Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 102

Chapter 20. This time (4)

the brilliantly beautiful Siegfried Pavilion.

The grand banquet hall of Kairis Palace, praised as the most luxurious on the continent.

Aristocrats were gathered in a fantastic place made of crystal and platinum and talking about various things.

Words that predict the future of the kingdom, words that worry about children, words that show off knowledge, words that promote one’s own comfort, words, words.

If these words, which seemed like they wouldn’t stop even if the world turned upside down, disappeared in an instant like lies, there was only one reason that could be the reason.

– Kalyan.

As always, attention is focused.

What will this third prince wear today, what accessories will he wear, what will he do and what will he say?

And most of all, who will you be with?

That’s exactly what the situation is like now.

Everyone gathered at Siegfried’s coffin was speechless. Not only were they speechless, but they were all looking at the entrance of the banquet hall with shocked faces.

It was not because of the impressive attire of Calian, which consisted of a dark red jacket and a black cape embroidered with gold thread. It wasn’t because of the ruby pendant on the shirt pin that he wore again as if showing off.

‘Prince Plants Rune Kyris and Prince Calian Lane Kyris are entering.’

The two are on one side again.

The nobles who saw the two princes coming in, overwhelming the crowd, were unable to decide what to do with the situation. Randel, who was quietly looking at the two, got up and returned to Chermil.

Seeing this, the nobles began quietly exchanging their opinions again.

However, there were three people who seemed to have nothing to do with this atmosphere, sitting together and having a peaceful time.

“Listen carefully. Concentrate.”

In a corner of the banquet hall, immersed in complete silence, one of them whispered: It was Arsene, who had already sat down in a place where no one could see him. Wherever Arsene’s words were heading, Kirie was there, and next to her was Jan.

Anyway, when Arsene told him to listen carefully, Kirie nodded with an expression that said, ‘These aren’t ears to be used for something like this.’

Soon, as Calian and Plantz sat down, the nobles’ mouths began to open little by little. And Kirie, who listened to the sound for a while, opened her mouth.

“Lord Hertz.”

When Kyrie called his name, Arsene, with a look on his face, held out his palm to Jan. However, Kirie’s words were not finished yet.


Arsene’s name was not called because he won, but because he lost. Dan Yan’s expression changed in an instant and he reached out his hand to Arsene.

“Look, no one can say that to our prince.”

To put it simply, the two have now made a bet.

Silike, who poisoned Calian’s mother and attempted to kill Calian as well. Calian, who drove Silike to death. Plantz was struck by Silike’s sword aimed at Calian. Calian saved the dying Plants.

What kind of relationship is this?

Anyway, after what happened and Silike withdrew, Calian helped Plants and formed an alliance. And as is well known, Plantz hit Calian on the back of the head and walked away. But today, we got along well again.

So, what would the nobles who do not know the true story think of Calian, who made this decision?

Jan and Arsene had different opinions on this and made a bet.

What will be the first words spoken among the nobles?

“Is there anyone who would call our prince a hogu?”

Jan, who won the bet, said this triumphantly.

Then, Arsene, who had a somewhat aggrieved expression on his face, looked at Kyrie with eyes that said that couldn’t possibly be the case and asked.

“Are you really saying that the prince had a large distribution?”

Jan said that the nobles would praise Calian’s distribution, and Arsene said that there is no nobleman like Calian on this continent. He said he would definitely say that since it was like accepting back his older brother who betrayed him and then turned around.

But it was wrong.

Although Arsene lost the bet, he looked quite happy.

“But it’s a very good thing.”

Whether it was recognition of Kalian’s abilities or fear.

Whatever the reason, it was said that he had now reached a point where those who criticized Calian in public would disappear.

It was a trajectory that was on a different level from just being popular.

“It feels good to know that the prince, whom I will serve for the rest of my life, is being recognized so much. With this good feeling, I must do a little more for him.”

Arsene said this in such a good mood and smiled, then got up and went outside.

The five silver coins that had been bet had not been given.

* * *

All of my sons were smart.

Not only was he good at managing things, but he was also good at political action.

This would of course be welcomed by any normal parent, but for Lemain, it felt like a double-edged sword.

– Tak.

Lemain lifted the glass in front of him, drank half of it, and put it down.

Originally, Sleiman, Marquis Evan Briesen, and Allan were supposed to sit together at Lemain’s table. But Slayman just didn’t come, and Evan didn’t come because he didn’t want to see Slayman.

Of course, Slayman and Evan announced their absence in advance.

Therefore, Lemain thought about who would fill the empty seat and told him to just leave it empty. Even if the two of them didn’t come, there was one person who could fill their spot.

So, the reason LeMaine is sitting alone and shaking now is because of Alan, who is not coming as he pleases.

As a result, useless thoughts kept wandering through my head.

– It is said that Prince Planz and Prince Calian entered the banquet hall together today.

Lemain, who arrived at the banquet hall a little while ago, received this news from Raoul, the chamberlain.

LeMaine frowned slightly when he heard those words.

I knew that Calian and Planz had turned their backs on him by lying. Therefore, I knew very well that the opposite move this time was aimed at keeping Randel in check.

It wasn’t that I was impressed by the two’s actions because I was dissatisfied with them.

‘Will Randel really step down obediently?’

It’s because this thought occurred to me.

Of course, Lemain cherished all three sons.

However, handing over the king’s position was something that had to be determined by standards separate from love.

Therefore it was not Randel.

The day I came out of Wilhelm’s coffin, leaving the dying Planz behind. Landel had proven to himself that he was not the king Lemain thought he was. Because Lemain did not want his two remaining sons, who could not become kings, to be imprisoned in the tower.

I am worried that Randel may already be causing harm to the other two, and since he cannot step forward and abdicate the throne, Lemain, who should be both father and king, is in mourning.

Anyway, for that reason, when I tried to sit alone for a while, all kinds of thoughts kept popping into my head. Therefore, when I take a short sigh with a slightly gloomy face.

– Drurk!

Someone walked next to Lemain and sat down.

“Princes, it hasn’t been a day or two that you’ve behaved like that. Are you going to reward yourself for doing that every time, today and tomorrow?”

Since the seat was assigned to Alan Manasil, the person who sat down was of course Alan. In fact, even if it wasn’t his place, Alan was the only one who could say something like that.

Alan was so angry during the day that he went out, but neither the person who got angry nor the person who caused the anger tended to pay attention to such things for a long time. Therefore, instead of mentioning what happened during the day, Lemain just gave a natural answer.

“It should be something I can do as I want.”

“It’s not a question of wondering how Crown Prince Chase was born under the snake-like Devlan. Isn’t that the difficult question of how sons like that were born under someone who is worried, dull, and short-thinking, but who is very hands-on?”

Lemain chuckled at those words and nodded.

“I think it’s getting really interesting.”


Alan had already told him several times not to worry about the princes’ business, so he didn’t mention it any further and instead brought up another topic.

“Cesar Chase said he saw something strange on his way here.”

“What a strange thing.”

In response to Lemain’s question, Alan took a swig of water and opened his mouth.

“I heard that I saw 30 priests of Tensil. Is that something your Highness gave permission for?”

Somehow, I suddenly got the feeling that I was going to hear another noise, but it was something I couldn’t say I didn’t do.

Therefore, Lemain quietly nodded and answered.

“That’s right. I gave permission. Calian asked about it a while ago, and the Count also asked about it.”

Alan shook his head for a moment, not knowing that Calian already knew about it. I thought I knew why Calian and Planz suddenly entered the banquet hall together.

“Crown Chase said they were probably fake priests. When I spoke to His Majesty directly, he said he was concerned that he would consider me meddling in this country.”

It was just as Alan said.

When Chase saw thirty priests on his way to Kairisis, he immediately realized that they were fake.

However, he was in an awkward position to convey this directly to the king, so he asked Allan to convey it to him.

“If Prince Calian also knew this, wouldn’t the sudden appearance of His Majesty’s two sons together have something to do with it?”

“… I understand. I’ll look into it too.”

After answering that, Lemain stared at Randel’s empty seat for a long time.

* * *

After dinner, the lights on Siegfried’s coffin were turned off.

So the night passed and the next day came.

As Planz thought, Lemain did not invite the princes to attend the envoys’ schedule this year either.

Last year because of Plantz drinking and this year because of Calian who had to hide his Auror.

Since Chase already knew the contents, it was okay for Calian to come forward, but he could not tell Lemain about it. So Calian quietly followed Lemain’s decision.

‘There was a guy looking for my brother.’

And, according to an appointment kindly made by Plantz, I visited Arsene’s office in the Wilhelm Pavilion.

As I opened the door and entered, there was a face I hadn’t seen in a long time. It was Count Aisen Eifrin.

Aizen must have been waiting for Calian for quite some time. As soon as he saw Calian, he was very pleased and bowed.

“Meeting Prince Calian.”

In fact, I saw Kalyan at dinner the day before, but because it was a crowded place, I couldn’t even say hello to him properly.

Calian responded with a slight nod and asked while looking at Aizen.

“I heard you asked to meet me.”

If it were Plantz, he would definitely have said something like ‘what is it’ or ‘what is it’. Therefore, Aizen felt very grateful for Calian’s words.

“Yes, my prince. I have something to return to you, so I wanted to meet you like this.”

What Aizen held out as he said that was the remainder of the amount that Calian had paid him last time. Calian, who saw this, smiled and asked, as if in despair.

“Are you here to return this? If you really wanted to return the money, it would have been enough through Euria.”

“Yes, my prince. I have one more thing to tell you.”

Soon Aizen raised his head and spoke.

“I think I’m somewhat prepared now. I thought it would be better to tell you in person.”

“Are the knights already ready?”

“Yes. It will be enough to replace the knights of the royal palace.”

Enough to replace the knights Karen and Raon.

Of course, Calian’s ultimate goal was a much larger number of knights. However, even with the number of knights that Aizen mentioned, it could be said to be a fairly quick achievement.

“I understand. It may be difficult to call you right away because I have other problems right now. I will contact you when the day comes.”

“Yes, I will.”

After answering that, Aizen showed his courtesy to Calian and went out.

Calian, who was looking at the back, lowered his eyes for a moment and began to evaluate something.

Landell and Briesen.

Which side will the sword fall on first?

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