Purple Romance

Chapter 119: 119 Because I was the one left behind 2

Chapter 119: 119 Because I was the one left behind 2


Psychiatric and Physiotherapy department

Dr. Kobby's office.

Kobby returned from his evening rounds and opened his office and saw Maria seated on his chair and looked at her surprised.

''Want to have a drink with me, bestie?'' Maria said and pointed at a mini carton of beer she brought on the table. Kobby looked at her and sighed. Her eyes gave her away.

''Let me change before that'' Kobby said and removed his doctor's coat. He went over to his wardrobe table and poured the sanitizer on the table into her hands and wiped his hands as he asked 'did something happen? Did Ad-Din bully you?''

''No. I didn't even get to see him the whole day because he was busy. I came here from the company'' Maria said.

''Then, I guess is not related to your relationship?'' Kobby said and took his blazer.

''I hope I didn't inconvenience you? Did you have a date with Calia?'' Maria asked as she stood up.

''I did, but I will call her to pick Tiana up first at her grandparents' place and I will see her later' Kobby said and pulled Maria into a hug 'is this hug okay? To calm you down?' Maria nodded before Kobby released her and picked the beer 'let's find somewhere to drink all this''

Maria smiled and they went out together. they got into Kobby's car and he drove away after sending a message to Calia.

Kobby pulled over at the river side and they got down and walked to the stairs leading to the down side of the water. They sat on the stairs and without a word said, they started to drink. It was more like Kobby watching Maria drink. Because he was the one driving, he was sipping a water from a bottle.

''I saw her for the first time since she left 20 years ago. She hadn't aged even a little. And seems to be having a good life. Tsk, I can't believe I got jealous of her''.

Kobby looked at Maria and felt pity for her. Maria hardly spoke about her mother even when Lexis was alive. Her mother was like a taboo that no one ever mentioned or talked about. He didn't know what suddenly caused her to breakdown because of her so called mother but he was beginning to get worried about Maria.

''She never said she loved me nor did she ever hug me before. I guess that must be why I am so obsessed with hugging people. Because my own mother never hugged me before. That selfish woman only cared about herself. Why didn't she take me with her? Why did she leave me? I want to hate her so much, but I can't. because I feel that I am living under her shadow. Ah!!'' Maria chuckled ''lately I've been having horrible dreams. I dreamt that she suddenly appeared and did something huge, something unforgivable and was actually worried. nave old me, I even got Monroe to investigate her whereabouts and that was when I found out that she was having a blast while I was worried for nothing. I was the only one who was still hanged up over the past. I was the only one who still expected something from her. I wonder if she had ever thought about me even once before''

''Because she is your mother no matter what you can't change anything about that'' Kobby said.

''I can't ever forgive her for abandoning me. I was just barely a teen when she left me. I didn't even have my first period before she was gone. Do you know how scared I was when I first had my period?''

Maria asked rhetorically as she took another can and opened it to drink. ''I so scared that I almost wept because I had no mother to teach me or put old pads on my heated body. When I had a fever, I had no one to take care of me. I realised I had truly turned into a child no one wanted''

''That's not true. You are wanted. You matter and you are important, Portia'' Kobby said to her.

''I was my own mother, sister, brother and father until my aunt came for me and then I met Lex. Do you know how scary it is to be alone? To know that even if you died, there won't be anyone to miss you? But, to think that she could still eat and sleep soundly even after abandoning me hurts so much. To think that she left me because she felt I was a burden hurts so much. I hate her for having a good life when I went through so much''

Kobby saw a car pull over and he turned and saw Ad-Din walking out of the car towards them worriedly.

'What is wrong with her?' Ad-Din asked as soon as he got there.

''Something happened with her but is best to hear it from herself. Now that you are here, I have to hurry up. Calia and Tiana are alone at home. I need to go'' Kobby said and stood up. Maria turned and looked up and saw Ad-Din and chuckled.

''Oh, that is my husband. The only person who came back after abandoning me'' Maria said.

''What is she saying?'' Ad-Din asked a little confused.

''Is related to her mother. She is wasted, you better take her home'' Kobby said and went away to his car. he had called Ad-Din earlier to tell him to pick up Maria.

Ad-Din helped Maria to the car and buckled her safety belt before joining her in the driver's seat. Maria kept murmuring as she leaned against the car seat.

''She abandoned me and is living a good life. What a relief. I don't have to worry about her anymore. She belongs to the past''

Ad-Din looked at her and drove away.

Denarius Mansion.

Ad-Din pulled over and got down in front of his quarters and saw Max also arriving in his car. The family butler came forth to take the car from Ad-Din. Ad-Din held Maria up from the car. she was dead drunk. Max walked to them and looked at Maria and asked worriedly.

''What happened to her, Ad? Is Maria drunk?''

''She is drunk'' Ad-Din said and Maria looked at Max and said.

''Oh, that's my brother in law. Let me warn you. On one is allowed to leave me alone like the way that woman did. I won't forgive anyone who leaves my side'' Maria babbled on.

''I will send her inside first'' Ad-Din said.

''Sure, send her inside first. I wanted to talk to you about something but it can wait till tomorrow. Attend to Maria first'' Max said.

''Is it important?'' Ad-Din asked and Max shook his head.

''No, don't worry about it. It's just a trivial matter. I will see you tomorrow'' Max said and went back towards his quarters.

Ad-Din finally sent Maria inside and placed her in the bathtub. He removed her clothes and bathed her before sending her to the bed. He covered her up and sat next to her as she still rambled on.

''She left me to pursue a better life. I was the who was left behind. Why am I the only one feeling the pain while she is having a good life? That selfish woman'' she pouted her lips and drifted into sleep. Ad-Din got up and went to change his clothes that were now wet. He had gone outstation to solve some issues that cropped up while he was sick and couldn't go to work. He just left her for a day and she was already like this? Ad-Din frowned and murmured to himself.

''Who exactly is this woman that you are talking about? You never ever spoke about her to me before. I just hope is nothing serious. I don't want to see you in pain while I stand by helpless not being able to help you''

Meanwhile Max also got to his quarters and thought about what Maria drunkenly said. He wasn't sure but it seemed related to that woman. Did that woman already contact Maria? Truth was, he didn't know how to go about it for the matter to not hurt everyone but it seemed no matter how he thought about it. there was no way, this matter would pass without affecting their family. The woman who made his woman's life hell turned out to be his sister in law's mother. He couldn't let Alecia Maria Lee continue with her business because people's lives were in danger especially innocent girls. She was operating a prostitution business using teenagers against their will. She had connections with the state government and she was Maria's mother. They were linked together at the end of the day.

Max sat down and poured a glass of whiskey for himself and sipped as he thought about things. He didn't know who this would affect Ad-Din and Maria's relationship and he didn't want to see them apart because of the truth in his hands.

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