Purple Romance

Chapter 115: 115 Alecia Maria Lee 2

Chapter 115: 115 Alecia Maria Lee 2

The movie finished and everyone started leaving the theatre. Max and Marvel were the first to get out and they waited for Kobby, Calia, Ad-Din and Maria to join them. Max took hold of Marvel's hand and intertwined them together and she looked at him feeling a warm feeling spread all over her.

The others joined them and they walked towards the car park. They got into their cars and drove out. Marvel looked at Max as he curved into the road and asked ''what are you going to do with that person?''

''Don't worry. I will make sure he never appears in front of you again'' Max told her.

''I want to meet him'' Marvel said.

''Why?'' Max asked.

''I want to ask him why he did that to me? I want to know how he was able to eat and sleep after doing what he did to me?'' Marvel said and choked on her voice. Max pulled over and the other overtook them but didn't stop. He turned to Marvel and held her chin and turned her to face him.

''Hey, look at me. Marvel, look at me'' Max said to her and she opened her eyes which were closed and her tears trimmed down.

''I'm sorry. I don't know why I am suddenly acting this way'' Marvel said.

''Is alright. Is okay to cry because what you went through was horrible, but is not okay to cry because of that trash and whatever he said to you today. If you want to cry, I will let you cry all you want but after tonight, you are not allowed to shed tears over the past again. Do you hear me?'' Max said and Marvel nodded her head.

''I won't cry anymore'' Marvel said and Max smiled and wiped her tears with his handkerchief.

''That' my girl. That trash appeared for only one thing. To pay for what he did to you. I will make sure he pays for what he did to you, I promise''

''But, his family is so powerful?'' Marvel said.

''Do you think anyone if more powerful than my family in this country?'' Max asked and Marvel shook her head. ''Good. Your man is a powerful person. From now onwards, you don't have to be polite to anyone. You are allowed to misbehave. I will take care of you''

''You just sound like the CEOs in Chinese novels'' Marvel said and chuckled.

''But, that at least made you laugh?'' Max said and pinched her cheeks.

''It did'' Marvel said and Max leaned closer toward her. She blushed and felt a wave of warm spread through her. Her heart was beating fast and her eyes couldn't look anywhere but his lips that was getting closer to hers by the second. She instinctively closed her eyes as she felt his lips on her. Max was testing the waters by going slow but after seeing no sign of rejection, he leaned even closer and slipped his tongue into her mouth deepening the kiss until he heard a soft moan from her and almost lost control and stopped immediately.

The kiss was just for a few minutes but their chemistry took both of them by surprise. Marvel blushed and lowered her gaze and bit her lips shyly. Her response to his kiss was something that surprised she herself. She felt like her whole body was suddenly lit up on fire the moment he kissed her. The feeling that overtook her was powerful and intense.

''I will send you to the quarters and go out for an appointment. I promise I won't keep long'' Max said.

''Are wegoing back to your place?'' Marvel asked and blushed.

''If you feel that I'm rushing, I can send you to your apartment'' Max said.

''Is just that all this is new to me. I am also a little scared of that'' Marvel said and turned her face away as she pointed at Max's erection and blushed.

''This is a normal reaction because I am with the woman I am attracted to. You should get used to seeing it. But, don't worry, I know you have bad memories of it so we will take it slow. I will get you ready for that stage slowly, little by little'' Max said and Marvel blushed. He smiled and drove away.


Max arrived in a totally different outfit compared to the bright coloured clothes he wore just a few minutes ago. He had changed into a black shirt and pants and arrived at his secret basement which was underground of the mansion. It was the place he usually dealt with scumbags and people who messed with him.

Max's secretary who was at the door led Max inside and show him the current appearance of Jones Cambridge. He was beaten to a pulp and his face was swollen. Max pulled a chair and sat in front of Jones Cambridge and stretched his hand at his secretary and the latter handed him a stack of papers saying.

''Those are the contracts under Cambridge investment. These are also evidence of their tax invasion, funds embezzlement and a paper company where all the investment from the invested go into. In short, just as you predicted, they are a messed up company''.

''Who are you people? Why are you doing this to me?'' Jones Cambridge asked as he looked at Max. his hands were hanged and tied with a robe while his whole body stood on ground.

''That is my question exactly. Why did you do that to her?'' Max asked back and Jones Cambridge looked at him again and now recognised him.

''You are the man who was with Marvel. That messed up kid. What is your relationship with you? Let me tell you, she is not that pure. A few or even more than hundred men have probably gone through her'' Jones Cambridge said and Max's face darkened. His secretary seeing his face handed him a pair of boxing gloves and said.

''Boss, I prepared these for you"

''Good job, Jin'' Max said and took the gloves from his secretary. Jones Cambridge's face turned uglier as he saw this and asked.

''Why are you doing this to me because of a slut? Let me tell you, my father is Leonardo Cambridge. He will let you suffer a 100 more times than this if you dare lay a hand on me''

''Really?'' Max let out a sinister chuckle before adding ':now, you have just a minute to tell me exactly what you did to my woman and why you did that to her. Or else, you and your entire family will not even be able to have a peaceful life anymore. Your time starts now'' Max put on the pair of gloves and sat back on the chair. He crossed his legs and folded his arms around his chest, leaned against the chair relaxed and looked at Jones Cambridge with a lazy gaze.

Jones Cambridge soon realised the situation wasn't in his favour started speaking ''turns out she is giving it to you real good. That's all you are doing this to me. shouldn't you be grateful to me then? If I hadn't sent her to that place, I bet she wouldn't have learnt how to please a man considering how reserved she was. Then again, people like her are there to please men like us and be at our beck and call. Isn't that the case?'' Jones Cambridge said and laughed. Max turned and looked at Jin, his secretary and the latter understood what he meant. Jin snapped his finger and two men came into the basement, one holding a sharp kitchen knife and other holding a plastic storage bowl filled with ice cubes.

''Make sure you cut it clean. Take your time in doing it. We are not in a hurry'' Jin said to the men who entered and they nodded their heads and went towards Jones Cambridge.

''What are you people going to do to me?'' he screamed at Max.

''Your tongue and your little penis. Your parents will receive that as a parting gift and your body will be fed to the fishes in the see. you will be forgotten by everyone and your existence will be wiped clean from this world. You won't even have a tomb in your name because I will make sure your parents do not get out of this either. They will be busy with their lives in prison to care about a son who was no more. That is for messing with the woman I love'' Max said calmly to him and Jones Cambridge's face turned ashen.

''I will tell you. Please, I will tell you everything. Please forgive me'' Jones Cambridge said and Max gave him a knowing look.

''You can go ahead and tell boss now. You two can go back. I will call you when we need you'' Jin said to the men.

''What do you want to know? I promise to tell you everything'' Jones Cambridge said when he saw the two men departing the same way they came.

''You didn't send Marvel to that place just to gamble. You already knew and had a plan before sending her there. You received money and sold her out to those men because that was what you did all the time. You were the middleman while sent innocent unsuspecting girls to those men who now send them away to brothel houses, right?'' Max asked confidently.

The investigations he did all pointed to Jones Cambridge as the middleman who sold girls to the men who worked with the brothel houses that hosted illegal prostitution.

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