Purple Romance

Chapter 325: Leslie is a good man

Chapter 325: Leslie is a good man

Standing in front of the leaking bag of wheat flour, Paula sighed, frowning her face as she asked, ''is there no other way to salvage the condition of the wheat flour?'' she turned to look at Felix, whose gaze never left her.

''Miss, the group will be arriving in two hours' time. If there is a way to solve this, then we need to get flour that can be used while we call for the miller to check the condition of the flour''

The hotel was hosting a group of tourists from Trinidad and they had requested for potato Roti with whole wheat flour but because of the sudden change in the temperature due to the weather fluctuations, the flour was affected, hence could not be used.

''How did the flour even get to this state without my knowledge? I was sure I checked their condition before my leave''

''It is probably due to the weather. I suggest we can wheat from somewhere else for now. We cannot disappoint our guests''

''You are right. it will totally ruin the reputation of the hotel. Tell me, do you have any suggestions?''

''I know of a man who can get us whole wheat with the same quality as ours but he lives in a far place, the countryside to be precise and the possibility of him not giving us is also another problem'' Felix scratched his hair.

''That means he is someone that won't be moved by money, right?''


''How far is it from here?''

''Miss, do you are you thinking of going there yourself?''

''Yes, we have no other choice. Wait, actually, we do have a choice. I am going to meet the CEO. Let's talk later'' Paula said and hurried out of the store room. She met Andy at the door and bumped into him.

''Oh, what are you doing here?'' she asked, looking into his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

''I missed you'' Andy said and placed his head on Paula's shoulder as his gaze swept pass to Felix who was standing behind Paula, ''looks like you were coming to me? Is there something you need me for?''

''Right, you almost made me forget my purpose'' Paula stepped aside and held his hand, pulling inside the storage room.

''What is it?'' Andy asked as they walked towards the sacks of wheat flour.

''The weather has made a number on the wheat flour and we need to serve some guests Potato Roti with whole wheat flour. Say, how do you intend to save the damsel in distress?'' Paula winked flirtatiously at him.

''That smile is my ultimate weakness. Consider it done milady'' Andy said and intentionally pulled her closer to himself. As he did, his eyes went to Felix who looked away immediately and silently left.

''Andy, there is someone else here'' Paula tried to stop him as he attempted to kiss her.

''He is gone'' Andy said and started kissing her.

Outside, Felix walked furiously towards the entrance and saw Mali waiting by her car, seemingly for him. he looked at her and they exchanged gazes before she got into her car and drove away.


Lisa was in the kitchen preparing different samples of coffee using the different coffee beans that Leslie had made someone to bring from her caf. He had gone to attend to some matters at his company and she was feeling lonely so she decided to do something.

Taking the five mugs of coffee one after the other to the dining table, she was on her last mug when the door rang and she stopped and turned towards it. she stood for a while, confused and scared at the same time.

Leslie had told her that no one comes here to look for him. He said he would open the door directly when he returned so who was at the door, she thought as she went towards the intercom to check.

Lisa stepped back in fear when she saw the familiar face of Leslie's father standing outside the door. She was about to turn when she heard his voice through the intercom.

''I know that you are inside. You better open up before I do that myself''

Lisa clenched her fists and hurried to the table to pick her phone. She was in the middle of sending a message to Leslie when she saw the doorknob turning and finally opened. She clicked on the send button without completing her sentence and met the man halfway.

''Who are you?'' Mr. Bassey asked Lisa as he scanned her from head to toe.

Lisa came back to her senses and went to the table. she picked her notepad and pen, then wrote her name on it and showed it to the man.

''Hi, I am Lisa. A friend of Leslie''

''You are a friend of Leslie. Can't you talk?'' he asked in an irritated tone.

''I'm sorry but I had an accident and lost my voice. Pardon me'' Lisa wrote in the notepad and showed it to him.

The old man frowned as he looked at Leslie. He turned to the hall and took a seat as he asked, ''so, where is that useless son of mine. What is your relationship with him?''

''I just told you we are friends. Does this man have a hearing problem?'' Lisa looked at him as she asked herself internally.

Lisa wrote on her notepad and pointed it towards him, ''he left for work and will be back late in the night''

''So, do you stay with him? Are you his girlfriend? What kind of accident were you involved in that you had to lose your voice?''

Lisa almost felt dizzy listening to his questions as she stood a distance away from him. She was beginning to wonder if this was the typical meet the father in law sessions shown on TV or what?

''Can't you write again? I'm waiting for an answer'' he pointed at the notepad.

''Which one should I answer first? He asked a lot of questions at once'' Lisa pouted her lips before she started writing her response to give to the man.

''I am staying with him but we are in different rooms. My accident is a personal one that I don't discuss with strangers'' Lisa finished and showed her response to the man who gasped after reading it.

''What was I expecting from someone that idiot picked?'' he commented under his breath and Lisa's gaze turned sharp.

''This man is really going far. Why does he keep insulting Leslie?'' Lisa's glare caught the man's attention and he asked.

''Why? Do you think he is not useless?''

Lisa nodded her head and went to the dining table first. She returned with one of the mugs of coffee and handed it over to the man. when he looked at her with a confused gaze, she pointed at the mug and placed it in front of him before she sat across him and started writing something seriously.

Mr. Bassey looked at Lisa skeptically before he picked the mug and said to her, ''do you know who I am?''

Lisa looked at him and nodded her head.

''Then, if you do, you should know that I don't drink any cheap coffee''

''This isn't cheap coffee, old man. Just suck it up and wait for me'' Lisa cocked her brows at him.

''Your gaze tells me to just suck it up and drink the dame coffee, right?'' the man asked and Lisa smirked.

''Ha'' Mr. Bassey chuckled and shook his head before he took the mug and sipped the coffee. His eyes lit up immediately and he looked up to face Lisa whose gaze was already on him.

''Does it feel like any ordinary coffee, old man?''

Mr. Bassey clear his throat as he said to himself internally, ''why do I feel that this girl is silently insulting me in her head? That sly gaze. Where did Leslie get such a woman from? Plus, she makes such good coffee''

Lisa flipped a page at him and he read it, ''you don't have to leave some, there is plenty of that same coffee on the table. I don't mind handing out free bees to you, sir. Since I was just doing them because I felt lonely''

Mr. Bassey coughed and glared at Lisa, 'I don't drink a lot of coffee in the afternoon. Don't act up just because your coffee is nice''

Lisa placed the notepad in front of him and pointed at it. The old man glared at her before taking it. He flipped at page after another, reading what she wrote in them.

''Leslie is not useless. He is the most hardworking man I've seen. A useless man wouldn't be able to achieve all that your son has achieved. Sir, calling a grown man an idiot is unfair to him''

''Oh, this woman. I am sure you must have a lot to say?'' Mr. Bassey twisted and pouted his lips as he continued to read.

Sir, Leslie is a good man, so stop trying to put him down. Since you came, you've said nothing good about him. Are you sure he is your son and not adopted?''

The old man pointed at Lisa furiously saying, ''you are you lecturing me right now?''

Please do check out my other books.

Bullet Heart

Love The Psycho

Witness: Hello My Love!!

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