Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 497

Chapter 87. As of late, Mimoran (3),

Kairisis and Siegfried.

If the wide Kairis is divided into South and North, the center of the northern region would naturally be the capital Kairis. Of course, this expression does not mean the center in location, but rather the center of influence. If you consider the location, Kairisis was actually located much further north than Kairis.

And if you were looking for the center of the southern region based on the same criteria, you would definitely have to think of Siegfried. Although they would not want to be considered a central force somewhere.

However, such an evaluation was made when considering Siegfried as a duchy.

Siegfried, which was not a duchy, was just a huge and peaceful land. It was a place where grapes, lemons and olives grew well and the scent of coffee was strong. Just because the hometown of the first duke, Cythros Horn Siegfried, was a fishing village in what is now southern Secretia, it was also a place where simple, ignorant people lived who somehow supplied seafood and filled their stomachs with seafood for at least one meal a day. It was a land that was always warm and relaxed, so much so that it was difficult to see snow even in the middle of winter.

And one more thing.



‘I have a question. ‘Do you mind if I ask?’


‘I heard you hate rain. ‘But why did you build a nest in such a hot place?’

It was also the place where the nest of an extremely great ancient dragon was located.

‘Even before the Great Desert was created, Kairisis was always cold. If they had built a nest here, at least they wouldn’t have had to face rain in the winter.’

‘I didn’t say it was okay to ask.’

‘Still, I’m curious. ‘Can’t you answer me?’

‘… This is the place chosen by Serenti.’

‘Your nest?’


‘Then what about other dragons’ nests?’

‘Everyone take care of themselves.’

‘Oh, that would be unfair. ‘I’m the only one who built a house in a place I don’t like.’

‘It’s not unfair.’

‘Then I’m glad. But as long as you stay with me, you’re in Kairisis.’

‘As long as I’m staying with you.’

‘Every time it snows, we go for a walk together and look at the snow together. You can read a book with a cup of tea filled with honey in front of you, or you can just sit side by side and look out the window. We sometimes doze off together in a warm blanket. If you spend your time leisurely without noticing the passage of time, when spring comes, you might end up welcoming the spring rain.’

‘Why am I with you?’

‘I’m proposing marriage now. To you.’

A short time that was the only spring in what seemed like an eternity.

‘I like you. Sispanian. Probably a long time ago.’

This is where Sispanian always stayed until that fleeting spring day. Siegfried.

Therefore, it is the only place that did not suffer damage from evil spirits even during the War of the Two Gods. A place where people who have never wanted to be the center of somewhere live together even though the land has remained intact.

Therefore, it is an inviolable territory that is looked up to by everyone except the current Brisen, who is respected rather than checked. That place was Siegfried.

“Siegfried as Fabian? Rashid Briesen?”

“Give up your life and speak.”

“That’s strange. Rashid isn’t such a thoughtless guy.”

“Put it in first. It stings.”

Calian’s face revealed doubt that he could not hide. However, Adelia seemed to have no intention of answering such doubts and demanded that the annoying things be eliminated first.

Calian slowly closed his eyes and nodded. Afterwards, when I realized that there was no response to my knock even though Kirie was in Randel’s room, I suppressed the anger that had been spilling out since then.

Adelia shook her head as she realized that the prickly energy had disappeared.

“Rashid Briesen has gone to Fabian. He plans to use Fabian to corner Siegfried. I heard him say that.”



“Then how is Rashid using Fabian’s territory to target the elephants? No matter what he does, does he really think that’s possible? I have a lot of questions, Adelia.”

“This old man is tired. Stop asking questions.”

“Will you tell me if I threaten you?”

“I’m tired. And I’m from Riverne. How do I know about the situation here? It’s not fun.”

“Don’t you think you’ve learned something at that age?”

“You pale young bastard. Speak kindly.”


Plantz is seen nodding his head meekly, as if Adelia’s words are not wrong. Calian turned his head away from that scene and touched his forehead for a moment.

“Anyway… Wait a minute. I need to talk to Master.”

“Are you trying to call Alan Manasil?”

“I won’t call you.”

“Okay. Don’t waste too much time. I don’t know when Serjane’s head will fall off without me.”

“Are you currently escorting Serjane?”

“Well, for now?”

Calian narrowed his eyes.

“It seemed like she wasn’t really involved in Serzane’s affairs, but she was already helping

her…” Adelia, who had invaded the Marquis Lynn’s residence in Secretia, was a clear enemy. He sided with Devlan and tried to kill Kyrie and neutralized Arsene and Euria. If Alan hadn’t come on time, Calian would never have had such a friendly conversation with Adelia.

After that, on the day we met in Secretia’s Bridget Forest, Adelia was following Serjane. However, it did not appear to be in a position to protect Serjane’s life. Didn’t he hide in his own space and just watch Serjane get attacked by an assassin?

“They attacked my people and thought they would spare me, but then they changed their minds again and took Rashid Brissen away right before he died.”

However, on the day when Calian almost died from Rashid’s sleeping scent, Adelia came to Calian at Serzan’s request. Then, when they encountered each other in the Whitlin territory, they took out Rashid Briesen, who was about to die at the hands of Calian, and ran away.

Even though it was a circle where it was impossible to warp with someone, I did it. Since Adelia was unable to warp with Calian on the day she ‘kidnapped’ Calian, it could be said that she learned how to use more of the stone’s power in a short period of time.

Below article.

That would have been the reason why he could behave so arbitrarily. Because he has the ability to not need to worry about anyone. Of course, he wasn’t the type of person to be held on a leash by others.

“What are you planning, Adelia?”

“What are you talking about?”

“What are you thinking about helping Serjane?”

So I have more doubts.

I am even more suspicious when I hear that Adelia, who I thought had turned to Rashid’s side, is still on Serjane’s side. Because it was difficult to figure out why one should listen to the incompetent King of Tensil or the fake Crown Prince Serjane.

Calian, who was frowning because of this, added.

“Whose side are you asking, Adelia?”

“Archmage Adelia is on Adelia’s side.”

Adelia, who referred to herself as if she were a stranger, narrowed one eye and smiled. Then he returned to his usual cheerful face and continued speaking.

“What is life? If it’s fun, then it’s okay to take sides. It’ll only give you a headache.”

An answer that seems obvious.

As he was trying to think about it again, a voice came into Calian’s head.

– If he finds out how great my brother is, that old wizard might join this side.

His voice became even lower, as if he was worried that someone might overhear him. It already belonged to Plantz, who had a low voice.

– Adelia is on my side.

– They say fun is good.

– …… Brother, do you think I’m having fun?

– I said so. I guess my brother forgot what I said.

– No way. Am I the kind of person who will forget what you said?

Calian, who was giving his answer, took a long breath. In those few seconds, the conversation between the two went back and forth quickly.

– I didn’t know you were saying I was fun. Well, anyway, are you saying you want me to join hands with Adelia?

– I think it would be better than leaving it like that, not knowing when it might show up again and what kind of incident it might cause.

– well. To say that is better.

– Wouldn’t it be less likely for your brother to get hurt if he overdoes it on his own? The Marquis of Manasil is in a position where he cannot move without permission, but that is not the case with Adelia.

– That life is expensive, so even if I entrust it to my brother a hundred times, I can’t entrust it to Adelia. If you’re worried about me getting hurt, you should increase your strength instead of calling Adelia.

– I’m raising it.

– That’s right. If you are growing so well and working so hard, why are you bringing someone else in?

– My younger brother, who has grown up just as diligently, barks again without fail?

– I find that fun. Anyway, no matter how much fun I have, Adelia will never be completely in my hands. Because not all people in the world are like you. It is better to throw someone like that, who is more unstable than the magic fusion of Vulcan, and wait and worry about when he will explode, and then throw him out the window to explode. Moreover…

Calian, who showed opposition to Plantz’s words, turned his head. Then he smiled slightly at Plants and added more words.

– I already don’t want to be liked by this person or that person. Isn’t it true that beauty is worth more if you use it sparingly?

– …… under.

I brought it up for no reason.

Annoyance appeared on the face of Plantz, who clearly regretted this. Calian smiled slightly again at that expression and then looked at Adelia. Then he said, pointing to his bracelet that was falling down his sleeve.

“Wait a moment, Adelia. Don’t run away.”

“I said I understood.”

Calian and Planz exchanged a word or two, and Adelia nodded without thinking.

Although we have already seen Calian’s ring and Plantz’s bracelet shining at the same time, ‘while we were exchanging serious opinions about whether to find a new partner or not, a barking sound that had grown a lot was heard at the peas that were growing well, and in the end, the discussion was broken. Because it was too short a time to have such a long conversation.

In any case, I said that I would not summon Allan Manasil, and since I had some feelings of debt towards Calian, I decided to listen to him for now.

– Master.

– Yes, my prince.

– I have a quick question.

– You tell me.

– Are there any other disputes with Siegfried in Briesen other than what I know? Whether it be Rashid Briesen, the Marquess of Gray Briesen, or any other noble family associated with Briesen. Anywhere.

-Why do you ask that? Because something happened again.

– Rashid Briesen is said to be in Fabian. Even if Rashid tries to placate brother Randel, everyone knows that he can’t touch the elephants, but still, he doesn’t bother.

– Is it Fabian this time?

– yes. This is Fabian. So, has Brissen ever started a fight?

– … I wonder if it would be okay to call it a fight.

– What’s going on?

Alan, who had been silent for a moment in response to Calian’s words, opened his mouth.

– That’s why I wasn’t at the palace when the fight broke out in Whitlin. Because of the rumors spread in Brisen, I had a brief conversation with the leader elephant.

– There are rumors that I joined hands with Demirea and tried to harm you and your brother. Is that story doing the rounds already?

– no. There were no such rumors.

– Or what?

– There are completely different rumors going around than that.

– So what kind of rumor are you talking about?

– I haven’t told the Little Duke yet.

Alan’s explanation continued for a moment.

Rumors being spread by Brisen’s side. I told that ridiculous story to Calian.

– My brother held hands with Demirea under the table.

– yes. That’s the rumor.

– …… ah. I see.

– yes. That’s right.

“Ah… Brother.”

Calian opened his mouth.

Plantz turned his head.

Calian, who had been looking at the fern-like eyes that had finally sprouted for a long time, moved his hands. Then he covered his beautiful mouth with his two pale hands. He didn’t stop there, he made a face that seemed like he had suffered a heartache that couldn’t be washed away.

When Plantz saw that expression, he felt deep discomfort.

“Brother… How could you do something like that to me… I trusted you so much, but how could you…” The

words continue unfinished.


“Oh my god, how can this happen to you, Sispanian?”

Plantz frowned.

The sonorous laughter of ‘the three princes who found out that they were betrayed by their brother and fiancé’ began to echo in Randel’s room.

* * *

I did not forget the blue starlight rising above the sea.

I remember one blue flame that gave off an unusual light even among the countless blue lights thrown up by wizards in white uniforms.

The place where I watched the sea that day.

A place where time passed while sitting against Raven’s legs.

– Kaaaaang!

I was on the hill where I gazed endlessly at the blue stars that made me change my mind about never having to stand in front of the ocean again.

– Kaaaang kaang!

– Kagaga River!

However, this time I didn’t lean against Raven. Instead, he sat side by side with Randel on a rock of a suitable size and watched their swords intertwine, despite the dim moonlight.

– Kagak Kaaang!

Two swords can be seen blocking the gray sword that was moving sideways. It was Kirie who raised the sword that seemed to swallow the darkness and attacked, and it was Plantz who blocked it by crossing swords of different colors.

– … Wow!

A light aura appears on Kyrie’s blade and then disappears. The blue-silver Shinastar, not frightened by that, stretched out, aiming for Kyrie’s shoulder.

Kirie’s new form, which momentarily opened its body, moved quickly and escaped Plantz’s attack. Then, as if he already knew that he would move like that, the dark side of Sinastar blocked Kyrie’s feet.

– Hwiiing!

– Kaang!

The sound of swords clashing with swords is heard again.

‘If I want to learn how to control my aurors, I think it would be better to compete with a lower class that I have to be careful with rather than a prince that I can fight with peace of mind.’

‘Then what are you going to do if you cut off your brother, Kirie?’

‘Wouldn’t the prince stop it before that happens?’

Kirie presented a compromise like this to Calian, who was willing to take a look at his swordsmanship.

‘Hasn’t something happened that bothers you? Even if you don’t spar with me personally, the fact that the prince looks at my sword is no different. Please don’t overdo it, prince.’

What happened to Adelia?

And the rumor I heard from Alan.

Kalian’s hunger has already worsened due to those two events. Therefore, Calian eventually nodded. And I was watching the sparring between Kirie, who held a gray sword whose aura appeared and disappeared intermittently, and Plantz, who confidently held his own sword.

– Kaga River! Kaaaaang!

Kirie blocked the stabbing sword strike and kicked her foot. I feel the sound I heard at the tip of my feet disappearing for an instant. Although I can’t keep up with Calian’s speed yet, I seem to have gotten used to how to disperse my body’s weight.

“Aren’t you having fun, Brother Randel?”

“Don’t worry. Just this noise makes me feel winded.”


Calian, who took some time to look after Randel while concentrating all his attention on Kyrie, who could cause an accident against Plantz, laughed. Even if you don’t have the eyes to properly see and enjoy the sword fight between the two, it means that you are watching with some interest.

– Kaaaang! Kagan kang!

Kyrie’s sword swallowed the moonlight.

The blue-silver blade containing all the moonlight scatters afterimages on the gray sword.

There would be no time to combine my swords into one thick sword or transform them into the shape of a long spear. Therefore, Planz continued to deal with Kyrie while holding Sinastar in two.

-…… Ugh wow……!

Once again, the auror became entangled in Kirie’s sword and soon disappeared.

Kirie’s lips can be seen tightly shut, unable to determine in what state the aura is formed. The two swords that did not miss the bird bloomed with flowers of different lights.

It is a joyous sight like no other in the world.

The two guys who are interacting with each other in front of me are ultimately Kallian’s disciples, so how can it not be fun to watch?

Because of this, Calian, who had a happier face than when he burst into laughter in Randel’s room a moment ago, opened his mouth quietly.



“Why aren’t you going?”


Towards the white-haired elderly wizard who still hasn’t left and is still following me.

“Go. I heard you’re really busy.”

“You’re the one who caught me.”

“When did I catch you? Sergein said it was dangerous. Go quickly.”

“Sergean, you’re good at using a sword. It’s not like you’re going to fly away like that any time soon.”

“You said something different, Adelia.”

“Anyway, he’s okay.”

“Why aren’t you going?”

“What on earth is that magic stone?”

“You know, right? It’s a Harpy magic stone.”

– Kaaaaang kagang!

– Kang! Kaga River!

“It’s not even a very precious magic stone. Why don’t you go there just because it’s fascinating?”

“I am a wizard.”

“I don’t know that, Adelia?”

“That’s not a magic stone canned from a fossil. The size of the one canned from a fossil is different.”

“So what.”

“It’s Alan Manasil. It was given to me by Alan Manasil.”

A passing blue aura glows.

Plantz, who had been bitten by one foot, rushed towards the Auror. Kirie blocked the stabbing sword, and Plantz let go of the sword that was about to cut. I dodged the rushing attack and was bitten by the downward sword strike.

There are three swords heading towards each other, but only one blue-silver sword has an afterimage. Calian, who was calmly observing the light in his eyes, answered.

“No. Why is the conversation going to Master?”

“It was the Manasil family that finished off the Harpies.”

– Kaaaaaaaa!

Kyrie’s sword falls on the two swords that are crossed as if supporting each other’s centers. Plantz twisted the sword that blocked the attack and pulled out a sword, aiming for Kirie’s heart.

Kirie quickly turned around and a blue energy rose and fell on the tip of her sword. Calian, who seemed to have seen that coolness in his eyes, opened his mouth.

“It was like that. I said it was like that.”


It was two curses.

A human wizard who was said to have been resented by the Sispanians for eliminating the last remaining harpy. Therefore, there is a wizard with the last name ‘Manasil’ who lived his whole life looking exactly like the harpy I killed.

That was Sispanian’s resentment.

However, that appearance was inherited. The hair color that resembled that harpy continued. Only those with the talent to learn and use magic were given such unique hair color. It’s truly like a curse, even to Alan and Veronica, excluding Ronil.

“It’s strange, Adelia. The Manasil family apparently caught and eliminated all the harpies. There are still harpies left.”

Calian opened his mouth.

He felt the curious wizard’s eyes looking at him and gave a small smile.

“If you do me a favor, I’ll tell you what’s going on.”

“What please?”

And like this.

“Start with the answer, Adelia.”

As a curious wizard, he made an offer that he could not refuse.

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