Purple Romance

Chapter 66: 66 Pretend Nothing happened 2

Chapter 66: 66 Pretend Nothing happened 2

Maria paced to and fro around the stairs of the CEO's floor. She intentionally used the stairs instead of the elevator to lengthened the time used in getting to the office today but even after getting to the CEO's floor where her new office was located she still couldn't gather the courage to walk pass the door and go into her office.

She yawned and leaned against the wall murmuring to herself 'what at all did I do to my boss? I need to remember in order to pretend I didn't remember. Maria Portia Lee, you just can't do anything right'.

Maria's eyes lit up suddenly as a thought crossed her mind. Her lips curved up as she clapped her hands together saying 'this is good, right? If I don't remember anything, then is good. I mean I won't be pretending. No, I can't even pretend about what I obviously don't remember, right? Yes, if Kobby hadn't told me, then I wouldn't have even known what happened before? Why do I have to feel guilty about something I don't even remember? Tsk. Let's be thick-skinned for once and go all out'.

After encouraging herself, she touched the knob and opened the door and immediately she saw Ad-Din and Paul walking to the CEO's elevator and all her courage deflated. She quickly shut the door back and stood at the stairs.

'Aye, I don't even have the courage to be thick-skinned when it comes to him. What do I do? My heart, my stupid heart won't stop disobeying me' Maria looked at the door.

'This isn't right? Why do I have to hide? Is not like I committed a grave sin? A drunken mistake? Anyone could commit a drunken mistake. Why do I have to hide? Let's go Maria'.

Maria opened the door and saw no one at the hallway. She did the sign of the cross and clutched her bag tightly behind her ready to run. She barely took two steps when she saw Ad-Din and Paul still outside in front of the elevator and she quickly turned about to run back to the stairs when a voice spoke behind her.

'Miss Lee?' Ad-Din looked at her.

Maria cussed internally and turned to face them awkwardly and raised her hand saying 'hi. CEO good morning, Paul good morning' forcing a smile.

'It must be a really good morning for you, Miss Lee? You were not trying to run away by any chance were you?'

'Not at all' Maria said seriously and stood straight with her bag still clutched tightly to her side.

'Really? Then, why do I feel that you were trying to run away just now? I hope you were not trying to avoid me by any chance, were you?'

'Not at all, Sir. I have no reason to avoid my boss'

'Then, why did you use the stairs? You just came out from that door, right? I definitely saw you. Paul, aren't I right?' Ad-Din asked and looked at Paul.

'Yes, you did. Even I saw that Miss Lee came out through that door. Boss, I will take the lead and go first' Paul said and immediately pressed the elevator and went inside closing it fast. He didn't want to be the third wheel in his boss' quest for love.

After seeing the elevator close, Ad-Din took unhurried steps towards Maria and she stepped back towards the door before realising she was trapped. By. Him.

'Miss Lee, don't you have anything to say to me?' Ad-Din asked.

'No, sir. I am very satisfied with my work and remuneration. I don't have any grievances'.

'Really? But, that is not what I mean. I am talking about last night'.

'Lastlast night?' Maria hit her back against the door again and Ad-Din successfully trapped her with his two hands. Maria blushed and lowered her head.

'Last night, don't tell me you don't remember what happened, last night?' Ad-Din said and looked at her cunningly, cocking his eyes at her daringly.

'Sir, I usually don't remember anything that happened after I get drunk'.

'Oh, really? So, you don't remember anything? Or are you pretending not to remember? Miss Lee, do you know how I suffered because of you?'

Maria gave an awkward chuckle and shook her head saying 'I'm sorry if I misbehaved. Because you are the bigger person, why don't you let this go? I promise to be well behaved from now onwards'.

'I don't want to'. Ad-Din said and looked at her face.

'Huh? You don't want todo what?' Maria asked.

'The bigger person. I don't want to be the bigger person? You must pay for what you did Maria Portia Lee' Ad-Din said and closed the little gap between them. She blushed and closed her eyes feeling his breathe on her face.

'I am a businessman, Miss Lee' Ad-Din spoke softly into her ears purposefully 'and I always give back as much as I receive. Tell me, do you really not remember what you did last night?' Maria shook her head timidly and pursed her lips.

'I will give you four hours then?' Ad-Din said and moved back maintaining a polite distance between them and Maria now looked up at him.

'Fourfour hours for what?' Maria asked suspiciously.

'Four hours to try to remember what you did to me last night. I have a meeting to attend and an appointment with my doctor who also happens to be the same man that you are living with. When I return from all of that, I want you to come to my office and tell me in details what you did and also how you should be punished for it'.

'Huh? But, what if I can't really remember?'

'Then, I will give you a visual recap of your actions last night'.

'Huh? Visual recap?' Maria said and pursed her lips.

'And I will also take it that you were trying to seduce me and respond appropriately to your seduction' Ad-Din said and smirked before going away.

Maria watched him go into the elevator and she ran into her office and locked it up immediately.

'Visual recap? He doesn't mean that, right?' Maria sat on her chair and sighed 'what have I gotten myself into?'

Conference hall.

Ad-Din kept glancing at his watch as the meeting went on. He would occasionally smile as he pictured a certain someone's flustered face.

Paul who was seated by his side noticed it and shook his head. Looks like the boss' love life was going on well. He thought.


Maria removed her phone and made a call to Kobby.

'Kobby, tell me exactly what you saw last night' Maria spoke first as soon as the call connected.

'What happened? Oh, you mean when you clung unto your CEO and tried to seduce him?'

'I didn't try to seduce him. Can you stop messing with me and tell me what you saw exactly? I am about to be sent to the slaughter house'. Maria said through gritted teach.

'Why? Did your boss ask you to do something concerning last night? Well, he was greatly taken advantage off, it will be surprising if he doesn't tell you to take responsibility for your actions'. Kobby said and added 'I have an appointment with him today, your boss. Should I say a few words for you?'

'I need you to do anything for me. You are not a good friend at all. I'm hanging up'.

'Wait do you really not remember anything?' Kobby asked.

'No, I don't. Why do you ask?'

'Nothing. Cheer up sister'.

'Bye' Maria hung up and leaned back on her chair sighing.


First Hospital.

Kobby looked at the phone call that just ended and laughed. His office door opened and Ad-Din walked in.

'Hi, Mr. Denarius' Kobby said when he saw Ad-Din.

'Just call me Ad-Din. Is a little weird now that we know each other?'

'I know, right? I could never have guessed it. Anyways, you don't have to feel awkward about it'.

'Sure. So, I've been doing the exercise that you recommended the last time before I sleep and I really find it helpful'.

'Really? That is great. You are actually the second person I've tried that exercise on. For most people the after effects of MVAs are the worst moments in their lives and sometimes the Pstd that comes after the accidents makes it hard for patients to be able to move on with their lives. But, you can't stress yourself. It is better to have a healthy lifestyle and a healthy mind-set because that will go a long way to helping you heal faster'.

'I see. So, what kind of activities do you suggest that I do? I realised that since I started following your treatment plan I haven't had a relapse in a while which is good because I am able to carry on with my work well'

'You can engage in healthy activities. Do you have a girlfriend, fiance perhaps?' Kobby asked and looked at him.

Truth was, the question had nothing to do with what they were discussing but he just wanted to know because of Maria.

'No, I don't have anyone like that. I am single'. Ad-Din answered.

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