Questioning Heaven, Desiring the Way

Chapter 145: Death Isn’t Scary

Chapter 145: Death Isn’t Scary

Heaven? Whatswhats that?

Gu Suihans piercing gaze made the Huangquan Evil Ghost shudder almost instinctively. It was as though Gu Suihan was the real evil ghost.

His oppressing, sinister, and frosty gaze scanned the evil ghosts face several times as if he was trying to check if it was telling the truth or not. But after he saw that the ghost still looked just as confused, he sighed inwardly and said, Never mind. If you dont know what it is, then forget it. Lets go back to what we were talking about earlier. Why did the sects run to this lower world? I dont think theres anything in this lousy place thats worth coming all the way here for, right?

It wasnt that complicated. Those useless bums came down because they didnt have a choice, explained the ghost in a contemptuous voice. These useless bums wanted to avoid getting annihilated by the Qin kingdom but they were a bit too weak to fight the major sects of the Upper World, so they had no choice but to join forces, put their stuff together and buy this little world. They barely managed to survive. But even so, I suppose they have to pay extremely high tribute to the Upper World from time to time so that theyd be allowed to continue living here.

I see. No wonder those direct disciples have to keep going to the Upper World. There was a flicker in Gu Suihans eyes as he started to understand these things better and had more guesses about the alliance between the various factions in this little world.

As they interacted, the tension between them lightened up a little and they understood each other a little better now.

Lets go. Gu Suihan looked out at the cloudless night sky and got up. The massacrehas begun.

Nighttime was the best time to cause rampant chaos without being detected or noticed.

There would be certain factions who would want to seize the opportunity to do certain things under the cover of the night.

The capital of Qingguo was usually quiet by this hour, but today, all the lights were on and the entire city was up in arms.


Its a monster!

Dazhuang, whats wrong with you? Youre scaring your motherAHHH!

Liner, what in the world are you doing?! Thats your younger sister!

The entire capital city had fallen into complete chaos. Killing, violence, pillage, and even cannibalism. This was a night when blood flooded the streets.

What sort of spell did you use? The Huangquan Evil Ghost frowned as it looked down at the escalating chaos and felt its heart pound in fear.

Its just a small trick. Not worth mentioning, said Gu Suihan flippantly before flying towards the palace.

The ghost dodged the attack of one human who had turned into a flesh-eating monster, then smashed that humans head and flicked his remains off. It asked confused, Just a small trick? Youre wiping out living creatures! If youre not careful, you might wipe out the whole world. Arent you afraid of being consumed by karma?

Karma? Gu Suihan snorted. The world goes through constant change but it goes on anyway. There are floods, there are droughts, there is destruction, and the laws governing this world are all over the place. Doing this breaks the almost unnoticeable rule of karma inside this pathetic little world. Why should I be afraid of that?

Youre not a cultivator from this place, alright. The ghost swallowed its saliva and said, Youre not even from any of the hundreds of worlds governed by the Qin kingdom.

Why dont you guess where Im from? Gu Suihan smiled mysteriously at the ghost and allowed its imagination to run wild. He leaped soundlessly over the thick and high walls of the palace like a bat in the shadows of a cave.

Argh! I cant wait to see how you function in the Upper World! sneered the ghost as it snorted at how Gu Suihan seemed to be acting all mysterious.

This is Qingguos palace, said Gu Suihan as he stood at the highest point of the palace and looked around. He used his spiritual sense to cover the entire palace grounds.

The authoritative pressure from the man who ruled over Qingguo mingled with the murderous qi from the sea of dead bodies that uniquely belonged to Gu Suihan, filling the air with a thick bloodied smell.

The murderous qi was so dense, it covered the clear night skies with a thin layer of red, bending even the light rays of the moon. Gu Suihan slowly gave off a faint but strange aura that came from his very bones, which made the Huangquan Evil Ghost next to him hold its breath. It dared not even move an inch.

This was an instinctive action. A reverence the weak had for the strong.

Youreyoure not only at Divine Soul stageIm sure youre not

The ghost was having a lot of trouble trying to hold up against the dense aura that Gu Suihan was inadvertently emanating and its eyes nearly bulged out. A bloodthirstiness surged toward it like an ocean wave, making it wail in pain as its body creaked under the pressure.

Thankfully, Gu Suihan noticed the trouble it was having in time. He turned his murderous qi into a gentle wave that protected the ghost and Shuanger from being attacked by it.

Die! Die! All shall die! shouted Gu Suihan as he leaped into the sky, his expression so aggressive it was twisted. His eyes were bloodshot and filled with a bloodthirstiness that seemed to shoot out from them. Anybody within his line of sight, whether they were guards, maidservants, or officials, all were turned into minced meat.

Who is this wicked person who dares to cause chaos in my country? resounded an authoritative voice. Gu Suihan snapped out of his murderous state and his gaze slowly went back to normal.

Long time no see, Your Majesty! Gu Suihan narrowed his eyes and smiled frostily when he saw the king of Qingguo march out angrily in his royal purple robes.

You are? The king could see right through the primitive illusionary formation set up in the palace and stared straight at the impossibly good-looking young man in front of him with a quizzical look in his eyes. He felt like he had seen this man before. Those indifferent eyes and this assertive layer of murderous qi seemed so familiar.

When he spotted the young mans lofty gaze, as though he was a god peering down at ants, a thought hit his mind and he finally remembered who this was.

You areGu Suihan!

Your memorys not bad! Gu Suihan drew his sword, its blade gleaming like shooting stars. The thick layer of murderous qi was absorbed into its blade and he swung it fiercely at the king.

In what way has my country offended you? Why have you done such a perverse thing to my people? The kings sharp eyes saw through the thick fog in the city and saw the chaotic, cruel, and inhumane acts being done among the people, and could not help but bellow at Gu Suihan in fury.

There are so many problems in the world. Is there really a need to tie everything to karma? Meanwhile, the Huangquan Evil Ghost sniggered and moved almost invisibly through the palace, its ugly claws working swiftly as it began a massacre within the royal grounds.

How dare you! barked the king. He swung his fists like a dragon and took a mighty step forward, which made a clear indention in the floor. The illusion of a strange-looking ferocious beast appeared behind him like an angry dragon rising from the sea waters.

The fervent prayer of the people of Qingguo! Come together to decide the destiny of this country! Help your king to smite the enemy! roared the king furiously, his voice echoing throughout the entire capital city.

Its actually a real thing! exclaimed Gu Suihan when he saw the illusion of a ferocious beast emerging from the king.

According to legend, some monarchies would gather their energy from the faith of their citizens. Not only would doing this bless the people, but this energy could also ensure the smooth running of the country. If a king was still able to gather this energy from his people in times of trouble or disaster, it would gather sufficiently to become a defense weapon. The king could combine the hearts of every citizen and use the combined energies to defeat any enemies.

However, this combined energy had a lot of limitations. If the attack was not happening within the boundary of the country itself, then it was completely useless. Also, if the king failed to win the hearts of his citizens and allowed disasters to affect his people, any energy collected would be extremely weak and it wouldnt be able to become anything effective against enemies.

So, you think you have an advantage in numbers? Like how enough beetles can kill a tree or enough ants can kill an elephant? Gu Suihan snorted. You think too highly of yourself.

He gathered his spiritual sense, which made his spirit glow within his consciousness. The runes formed by countless laws of nature flickered continuously around his spirit. The immense murderous and fiendish qi grew as deep as an abyss, as sinister as a demon. In just a few seconds, it had solidified into the illusion of a demon made from innumerable vengeful souls, measuring about 300 meters in height.

ROAAARR! The illusion let out a mighty roar, the relentless soundwaves like sharp swords as they reduced several buildings and pavilions within the palace to rubble. Its roar was like thunder, shaking both the sky and the earth. The surviving residents of the city started bleeding from every orifice because their bodies couldnt take it, quickly losing their minds and eventually breathing their last.

This is impossible! The king of Qingguo stared in disbelief at the gigantic demon and staggered backward. His eyes could barely focus as he murmured, Qingguo has millions of citizens and my predecessors have spent the last few centuries accumulating the energies of the people, but it is still only this big. Youre only at Peak Foundation Establishment! How could you possibly refine this much murderous and fiendish qi?!

The living creatures I have killed have gone beyond hundreds of millions! Whats a few million to me? Thats nothing! Gu Suihans expression was vicious and his eyes had turned into two deep red whirlpools, as though a demon had arrived on Earth.

Hundreds of millions! The light in the kings eyes dimmed, while the ferocious beast behind him let out a sad howl as the demon behind Gu Suihan grabbed it and stuffed it into its mouth.

The energies accumulated were gone and his fate was sealed. The king was as pale as a sheet as he stumbled backward until he hit some rubble. He leaned heavily against it with a resolute look in his eye while glaring hatefully at Gu Suihan and bellowed furiously even as his voice cracked, You will suffer retribution! You will get your just deserts and you will be consumed by karma! Youre going to die! Die horribly! Im going to keep my eyes on you and watch you die tragically!

Immediately after he said those words, all the pores on his skin exploded violently. Blood sprayed everywhere and filled the air. He turned into ash in the blink of an eye.

His voice continued to echo with those curses and a cold wind blew past noisily.

The majestic structures and red pillared buildings of the palace that were still standing just moments ago had become nothing but a pile of destruction.

The wind blew past the wasteland, gathering a few pieces of broken stones and torn cloth. It was a tragic sight to behold.

Retribution? Death? There was a flicker in Gu Suihans eyes. If that could help him to find out the truth, death was nothing to him!

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