Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 63

Chapter 13. I found it (5)

Calian, who was quietly looking out the window, suddenly said.

“It’s nice that it’s quiet.”

After Gray left, the soldiers and servants of Reddington Castle were busy moving around. Therefore, it did not take long to erase Gray’s traces and return to its original peaceful appearance.

Kalian also returned as usual. In other words, he was sipping the warm milk tea handed to him by Tecid’s butler with a carefree face. Tecid, who was sitting across from Calian, spoke with a calm expression.

“The Margrave of Briseen is very angry. Aren’t you worried about how things will turn out?”

“Well, I guess there’s something to worry about.”

“Isn’t it the Sword Master? Since you have made the Margrave so angry, I am concerned that something may happen before we return to Kairisis.”

“it’s okay.”

Calian said everything he needed to say in a short answer. It was difficult to tell Tesid the details, and there was no way to talk to anyone about why he was so carefree.

The moment Calian faced Gray in this parlor, Calian felt a very strong aura emanating from Gray. That’s why I felt free to suppress Gray’s pride. The fact that Gray’s Auror was felt meant that he was at least the same level or lower than Calian.

In addition, there was a group of wizards in the capital that Alan and Alan were preparing. Calian knew what decision Alan and Lemain would make when they found out about this.

‘It will hasten the creation of the Balkans.’

No matter how untrained they may be, they are a group of capable wizards. Therefore, I wouldn’t have hastily stepped forward and tried to touch it. So, there is no need to worry right now whether it is a fight between individuals or a fight between forces.

“You don’t have to worry because you just met someone you’ll have to bump into at least once anyway.”

There was no trace of anxiety on Calian’s face as he said this while making eye contact with Tessid. Tessid even found it rather surprising to see such a thing.

Soon Calian moved his head again and looked out the window. This time, instead of looking at something far away, I was looking at something a little closer. In fact, there was already someone there who had caused Tesid’s worries as much as Gray.

Teshid looked a little sad.

“But are you going to keep leaving that servant like that?”

‘That valet’ was Kirie, who had already been running dozens of laps around the castle’s training grounds. The corners of Calian’s mouth lifted slightly as he watched the scene silently.

“I have to teach you something like that.”

Kirie, who had endured the beatings of the knights for Kalian, had to immediately start running without receiving permission from Hina to receive treatment. Of course, Tecid knew the reason well.

It was punishment for not trusting Kalian.

Contrary to Kyrie, Arsene believed in Calian’s position, coping skills, and wealth. So, they vented their anger by turning a wagon worth a huge amount of money into a pile of firewood that could be used for a good season, under the guise of a warning. After summoning Calian, who had heard the explosion, to come out, he got a little angry and made them punish the bastards.

So, in return for making Calian see blood and robbing the already empty safe once more, Arsene was now enjoying a sweet rest.

“That child and I have different things to handle, and it is time to realize that.”

Calian did not first tell Kyrie what she had done wrong. I just told him to run until he found out for himself and then come back after he figured it out.

“I think you are pushing yourself too far for too long, my prince.”

Before we knew it, the sunset had set and the moon was shining.

Time had passed for even Tessid to care about Kyrie, but Calian was just watching in silence. Soon Calian took his eyes off the window and spoke.

“Would I trust my back to someone who can’t endure that much?”

The expression on his face when he said that was relaxed, and his voice contained infinite trust. That’s why Tesid smiled and nodded.

“It’s not an area I would be curious about.”

“Instead, I have a question for the Viscount.”

“Yes. Please speak, Prince.”

Kalian lifted the teaspoon and stirred the milk tea a few times as if to ventilate the surroundings, then opened his mouth.

“Are the Viscount’s family members in Kairisis?”

“Yes, that’s right. I come and go from time to time.”

Calian’s gaze now turned to the dark, dimly lit lake. Then Calian, recalling the peaceful scene he had seen in the morning, opened his mouth.

“If it were a quiet place like this, it wouldn’t be difficult to maintain it without the Viscount’s direct hand. I would like to ask if there is any reason for continuing to stay in this castle.”

Teshid looked at the same place as Calian and answered.

“It’s hard to find the will to stay away because there is no better place to read a book.”

“It’s a book… I see. In a place like this, it’s understandable to be greedy for a life spent reading books.”

Calian responded like this and nodded.

However, I felt like it was a waste to just let him spend his time just looking at books. That’s why Calian brought up what he had been thinking about for a while.

“Viscount’s carriage. Is the axle really broken?”

It was a question that reminded me of Thesid’s face when he calmly told Gray that he could not ride because the axle was broken when Gray asked to borrow a carriage.

Thecid thought of Gray’s face when he heard those words and let out a brief laugh. Tecid’s answer soon followed.

“If the lord of a small fiefdom like this gives away his carriage, he will have nowhere to go.”

It means that you refused because you made an excuse.

An expression of satisfaction appeared on Calian’s face. It was not a confirmation that my refusal was correct, but rather a satisfaction for telling Calian my true feelings that it was difficult to take sides.

Calian quite liked this viscount, who was thoughtful and serious, and knew how to step in or out according to his own beliefs without distinction of opponents. It was because I thought he would go well with Melfir Fallun, who was quick to think and calculate.

If you don’t have a suitable talent that comes to mind from your past memories, you can find one and use it. Moreover, it is said that talented people should be picked up without hesitation when they are noticed.

Calian asked, staring deeply at Tessid.

“Are there many books left to read?”

Thesid looked at the teacup and out the window in silence for a while.

After that, Tesid asked in a calm voice instead of answering right away.

“I would like to ask what you are talking about.”

“Let’s go together. To Kairisis.”

Calian immediately answered:

Calian could also see that the hand holding the teacup was straining.

“I think the repairs to the carriage axle will be completed by the time the prince’s group’s horses are all healed.”

“The timing is good. Thank goodness.”

Calian smiled quietly and nodded.

– I found someone who could help Baron Fallun.

And I responded to Alan’s request from a month ago.

* * *

While Kalian was sitting in this relaxed posture, working hard to discover talent.

There was one person who was busy supporting the talent that had already been discovered. Jan had 24 hours a day, which was not enough, as she had to assist Kalyan, who had many incidents and even more accidents.

After Gray returned, Jan estimated the price of Gray’s carriage and wrote it down separately. It was to be delivered to Kalian.

Then, he went to see Arsene and told him that Calian would reimburse him for the carriage and that he should get some rest and not worry about ‘homework’ today. There was no need to mention how much Jan’s heart had weakened today thanks to Arsene’s rampage.

After that, I received the ice cream I had requested from the castle chef and went to Hina’s room. He was trying to comfort Kirie and explain why he ran away from the training ground without receiving treatment right away. However, Hina’s reaction was quite unexpected.

– It’s okay now. I’m sorry for crying.

These are not empty words; Hina was actually very fine.

If it weren’t for my swollen eyes, I wouldn’t have believed that I had cried so much earlier. Hina, who already knew that Kirie was safe, answered calmly after listening to Yan’s explanation of why Kirie was being punished.

– that’s right. My brother needs to be scolded.

Bear-like Kirie was running around the training ground hurt, not knowing why she was being scolded, but Hina nodded and ate the ice cream deliciously. Yan, who had forgotten what to say for a moment, cautiously opened his mouth.

“Don’t take today’s events too seriously.”

Hina smiled and answered.

– are you okay. The prince paid me everything.

Jan didn’t know, but when Kalian brought the Kirie siblings, he had said that he would pay for Hina’s cut off ear and inability to speak. Therefore, Hina understood exactly why Kalian punished the knights like that.

The reason was explained differently to others, but in fact, the real reason Kalian saw their blood was not because he molested Hina, but because he mocked her inability to speak, and the deprivation of knighthood was a punishment for molestation.

So Calian did not punish the knights for hitting Kyrie. Rather, aren’t they punishing Kirie, who is not a knight?

– Since you paid me back in full, there is no reason to be upset anymore.

Yan, who didn’t know what was going on, just thought he was lucky that Hina was okay.

* * *

“Your Majesty’s son said he destroyed someone else’s carriage this time. He’s out of money again.”

In fact, it was Arsene, not Calian, who did it, but Alan just said this.

Lemain looked a little surprised at the news that was delivered in a tone that made it sound like your son had had an accident again. And then I ended up asking something so obvious.

“Are you saying it was Calian who did that?”

“I don’t think Prince Randel or Prince Planz would do such a stupid thing.”

It was natural for Randel, and even so, Plantz never harmed others, even outside. Although a dining knife was thrown at Yan once, Yan was not hurt anyway, so there would be no chance of seeing a herd of elephants in the capital.

Now that I think about it, Alan, who was starting to think seriously about when to tell Slayman about the incident, heard the voice of Lemain, who had no idea whose son Jan was.

“Kalian must have had a reason to act like that.”

LeMaine answered with so much faith that he took out a check from a drawer. Then, he took the pen to where he wrote down the amount and looked at Alan. Since there was a lot of money taken out of Calian’s treasury, it meant that Lemain would pay for the carriage.

Then Alan grinned and Lemain frowned and looked at Alan’s mouth. Because something else was about to come out.

“Are you going to give up your youngest son’s head in exchange for destroying the carriage?”

I got scolded again.

“If Your Highness were to pay for the carriage instead, wouldn’t it be like informing the carriage owner that you tolerated the prince’s actions?”

In other words, it was an action by Lemain himself to prove that Calian was carrying Lemain on his back.

“Your Majesty, you just have to wonder whose carriage it is.”

In a normal Lemain, the first thing he would have done was ask who Calian had collided with, rather than willingly offer to help and take out a check. Therefore, Alan was now giving a warning about that.

“Because whose carriage it was.”

“It is said to be the carriage of the Margrave of Gray Brisen.”

As Alan explained what followed, the passage of about ten years appeared on Lemain’s face. After hearing that Gray had stripped four of the ten knights of their titles and made them unable to speak for the rest of their lives, Lemain remained silent for a while.

“For the crimes they committed, I applied the strongest punishment that can be inflicted within the Kyris law. It’s not that I don’t understand, but I guess I’ve become a very harsh child.”

“That’s how much I care about my people. I know how to tell when to tolerate it and when not, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

LeMaine, who was weighing the repercussions of Calian’s caring for his person so much, spoke in a calm voice.

“Has a list of wizards who will belong to Balkan been made roughly?”

“Yes. It’s less than I thought, but it’s enough for the prince to not be daunted by the two knights of the royal family.”

Alan answered, thinking of the 30 wizards he had carefully selected.

“Actually, we were planning to start the creation of Balkan with about two or three more months to spare. There is no dedicated building to accommodate them. But now that the situation has changed, it seems we will have to hurry up a bit.”

But things are changing.

What was needed now was not a distribution that would condone Calian’s actions in exchange for the carriage, but real strength that would not be oppressed by Brisen’s spirit.

Lemain raised his head for a moment, looked into space, and then took a deep breath.

“If you don’t have a building, you can use what you have. Let the Balkans enter the buildings and grounds that Knight Pavel used within the royal palace.”

Accelerates the creation of the Balkans.

And the wizard group Vulkan is brought into Pavel’s area, which served as Silike’s weapon.

“You’re going to let the Vulcans into Pavel’s building. Are you going to declare war on Briesen?”

“It won’t be bad.”

Alan, who heard Lemain’s words, burst into loud laughter. Then he looked at Lemain with sharp eyes and answered.

“Congratulations. You’ll soon be able to really get your head around it.”

LeMaine, whose throat would soon become sore, laughed along with him.

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