Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 93: Electrocution and Invisibility

Chapter 93: Electrocution and Invisibility

Searing pain struck his body as lightning crackled and threw the young man backwards, the [ Level ] 3 [ Rogue ] and [ Peasant ] landing on his back. He felt his vision blur and spin and his mouth tasted blood but he watched the series of notifications that popped up in front of his face:

[ You Have Been Electrocuted By A Colossal Wyvern! ]

[ You Have Avoided Instant Death! ]

[ You Have Been Stunned! Status Greater Stun Has Been Inflicted! ]

[ Skill - Lesser Resistance Obtained! ]

[ Skill - Lesser Endurance Obtained! ]

[ You Have Leveled Up in Rogue Class! ]

[ You Have Leveled Up in Rogue Class! ]

He tried not to wince as even contorting his body resulted in pain to continue to throb from head to toe. But somehow he made it out and alive and to some extent confirmed his theory. He had already killed bugs and even a goblin at thatbut even facing a greater threat and managing to evade them or survive from their attack resulted into quickly leveling up. The difference between him and the monster in front of him was just that big.

Unfortunately it didn't seem like levelling up resulted in replenishing his health or his life force, the world was becoming darker and dimmer by each second. His entire body was starting to grow numb except for the tingles that sparked and zapped across his extremities and yet his eyelids were dropping. His body needed to recover quickly.

He needed to stay awake though.

He tried to twitch a finger and found his body failing to respond to his own commands. Gritting his teeth, it was far from over. The Colossal Wyvern could still inflict even more worse injuries if he didn't move at all.

[ Congratulations! You Are Overexerting Your Body To Its Limits! ]

[ Ability: Will of The Player Activated! ]

[ You Have Resisted Automatic Body Shutdown Recovery ]

By a tremendous sheer effort and pain, he lifted his head slightly and watched the wreath of plant life that was holding down the creature's mouth as other plants crawled across the body of the creature. And soon enough, he heard the quiet steps of someone walking from behind him. It was the confident gait of a certain [ Wood Elf ], pitter-pattering through the burnt grass as it approached the Colossal Wyvern, "And so this is the monster." The [ Wood Elf ] glanced around his surroundings and called out to their other companions. "The Seaweed please, it's a bit helpfuldear Odele."

His voice seemed to carry throughout the winds.

The Colossal Wyvern spun their lower body around, specifically their tail as they lashed it out towards the [ Wood Elf ], the others being thrown and shaken by the mere magnitude of the force. The [ Wood Elf ] clicked their tongue but a pillar of wind held the tail back before it could hit him. "Stay still for a moment."

From another direction came a whoosh and soon enough Han was joined by a certain [ Half Elf ] who dropped to her knees and stared at him, her brows furrowing as she touched his face before quickly drawing it back. She grabbed a bottle of the familiar blue healing potion from a satchel in her belt as she uncorked the bottle and drew it closer to his face, "You're recklessit's a good thing that my father was here or else you would have been dead."

If one were to look at the ensuing battle like Ellynn did, one would be able to see the struggle. The [ Light Elf ] threw out the received Seaweed from seemingly thin air, right in time to see the [ Mermaid ] speak gibberish as the length expanded and aided the already existing plants to prevent the Colossal Wyvern from breaking free. Amidst all that, a [ Shadow Elf ] was maneuvering his way down to tend towards a [ Tiefling ] that had been injured.

"Uck.. you're not actually letting me drink from the bottle." Han coughed.

Instead of looking more carefully at the clearly injured patient, the healing potion was just jabbed in front of his face. Ellynn glanced back at him and tried to keep a straight face, "Alright, I'll help you out a little." She shoved the opening of the bottle into his mouth, "Consider the bottle yours, we need to move you."

Han barely managed to avoid death by electrocution and nearly drowned to death as the liquid steadily poured down his throat. But the potion did its work and he managed to spit out the bottle, it landed across his chest as he gave the [ Half Elf ] a look of disbelief, "That sounds like a terrible idea." But this wasn't his world, there weren't any emergency ambulances that would come pick him up. "But fine..."

He had just leveled uphe couldn't act this weak. What use were [ Skills ] and healing potions if they didn't aid him at all, right? 




In another perspective, the [ Cleric ] and her own companion from far off managed to see the attacks from the other Races beginning to take some fruit, if barely. She felt both ease and unease flood her chest and barely managed to avoid and distance herself as the Colossal Wyvern whipped her tail towards its enemies.

It blocked the majority of the other Races that were in front of it, but she was able to see how they were holding it down. "A Level 40 [ Druid ] or something greater?" How much mana could they even expend to exert enough strength and keep a creature of that size down. It was only a matter of time before they would break loose and wreak havoc once more.

She needed to make her own movebut she might only get in the way.

It had only been minutes since she'd the Colossal Wyvern had dropped towards the ground and she tried to take advantage of it. She summoned another [ Miracle ] from the god Eemis and the [ Tiefling ] happened to be an unfortunate receiver of those attacks as well. There shouldn't be any hesitation in her partthey were enemies! And yet the shriek had struck to her core.

A hell spawn was capable of experiencing pain as well.

She was barely able to summon another [ Golden Shield ] for her shield as the creature once again writhed and challenged its enemies. They needed all the help that they could and so she began to move, the least she could do was assist. It wasn't making any sense that strangers would fight for a city that was simply hiding behind its barriers. Jeanne Orleans began to cross the distance but was stopped as another person grabbed a hold of her shoulder. He was able to move faster than her when needed. 

Owen Liddell gave her a look of disbelief, he began pulling her back as he grasped her armor. "Why are you heading towards"

"We need to help of course!" She snapped and glared at him. 

"T-That's out of our league! Haven't you seen a bestiary of it? It's a Colossal Wyvern, the City had to activate its barrier because of it and it's a Lightning Variant at that." The man was trying to speak reason and logic towards her. 

And it made sense. 

Of course it did. It was him who was speaking and he knew how to use his words, she shook her head. "I've made an oath! I won't turn my back on this situation when I can do something plus they have a hostage! We have to save them!"

Somehow despite the thunder roaring in the background and the howling winds that casted and played around them it felt like a taut silence emerged between the two of them, uncaring of the circumstances as they had a battle of wills.

One of them had to give in or else part ways at this.

He had to compromise again.

"Then let's save the hostage while they're busy taking care of this monster." Owen Liddell rubbed his face with a free hand. He didn't want to admit that he was considering the fact that whoever the hostage might be, they could have been already deadsacrificed to act as some bait or perhaps electrocuted to death. If they did this and the person was dead, then they would have risked themselves for nothing except...

False hope. 

He watched the face of his colleague, the look of grim determination that flashed across her face before she nodded. A compromise. He tried not to grit his teeth. And this was why he didn't like [ Oaths ], she had to make sure she actually did something or lose her [ Class ]. But at least this was better than launching herself futilely against a creature that was out of their league.

The man began to pull out two clear flasks from his satchel. Only the faint glow of the [ Cleric ]'s aura provided them enough light to check that the bottles looked empty as he handed one to her, "Invisibility potion, you can't see the liquid but it's there and the two of us need to stay close together, I can't have you wandering off and trying to attack the Wyvern just because it's can't see you. Is this a deal? We'll avoid the battle and try to find the hostage and then we're out of here to find a protected area. This thing lasts for ten minutes."

It was the best he could do to help.

She reluctantly nodded and he handed her the flask.

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