Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 117: Sweet Business Method XVI

Chapter 117: Sweet Business Method XVI

She blocked their attack, and if she succeeded, she might gain them as allies. However, it was still too early to be completely relieved.

‘I’ve overcome a significant obstacle with this… but the problem lies with Miss Ophelia. If that leader dies at Miss Ophelia’s hands, what will happen then?’

In that case, there were two decisions that Yuria and Isolda could make. One was to eliminate those who might hold an irresistible grudge against them. The other was to observe their dynamics and assess the situation further. 

Isolda would likely choose the former, but for Yuria, who had been entrusted with full authority for this task, it was a burdensome choice. 

Once the contract was signed in the name of the Company, it was a promise that had to be kept. Violating this carelessly could adversely affect the credibility of the Company in many ways. Additionally, Yuria’s personal acquaintance with them was a concern.

‘Please, don’t let it be a big deal…but I can’t just walk away from this now…’

Since an adventurer had already been sent to report the situation, results should be forthcoming. 

At that time, as Yuria awaited the news with anxiety, she heard someone knocking on the door.

“Yes, coming.”

Yuria opened the door with a look of deep concern. 

Right after that, she found Isolda standing there with an expression of discomfort in her eyes. 

And… she saw the person standing there with a tired face.

“Miss Isolda… And… Miss Ophelia?”


“… .”




Predator members were locked side by side in a prison. 

Three of them had handcuffs on their wrists and ankles, but Mino was simply imprisoned. Apart from that situation, Mino had a large bump on her head from her twin sister.

She was slightly in tears, and Nemea was laughing lightly while watching Mino. 

“You…you gave us a very big surprise. In some ways, you’re worse than your sister.”

“This is all because Mergon has been spoiling her since she was little. Anyway, she usually pretends to be timid, but does some outrageous things.”

“Mmm! Ah…okay, okay, so stop that.”

Even in confinement, they showed some composure. Those who, until recently, had been determined to die if caught, had become this way because they had given up on their task, and their circumstances had completely changed.

The Beden Merchant Company proposed to male a deal with those who had tried to kidnap their executives. They said that as long as they signed a contract, everything up until now would be irrelevant. The terms of the deal they offered were so unconventional that if they didn’t accept them, they would be treated as fools.

So, although they were imprisoned with their weapons confiscated in the name of giving them time to think, all four had already made up their minds to accept it.

“But… honestly, I think Mino handled things well, right?”

“What are you talking about? I was totally in shock. The fact that my own sister, not anyone else, betrayed us really made my head go blank.”

Ken spoke with irritation at Mergon’s words, and Nemea responded with a light smile instead.

“Certainly, I was also shocked at the time, but… this is what Mergon said. If Mino hadn’t done something like that, we probably wouldn’t have known what we would have done in that situation.”

As a skilled assassin, she knew several ways to counterattack even if caught. Right now, only Mergon’s petrifying gaze or Nemea’s dagger could have dealt with about half of the people there. However, for them, Mino’s betrayal had the effect of breaking all of their will to resist, preventing unnecessary mishaps.

“Then if I accidentally killed even one of the guards, it would have been a headache for me. In that respect, Mino’s judgment was correct. I felt a bit out of place, but…”



While saying that, Mergon and Nemea gave Mino a warm look. Ken was still dissatisfied, but she showed signs of accepting it, and Mino smiled slightly as she looked at her colleagues.

“Then, what’s left now is the matters on the leader’s side, right? Circumstances suggest that they are still fighting bloody battles, or conversely, they may be holding the woman hostage. She’d probably faint if she found out we decided to join the Beden Merchant Company…”

“… .”

Ken spoke with anticipation. But at that moment, it was only then that she realized the atmosphere had suddenly cooled.

“Why… what’s the matter? Mergon?… Nemea?”

“… Ugh… Mi… Sorry…”

“It’s okay… now… you can tell them because it’s already over.”

Looking at Ken expressing doubts and concerns and Mino quietly bowing her head, Mergon wiped the tears from her eyes and spoke in a voice filled with sadness.

“Both of you… listen to me. Now the leader… Echid won’t be coming back anymore…”

“What are you talking about? No way… the leader told that monster woman…”

Unbelievable… Mergon told a story she didn’t want to believe. Ken’s face began to show shock, and Nemea handed out the letter she had always had to the two of them.

“What… what is this again…”

“The leader left it to you. Originally, I was going to give it to you after work was done, but…”


Ken hurriedly gritted her teeth at Mergon’s words. Then, as she hurriedly opened the contents, Ken’s eyes began to fill with tears.

The content was a farewell message to Ken and Mino. It contained a story about living happily without thinking about repaying a grudge.

“This… this… what is it… then… did everyone know from the beginning? That the leader had little chance of winning? Why… why didn’t you tell me?”

“If that happened… there would be problems executing the plan. You… you know that too.”

Mergon spoke with a firm tone to Ken, who spoke with a trembling voice. Ken felt his legs go weak and sat down on the floor.

“Uh… uuuu!!!”

Ken finally burst into tears. The others were also quietly shedding tears, especially Mino, who was crying endlessly with her face flushed red. 

Unlike Ken, Mino had been aware of the situation ahead of time but had not expressed it. Even in such a situation, she took the lead in making a deal with the Beden Merchant Company. The reason was simple.

It was because it was the will of Echid and the implicit rule of the Predator. Depending on one’s perspective, the Beden Merchant Company might be seen as the enemies who killed their leader, but…

Along with the content of the letter, Echid had always spoken about this. It was… if, by any chance, she were to be killed by someone, never hold a grudge against that person.

She had taken countless lives without any particular grudge and would continue to do so for business reasons. It was only natural that someone who had already been covered with so much blood would be killed by someone.

There was no need to resent or hate that person, Echid had always said and taught.

That’s why they… not only Mergon and Nemea but also Mino… even Ken, who was the last to understand the situation. At that moment, they did not resent the Beden Merchant Company regarding Echid’s death.

It was just that they were deeply saddened by the fact that their precious family member had passed away. 

Just like that, without turning resentment or revenge towards anyone, the four of them shed tears and mourned their departed family, wishing that their leader, who had sacrificed herself for her family, could safely close her eyes.

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Check out my other projects: Flower Stealing Master, Rehabilitating the Villainess, I Picked Up an Amnesiac Witch, My Summons Are Special and Dual Cultivation with a Fox Demon,

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