Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 108: Sweet Business Method VII

Chapter 108: Sweet Business Method VII


Ken hurriedly shook off the temptation and entered the alleyway. Looking at her appearance, Mino, who had been forcibly brought there, spoke in a slightly dissatisfied voice.

“Sister… why did you run away from there? It’s definitely a good story for us. In the end, the work the leader is preparing is also for money.”

“Kuh… that… so! Are you saying you will abandon your colleagues for money? No matter how much money you give, you can’t betray your family!”

Although he usually seemed timid and indecisive, Mino’s words surprisingly pinpointed the situation. Regarding this, Ken partly raised her voice and shouted at her younger brother. She, too, knew very well that it would be much better for them than to engage in something so risky. In fact, as Ken herself ran away to reject it with her heart shaken greatly, it was realistically worth considering.

However, Ken had no choice but to refuse it. It was because she had a strong belief that she could not make a good choice alone, abandoning her family-like colleagues with whom she had shared joys and sorrows.

At that time, looking at Ken like that, Mino spoke in a voice that contained both timidity and frustration.

“That… why do you think that is a betrayal? Mmm…of course, you may feel that way at first glance, but…according to that statement, it means that anyone who uses mana will be hired… no?”


Mino brought up a point she hadn’t thought of before. In response, Ken made a blank expression for a moment, and Mino also made a blank expression while looking at her older sister.

“You can’t… have you not thought of that? Earlier, you could just ask that kid if all the other co-workers would accept it…”

“Ah… ugh… aaa!!!!”

At her brother’s words, Ken started to scream at her foolishness for perceiving the situation too clearly, while thinking of the word betrayal without even knowing it.

“Ahhh I really am stupid!! What the hell did I just do? If I really did that, we would have escaped this crappy situation all at once! What a fool! I’m such a fool!! Aaa!!”

The fact that she kicked such a golden opportunity away like that made Ken feel like she wanted to roll on the floor right away, and hurriedly went back to the place where she met the girl. 

But…unfortunately, the girl had already left and disappeared. 

In response, Ken rolled on the floor and screamed at the momentary mistake, and Mino had no idea how to stop her sister from doing so, so she had no choice but to hesitate and stand by her side.


‘Fortunately… it seems like nothing happened…’

After exchanging a few words with Yuria, the twins disappeared from sight as if they were running away. 

Looking at them, Ophelia felt a little doubt and relief, and withdrew her mana, and the other guards also took a similar stance.

‘Maybe I overreacted? No, but there’s a chance that it would be better to keep this type of escort system going forward.’

A level of security that could take most of the action if something happened without disturbing the escort target. 

Of course, if the person in question had been Bahamut, Ophelia would have stepped forward and closely guarded him.

“Then we will move on.”

“Yes. All right.”

Watching the two slowly leave, Ophelia and the guards started to move again.


A shabby back alley in Milan. 

The members of the Predator gathered in one place and started talking about what had happened so far.

“What have you been doing?”

“Sorry, as expected, collecting information isn’t our specialty…”

“Above all, there are too many people. There are a lot of members of the Beden Merchant Company present, it is impossible to distinguish who is an executive and who is not.”


Mergon and Nemea looked embarrassed. 

In response, a dark shadow began to fall on the face of Echid, the leader of the Predator.

The Beden Merchant Company was said to be conducting trade there in Milan. According to what they obtained, it was an important transaction with the Holy Knights of Rhome, and if so, it was highly likely that executive-level figures from within the Beden Merchant Company were also participating.

In response, the Predator somehow moved to figure out their identities, but they weren’t particularly high-ranking officials and their outfits weren’t unusual, and as everyone was wearing similar uniforms and talking about stories they couldn’t tell, there was no way to tell them apart. There was no way.

“Then it can’t be helped, we have no choice but to move on to Plan B…”

“That seems to be the case…”

It was a situation where the target could not be specified, but it was not that there was no way. It might be a bit cumbersome, but in some ways, it was a means to achieve the goal more reliably.

While they were making their decision…suddenly, the figures of her young colleagues leaning against the wall with dazed expressions caught Echid’s eye.

“Why are they like that? They’ve been like that ever since they came in.”

“I don’t know. Even when I asked a question, they didn’t answer well and kept doing that?”

“Ken, Mino, why are you like that? Say something.”

“… sorry…”

“Don’t ask anything… just let it be like this…”

In response to Mergon’s question, the two of them, in a state of confusion, only gave answers as if their souls had escaped. 

In such an incomprehensible situation, the others concluded that they had no choice but to wait for them to recover their spirits as soon as possible.

“Well… anyway, we have work to do. Mergon, Nemea, you guys, just in case, keep tracking the Beden Merchant Company. I will go to the destination and prepare as soon as the twins’ spirits are settled.”


“Then see you there.”

The two of them left the room after saying those words. 

Looking at them, Echid let out a small sigh, hiding the anxiety that was about to appear on her face as much as possible.

‘I have to succeed…for sure…even if it means one person dies…for sure…for the others…’


A procession of wagons going south after finishing their trade in Milan. 

Watching the procession loaded with shiny weapons from a distance…two people, Mergon and Nemea started to move slowly so as not to be seen as much as possible.

“As expected, it’s the Beden Merchant Company. To be able to trade that many items at once. It’s incredible.”

“Certainly it looks like that in Mergon’s eyes, right? Even though she failed and became an assassin, she’s still a former merchant who can’t abandon the same mindset.”

“Haa…come to think of it, it all started to raise some money, but somehow it ended up like this…”

Mergon sighed at the bitter past that suddenly came to mind. 

Watching her companion’s expression, Nemea said with a characteristic light smile on her lips.

“Hehehe, isn’t that what life is all about? Finding your aptitude through chance. Even though I was not a merchant, I still managed to rise to the position of being the best on this profession.”

“Yeah…and now we’re doing this because we failed again, right? At this point, I’m at a point where I doubt that failing is my specialty.”


Nemea struggled to smile as she saw her colleague talking about a situation that was difficult to view more positively than this.

“Well… that’s that… but for now, if this thing goes well, you will be able to take a sigh of relief. If you do, you can receive money from the leader and start anew.”

“Hahahaha… you… now you think I can really do something like that? It’s impossible, because there are three children in the house who need to be looked after.”

In response to her friend’s words of consolation, Mergon spoke with a regretful expression, and Nemea also smiled lightly, recognizing the meaning contained in it.

“Now then, shall we go soon? I have to keep watching to see if they go to the wrong place or not.”

“Yup, let’s try to figure out their strength.”

With those words, a calm smile that was different from before began to form Mergon’s lips.

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Check out my other projects: Flower Stealing Master, Rehabilitating the Villainess, I Picked Up an Amnesiac Witch, My Summons Are Special and Dual Cultivation with a Fox Demon,

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