Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 106: Sweet Business Method V

Chapter 106: Sweet Business Method V

After completing the trade in Lugano, the carriage full of iron ore headed south to the Beden Merchant Company. It was destined for Milan, a city-state completely outside the territory of Schwyz, dominating the southern region. 

Milan, in alliance with the neighboring port city of Benessa yet also subtly rivaling it, was a large city established as a commercial and military hub for generations.

Due to its regional characteristics, Milan had been frequently invaded by foreign powers. To protect itself, the city greatly encouraged the arms and armaments industry, gaining a reputation as a base city for numerous blacksmiths. 

In Milan, iron ore was classified as a crucial resource, akin to flour. The iron ore mined in the great mountain range of Schwyz, located nearby, was always a welcome trade product. 

To this city of blacksmiths, the Beden Merchant Company brought loads of the finest iron ores produced in Lugano. These were immediately transported to blacksmiths under contract.

“Don’t rush. There is still time to spare, so proceed slowly and thoroughly checking the billing record. Care must be taken so that there is no shortage or more transported.” Isolda directed the workers.

“Yes, Ms. Isolda,” they replied.

A whopping 500 talets worth of iron ore, piled like a mountain, were being transported by workers and blacksmiths who came directly to the site. 

However, supplying iron ore here did not end the work. Immediately after delivering all the iron ores ordered in advance, they had to load the weapons that had been ordered from the Beden Merchant Company several months ago—top-quality weaponry made with Milanese technology using Lugano’s iron ore.

Their job was to transport these weapons to Rhome, located south of Milan, and deliver them to the Holy Knights under the Holy Church, who had commissioned them to be produced, and buy food and other items from Benessa with the money they received to return home. 

With so many tasks still to handle, Isolda didn’t have to act too hastily, but she also didn’t have the energy to relax too much.

‘In that respect, I’m grateful for Yuria and Ophelia’s help… if I had to pay attention to the little prince on top of this, it would have been quite a headache,’ she thought. 

It wasn’t that she disliked children, but having a high-ranking person next to her at work was something that required significant attention. Thankful for not having to support others, Isolda continued to focus on her work.

On the other hand, to avoid disturbing Isolda and to assist with the ‘tour’, another purpose of the trip, Yuria and Prince Robert escaped from the hectic blacksmith’s trading scene and were now exploring downtown Milan. Of course, Ophelia and other escorts watched them from a distance, though the two were barely aware of this.

Under the protection of those who didn’t look like guards, the two went from place to place as Isolda had instructed, finally arriving at the cathedral in Milan’s central square. The cathedral’s immense size and its artistic appearance overwhelmed those who saw it.

“This is Milan Cathedral. As you can see, it’s still under construction,” Yuria explained with familiar emotion.

“It’s pretty impressive. It doesn’t look like an ordinary cathedral. How long will it take to complete?” Robert asked.

“About 500 years,” Yuria replied.


“Yes. As you can see, it’s nearly finished, but the bishops in charge of construction keep requesting additions. As a result, the cathedral, which should have been completed 100 years ago, is still under construction.”


The architectural situation of the cathedral made Robert feel dizzy just hearing about it. He began to feel a bit regretful.

Countless workers were visible in front of him, carrying and refining building materials under the blazing sun. The idea that this scene could continue for hundreds of years made him feel a natural sense of compassion as a future leader.

‘500 years… it’s important in terms of art or religion, but how much blood must be squeezed out in the process? Does this building, built with such sacrifices, have that much value?’ Robert thought.

He had learned that religion and art existed for the people’s happiness. For him, the cathedral, despite its greatness, also evoked a sense of bitterness.

Seeing Robert’s contemplative expression, Yuria, unaware of his thoughts, spoke in a lively voice, “Shall we take a break? They sell little things to eat over there.”

“Yes, let’s do that,” Robert agreed.

As they approached a restaurant selling snacks, they witnessed a strange scene.

“So look for it! You said you brought silver coins in your pocket!” a man, presumably a cook, demanded urgently.

“I definitely brought it, but I can’t find it,” one of the girls replied anxiously.

Two girls, who appeared to be twins and around the same age as Yuria and Robert, seemed to be in quite a predicament.

“You think you can get away with this? Little kids like you trying to steal. I should teach you a lesson,” the cook threatened.

“We lost the money! Do you think we want to be in this situation?” one of the girls retorted coldly.

“Do you know how many scammers I deal with daily? Be prepared, I’ll beat you and put you in jail!” the cook warned.

“Try it,” the girl dared, glaring at the much larger man.

At this moment, Yuria intervened, “Wait a minute, what’s going on?”

“These kids ate without paying! Do you know how often I deal with liars like them?” the cook explained.

“If you don’t believe us, there’s nothing we can do. Don’t blame us later,” the girl said meaningfully.

Yuria, recognizing something, urgently spoke, “Can I pay for their food?”

“What…you will?”

“Yes, I will.”

Yuria handed a small pouch containing silver coins to the cook, who accepted it and nodded, “That’s correct. Would you like a meal too?”

“No, we’re done here…” Yuria turned away quickly.

The twin girls, feeling perplexed and grateful, began to think differently.

‘Who is this woman, suddenly clearing up the situation?’ one thought.

‘What should I do? I should thank her,’ the other pondered.

Feeling a mix of doubt and gratitude, Ken Ross and Mino Ross, members of the Predator, began to follow Yuria, who had saved them.

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Check out my other projects: Flower Stealing Master, Rehabilitating the Villainess, I Picked Up an Amnesiac Witch, My Summons Are Special and Dual Cultivation with a Fox Demon,

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