow with the first few, but with every Arrancar eliminated it became easier and easier causing the next to follow sooner.

It didn’t take long before more needed to abandon the fight with Cirucci to help face the duo, finally giving her a breather.

Hisashi looked at Mila Rose as they were dealing with the last few Arrancar. “Do you want to eat?” He asked.

She shook her head. “I’ve barely experienced any growth since becoming a Vasto Lorde,” she said.

She smirked. “You’re also the biggest glutton out of all of us with how fast you go,” she said.

He raised his brow. “Are you sure?” He asked.

She smiled and nodded.

“Well I’m not going to argue that,” he said.

He shrugged and quickly started consuming them while they finished off the last few. By that point Cirucci was only dealing with a few herself.

Hisashi consumed another of the Arrancar. “Do you need any help?” He asked casually.

She sent one of her attackers flying his way in retaliation.

A single swipe of his blade was enough to finish off the already weakened and disoriented Arrancar.

He chuckled. “That wasn’t very nice,” he said.

All of them froze on the spot as a giant purple beam blasted through part of the clearing and into the forest.

The only exception was Cirucci who jumped back like a cat that had its tail stepped on.

It took a few moments for everyone to realize they survived whatever it was.

Cirucci took advantage of their distraction to quickly finish off the few that remained.

She let out an exaggerated sigh. “Making me do all the work?” She asked.

Hisashi rolled his eyes. “How are you holding up?” He asked with concern.

Despite everything they were allies at the moment and they might need her help depending on how things unfolded after all.

Her haughty expressions softened ever so slightly. “F-fine… I’m fine,” she said.

Mila Rose chuckled causing Cirucci to blush, cross her arms under her chest, and look away in embarrassment.

A quick look at Nelliel caused her to relax seeing her holding the upper hand over Nnoitra and Tesra, the last two remaining Arrancar present. They were struggling just to keep up with her.

Mila Rose turned back to Hisashi. “Go ahead and quickly finish eating them. Nelliel might need our help soon so you better be ready,” she said.

He smiled as he started converting the corpses to spirit particles and sucking them up. “I’m always ready,” he said.

She rolled her eyes. “Sure you are,” she said.

He sighed. ‘If only Sung-Sun was here,’ he thought melodramatically.

They suddenly felt a massive increase in spiritual pressure drawing their attention towards Nnoitra who had been blasted into the forest by Nelliel’s Cero Doble.

The spirit particles in the air were rapidly drawn towards him and he glowed a bright golden that suddenly flashed bright enough to blind them momentarily.

When the light receded his Resurrección form was unveiled.

He had six bone-like arms, four of which held large black dual headed scythes that looked very dangerous. Two white horns had sprouted from the sides of his head curving upwards. The bone-like armour had spread to cover most of his body except the middle of his chest and face. Of his clothing only his baggy white pants remained.

He swung the scythes with an excited smile as if warming up.

Mila Rose looked concerned. She tried to run towards Nelliel.

Hisashi blocked Mila Rose with one of his arms.

She frowned and trying to get past him. “Why are you stopping me?! We need to help her!” She shouted.

He shook his head. “This is her fight. Don’t interfere unless she really can’t handle it anymore. It would be best if she can overcome this herself,” he said.

She looked over at Cirucci for some backup, but she just shrugged not caring either way.

Mila Rose looked back at Nelliel reluctantly, but stopped trying to help.

She crossed her arms with a look of dissatisfaction.“You better be right…” she mumbled.

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