Questioning Heaven, Desiring the Way

Chapter 141: I’ve Lost My Memory

Chapter 141: I’ve Lost My Memory

Somethings wrong! As Gu Suihan allowed the qi to surge through his almost perfect body, his expression did not brighten up at all. Instead, he glared grimly at the empty coffin.

This bodyis terribly weak, muttered Gu Suihan to himself. As he thought about the changes that happened around him when he was creating this body, his expression fell.

It wasnt real! Is thisan illusion? He sent his spiritual sense out and filled the entire place with his murderous aura, inspecting the changes in every inch around him.

Craaack! There was a cracking sound as the crystal-like coffin slowly shattered. The tadpole-looking blood-colored runes on it instantly turned into countless ugly demonic faces that opened their mouths like they were shrieking as they flew toward Gu Suihan.

What a vicious move! Gu Suihans expression was stern as his fingertips exploded. He pulled out ten blood vessels and turned them into an intricate spider web that stood between himself and those ugly faces. His sword resounded loudly and its blade shone frostily as it flew out of its sheath.

Sea of Blood to the Sky! he yelled as veins bulged from his forehead. He grabbed the handle of his sword and swung it diagonally. Qi surged through his body, passing through his meridians and turning into a giant wave that could reach the sky.

The sound of the ocean filled this small space underground. The countless blood-colored demonic faces were all trapped by Gu Suihans bloodied spiderweb. They shrieked and shook violently from side to side in an attempt to dodge the bloody wave coming to consume them.

Heaven Restraining Blood Prison!

A bright glow appeared suddenly as Gu Suihan gently flicked his fingers. The blood drops that flew out instantly grew larger in mid-air, becoming pillars of blood from nowhere, which quickly formed a cage with small gaps.

The blade came whooshing down and the bloody wave swallowed the monsters that had come pouncing toward him.

Thisis the actual body! Gu Suihan panted heavily as he kept his eye on the adorable baby that was revealed after the coffin had completely shattered.

Uhh A weak groan resounded behind him, making him spin around with a start.

Shes actually still alive? His pupils constricted as he glanced at the frail Shuanger covered entirely in bloodstains. He immediately grabbed the baby, then sprayed out qi from his hands which consumed the baby in its entirety without leaving a single trace behind.

ROAAAR! A roar like a tigers suddenly exploded within Gu Suihans body. His bones turned from white to a faint gold color, and runes in a darker gold color appeared on the surface.

His skin became smoother and supple. Every fibre and vein in his body became more tightly meshed, making his body as tough as granite.

Thats what a real perfect body should be like, murmured Gu Suihan. He brandished his sword in a seemingly casual fashion, but each swing of his sword landed precisely on several hidden points that made up a huge formation.

If he had been that bit too late and allowed the formation to be triggered, then he was going to remain a human, losing years of his life in an instant and turning into dry bones.

That was the terrifying part about being able to set your own laws of nature. You could cause the death of a person without even doing anything. Not even a cultivator could escape that.

Should I kill heror not? Gu Suihan stood in front of Shuanger and looked a little hesitant.

He was hesitating because the split soul illusion left behind by that middle-aged man inside Shuanger had been concealed behind many, many dimensional walls, so his original body had no idea what had truly happened to his split soul.

In other words, Gu Suihan didnt have to worry about being hunted down by the middle-aged man. But of course, that was assuming Gu Suihan didnt go about doing anything that might make the middle-aged man sense anything amiss.

Ill let her live. Lets see if we can resolve this unwanted tragedy. After thinking about it for a while, he decided not to kill Shuanger.

Little girl! I know youre awake, so you can stop pretending. Gu Suihan reached out to nudge the young lady and called out gently to her.

Youwheres Brother Xiaoyao? She curled herself up and hid fearfully in a corner as she stared at the unfamiliar face in front of her. Her mind was completely blank.

HeI dont know either. I just woke up too. Gu Suihan nearly told her the truth, but stopped himself immediately and suddenly put a palm to his forehead, as though he was suffering a headache.

They stared at each other for a long while before she stammered, Bigbig brothercan youcan you turn around? II want to get changed.

Gu Suihans lips twitched as he thought to himself, Youre just a little girl. Why would you even be bothered by something like this?

But he smiled gently at her and turned around.

He was bored and started cultivating. A long while later, her weak voice called out from behind, ImIm done.

Where are you from? asked Gu Suihan gently as he looked at the timid girl with a blank expression on his face.

IIm a Youthful Clarity Sect disciple. Shuanger looked up at Gu Suihans almost-perfect face and blushed.

Is the Brother Xiaoyao you mentioned earlier your senior? Gu Suihan looked innocently at her, as though he was completely clueless.

After they spoke more to each other, Shuanger began to relax and she started staring at Gu Suihan with her large eyes.

Big brother, youre really pretty. She finally felt comfortable enough to speak her mind as she looked enviously at Gu Suihans features which were even prettier than her own.

Gu Suihan didnt know what to say to that.

Big brother, whats your name?

Ive lost my memory and I just regained consciousness earlier. I dont know anything anymore.

How pitiful!

Gu Suihan tried not to roll his eyes.

How do we get out of here?

I have no idea.

The two of them exchanged a bunch of childish and pointless words as they sat down in one corner.

Bam! A muffled sound came from the opening of the well. The two of them paled and turned around, only to see a strange-looking creature with a nasty face that stood at only a meter tall fall into the well.

Its a monster! yelped Shuanger as she hid behind Gu Suihan and trembled.

Both sides stared at each other with shocked looks on their faces.

Gu Suihan finally twitched his lips and sent his spiritual sense out to communicate with the creature. Do you know how we can get out of here?

That comical-looking monster was none other than the Huangquan Evil Ghost. After noticing the noise in the well had stopped, it had waited patiently for a while before coming down to take a look.

It didnt expect to see two pretty ladies. But before it could snap out of its daze, that nightmarish, familiar voice filled its consciousness.

The ghost shuddered and it frantically scanned its surroundings with its beady eyes. But when it noticed the lip-twitching movement on one of the pretty ladies, it paused and blinked in confusion.

After hesitating for a moment, it asked the voice in its head cautiously, Youyou are?

That old fellows dead. Who do you think I am? replied Gu Suihan with a snort.

The ghost immediately gulped as he realized that the person in front of him was technically also an old fellow. But for some reason, he looked completely different. Could it be that he

How do we get out? repeated Gu Suihan. He didnt care for the thoughts running through the ghosts mind.

I dont know, replied the ghost after snapping out of its thoughts.

Why did you come in?

I was worried about you, so The Huangquan Evil Ghost was ready to dish out the speech he had prepared earlier, but halfway through, he caught sight of Gu Suihans icy stare and paused before cleverly choosing not to go on with his speech.

Well, uhtheres a bit of a commotion out there, so I came in to seek shelter, said the Huangquan Evil Ghost with an awkward laugh as he finally told Gu Suihan the truth.

What commotion? asked Gu Suihan as his face fell.

The domainis disappearing! said the ghost fearfully.

Its disappearing?! Gu Suihan finally spoke. He sent his spiritual sense out to see what was going on outside the well. His face turned deathly pale when he saw the horrifying sight outside.

In that instant, he exchanged glances with the ghost. They could see the deep anguish in each others eyes.

Find the exit now! yelled Gu Suihan. His body looked like an illusion and his eyes glowed like lightning as he sent out his vast spiritual sense to scan every inch of the bottom of the well.

Its here!

The ghost clambered frantically over to where Gu Suihan was pointing to.

Its an illusionary formation! Gu Suihan drew his sword and unleashed enough qi to shatter the formation, then took another step forward.

Qi gathering formation! Now!

Presence concealing formation! Now!

Teleportation formation!

The three of them lit up as they stared at the antique formation compass in front of them.

High-grade spiritual stones! As the entrance to the well slowly started disappearing, he shuddered and quickly took out several spiritual stones from his storage ring and stuffed them into the appropriate slots. He carried Shuanger and ignored how the Huangquan Evil Ghost was clinging onto his clothes like an octopus and stepped into the formation.

Woong! There was a bright flash as a pillar of light shot into the sky. Qi exploded as the formation compass was activated, causing the complex runes in the air to move rapidly. The formation compass itself then exploded with a powerful wave of qi.

After that, Gu Suihan slowly disappeared from the formation compass.

Boom! The storm brewing in the space stirred up a wind that broke down all the dimensional walls. The biting cold winds blew with a vengeance and completely destroyed the formation.

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