Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1090: Ther Underwater Kingdom Of Aquarose

Chapter 1090: Ther Underwater Kingdom Of Aquarose

(Maria's POV)

After the whole battle ended, the dimensional portals mysterious closed themselves after a minute since any monster stopped coming. I think that whoever this King of the Depths is or whatever, he probably finally ran out of lackeys, or the mana he used to summon the monsters from somewhere.

It wouldn't be an overestimation to say we hunted roughly over ten thousand monsters. There might be billions if not trillions of living beings in the sea, but only so many are actually S Rank and above, ten thousand of S Rank and above monsters is an immense feat, and we have probably cleansed the sea of at least thirty percent of its deadliest monsters already! Not bad.


[You and your party have slain [Deep Sea Monsters (S ~ SS+++ Rank)] x11537!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]


[Your Level has increased from Level 154 to Level 201/300!]

[All your Stats have increased. You earned a large quantity of System Points.]

This caught me a bit off guard.

I know it was a lot of strong monsters, but damn.

Almost fifty levels worth of EXP, this was an insane grind.

It was definitely worth it to come down here, an opportunity like this is incredibly rare. Also I got myself a bunch of new materials to create underwater Undead, because they are usually very clumsy in the water.

But if I raise Sea Monsters as Undead, they're bound to be pretty good underwater.

[Your [Class]: [Immortal Void Venerable: **** (Legendary Grade)] has reached its Middle Stage of Development.]

[You gained +1.000.000 Ki, +500.000 Divine Power, +2.000.000 HP, Attack, Defense, and Agility!]

[You learned the Class Skill: [Immortal Void Venerable's Authority: Lv1]!]

[Your [Subclass]: [Cosmic Void Architect: **** (Legendary Grade)] has reached its Middle Stage of Development.]

[You gained +300.000 Aether, +2.000.000 MP and Magic!]

[You learned the Class Skill: [Voidspace Architect Domain: Lv1]!]

[Once you reach Level 300, you will be able to reach the Peak Stage of your Class and Subclass Development.]

[After your next evolution, a second Subclass Slot will be possible to be unlocked using System Points.]

Oh, this is so nice, I got such a huge boost to everything!

I feel so much stronger, and my soul feels refreshed as well.

Aside from that, there's also two new skills, huh?

Though it's a bit annoying that my Nether Stat didn't increase. What am I supposed to do to increase it? Leveling didn't work at all.

Let's see again...

[Nether]: [A Special type of Stat formed by the absorption of Death Essence and Nether, usually possessed by very powerful Liches and Necromancers, or mighty Undead beings. The higher it becomes, the stronger all Death-related Attributes, Abilities, Skills, Spells, and Raised Undead become. All Raised Undead Stats increase by +1% = 10.000 Nether.]

It doesn't say any way to increase it! Dammit, I guess I'll have to ask Hel later, I haven't talked with her for a long while now that I think about it.

Oh well, let's just move on and-


[Congratulations! You have completed the {Main Story Quest}: {Save the Kingdom of Aquarose from the invading Deep Sea Monsters!}

[When you arrived at the Kingdom, not only were you surprised it was much bigger than the "village" you imagined, but it was also overrun and being attacked by thousands of powerful deep-sea monsters!]

[With your friends and family, you've battled to fend them all off, and you've managed to save the Aquarose Kingdom from a swift demise. The feat you've accomplished will be remembered for ages to come by the mermen people.]

[Completion Rewards]: [System Points: +30.000.000] [Divine Skill Evolution Ticket: Deep Sea Monsters Soul Fragments (SS Grade)] x1 [Random Privilege Marble (SS Grade)] x1 [Soul Restoration Elixir (SS Grade)] x3 [Azure Sea Essence Elixir (SS Grade)] x3 [Divine Undead Summon Scroll (SS Grade)] x1 [Lost Crown of Atlantis Fragment (??? Grade)] x1]

Man, another quest! Well, I guess this one was indeed something that definitely deserved some sort of reward, we did save a whole Kingdom after all.

Is this why the Quest is not considered a "Challenge Quest" anymore but a Main Story Quest now? Interesting how it does these things, but I sure got a bunch of items, again.

I think I might begin sharing these, I don't want to hoard everything for myself. Though there are some interesting new additions, a special skill evolution ticket that fuses the soul fragments of deep-sea monsters? So it turns the skill into a certain theme, huh?

Then a marble that gives me a random privilege, interesting.

The Elixirs, which might come in handy not only for me.

And then there's this Scroll that lets me summon a Divine Undead? Wait, wait, how does that

even work?

Lastly, there's this... a fragment of the crown of Atlantis?!

How did the System find this item? Or did it create it?

I took the crown out, and it looked ancient and cold, worn down.

"System where the heck did you get this..."

[The Quest System merely creates and materializes items using Fate and Destiny Essence that

is spread out as you change the Fate of people.]

[I have no idea how that came into existence, there's a whole different calculation when those items are made which I don't control.]

[However, I would assume this crown didn't exist, or perhaps it existed once, but it was

somewhat destroyed.]

[Now, the Quest System merely restored a fragment of it using the leftover Essence that the powerful relic left behind within these waters.]

"Interesting..." I nodded.

As we moved closer to the city, I noticed the mermen celebrating and greeting us very happily.

It wasn't anything hard for us, but I guess we did save their lives, that's good.

"Princess Rose!"

"Princess Aqua!"

"You two have come back!"

"They brought heroes to save us! They did it!"

The mermen were mostly flocking around the two "princesses".

It seems they lied to us, a little bit...

"Huh! So you two were princesses at the end!" I crossed my arms. "Why didn't you even tell

me that?"

"A-Ahahah..." Rose and Aqua only could laugh nervously.

Did they thought that if they said they were a big Kingdom and not a small and pitiful village,

I wouldn't have helped?

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