Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 33: Secrets of the Chamber


..... "This is all I can do to help you. I don't know how you obtain the information that I needed but for me, it's a good trade though. Who would have though within this manor, there is a sly fox hiding beneath that harmless facade that you're wearing. How would they react if they knew about this?".....

'Of course, that information isn't something that can one retrieve that easily, unless you're also a world-hopper and had an access within the system archive for you to have that information. Although, it might affect a little within this worldline but who cares about it? That would be their problem, not mine.'

Eclipse thought as he reminiscing the conversation he had with [that person] and both parties had a mutual agreement on what they wanted to traded for each other.

Both parties had everything they needed for one another but even if that was the case, they were also wary with each other.

'Heh. This is pretty normal for people who only wanted to benefit with one another but without proper trust place upon them. Sure, both parties agreed but one must be on guard because you'll never know what could have happen then.'

Without further ado, Eclipse place the spear-shape necklace into the keyhole to open the Hall of Legacy and after that, a magic seal suddenly appeared within the door and Eclipse sigh as he knew there would be another annoying mechanism aside from the spear-shape necklace that he had.

'Seriously, [that person] seems like want to have some fun on his own. Does he think I would be discourage just because another mechanism just showed up? Tsk!'

"Now what? Another mechanism? I though you already had the key to this door but it looks like another problem arises then."

Eclipse snorted as he looked at his companion with a deadpan expression; "Just because another mechanism appeared doesn't mean there is no other ways to decipher it again."

Rheina groaned in annoyance when she heard what Eclipse said and looked at the young man with an irritated expression; "Then, what now?"

Eclipse didn't answer but instead, he snapped his fingers and after that, the magic seal within the doors disappeared in an instant.

Rheina saw what happened and she snapped; "What was that?! I didn't hear you enchant a spell and the magic seal within those doors just disappear?!"

'Is this woman going to exaggerate everything she saw? It's kinda irritating.'

"Are you going to be like that in the whole journey? Don't overreact to everything you saw. If you know what's good for you, better you keep it to yourself then."

Without waiting for the other person to reply, as the magic seal disappear, Eclipse opened the door and immediately went inside but he also felt the assassin's presence from behind that follows him and after that, the secret door within the Hall of Legacy finally closed.

Unbeknownst to them, the secret door from the outside disappear without a trace and from the corner, a person's silhouette appeared.

'So, he finally came. Fufu! This timeline sure gonna be a lot more interesting! I'll be waiting for you....'




"We've been searching the whole damn area but we still couldn't find the [Dawn of Tears]! Also, is this really the famed Hall of Legacy that everyone was speaking of? In my opinion, there was nothing here but only a bunch of armors, blades and swords within this place and there is nothing special here."

'I never expected her to be this so chatty. Where was the cold-blooded assassin that I had met in my previous life? Is this really the Lotus Killer, Rheina Clandestine?'

Eclipse though as he sigh in annoyance because of a certain someone who keeps one rambling left and right and if his patience were run out, he would smack the hell out of this woman for her just to shut up.

"Don't judge the appearance. The Hall of Legacy wouldn't be so heavily guarded with enchantments if these were the only ones are inside this place."

He calmly stated while gaze around to look for more clue on this place because [that person] didn't tell him further and only assist him on how to access the secret door of the Hall of Legacy however, other than that, nothing else.

'What I don't understand was about the secret door entrance of the Hall of Legacy and the inscription from earlier. It doesn't make any sense that only my blood activated that inscription.'

As much as he needed those task rewards issued by the system in order for his progression rate increased, he doesn't want to stay within this mansion for a long time and before the school year starts, he needs to get the hell away from this place.

But before that, he needs to get this done first.

"Argh! Are we just going circles around here?! You told me the [Dawn of Tears] wasn't just an ordinary elixir or something along those lines you said before but where the hell are we going to find that thing?!"

Eclipse; "....."

'Can I just f*cking ditch this woman?! She's getting on my nerves, really!'

Rheina didn't notice Eclipse's mood as she keeps on blabbering left and right without thinking and for that moment, she forgot that the one who's with her right now is the infamous bad-tempered and ill-mannered Third Young Master of Chevalier household.

'Looks like someone forgot their place in the heat of the moment, heh?'

Eclipse's darkened expression laid out in the front view and if others saw this, who knows how they would react but for the mere fact about his reputation as a bad-tempered and ill-mannered young master, no one could predict what could have happened.

"Are you done, Ms. Rheina Clandestine?"

Rheina snorted without thinking as she crossed her arms around her chest and puffed; "Of course, I'm not done..."

She stopped mid-sentence as she realized what she was doing.

'Sh*t! I just got carried away! What to do?!'

Rheina tried her best not to looked at her side and avoid making eye contact with the said person because she knew that she screwed.

'This d*mn mouth of mine!'

Eclipse; "If you don't have anything else to say then, let me do the work from here and if I hear another ramblings from your mouth, I'll make sure that you won't be able to use that mouth of yours for the time being. Understood?"

Rheina, who finally shut her mouth because of the threat coming from Eclipse, but was about to retort only to stop for a moment as she looked at the direction where she felt something wasn't right.


'Someone's here!'

Eclipse noticed the woman's strange behavior and he didn't know what she's thinking right now but as soon as he was about to speak, Rheina suddenly charged toward at the opposite direction where Eclipse stood and the world-hopper didn't have the time to react because of the woman's fast reaction and after that, she disappear.

"W-wait.... R-rheina?!"

'The heck is this woman doing and just charging at all without reason?'

Without thinking of anything else, he followed the direction where the Lotus Killer run off and now that he could think and judge things within his surroundings, he felt another presence within the room and he could only conclude this might be the reason why Rheina just suddenly run off without thinking.

'Assassins are still assassins after all. They're much more sensitive to their surroundings unlike others.'

He brushed off those trivial thoughts as he focus on following the path where Rheina run off and as he run towards the hallway, he saw a light coming from the fifth room and wasted no time to go there.

'As the only room that has lights on, of course, it would be no doubt she's there. However, I don't sense her making any move or something. Does it have anything to do with whatever that's within that room?'

However, as he felt closer to that chamber, Eclipse's steps suddenly halt slower as his steps are now heavy while walking through the said chamber.

He trembled while walking through that direction and his thoughts had gone wary.

Eclipse hoarsely stated with hand trembling at his side; "W-w-why in the..... T-t-this.... f-f-feeling....?! W-w-why does it.....?!"


Before he could settle his thoughts, he heard Rheina's voice calling out for him.

"S-sir Eclipse! A-ahm.... It's much better for you to look at it."

Five steps away from that chamber and after that, the system interface suddenly appeared in front of his eyes and the words laid out within the interface is something that he didn't expected.

'Just what in the world.... Does sir Red know about this?'

Eclipse stepped into the chamber where Rheina had run off and from the inside, he saw Rheina stood from the side in silence while looking at something in front of her.

Or rather..... someone in front of her.....

« "A kin whose blood ties are half from its unknown origin." »

At first, he didn't understand why the inscription was written in a Wu language that he is familiar with because of his world-hopping journey within the cultivation worldline realms and not only that, that vague inscription seems like it's been prepared for him for whatever reason he doesn't have knowledge.

Now that he stepped inside the chamber and looked at what's in front of them and the sudden message appeared within his system interface seems like it makes sense but at the same time, a new question needs an answer for this scenario.

'What the hell was this?! Is this some kind of a joke?!'


< DING! Link Hidden Task Unlock! Find the clues about "PROJECT TERIX" and it's connection to the secrets of the Marquis Chevalier household's bloodline and it's ancestry. Reward for completing the mission; Increase of the world plot progression and unlock some information regarding the worldline. >


At the center, there lies a glass chamber with numerous magic seals on each corner but what caught Eclipse's attention was.... the person inside the chamber.

Rheina, on the other hand, can catch up the details and she wasn't stupid to ask an obvious answer because it's already laid in front of them but what she worries was.... Eclipse's reaction.

Eclipse, with a heavy heart, walked towards at the direction where the glass chamber is located and said the words with a conflicted anger plastered on his face....

"Mother, why are you here?"

The person inside the glass chamber was none other than the presumed deceased biological mother of Eclipse.... Aryna Asterrix....


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