Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 286: The Reunion (1)

Chapter 286: The Reunion (1)

"Hmm, they're the ones that the Beast God wanted to meet?"

Zi Ji and others hadn't gotten a good distance into this wondrous and hidden land when they were interrupted in their path as a picture of bestial perfection stood in front of them.

Almost seven meters tall, slightly humanoid, the beast had rippling muscles over his body while only a large piece of a beast's hide covered his crotch in a barbaric skirt. Elongated ears and nose but otherwise completely domineering. Of course, he didn't stand in the middle but leaned over a tea. Crimson sclera surrounded pure golden pupils as his enormous pressure landed on the group.

Zi Ji and a few behind her remained unfazed still.

"Golden Goblin," Zi Ji frowned, entirely uncouth, "What's your dirty ass doing out here?"

"Learning from our God's taste... he must have a reason to have these... pathetic humans and that grass call over here... I don't know why she shares the Empyrean's face but I'm here to learn. Humans... what makes you so... precious?"

"A plant?" Bibi Dong frowned as this beast seemed to single out Ah Yin specifically but the 'plant' had other issues.

"Shared face?" She frowned, "Elaborate."

"Hoho, don't think because you can"

Golden Goblin came to a stunned halt when a white-black spirit ring appeared behind Ah Yin as the aura of a Million-year-old spirit beast served to intimidate every distant viewer alongside the Golden Goblin.

"Elaborate before I find myself testing on his precious subjects."

"E-empyrean... she's as crazy as you. Nuh-uh, I ain't taking part in your fun," The Golden Goblin hurriedly folded, stepping aside to reveal another golden figure but... she was too familiar.

With the same face as Ah Yin, a figure with a golden mane, a taller and more voluptuous body with the majority of her physique carpeted by glossy golden fur that reached down to her human paws and legs made the group stunned while Zi Ji repressed a sigh.

Whistling, the almost... no, naked furry golden Ah Yin giggled, baring her sharp canines, "You ARE strong! It'll make things more worthwhile. Ah Yin, our battle will be legendary"

"Pfft!" Hu Lana couldn't hold it in any longer.

"A streaker Ah Yin! God! This is too good!" She began laughing loudly while the golden one scowled, crossing her arms under her breasts that instantly inflicted damage to Ah Yin. No doubt Ah Yin is curvaceous... but the one in front of them had Ah Yin's face, Erlong's breasts, and Bibi Dong's butt... not to mention a shamelessness found only in certain someone.

Before things could escalate further, the newcomer scoffed, "My name is Ja Yin... I'm the Beast God's mate"

Before Ja Yin could complete, a blue silver vine instantly whipped and coiled around her neck.

Ja Yin's eyes widened while Ah Yin's stare turned colder, a chuckle entered her ears, "Are you really going to focus on her than me? It makes me sorry for myself for having been faithful to the limits~!"

"It won't take long... I promise," Ah Yin whispered as the voice only hummed, "Though, don't kill her... but could you go a bit rough on her. She really tested me a lot... like, grinding on me and stuff. Just wanted you to handle her before I did anything. Like the present?"

"Very much," Ah Yin's smirk turned colder as her domain spread out alongside nine spirit rings emerging that made Ja Yin's eyes pop out and so did Zi Ji's.

"You guys go on ahead... I'm netting divine punishment." Ah Yin smiled and pulled Ja Yin away while Bibi Dong glanced at Zi Ji, "Let's go."

"Wow... I'm almost scared to find out what we would see next," Yuehua muttered as they began walking ahead only for a howl to echo. It sounded like Ah Yin... but they knew that she wouldn't let out such bestial howls.

"Arghh! I'm sorry! He said you loved getting spanked so I Ow, wait! No- Nooooo!!"

"Amazing," Zi Ji raised her eyebrows in admiration and continued to walk ahead. Although Bibi Dong was interested in finding out more about Ah Yin, she let it go for now. There was a seed of suspicion in her heart but even if it was true... what about it.


As the group continued, Ah Yin and Ja Yin found themselves in an isolated section created by Ah Yin's domain that actively fended off intents of others that hadn't reached the point of divine while her sapphire pupils looked at the bestial woman clawing at the constantly regrowing vine around her neck. It was almost snapped but Ah Yin quickly came to realize that Ja Yin was... seriously juvenile. She couldn't snap the vine off so instead of using anything else, she began to try and continue this act itself.

"Huaaah! You bitch!" She gasped the moment Ah Yin let go of Ja Yin's neck. Stumbling to the ground, Ja Yin looked up, a feral snarl escaping her lips and nostrils while a chair made of vine supported Ah Yin as she say down calmly.

"Did he give you a face out of desperation after months of parting?" Ah Yin cocked her head sideways while matching her gaze with three of Ja Yin's pupils, "Or did you somehow take it?"

"What does it matter?" Ja Yin stood up, her frame massive when compared to the slender Ah Yin.

"It matters to me. I can't have someone with my face... much less another plant around him. If it's the former... I suppose I'd feel flattered and will be gracious enough to allow you to exist."

"Oh? How very gracious... I delved into his memories as he did in mine. He saw what was important in my life but it has been mostly dull... until he wreaked havoc on this place and in turn, I saw what he held dear. Your face... I wanted it."

"I see... so you're stupid," Ah Yin suddenly chuckled.


"You think it's the face?" Ah Yin's gaze grew colder as she brought her right hand closer to her lips. Giving the tip of her middle finger a soft peck from her softer lips, Ah Yin whispered, "It was never my face honey. I'm irreplaceable... because I found the quickest way to his heart. You've taken his surname... and my given name alongside my face. I sense some familiarity of him within you, too... in the end, killing you was never an option."

Ja Yin sneered. She may have underestimated Ah Yin's strength but as she said, Ja Yin couldn't be killed... and now the Three-eyed Golden Empyrean also knew why Ja Sun was wary of Ah Yin's reaction. She is calmly... crazy.

And it was shown the next second, "So I think it is right to greet you the same way I greeted him. And your emotions may lie with him... but as it was the case with him, your heart, like your face, belongs to me."

Ja Yin frowned but the realization came when countless blue silver emperor vines grew out and shackled her. Ah Yin's hand reached forward for the middle of her chest and Ja Yin's eyes widened in realization due to how strangely Ah Yin put her words.

"No wait! Hey!"

And her haunting screams echoed through the forest. Ah Yin was merciless... if Ja Yin was remotely like Ja Sun and had the mental strength to be with them, she would survive the ordeal not only physically but also emotionally... and if Ja Yin is as twisted as Ja Sun then Ah Yin was sure her 'seduction' skill would make Ja Yin hot for her soon enough to be controlled.

Ja Sun couldn't be controlled... she refused to believe that Ja Yin couldn't be either.

Of course, just as Ja Yin underestimated Ah Yin's strength and menace, Ah Yin underestimated... just how much Ja Yin took after Ja Sun.


"Oh, hey guys Ah, Gob Lin, I told you to not fuck around with Ja Yin, right? No need to kowtow, dude. You're cool. Go, have fun with your family," Ja Sun waved his hand idly as the Golden Goblin spirit beast named Gob Lin quickly snuck away with a relieved expression while Ja Sun, still resting on Violet with her breasts as a great pillow continued to look at the group. Of course, this time, he used his role as a master to cover her tits up with a tube top, the only thing remotely acceptable to Violet, so that perverts like Xie Xan and Oscar cannot leer.

But that wasn't all.

Next to them was a green-haired, bespectacled, sophisticated-looking woman who stood alongside a rather motherly and voluptuous brown-haired woman constantly smiling and stroking the head of a fair youth who looked like her but continued to hide slightly behind the brown-haired woman timidly.

"That's a..." Bibi Dong looked at the girl, already sensing something wrong, and knew exactly who she was. But she had to keep a tight lip on the matter as a raging killing intent oozed out from beside her suddenly.

"I've found you... you fucking lamia bastard!" Erlong growled as she continued to look at Violet who flinched.

"Ah... H-hello... It's nice to meet you again, Sister. See? I'm wearing clothes this time..."

"Not enough! It only makes you look even more erotic!" Erlong growled as Violet hung her head low with a sad expression, "I'll... try harder next time."

"Don't worry, I'll craft a wonderful bikini for you. You will love it," Ja Sun smiled as Violet leaned down, rubbing her cheek against his while almost weeping with relief, "Thank you, so much, Master. I will stop imposing on you when I get better at refining things myself."

"This motherfucker..." Xie Xan muttered subconsciously.

"We are to feel worried about him? For this?" Oscar nodded. Violet was... surreal. Others were beautiful and all but seeing a lamia as beautiful as her acting so timid with assets THAT mighty...

"What? Something to say?" Hu Lana smiled 'peacefully.'

"Oof, your scent..." Jun'er pouted, sulking by the side.

"You fuckers! I'll poke your eyes out!" Erlong snapped in their direction.

"He... has an actual disciple?" Yuehua muttered, feeling a slight wave of disappointment wash over her.

"Five minutes in and you broke others... you never change, do you?" Bibi Dong smiled and nodded at everyone, "Am I to introduce myself now, or do you want that saved for later?"

"You must be the current Supreme Pontiff," Instead of him, laying on the remarkable lamia with a content expression, the green-haired one spoke with a professional smile as she stepped forward, "My name is Bi Ji, the personal attendant of Beast God's need."

"Sounds so hot!" He chuckled from the side, the crude remark instantly evaporating the mood Bi Ji had built within a second as she shot him an indignant glare and huffed softly, "Please don't mind the Beast God, he's a"

"Ruffian, we get it," Hu Lana snickered but humongous pressure fell on her the next second, "Do call him what you wish in private," Bi Ji narrowed her eyes while Zi Ji glared at Hu Lana with a predatory glint in her eyes, "I will not accept the strongest of ours name sullied."

The fox gulped thickly as others grew cautious. Meanwhile, Ja Sun continued to smile and watch, enjoying every moment of it.

"I'm the Supreme Pontiff... why do you ask?" Bibi Dong sighed softly and looked at Bi Ji.

Without waiting for Bibi Dong's words, Bi Ji began to step around the Supreme Pontiff. Her invasive emerald gaze made Bibi Dong frown for a second as she felt assessed from top to bottom.

"What did I tell you?" Ja Sun snickered as Bi Ji nodded.

"Indeed... she's like us, alright," Bi Ji finally had a short smirk, "And she is serious about her job... if you don't mind me adding."

"Of course, not. A God doesn't lead... he lazes around and pigs away. That's why I have you all... now, do leave me with them. It's been a long time, after all. Violet, today's training is suspended, alright?"

"Yes, master," Violet nodded as Ja Sun stood up. On the other hand, Xiao Wu reluctantly walked over to him, her large brown eyes blinking with clear intent to not wanting to leave him with the strangers as he smiled, "Except a few, others are bastards... but don't worry, I tolerate them out of the goodness of my heart." He chuckled, petting her head as the girl nodded and left.

Xie Xan and Oscar knew who he was talking about.

Very much so.

Once everyone left, Ja Sun silently looked at everyone while Bibi Dong and others waited.

"Just so you know..." Ja Sun smiled and rubbed the back of his head, "I didn't mean to start a war when I told the beasts around here to have fun..."

The sheer wryness with which he spoke made them believe for a second that it wasn't a war he had unintentionally ignited but a brawl at a tavern.

"The Beast God calls guests from the opponent's side but this is your hospitality? Nothing but a hut beside a lake? I wonder if I've made a mistake," Bibi Dong smirked.

"Oh, that hut is more expensive than your castle, Supreme Pontiff. But that seems right, after all, that's where we will be conducting our business," Ja Sun smirked with knowing intentions as Bibi Dong crossed her arms and scoffed.

"Can... I say something now?" Hu Lana muttered.

"Sis, you really are stupid, huh..." Ja Sun shook his head, "Why would you say things like that in front of babes who obviously have fallen for me?"

"We haven't!" Zi Ji's shout from distance made everyone's lips twitch as Ja Sun ignored and continued, "They all definitely find an overly seductive woman like you a threat. But, of course, that wouldn't work on me."

"Ooohhh, it worked on Emperor Xue though," Hu Lana suddenly chuckled.

"Do we have to wait here?"

Erlong scowled.

"Yeah, let's wait for Yin," Ja Sun smiled and sat down, "Until that time, let me recite a tale of bravery and courage as a young warrior rose his way to becoming a Beast God, winning the hearts of beauties along the way but rejecting all their blatant efforts just because he waited for someone else!"

While Zi Ji and Bi Ji almost buckled over far in the distance, Bibi Dong had a sweet smile by the end of it, "Oh, sounds interesting. Consider this Pontiff a good listener of this tale of courage."


Shoutout to Ulesys, j n, No Title, and Judd!!

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3) Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

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