Questioning Heaven, Desiring the Way

Chapter 161: This Is My Will

Chapter 161: This Is My Will

Formationrise! shouted Gu Suihan as he injected qi into the drawing in the ground with his palm.

The sky darkened, and a thick layer of vengefulness covered the entire capital city.

Woong! The formation glowed purple and gave off a low humming sound as it trembled. Gu Suihan took a few steps back and stared indifferently at the whirlwind in the sky that was getting increasingly violent.

Gather the souls!

Craaaack! The walls around the courtyard collapsed, and any trees and grass caught up by the whirlwind were minced by the sharp winds.

In that instant, the entire place was dark.

His hair flew wildly in the wind and covered most of his face, but you could vaguely make out the look of anticipation in his eyes.

Roaaar! A terrible noise resounded in Gu Suihans ears as the whirlwind above him grew stronger and darker. One could see all the vengeful and murderous souls that had been wandering aimlessly around the city, howling and struggling as they were picked up by the whirlwind without exception.

The formation hummed loudly, and brilliant pillars of light shot out from the ground and into the sky.

Cleanse the souls!

The milky white runes mixed in with purplish gold spots suddenly exploded and flew straight for the whirlpool above like moths to a fire.

This will determine if I succeed or fail! Gu Suihan pursed his lips slightly and stepped into the middle of the formation.

Swallowed by karma? As the vengeful spirits struggled in the air and attempted to pounce on him, he let out a loud shout, Im capable of holding up against the karma from millions of slain souls! You only number in the hundreds of thousands what a joke!

His storage ring glowed faintly, and he poured countless pill bottles out from it. The bottles exploded, and he swallowed all the colorful qi-filled pills like a whale taking in water.

At the same time, all the natural treasures, spiritual herbs, and spiritual fruit that he had gathered over time were reduced to juice and flowed around Gu Suihan.

Bam! Bam! Bam! The ordinary-looking storage bag hanging from his belt suddenly burst open. Countless bloody heads, some with nasty expressions, some with fearful expressions, and some with angry or shocked expressions, were flung out as a result.

These were almost all the heads of all the cultivators he had killed since he set foot in this world.

Over there, the Wayis alive. Over here, youare dead! snorted Gu Suihan. His eyes which seemed able to see through all things, constricted rapidly and a bloody red beam of light shot out from his pupils.

Now! yelled Gu Suihan as his clothing suddenly exploded. The liquid flowing around him stuck to his skin and was slowly absorbed into his body.

At the same time, his Beginner Foundation Establishment body began to creak and vibrate like it was under tremendous pressure. Qi surged through his body like a rushing river, breaking through obstacle after obstacle.

It continued to flow into the spiritual root in his spine, then moved into his dantian. The two flows were like a waterfall moving backward, surging powerfully against the natural flow and absorbed by the badly injured heart-soul beneath his spirit.

Qi continued to flood his body, advancing him through Mid-stage, Advanced stage, and finally healing the obvious crack in his heart-soul without problems.

He began to exude the pressurizing authoritativeness of a Peak Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Kaboom! The sky seemed to become angry, and everything on the ground shuddered. Countless bolts of lightning appeared and rained down on the city, burning deep craters into the ground.

The clouds billowed in the wind, and the sky rumbled nonstop. Gu Suihan could feel a pressure crashing down on him from all directions.

Sea of blood, arise!

Gu Suihans black hair was like snakes, wriggling in the wind. His expression remained indifferent as he stared straight at those deep and mysterious azure blue eyes that were slowly manifesting the laws of nature governing this city.

Bam! Bam! The city could no longer hold up against the whirlwind. Any walls left standing collapsed, and any remaining buildings left were torn into small pieces. The moat around the city was like an angry dragon that had been shocked, rising into the air and gathering around Gu Suihan.

The red spider lily seal in between his brows seemed to have awakened as well. It gave off a bloody red glow and trembled as it dyed the water around him red and made it give off a bloody stench. It was a sea of blood indeed.

I will not die! Gu Suihan raised his head proudly and stood up straight. The whirlpool followed the pillars of light, flowing downwards like the galaxy moving in the opposite direction and into Gu Suihans head.

How big was Fenglin? He had no idea. But the angry and vengeful spirits floating in the skies of this city were no less than a million.

Even though the souls were left with less than half of their strength after the formation had cleansed and converted them, it was still helpful to Gu Suihan. This was nothing compared to how his spiritual sense could cover an amazing area of more than five million kilometers.

His heart slowly calmed back down as he felt the coolness inside his consciousness that nourished his spirit. He waved his arm, and the ground beneath the city began to shake.

You want to kill me, I see. In that caseI will give you this chance.

Gu Suihan grinned and revealed his pearly whites. The lightning in the sky illuminated his slightly frightening expression. His eyes were like black holes as they stared emotionlessly and fearlessly at the other party.

Lightning bolts as thick as a pail rained down from above, striking the entire area where Gu Suihan was standing continuously without a break.

Away! Gu Suihan waved his arm, making the sea of blood around him disappear. He flew into the air and met the furious lightning head-on.

Bam! After the dust settled, a blackened figure fell from the sky, like a bird with broken wings.

Imstill alive! Gu Suihan wiped away the blood dribbling from his lips and spat a mouthful of blood out. He ignored the black burns and terrible wounds on his body, then flew upwards again.

Boom! The laws of nature gathered again. A brilliant spark flashed in the sky, followed by a resounding boom of thunder. An even bigger commotion filled the sky.

This time, the lightning and thunder came together to create a dragon that roared continuously as though it were really alive.

Sorry to disappoint! Gu Suihan struggled to his feet and looked up at the eyes in the sky with a smirk on his face. His entire body had been quenched by lightning and was falling apart. The strange runes on his bones became more and more obvious. His blood was like nectar that slowly turned a faint red and actually exuded a holy aura.


The dragon disappeared. The will of this world seemed to be taking its time to gather something. A few moments later, a bolt of lightning that was only as thin as lightning but purplish black in color shot toward Gu Suihan.

Haha! Youre way weaker than him! Gu Suihan was smiling and smiling very happily at that. He didnt bother hiding the contempt on his face.

Unfortunately, the eyes that were a manifestation of the will of this world were unaffected by his response. It remained as steady as the rocks at the bottom of the sea, unchanging for eternity.

The lightning bolt entered his body and exploded, causing the mighty energy of the laws of nature to surge through his body without stopping.

Bam! Bam! Little explosions resounded again and again. Gu Suihans body resembled a broken gunnysack as wound after wound appeared on his body. Blood sprayed out of those wounds, but it was a milky ivory white instead of red.

Origin Corethis is really easy! Gu Suihan grinned and wasnt bothered by how battered his body was. Qi roared through his body and gobbled up the electrical current from the lightning bolt inside the body.

And now, I will show youmy will! thought Gu Suihan.

Both the sky and ground began to shake violently as water began to gather rapidly, turning into a long spear in Gu Suihans hands. His qi was like the wind as it turned into an intricately designed yet lightweight armor around him that glowed with faint traces of the laws of his nature, including a cape flapping in the wind. He was now like the god of war, standing tall before the other party.

And now, heres my gift in return! He took a heavy step forward, and a deep trench appeared in the ground as he pushed himself upwards. He spread his arms out like a roc and flew toward the eyes in the sky without any fear.

Illusionary Sky! Gather the Stars! The bright stars beyond the sky started flickering brightly. Its brilliant glow traveled a great distance and flew into Gu Suihans body. The long spear in his hand trembled slightly as it was thrust fiercely toward those gigantic eyeballs with a force that could sweep through the void and swallow the stars.

The Way of Heaven? Thats merely a self-derived sort of consciousness. Compared to him, theres no way youre qualified to consider yourself the Way of Heaven!

Why was Gu Suihan so confident that he could fight against the will of this world at the Origin Core stage?

How was he so confident that he would survive this?

The reason was simple. This worldwas too small.

After conducting a number of tests and observing the various events that had been happening in the world of cultivators recently, Gu Suihan had a rough idea of how powerful the will of this world was.

If this were really powerful, then those evil and ruthless deeds Gu Suihan had done in Qingguo back then would not have been dismissed with just some reprimanding.

It wouldnt have done nothing even after the Huangquan Evil Ghost went on a second rampage.

The setup that Gu Suihan had in Fenglin wouldnt have succeeded at all, either.

The will of this world was very weak. It was so weak it couldnt even protect itself. It was so weakit couldnt kill Gu Suihan even though he was only at the Origin Core stage.

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