Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 366: A Demon’s Choice

Chapter 366: A Demon’s Choice

Alex turned out to be good at chess. A little too good, in fact. No rule needed to be repeated; once Alex had something explained to her, she did not forget it, her only troubles with understanding usually coming from subtleties and context. Chess was straight forward enough, so as soon as she understood the rules and the goal, Alex took to the game like a squid to water.

Jadis was no chess expert, but she’d always been decently good at the game, enough that she’d even briefly considered joining the chess team when she was in high school. She hadn’t had much of a social life anyway, so it had seemed like a decent idea at the time. That was, of course, until she sat in on a chess club meeting and halfway through the meet they started playing “strip chess” and Jadis realized that chess club nerds were a little too freaky, even for her.

In any case, Jadis felt she was a pretty good chess player. Then Alex beat her in four moves and she was forced to reconsider her own ability.

After Alex’s eighth win against Jadis, a few of the priestesses who had been watching from a distance approached and offered to play. After Alex beat both of them in less than twenty moves each, more priestesses showed up and before long, a small crowd of Lyssandria’s clerics and priests were playing against Alex. Two more chess boards were scrounged up from somewhere and Alex ended up playing three games at once, somehow easily keeping up with the multiple games without any issue. By dinner time, Alex had won a total of eighty-nine games and had only lost twice. The two priestesses who had managed to gain victories over Alex were lauded as chess experts by the rest of the gathering and were given special ribbons someone had cobbled together.

Alex was awarded a much bigger ribbon and was given the title “The Demon Queen of Chess” by the crowd, an accolade that was given as a good-natured jest. While there were still some anxious looks directed at Alex whenever one of her tentacles were used to move a chess piece, overall the priestesses seemed to lose a lot of their reserve around the Demon. A big part of that probably came from the fact that Alex continued to sit in Dys’ lap the whole afternoon, clearly enjoying being cuddled, and would complain any time Dys tried to move.

After the impromptu tournament was over, Jadis took Alex back to their room to have a quiet meal in privacy rather than join the rest of the temple in the dining hall. Jadis wasn’t all that hungry, having snacked on various treats that the priestesses had brought her all afternoon, so dinner was light. Alex didn’t eat, instead just watching Jadis as she finished off what were, for her, small plates of food.

When Jadis put the last plate aside, she found that several of Alex’s tentacles had wormed their way inside of Jay’s clothes. The strong, sleek appendages slipped along her skin, wrapping around her waist and thighs in an oddly pleasing way. With single-minded intent, Alex crawled into Jay’s lap, this time facing her rather than sitting with her back to her.

“Alex, hold on a moment,” Jay said, putting her hands on the Demon’s shoulders. “I just… Before we go any further, I want to ask you something.”

Alex paused, her tentacles going still as her hands stopped where they were, each pair halfway to pulling her shirt up or her pants down, respectively. She tilted her head to one side, her three eyes locked onto Jay.

“I… I didn’t treat you like a person when I took you from the Bone Matriarch’s corpse. I thought of you as more of a, well, I guess as a pet. I wanted to see if I could train you, like an animal. I thought you might be intelligent, but I didn’t know for sure, and I didn’t think you’d have human intelligence since all the Demon’s I’d ever fought seemed kind of… animalistic at best.

“I was wrong. You proved that a long time ago, but I didn’t recognize it until I saw you with a human face. That was… really stupid of me. I didn’t treat you the way you deserved, and I’m sorry for that. Really, truly sorry. I’d change a lot of things if I could. But I know that you wouldn’t. You don’t think I did anything wrong and you’re happy with the life that you’ve had up until this point.

“That’s the problem that I’m having right now. I’m worried that I, I don’t know, that I screwed up and turned you into some kind of cult follower. Like, you listen to everything that I say and believe everything I do is right. And I’m not right. I fuck up all the time. And I don’t want you to worship me or think that everything I do is without flaw, because I’m not perfect. And I know you know that I’m not perfect, but I still just… I just want to make sure that you are doing what you want to do, and not something that you think I want you to do.”

Jadis felt like she might have been rambling a bit there, but by the end she was fairly certain that she’d gotten to the point that she’d wanted to make. She just hoped she’d made it in a way that Alex understood.

Small hands settled on either side of Jay’s face, followed by two larger hands resting on her shoulders. A soft pair of lips pressed against Jay’s mouth in a gesture of love, not lust. The kiss lingered, chaste yet passionate in its intent. By the end, Jay was breathless, and her other bodies were as well just from watching.

I make myOwn choices…” Alex said with solemnity, only pulling back far enough from Jay’s lips to be able to speak. “Not The UrgeNot youI chooseAnd I chooseTo beWith you…”

Alex’s lips pressed in again, and this time the kiss was anything but chaste. Her long, prehensile tongue forced its way into Jadis’ mouth and coiled around her tongue like a snake. The sensation was intense, unlike anything Jadis had felt before, and her heat only grew as Alex’s tentacles started moving again. It felt like dozens of different fingers were sliding across her body, teasing and stroking her skin in an effort to explore every inch of her. Some wrapped around her breasts, squeezing in an undulating pattern while others sought out her cock, running across it in an almost reverential way. Still more slipped down to her pussy, invading the outer reaches of her core as they coated themselves in her increasing wetness.

The three large, thick tentacles that Alex used for locomotion suddenly shifted and Jay was lifted into the air. With a powerful flex, Alex tossed herself and Jay onto the large bed, keeping the kiss going as she seemed unwilling to part from Jay now that she had her in her grasp.

A ripping sound heralded the loss of clothing as Alex’s second set of large, monstrous arms tore at her clothing. Without any care for the effort that went into making the fine shirt and pants that she wore, Alex shredded the clothing to reveal her ink-black body. In the next instant, she did the same to Jay’s clothing, tearing it to pieces to get at the snow-white flesh beneath.

Dys and Syd enabled Jadis to watch in fascination as Alex took control, mounting Jay with insistent need. The paladin was determined to have things her way now, and Jadis didn’t feel any need to stop her anymore.

Large, powerful hands interlaced fingers with Jay, holding them so that they were stretched over her head. Smaller, nimbler hands cupped Jays breasts, squeezing gently while playing with her nipples. And then there were the tentacles. So many tentacles, all of them gliding across Jay’s body and exploring her with unfettered fascination.

Jay gasped into Alex’s mouth, their kiss still unbroken, as several tentacles wrapped around her cock, the slick feeling incredible and unlike anything she’d experienced before. The strong limbs coiled around her length, encompassing her whole member as they squeezed and undulated in the same way Alex’s tongue hand done around Jay’s tongue, only this time in far greater numbers. Jay’s mind seemed to float out of her skull at the sensation, the pressure at the base of her stomach tightening to a near impossible degree.

Then it was Alex’s turn to gasp, her whole body going rigid as she pulled away from the kiss. Her three eyes went unfocused, her mouth hanging open in shock.

If it weren’t for her other two selves watching, Jadis wasn’t sure Jay would have had the wherewithal to realize what had happened. Alex had guided Jay’s tentacle-encased cock to her core and in one firm motion, lowered herself down onto her so that Jay’s tip was inserted inside of her pussy.

While it took her a moment to reorient her awareness, Jay quickly recognized the sensation of Alex’s pussy clenching around her cockhead. It was a far more familiar feeling, one closer in nature to her other lovers, though there were differences. Alex’s tunnel was far bumpier than the others, almost like she had internal muscles or ridges that the others did not. She was also cooler, something that didn’t surprise Jadis, but still startled her in the moment. She’d already known that Alex had a lower body temperature than normal, especially since she’d made personal acquaintance with Alex’s sweet core some days past, but it was still a very different experience now that she was penetrating her demonic lover.

Jay stared up at Alex, the Demon frozen as she adjusted to the sensation of the huge cock filling her pussy. She didn’t move, or even breathe, acting almost like a statue.

“Go slow,” Jay advised after catching her breath. “Take your time and get used to me.”

Twitching slightly at the sound of Jay’s voice, Alex looked down at her, eyes refocusing. Her expression was blank as she simply stared for a few seconds. Then, her face brightened in a wide, delighted grin.


Without warning, Alex plunged herself all the way down Jay’s length, the clap of her ass slapping against Jay’s thighs echoing in the room.

Jay let out a cry of shock, the sudden engulfment unexpected and intense. Alex held still for just a moment, but before Jay could even take a breath the Demon began to move, setting a rapid pace as she rode Jay’s cock.

“Oh, fuck,” Jay cursed, Alex’s intense bouncing making her toes curl.

She had no chance to say anything else as Alex lunged and latched her lips back onto her, resuming her deep kiss as she continued to fuck Jay with a spine-tingling tempo.

Jay’s legs were suddenly spread apart as the large, thick tentacles Alex used to walk with wrapped around them and pulled. In the next instant, two of Alex’s tentacles slipped inside of Jay’s pussy, diving deep as they began to piston in and out of her in a drilling motion. The sensation of being penetrated by two tentacles was so sudden and unexpected that Jay abruptly came, a tortured groan filling Alex’s mouth as her cock jerked and started to pump a load of thick seed into Alex’s pussy.

Alex didn’t stop riding as Jay came, continuing to bounce on top of her, riding the storm as she sought her own release. The twisting tentacle thrusting didn’t stop either. Instead, Alex added a third tentacle, stretching Jay and drawing her orgasm out via the wild pumping. Nephilim cum spilled out from Alex’s pussy as her motions grew more frantic, creating a sticky mess that squelched lewdly with every wet slap of their bodies joining.

Suddenly, Alex’s whole body froze as her tentacles curled in on themselves, their movements losing coordination. Jay broke the kiss to take a deep breath and Alex didn’t resist, her whole face gone lax as her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her three eyes crossed themselves. A shiver ran through all of Alex, from the top of her head to the tip of her tentacles, before she abruptly went limp, like a doll with its strings cut.

Still breathing hard to recover from her own intense climax, and not entirely sure if she was going to be able to walk anytime soon, Jay slipped her hands free from Alex’s and wrapped her arms around the limp Demon in a tight hug.

“Are you okay?” Jay asked.

“Yes…” Alex replied with a slur, her tongue still hanging out of her mouth as nuzzled into the crook of Jay’s neck.

“Good,” Jay said, squeezing her Demon a little tighter, the experience of their first time leaving her just as foggy as Alex appeared to be.

After a long pause where the two simply relaxed into each other’s arms, enjoying the afterglow, Jay felt a stirring inside her. Literally. The three entwined tentacles that were still inside of her pussy began to move, though not in the frenetic thrusting way of moments before. They shifted about in a slow, languid, exploratory fashion that sent tingles through Jay’s body at the odd yet pleasurable sensation. Squeezing Jay’s still half-hard cock with a clench of her own pussy, Alex nibbled at Jay’s jawline questioningly.

AgainPlease…?” Alex asked, her plaintive tone enough to make Jadis shudder at the eroticism.

Jay shifted her grip on Alex, maneuvering past her tentacles to get her hands around Alex’s posterior before lifting her up so that her cock could pull out of Alex. Doing so caused a flood of seed to spill out, as well as a mewl of disappointment from Alex. Both were quickly stopped as Dys’ cock replaced Jay’s as she took Alex from behind.

“Absolutely,” both Jay and Dys agreed, though Dys’ voice had a hitch in it as she hilted her cock inside of Alex to the core.

Alex grinned, giving Jay another kiss as her tentacles began to earnestly move inside of Jay, while a couple of others started to wrap around Dys. When she broke the kiss, her radiant smile was the most beautiful it had ever been. Alex spoke her next words like prayer, the force of her emotion so intense that Jadis almost forgot about everything else.

I love you…”

“I love you too,” all three of Jadis replied, before Jay pulled Alex close again for another kiss.

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