Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1110: Fighting The Sin Of Sloth!

Chapter 1110: Fighting The Sin Of Sloth!

"No...! This is impossible! You can't simply do that!"

Sloth was raging with tremendous frustration and confusion.

Why was Maria still alive?

And why was Arachne fighting back so well?

How was she able to gain such resolve? She never had any of that before!

It was her, her, and HER!


Her creeping presence surged from every crack, which was a wound Arachne's attacks left behind.

Maria's soul had been eaten, yes, but that was also part of her plan.

At the end, she wanted to have her soul devoured so Sloth could absorb her and therefore, make her part of his own body.

Through Arachne reveling against him and fighting back using her Divinities, she opened cracks she could abuse, and not only open them up, weakening Sloth, but also draining his powers.

"Why do I feel so weak? W-What is this?!"

Maria had changed plans; she was not going to just change vessels.

She was going to destroy the Sin of Sloth.

"Arachne, keep going at it!"

As Arachne rushed to fight, she leaped into the air and recovered her exoskeleton armor again, swinging her eight and sharp spider claws against Sloth's entire body.

His tentacles, hands, and jaws rushed towards her, only to be torn apart, slashed, crushed, and pulverized with countless explosions of gold and azure light.



Sloth was constantly growing weaker and weaker; it wasn't supposed to even happen. The Nightmare Realm was his absolute Realm where he decided the fate of every Soul that entered!

Yet, the more attacks he received from Arachne, the weaker he felt! He retaliated against her, but Arachne combined her powers, creating shields out of her own exoskeleton and reducing from of the damage.

She didn't even had to kill him herself, just weaken him enough for Maria to do the rest. "YOU BASTARDS!"

With a furious and frustrated scream, Sloth's entire body started compressing rapidly, becoming not as large. At the same time, by his will, the Nightmare Realm distorted, as countless Nightmare Beasts started popping out of nowhere.

These beasts had the exact same appearance as Arachne's servants and siblings, the Arachneia monsters. Which were her obedient and loyal family.


However, they weren't the real ones, but twisted recreations of her memories, rushing towards Arachne, they attempted to swarm her with numbers, Sloth desperately summoning over two hundred of them at once.


With a furious roar, he commanded his nightmarish army, the spiders attacking Arachne rapidly, powerful bites, claw attacks, and even spiderweb started reaching her.

"Using the image of my family against me, y-you're really a wicked thing!"

Arachne didn't hesitate though; she knew they weren't real. She swung her claws and legs, crushing the Nightmare Beasts one after another, as they exploded into black smoke. CLASH! CLASH! CLASH!

However, more kept appearing, hitting her from behind and constantly throwing her around, she fell, stood back up again, and continued doing the same over and over again, relentlessly. The blood coming from her face was the show of her own soul growing weaker and damaged, but the two Divinities within them used their power to slowly heal her wounds.

"Ugh... Mama, they're too many!"

Arachne started to panic as they endlessly kept coming from everywhere. As long as they were inside a Nightmare Realm, the Nightmare Beasts could be produced endlessly by the Nightmare Master, Sloth.

"I ended being foolish enough to let you hit me a few times, but that's as much as you'll get, my foolish vessel...! Now die against these creatures, which I shaped perfectly to fit your damned family of disgusting monstrosities...!"

The spiders swarmed over Arachne, as she felt their sharp mandibles tearing through her armor and then beginning to gnaw her flesh, her soul was growing weaker, but the divinities of Maria kept protecting her, firing beams of light and disintegrating the spiders as much as they could, while waves of oceanic water pushed them away.



"Hahhh... Hahhh..." Arachne was gasping for air, feeling more and more exhausted.

"Arachne...! Are you okay?!" Maria's voice echoed.

Her giant tentacles started tearing through the cracks, but it was barely still not enough to overcome the difference in strength. Sloth was also constantly trying to digest her back into his entire being.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"I-I'm fine! Don't worry... Don't worry about me!" said Arachne, gasping for air. "As long... As long as I can fight, I won't stop! I WON'T!"


Her entire body suddenly erupted with tremendous power, a gigantic mass of darkness and dark purple poisonous energies surged from her little body, transforming her completely.


Her presence suddenly changed, making Sloth completely shocked about what was happening anymore! The Nightmare Realm was distorted, as something enormous appeared where

Arachne was.

Instead of the cute little girl, there was an enormous black and dark purple colored spider, an Arachneia Queen, looking almost exactly like her kind now, and no longer humanoid.

She was at least ten times as big as her siblings though, with double the number of legs, and two enormous antennas above her head, which started charging with deadly energies.


With a ferocious arachnid hiss, Arachne rushed forwards, her massive legs crushing to death the Nightmare Beasts before they even got closer.

Her antenna pointed at the distance, firing beams of chaos and darkness against her foes, explosions spread through the entire Realm.

And Sloth, who was trying to hide his body within the darkness, ended being targeted amidst the chaotic battlefield as the two Divinities appeared above him, bombarding him with

explosive projectiles of Divine Light and Divine Water.


"N-No! Wait...! UGH...! ARRGHH!"

Sloth kept taking damage, the cracks around his Nightmare Realm and Soul continued

spreading, and he was running out of options, to make things worse, Maria's presence had become strong enough after he was weakened, her soul fragments spread through his entire being appeared and started to attack too.

"It's too late now, Sloth! You're going to get what you fucking deserve!"

Her enormous tentacles rapidly shapeshifted into sharp and deadly spears made of spiraling Void and Chaos energies, rushing towards him, and piercing his body dozens of times!


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