Purple Romance

Chapter 70: 70 Stay away from that woman 2

Chapter 70: 70 Stay away from that woman 2

Ad-Din was getting ready to go to work when he suddenly received a call from his grandfather and went to the old man' quarters to meet him.

When he arrived and went inside, he saw his grandfather's secretary seated with his grandfather and a big brown envelope was placed on the table.

Ad-Din looked at the nosy secretary and he quickly stood up. Ad-Din had never liked this so called secretary of his grandfather for the main reason that he was always doing unnecessary things like reporting his every move to the old man and tailing him.

Actually, last night, when he left the company with Maria, he had a nagging feeling that he was being tailed but he didn't give much thought to it. He didn't want to think or allow anything else to distract him from having a nice time with the woman he loved'

Seeing this secretary so early in the morning only confirmed his thoughts. His grandfather hasn't stopped his dirty tricks yet.

The fact was that, after his accident 8 years ago, his legs got a little immobile and he had to take a lot of time to recuperate and attended rehabilitation, since then his entire family have gotten wary of his health.

Ad-Din understood that they cared about him, but still, he didn't want to be controlled by them especially this old man. He had seen enough of his elder brother's life to know that nothing good came out of his grandfather's meddling.

His elder brother was already in his late thirties yet he was still single because no woman ever satisfied the old man's demands. It was either they were from poor background or people who wanted to take advantage of their family. In short, he called every woman a gold digger.

The secretary stood up nervously after noticing Ad-Din's glare on him. He was especially scared of this second young master because unlike the first young master who followed the dictates of the old Master, this second young master was a born rebel; always doing whatever he wanted.

The secretary looked at the old man and the old man nodded his head, giving him his permission to leave. The secretary didn't waste any more time and curried out of the hall at a faster speed.

Ad-Din who was still standing up saw that the old man had taken the brown envelope and started opening it and he asked 'what do you want? I am busy'

'Is that how to speak to your grandfather? Sit down'. The old man said.

Ad-Din frowned his face and sat across the old man. The old man removed a stack of photos and placed them on the table. Ad-Din looked at the pictures, not the least surprised to see that they were pictures of himself and Maria. He had long expected something like this since he decided to get back together with Maria but this time he was determined to stay true to his feelings.

8 years ago, after his accident, he had accidentally found out that the revoke of Maria's licence wasn't just because of misconduct. This old man had played a great role in it. That was why no matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, he never found a way to let them suspend the revoke. It was because his own grandfather who acted like he cared about her was really the one who made the woman he loved to break up with him.

Even since he found out, his relationship with his grandfather had turned from good to bad and worse over the years. It was one of the reasons why he decided never to join the family's business and start his own business. He didn't want to be controlled by his grandfather.

'I didn't know you were such a cheap and easy man, Ad-Din Denarius?' The old man said sarcastically and Ad-Din chuckled and replied.

'Didn't you know? I thought you knew already, grandfather. I am indeed a cheap and easy man. I'm so easy and cheap that even my family have to place a spy in my company and also another to tail me and report to them about my every move. If this isn't the definition of being cheap, then, I guess I'm mistaken'. Ad-Din looked relaxed and calm as he spoke.

'Rubbish. Nonsense!!!' the old man who was so used to been respected and feared was angered by his grandson's behaviour.

He banged his palm on the glass table and looked sternly at Ad-Din. Ad-Din also looked at him. They were now having a staring contest. Each of them seemed to have a determined resolution and wasn't ready to let the other win.

'Fire that woman and stay away from her!!' He wasn't asking Ad-Din. He was telling him, commanding him to do as he is told.

'Don't you still understand the situation, grandfather? You just said I was a cheap man. Do you think a cheap man does what he is told to do that easily? He wouldn't be label cheap if he listened so well'.

Ad-Din said and picked one of the pictures and looked at it adding 'can I have these photos? I haven't really taken a photo with Maria and she looks especially dashing in these pictures. I must say, your secretary isn't a useless minion after all. He reallyknows how to take good pictures'

'What? So, you won't do as I say, right?' the old man was livid. He never understood Ad-Din's logic or reasoning. To him, Ad-Din's behaviour was just a rebellion and he attributed it to his relationship with Maria.

'You already know the answer, so why are you asking me?' Ad-Din told him and started gathering the pictures.

'Stay away from that woman. No, fire her right away and make sure she is far away from you. I thought she was out of the country? When did she come back and she already has you wrapped around her finger?

Ad-Din, grandpa has lived longer than you and knows people's true colours than you. You are just 27 and that woman is already 30 years. What makes you think she isn't with you because of your family background? Do you need me to prove it to you that she is after your money and nothing else?'

'Tsk. You really try so hard, grandfather. Is that why you acted as if you were in support of our relationship only to go behind me and make them to revoke her licence? Do you want to know why I am always against you? Is because, you the person I trusted the most stabbed me in the back. That was when I realised that, you weren't for me after all. That is why I refused to join the family business'.

'What? How did you know I had a hand in that?' the old man was shocked and surprised.

'I knew about it because we all have the same blood flowing in us and the same name Denarius. Did you think I wouldn't find out? That it wasn't because Karen pushed forward with her obsession, but my own grandfather, who acted as if he cared about me was actually the one trying to separate me from the woman I loved. You were the one who made things difficult for us?'

'I did that because I cared about you. It was all for your own good'.

'You always do things for the wellbeing of others. Even the most unnecessary things are for the good of others, isn't it? Grandfather, since that day I found out, I lost all trust in you'.

'How could you say such words to me? I am your grandfather and I want what is best for you. That woman is a gold digger. She is just an old woman who wants to use you to climb up'.

'Don't talk about my woman that way. Maria is nothing like you just said'.

'You are even defending her? Ad-Din, what has that woman done to you? You are even defending her?'

'You have no right to talk about Maria that way. You know why? Because you are the one who snatched her life away from her. Her career and ambitions as a woman, her dreams and everything that was important to her, you are the one who took that away from her the moment you interfered and made them to revoke her licence. Do you know what you did to her? Because of you, she was still stuck in 8 years ago.

Don't you dare do anything to Maria or else I will be the one you will be dealing with. Tell that idiot that if I ever see him 500m away from Maria or me, my company or wherever I am, I will kill him'.

'How could you, Ad-Din? For that woman?'

'That woman is the woman I love and I won't allow anyone to malign or disrespect her and that includes you, grandpa. I will take these pictures as souvenirs.

For the last time, don't you dare do anything to my woman or you can forget that you have another grandson'.

Ad-Din took the pictures he had gathered and left the quarters. The old man couldn't react fast as he was flustered. By the time he regained his senses, Ad-Din had gone out already.

He banged his fist on the table again making the table to crack across.

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