Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 114: Of Diplomats, Bodyguards and Councilmen

Chapter 114: Of Diplomats, Bodyguards and Councilmen

Last night had been a full-on disaster in the City of Gloria and across the entire Kingdom of Yegarian. And though the mysterious disappearance of the Colossal Wyvern simply frightened the wits out of the people not only in the city but all around themthey were considering the fact that the Colossal Wyvern was both a lightning and shadow variant.

Life might have been shitty but one simply had to keep pushing forward.

Boaz was one of the few [ Guardsman ] that escaped the situation relatively unharmed. The ones stationed in their gates had all suffered debilitating attacks, some of them had even died due to the poison received from what was possibly a high-leveled [ Assassin ] or [ Rogue ] and yet they were mostly asked to keep silent about it.

And for some, they were brought to the [ Healer's ] Clinic. His friend Ryden was currently stuck in bed and hadn't woke up since his fight with two of the those intruders that had gotten inside the city.

[ Guardsmen ] like him were mostly trying to recover to even spread the word.

But there was no need to hide it at allthe Colossal Wyvern had taken the center stage of the people's lives whilst the information about three high-leveled individuals who obliterated those who came to stop them were somehow news that were overshadowed despite causing a large mass panic at the start.

And yet word still spreadthere had been many witnesses and although the City of Gloria may have wished to search and ask for their silence.

It would be an impossible thing.

But worst of all, there was something that had ruined his life and branded him. A reminder of the events, and it wasn't the pain he experienced after fighting that blonde woman. No he had instead gained a new [ Class ]...

Boaz was a level 8 [ Guardsman ] and a level 1 [ Diplomat ].

Earning a new [ Class ] was something that most would have gotten glad for and yet out of all the possible ones to getwhy did it have to be that?

"I gained a [ Diplomat ] class after talking with the enemy?!" Boaz hit his head against the table. "What kind of crappy situation is that? I might as well been branded with the [ Traitor ]"

A groan would stop himself from his bemoaning. 

"Ngh, what are you yapping about?" 

Boaz would lift his head and saw that his friend had already woken up, looking worse for wear but they were alive and well. How much had they actually here?

Well, his friend still kind of looked like they were out of it.

"Hah, it's nothing. Do you need water or I'll call for one of the [ Healers ]." He would stand up from his chair, "You need to recover soon, it sucks being the only one of us taking watch duty right now."

And yet his friend's attention focused on something else.

"Seeing that you're well means that we won eh?" Ryden managed a grin, "Did the reinforcement from Kraelonia come when I had fallen down? It would have been great if I managed to see Uriel and fought along the guy."

It didn't seem like a huge problem before, the City of Gloria was usually peacefulbut to rely on instructors, powerful ones from the Academy seemed to tell a lot about the management of their city.

Boaz sighed and rubbed his forehead, he didn't even have any of these kinds of thoughts until he gained the [ Diplomat ] class! Was he getting affected by it?

The man chose to focus on something else, "If you have enough energy to keep talking, it seems like you're fit enough to get up and join me for work?"

"What? Nah " His friend relaxed in the bed, "I'll be able to take a paid vacation while staying here, you're on your own pal."

"... of course you're going to do that. Well, I'll be leaving and switching shifts now. Maybe I'll drop by some other time."

"Sure, sure! Maybe bring me some books or anything." Ryden offered him a grin. "It's going to be boring being stuck in here."

"We'll see, see you around!" Boaz waved at his friend and then went off to work. Somehow it felt like he was going to level up again in his new [ Class ].

And as soon as he reached the gates to the City of Gloria once more, he couldn't help but sigh. If he could put in a word or two to those in charge of the city, he would have much preferred that they kept the entire place in a lockdown.

The memory of three undominatable figures was still fresh in his mindand especially when the two [ Professors ] from Kraelonia Academy had been recovered outside the city's debilitated walls.

Broken walls served as a remark of not only the Colossal Wyvern but of those intruders as well. It sent a shudder down Boaz' spine as he greeted one of the [ Guardsman ] that had finished her shift.

[ Guardsman ] or in this case, [ Guardswoman ] Deliah was someone who had been lucky enough to have dealt with the mass panic yesterday than any of the fights.

"Ah, [ Guardsman ] Boaz, thanks for coming!" She was something along the lines of a junior by just a few months to him.

Not that it mattered in the grand scheme of things.

"No worries, have a good break." He would mutter as he took his station at the gates once more. [ Builders ] were already working on their walls again.

The man wished today would be a peaceful day.

.. .

In addition to securing the perimeters of not only the Kraelonia Academy but the City of Gloria itselfa majority of the [ Professors ] were sporting headaches and an overall fatigue that had made them lethargic as they went to their respective classes.

It would be ill shame for them to postpone classes even if the incident that had occurred was a large one. They were a premier educational institution that wouldn't be deterred with an occasion such as this one.

Now for someone like [ High Mage ] Ylena Pierce, her age contributed more to her fatigue that not even the latest alchemical brews brought on by her grandson could alleviate.

The elderly [ High Mage ] stepped into her first year student class and managed a small sigh, most of the youths here were unaware and even unperturbed of the events that had occurred outside their premise.

Was it a good thing that the next generation did not have to worry about such instances? Is this truly what peace was? Though Joseph might have envisioned endless days of peaceher husband had something else in mind.

She cleared her throat and gazed at all the young students in front of her and spoke up, "Before we begin our lessons, it may have to our attention that"

.. .

"Our ward's gone missing and in your reputable city nonetheless, [ Councilman ] Barth." A domineering presence spoke to the stationed official of the City of Gloria today.

It was a [ Bodyguard ] and a high leveled one too, at least that was as far as the older man could tell. Somehow they bore no crest or seal that spoke of from whence they came from but the air of authority somehow seemed to overwhelm even him.

Usually, a [ Councilman ] like himelected by the people too would be able to exert his authority and [ Aura ] over [ Peasants ] and yet this person continued to show displeasure and they were instead the one overpowering him.

"This is supposed to be the City for Adventurers isn't it?"

The [ Councilman ] coughed lightly, "Well, it's where the future ones are trained along with those wanting to be in"

"And yet such an occasion like this occurred. There were riots yesterday and in that occasion, it was where we had lost contact with our ward."

Barth wished he could say something along the lines that it was their fault that their ward became lost in the City. Surely he didn't control everything in this place or had some sort of scrying that allowed him to keep track of every inhabitant and neither did their [ King ] did too. Their expectations were too much.

Instead the man stayed silent.

Waiting for the person to continue their rants and then apologize, perhaps think of a solution of sorts?

Ah, the [ Councilman ] sighed to himself as he looked over at the [ Secretary - Mage ] holding up and waving a piece of paper outside his office.

A pile of letters were starting to grow and a good portion of them were from the [ Headmaster ] of Kraelonia Academy but this [ Bodyguard ] was demanding his full attention.

.. .

The weight of the world wasn't on his shoulders, but in this particular moment, it seemed like he was carrying something so burdensome that Han simply wanted to sleep.

[ Professor ] Pierce's words were even more soft spoken than usual.

And although she had brought up the incident with the Colossal Wyvern before she started her lesson, somehow it was used as an encouragement to continue studying further.

Because what else was a greater motivation than a hundred feet long dragon like creature baring down thunder and lightning right?

Somehow it even seemed like Timothy was distractedwhich was surprising since he was the Primary Mage student and not him. Did he really look that tired and upset due to the incident last night?

[ Introduction To Magical Theory's Learning Progress is Slow ]

...Han really didn't need to know that as he tried to focus once again on the droning [ Professor ] explain the lessons and theories about magic, mana and spells once again.

He wondered if he would be able to change into a Primary Combat curriculum but the aspect of casting [ Fireballs ] and [ Lightning Bolts ] were always something that he wished to do for himself and so the young man continued with his suffering.

And so the day continued on.

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