Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 115: Sweet Business Method XIV (1)

Chapter 115: Sweet Business Method XIV (1)

‘What? It felt different from simply blocking it with intuition… as if I knew where the attack would come from and blocked it…’

Ophelia stood poised, looking at herself. 

Echid slightly frowned and swung the sword once more. 

This time, the sword flew precisely toward Ophelia’s leg. 



The shadow sword bounced off again with a sharp sound. 

The expression on Echid’s face began to change.


Confused by the incomprehensible situation, Echid started attacking again and again. 

Unlike before, a series of attacks came with more power and speed. Like a savagely twisting snake, her shadow sword poured into Ophelia, filled with murder. 



The next moment, Ophelia swung her sword so swiftly that it was almost invisible. As a result, her shadow sword, which had been flying with terrifying momentum, bounced off in vain, and soon Echid’s face was colored with astonishment.

“What… how the hell?”

It was impossible! 

Once or twice, it could be considered luck, but being able to accurately counter an attack that was hard to see with the naked eye meant she knew where the attack was coming from.

‘No way…she can see it? My attack? But by what means? I can completely hide even the afterimages of my shadow’s mana. You won’t even be able to detect the presence unless it’s the moment you cut something!’

At that moment, a thought suddenly popped into Echid’s head. 

The most scary thing about this woman who they had been worrying all along: the ability to understand the opponent’s mana flow and master it quickly. This did not simply mean that they imitated others well, but it also meant that their ability to apply the power of mana to an extent that was different from the original.

‘Stop… no way…’

Only then did Echid begin to see Ophelia’s mana. It was scattered lightly like smoke and was slowly floating around Ophelia’s radius of ten meters. 

Just as a human who became invisible could only leave footprints on the sandy beach, Echid’s invisible movement of the sword could easily be grasped inside. Only in this case, that ‘sand’ was mana that came from one’s own body, making the detection process even easier.

‘That is amazing… I never thought she would be able to apply her mana that way… I’m sure she can perfectly defend my mana with that method.’

Although the shadow sword had an enormous range and destructive power, the limit was clear nonetheless. There was no problem dealing with ordinary humans or mana users, but in the current situation where the advantage of transparency had disappeared, it was almost impossible to give effective hits to a master like Ophelia.

No matter how much she attacked, in a situation where her position was clearly exposed, it was just bounced back in vain like before.

‘I’ve never had anything like this before, but… after all, a monster is a monster. I can’t finish it normally.’

Concluding that, Echid rushed forward and at the same time reduced the length of the shadow sword from thirty meters to five meters. In addition, the invisibility to the naked eye was also released. 

It was then that a light question arose in Ophelia’s head.


In the next moment, Echid instantly closed the distance and launched an attack. The sword of shadow she wielded like a whip flew straight into Ophelia’s body.

‘Fast! Incomparable to just before.’



The next moment, pain radiated from Ophelia’s shoulder.



Ophelia stared at Echid with cold eyes, and Echid clicked her tongue simultaneously. 

Fortunately, Ophelia managed to block the attack by moving her sword just barely. 

The fact that she was out of power for a moment caused Ophelia considerable troubles, while Echid automatically frowned at the fact that she had not managed to inflict a fatal wound in an almost perfect surprise.



Then, Ophelia pushed Echid away by applying power to her sword. 

In response, Echid leaned back and straightened up to attack again, and Ophelia, watching her, straightened her sword.

‘The length of the sword was reduced, and even the invisibility was turned off. Are you saying you’re going to go straight ahead without wasting your energy on the little things? But even so, that blow from just before… was quite unexpected.’

Ophelia was convinced that she had a chance to win in a situation where her opponent’s hand was revealed, but the offensive that followed immediately after that showed her that this idea was wrong.

‘This woman… She doesn’t just know how to do tricks, she’s really strong. Assuming it’s a surprise attack, her pure power and speed roughly equivalent to mine…’

In terms of skills, she was obviously inferior to those from the Dragona Empire, but nonetheless she was a formidable enemy that could never be ignored. 

So in response, Ophelia calmly watched the opponent’s movements and injected even stronger mana into Karl’s Greatsword.

‘I don’t know if it will work, but… I have to try it once.’

At the moment when Ophelia decided on her next move, Echid, who had been observing the movement on this side, launched an attack first.


Echid’s sword flew through the wind at breakneck speed. Although the length was shortened, its speed and power were on a different level from before, when it was leisurely blocked.


Echid’s shadow sword wrapped around Ophelia’s sword while making a sharp sound. 



Sparks flew from the sword due to the tremendous backlash of the ensuing mana, and at the same time, the two of them began to taste the tingling sensation in their hands. 

At that moment…



Mana emanated from Karl’s greatsword as if exploding. 

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