Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 54

Chapter 12. I am living (2)

Two good things happened this morning.

Completed 4 circles.

And oysters were served at the breakfast prepared by the mayor of Citren City!

It is said that people in this area, which is relatively close to Secretiana Rivern, enjoy eating seafood, and there was a large raw oyster with a unique fishy smell. Kalian, who saw this, tried very hard to lower the corners of his mouth that kept rising.

If Alan had known that Calian was more excited about raw oysters than making the fourth circle, it would have told him a lot.

Anyway, my first day at Siegfried started off on a good note.

Yan, who always rode next to Kalian, was at the forefront of the group along with Yuran. Part of the reason was that he had to deal with many people greeting Jan, whom he had not seen in a long time, but the bigger reason was that Arsene was next to Calian.

Arsene said, recalling Calian’s energy he felt that morning.

“The prince’s energy was like a blade.”

Calian answered with a slight smile.

“There is a reason.”

Arsene waited for an explanation as to what the reason was, but there was nothing else to say after that. There was a reason, but it seemed like it would be difficult to tell at this time, so Arsene just nodded.

After that, Calian, who had been silent for a few streets, pointed to Arsene’s hand and said,

“Lord Hertz.”

“Yes, my prince.”

“How strong is the ice that the wonders create?”

Arsene thought about those words for a moment and then asked.

“I’m sorry, Prince. Do you mind if I ask you to explain exactly what you mean by strength?”

Arsene’s words always had a long tail.

What’s so difficult about something that can be done by just asking it to be explained.

“The ice of the scriptures can be broken with such great force. And how hard it can pierce….”

Calian said with a calm face while thinking about Arsene’s ice spear that pierced the Sword Master’s hard body.

Arsene thought again.

Not only had I never thought about such a thing yet, but there was also a reason I didn’t know why Calian had bothered to ask about the strength of the magic.

Arsene, who immediately thought of something that could be answered, opened his mouth.

“I had a brief rivalry with Bern a while ago.”

Calian stiffened his shoulders and looked at Arsene.

Then I managed to remember that the name Bern is now Kyrie’s last name.

Calian, who realized that Arsene was talking about Kyrie and not himself, calmed his surprise and asked.

“Yes. Keep talking.”

“At that time, I sent a spear of ice to Bern.”

Why did I write it again!

Calian laughed awkwardly, and Arsene continued speaking with a very regretful expression on his face.

“My ice spear was broken by Bern’s sword.”

Calian turned his head to the other side for a moment and looked at Kyrie. And Kyrie suddenly made a face as if she didn’t know why Calian was looking at her with such a warm smile.

Arsene, unaware of the situation, continued speaking.

“And I once pierced a log with that ice spear. Since you know how big Bern’s sword is, would it be helpful if I explained it this way?”

“Yes. That’s enough.”

It was true that Kyrie’s swordsmanship was outstanding.

I’ve been teaching hard all this time, and my own talent and effort have never been less than that. Kalian thought that he would not easily lose even if he fought against Siegfried’s knights, excluding Yuran.

Of course, it was still not enough for Calian to be considered ‘strong’. However, if the ice spear was broken by Kyrie’s sword, it meant that the strength of the ice spear was not as strong as Calian wanted.


Arsene asked again cautiously.

“Do you mind if I ask what’s causing this?”

After hearing those words, Calian put aside his worries for a moment and smiled. It’s because of that extremely polite way of speaking.

Now Calian also knew when he and Arsene first met.

At the place where the dead were crossing the river of death, the person who gave death and the person who crossed the river of death met again. I laughed for a while thinking how funny this was.

Anyway, Arsene was extremely polite even when he didn’t know who Calian was. It wasn’t a bad thing to look at, but it didn’t look very suitable for the leader of Balkan. Because of this, Calian decided that he should tell everyone to change their overly polite attitude just a little bit, regardless of the other person’s attitude.

After thinking about that, I suddenly looked to the side and saw Arsene still looking at Calian. Only then did Calian, who remembered that Arsene had asked him a question a moment ago, quickly answer.

“Ah. Because I can’t carry a sword. I was thinking of a way to replace the sword with magic.”

Because I happened to have the magic power created by an auror.

“However, if the strength of the magic is limited to that level, it would be difficult to use it as a sword, so I think we need to think a little more about it.”

Arsene was unable to answer quickly to Calian’s words. Of course I could understand why people were worried, but I thought it wouldn’t be easy.

I didn’t particularly mean to expect Arsene’s answer. Therefore, Calian continued his thoughts while ruffling Raven’s mane.

* * *

The next evening.

Calian stopped Raven once again. It was because of the rocky mountain visible in the distance.

Just then the sunset came. The rocky mountain, mysteriously dyed scarlet by the setting sunlight, was so magnificent and beautiful that the majesty of the old castle beneath it was not immediately noticeable.

Jan said as he pointed to the rocky mountain that had already become a part of history by its very existence, located within the duchy of Siegfried’s castle.

“That’s the place, prince.”

It was a very simple statement without any other explanation. But that alone was enough to explain that there was an empty Sispanian nest there. Therefore, Calian slowly nodded and moved forward again.

When the sunset had almost disappeared and the sky was starting to turn dark, the group arrived in front of the castle.

Inside the castle gate, numerous knights were seen lined up waiting for Calian. They were wearing the same black armor as the knights who had escorted Calian here.

Kalian, seeing this, straightened his posture and sat down.

And I passed between them without the slightest bit of intimidation.

At the end of the road, there was a middle-aged knight riding a white horse.

A person who is in front of the prince but does not need to get off the horse and say hello. The only duke of this country, Kairis.

It was Slayman Hon Siegfried.


After checking Kalian and Yan next to him, he said this and spread his arms. It didn’t specifically mean that he would run up to me and hug me, but it was a gesture that roughly meant welcoming him to this land.

Calian grinned and approached him.

A similar smile was on Slayman’s face.

“It’s been a while, Lord Siegfried.”

This was their second time seeing each other, and the first time they saw each other they didn’t say anything. Slayman simply felt the excitement that Calian was emitting towards the nobles, and Calian did not bother to put it in, even though he knew that Slayman would notice it. That was all the conversation the two had.

Therefore, although this was the first time the two had spoken, it did not feel awkward at all. Because we already knew a lot about each other.

Slayman looked at Kalian for a moment and looked quite admiring. And I didn’t even bother to hide my surprise.

“Wow! You’ve really changed a lot.”

Is it the appearance or the power contained within?

It was unclear what had changed, but Calian smiled leisurely. Whatever it was, it was true that it had changed.

“Yes. It’s a little better than then.”

After hearing Kalian’s answer, Slayman smiled cheerfully and turned his horse’s head. And then he started walking side by side with Kalian.

The slender Calian, riding on the black horse Raven, and the muscular Slayman riding the white horse were walking side by side, creating a perfect contrast between the two.

At the same time, there was an atmosphere as if they had met each other for the first time in a very long time, and Yan, who was looking at them from behind, smiled pleasantly.

The conversation between Kalian and Slayman continued.

“I heard that you kept a tight hold on that foul-mouthed wizard.”

This is truly a consistent Alan Manasil.

Even Sleiman, whom I have known for a very long time, commented this way. That’s why Calian smiled and nodded.

“I’m just grateful.”

“The sixth sword also handles magic, so that damn wizard has a good student.”

Slayman’s small voice.

Of course, Calian was not surprised.

Marquis Briesen, who had only recently entered the path of the sword, did not know, but he had already expected that Slayman would recognize him right away.

“As expected, you recognized it right away.”

“Even if it looks like this, I haven’t lived in vain, so there’s no way I can’t see the prince’s auras piled up. The prince may not be able to see mine, but I can see them clearly.”

As he said, Slayman was able to see Calian’s auror. However, Slayman’s auror was not visible in Calian’s eyes.

The difference between the Auras they have.

This is because Slayman’s Aurors are far more numerous than Calian’s.

“Anyway, that wizard must be very excited. The Sword Master can now handle magic.”

“I don’t know if you’re excited, but you’re having a hard time.”

While Calian continued to have a pleasant conversation while thinking about his teacher, the two soon arrived in front of the entrance to the castle. Slayman turned his horse’s head again and said.

“I would like to talk a little more, but I cannot postpone my inspection of the western section. I am sorry, but we will have to postpone the remaining discussion until tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to be sorry. The schedule was messed up anyway because I arrived too early.”

Calian, who answered without being offended, took a look at the rocky mountain in the distance and then spoke to Slayman.

“I guess we can talk about it tomorrow, including meeting Sispanian’s will.”

Slayman nodded.

“Yes. Please take care of yourselves. I’m sure you will have a lot to talk about when you return.”

And then he laughed very happily.

* * *

Sigmund Kahn Sispanian.

An extremely great Sispanian.

The two titles in front of Sispanian’s name were given voluntarily by dragons with high self-esteem. He fully deserved to be treated that way.

At one time he terrified the entire continent, at one time he protected the continent by sealing evil spirits, and at one time he loved humans.

And then one day he suddenly disappeared.

Some say he returned to nature because he could not overcome the boredom of life, while others said he became a god in place of the sleeping Serenti.

Calian, who had come a very long way to meet the will left behind by Sispanian, opened his mouth as he stared at the huge cavity in front of him.

“I guess I’ll finally meet you.”

The prince’s coming-of-age ceremony is held alone. It was the meaning of Sispanian.

Others remained at the bottom of the mountain. Therefore, Kalyan was also alone.

Calian, who took a moment to think about what to ask Sispanian in his head, stepped towards the common entrance without further delay. It was a bright morning, but as soon as I took a step into the cave, I felt like I was left alone in the darkness.

Because of this, Kalian, who had stopped for a moment, started walking forward again. The sound of footsteps pounding softly echoed through the cavity and then faintly disappeared.

How much did it cost?

Calian suddenly became curious about how far he had walked and looked back.

At the same time, light exploded.

Golden light burst out from all directions, as if fiercely chasing away the silent darkness. Because of this, Calian unconsciously raised his hand and covered his eyes.

After some time passed, I felt like I was getting used to the glare.

– Saaah….

My hair was blowing in the wind from somewhere. The smell of grass carried by the wind lingered at the tip of my nose. Calian opened his eyes to the sensation that was difficult to feel in the cavity.

And then I stopped breathing.

Calian did not reach the level of understanding the principles of mana like Alan. But I could feel the mana itself. Because of this, I was able to know. I was able to be sure.

A magical power so profound that it is difficult to predict its end.

A feeling of heart-stopping fear just by looking at it.

‘It is not will.’

It wasn’t will.

It wasn’t about will.

Because of this, Calian bowed his waist.

“Exceedingly great.”

black hair.

Red eyes.

“Meet Sispanian.”

Sispanian was looking at Calian.

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