Purple Romance

Chapter 101: 101 How could you cuckold me after proposing to me?

Chapter 101: 101 How could you cuckold me after proposing to me?




''Are you still not done yet?'' Ad-Din spoke as he sat on the bed. When they arrived, Maria went straight to the bathroom to wash up while Ad-Din decided to make her a cup or cinnamon tea to calm her nerves. She seemed to have been suddenly stressed up about their first time spending the night together after been apart for 8 years.

Maria walked out of the bathroom of the bathroom wearing Ad-Din's white shirt and blushed as she stood at the door not daring to move further. The shirt reached to her mid thighs leaving the rest of her legs bear.

''Maria, for once I was about to think that you were still a teenager in love'' Ad-Din teased her and she glared at him.

''Don't you have something more comfortable? I don't feel comfortable wearing this and the sleeves are long. My hands are all covered'' Maria said.

''I like seeing you like this. do you have any idea how many nights I have dreamt of this moment?'' Ad-Din said and walked towards her and her stomach suddenly growled. Maria flushed and covered her stomach. ''You are even hungry at a time like this?'' Ad-Din asked and chuckled.

''This is all your fault. I didn't eat because I wanted to fit into the dress and look good for you'' Maria said.

''Not bad. I really wanted to kiss you badly but I think we need to handle that stomach first. Come with me'' Ad-Din held her hand and pulled her out to the kitchen.

Maria watched Ad-Din as he opened the fridge, bringing out eggs and vegetables. She sat on the kitchen high chair watching him.

''What should I help you with?'' Maria asked.

''Nothing, just sit down and wait. I am going to make a simple pasta dish for you'' Ad-Din said.

''Oh. I really wanted to help you'' Maria pouted her lips.

''You can only help me by staying put and doing nothing. I still remember the last dish you made, we are not having a repeat of that'' Ad-Din teased her.

''Tsk, you are so petty'' Maria said and went to the fridge, she opened it and brought out two cans of beer and placed them on the table.

''You want to drink?'' Ad-Din asked.

''Oh, I'm suddenly craving beer'' Maria answered as she unscrewed the can.

''Maria, you are not drinking beer to avoid me doing something to you tonight, are you?'' Ad-Din asked and frowned and Maria pursed her lips. ''I was right. You are such a dangerous woman. How could you plan to cuckold me after proposing to me tonight?'' Ad-Din asked and Maria looked at him.

''What do you mean by cuckold, I didn't cheat on you or betray you. how could you use such a word?'' Maria asked as her face suddenly flushed.

''This is considered a betrayal. You totally fooled me and got my hope high only to deflate my tires before I even hit home run?''

''Home run? Ad, you are such a hooligan. Did you think I would allow you to sleep with me so easily and fast? You were the one who was avoiding me. You hid away from me for a whole month. You are even lucky I didn't dump you. consider this your punishment for what you did to me. I had to even plan and organise a proposal party. I have already broken a record by being among the first women to propose to their boyfriends'' Maria glared at him.

Ad-Din placed the pasta into the saucepan and walked closer to her. the counter divided them but the distance was shortened by his tall figure. Maria blushed at their proximity. She wanted to turn and he held her chin and turned her to face him. He leaned in closer and kissed her and she stood stupefied. She didn't expect him to kiss her but she still soon responded and just when she wanted the kiss to go on he broke the kiss and snapped his figure at her.

''Are you sure you can even avoid me tonight? You seem to respond so eagerly to my kisses?'' Ad-Din teased her and she pushed him away and frowned.

''I'm not talking to you again'' Maria said and went away to the hall with the two cans of beer.

''Don't drink too much or your stomach will hurt. You still haven't eaten yet'' Ad-Din said behind her and she turned and stick her tongue out at him before going. Ad-Din chuckled and shook his head before getting back to eating the pasta dish.

Maria turned on the television and they were showing a popular series on Netflix she used to watch back at California. It was an American series titled 'the real housewives of Beverly Hills' Maria sat cross legged on the sofa and watched the series.

After some time, Ad-Din finished the food and served two portions into two plates and placed them on the table and walked to her. He stood behind her and leaned closer to her ears and spoke sensually making her to blush.

''Food is ready, my love'' Ad-Din said and held her hand, pulling her up and added ''or do you need me to carry you to the table? I could totally do that for you''

''I can walk'' Maria said and stood up. she followed him to the table and gasped at the pasta saying ''whoa, you made this so soon?'' Ad-Din pulled out a chair for her and she sat on it.

''Yes, I hope to score some brownie points from the mother of my kids. Taste it and give me your rate'' Ad-Din said and Maria looked at him and shook her head before she picked her cutlery. Ad-Din sat across her and watched her expression as she placed the food into her mouth.

Maria's eyes lit up and she looked at him saying ''Ad, let's divide the responsibilities. I will do the laundry and cleaning; you can be in charge of the cooking from now onwards. This food is so good. I don't think I will ever be able to cook like you in this lifetime'' Maria said.

''Is it that good?'' Ad-Din asked as he smiled at her exaggerated expression.

''Totally, this pasta is so heavenly'' Maria said and started eating quickly.

''Eat slowly or you will get indigestion'' Ad-Din said and stood up. He went behind her and held her hair up and tied it with a band leaving only her bangs.

''Thank you'' Maria murmured with food in her mouth and Ad-Din laughed.

''I didn't know you were such a glutton? Does a pig live in your stomach?''

''Watch your words, Mister. I am appreciating food, okay? People like you who know how to cook good food should rejoice when someone appreciate it like I am doing''

''Right you are right. Everything my wife says is right. since you like my cooking, I will just have to take care of cooking from now onwards. You can be in charge of looking pretty every day. The housekeeper will handle the cleaning and every other thing that needs to be taken care of''

''Whoa. The feeling of being pampered is really satisfying. I am totally oozing with happiness from within me'' Maria said and snatched Ad-Din's plate, moving it to her side ''let me finish this. I didn't know I was this hungry''

''You are even now stealing my food? Maria, aren't you afraid I might demand something in return?'' Ad-Din said and Maria looked at him.

''Well, you need to eat a lot because I don't intend to stop until day break. The night is still young and tomorrow is weekend'' Ad-Din added and Maria choked on the food and coughed. ''Sorry, here, drink some water''

''This is all your fault. talking about such things while I'm eating'' Maria frowned and looked at him. ''I'm not eating again. I just lost my appetite. You. Are sleeping in the hall tonight'' Maria said sternly.

''What? We are not even married yet and you already want me to sleep in the hall. Maria, are you trying to get rid of me after using me?''

''I didn't use you, okay?''

''You just ate the food that I prepared and now you don't want me to sleep on the bed?''

''Well, who asked you to be so obscene. Is late, I want to sleep'' Maria said and stood up to go and Ad-Din held her hand and pulled her closer to himself. He wrapped his hands around her waist and said in a soft tone to her.

''You had your dinner, now is my turn to have mine too'' Maria opened her mouth to speak and Ad-Din used that opportunity to invade her mouth. He kissed her until her legs gave way and she was about to fall and he lifted her up sending her to the bedroom.

Soon as they got to the bedroom, their clothes were already out of their bodies. Maria didn't have time to register the time the shirt on her was unbuttoned and removed. Ad-Din kissed her slowly putting her in the bed and moving closer to her. The night was filled with passionate moans.

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