Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1082: The Queen Is Cunning

Chapter 1082: The Queen Is Cunning

It was the next morning when, while having breakfast, I explained to everyone what I just saw last night. They were rather surprised that there Mermen alive but were willing to come with me for the whole undersea exploration. Although there was one little problem though.

"Um, how do we go underwater without, you know, drowning?" Partner asked. "I need to breathe now, after evolving so much... I am fairly sure Emeraldine too, and maybe Lucifer? Nyx definitely, and Jonathna, and everyone else except... Catarina and the deadest of Undead."

"Oh right, I hadn't thought about that..." I muttered. "But don't worry, I think I can make up a spell for that! Something using my control over the water element and other things. Some sort of bubble that generates a steady amount of oxygen, and releases carbon dioxide should be possible, I believe?"

Hey System, is it possible?

[Yes, nothing too hard to do... You didn't really need to ask me, are you that insecure? Haha!]

Shut up!

"I could actually create an accessory with the effect instead, now that I think about it, I just need to rearrange the runes into the spell I want using my new Abilities as a Goddess of the Sea, and it should work." I said, rubbing my chin.

"Good idea!" Emeraldine nodded. "Do you need any help?"

"Yeah! I want to help too!" Nyx said.

"Haha, okay, if you want to help, then let's work together." I nodded. "Maybe I'll need a bit of Takeshi's help as well, his affinity with the element and his mastery over it is really good."

"Sure! I'll try to help as much as I can then." Takeshi nodded.

"So what do we do in the meantime, auntie?" Laura wondered.

Ah, now they call me auntie, I remember they used to call me mama. I guess they've grown old enough to find that cringy or embarrassing...

"I'll divide myself and go fetch Nia and Celes for this mission. I think it will be a golden opportunity for Celes to learn more about Naiad's past and her people, and also for Eustace, who accompanies him. Maybe he knows the mermen." I said.

"Good idea I guess." Lucifer nodded. "Then I'll stay on the skies and watch over so nothing suspicious happens, you're never too sure if another God isn't going to just show up and start blasting everything again..."

"I doubt it'll ever happen now that I've grown so powerful, if they ever try, it would be complete suicide... But sure!" I nodded. "There might be other creatures out there anyways." "Hah..." Lucifer sighed. "You've certainly become quite the monster, indeed..."

With that decided, we began working. With Emeraldine, Partner, Nyx, Takeshi, and a few other friends, I started crafting a new accessory that would allow us to freely move, breathe, and swim very quickly underwater. Just breathing underwater wasn't enough, also dealing with the ocean's pressure should be a priority.

At the same time, I divided myself into two, releasing a Divided Ego, and using Shadow Teleportation to swiftly shift through space, appearing within the Shadows I had already set up with the Phantom Guardians I left there.


"I'm back!" I said, looking around. "Oh..."

I found myself inside of Sapphire Temples' Palace, where the throne room was located. Charles, the Lord of this place, wasn't present at the moment, but his wife was sitting over the throne, assessing a pile of paperwork.

"Oh my, Maria! You've come back so soon!" The beautiful Rashna greeted me, her long black hair with cosmic blue colors waved by the wind, her beautiful, brown-skinned body looked glossy beneath her revealing dress, her body covered on many accessories made of gold. "It is a pleasure to have you here once more! How have you been?"

"Ah, Rashna. I'm fine. I came back to pick up Nia and Celes for a little while." I explained to her.

"The Guardians? So soon? You know that they're important to protect our city, right?" Rashan sighed, making it as if it were that big of a deal.

"It's not like it matters, I can easily protect this place without even being here..." I sighed. "My Undead and my Phantoms are here after all."

"Would that be enough if... A rogue god appears or something?" she asked with a slightly teasing smile. "I mean, you're free to take them, you're our savior and we owe you everything... But perhaps a proper compensation wouldn't be so bad, to keep our relationships well?"


Dammit this woman, she's a true schemer, isn't she?

It's not like I'll play around to her whims, she doesn't have any power over me, but I can tell

she's trying really hard to make me feel indebted, when it's the total opposite.

She's good at manipulation, I have to admit it. However, I am not someone that can be manipulated, unfortunately for her.

"Yes, a compensation. Perhaps... Maybe something, a little thing." Eshne smiled, licking her lips. "Like... perhaps... Something that my husband doesn't need to know about?"


Hah, I knew she wanted an affair with me. I honestly can't really guess what's inside her head. But maybe she wants some of the benefits of becoming my lover, even when she has a husband.

"How about I just don't listen to whatever nonsense you're talking about? I can do whatever I want." I smiled. "I'll take my Nia and her son, and I won't compensate you for that either- You're lucky you're very beautiful, but even with your beauty, my patience has limits, Eshne. Don't try to manipulate me again."

"E-Eh? I wasn't trying to do any of that...!" Eshne panicked a bit. "I-I'm sorry, Lady Maria! Please forgive my rudeness!"

She quickly stood up and ran to my side, kneeling and prostrating in front of me, asking for


She's so dramatic.

"Whatever Eshne, I'll go pick them up. How about you have fun with your husband instead of asking someone else to have sex with you?" I sighed, quickly disappearing once I located Nia

and Celes location.

"S-So harsh..." she sighed, with crocodile tears.

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