Protect Our Patriarch

Book 4: Chapter 30: I! Zong An, the great prodigy! Pay up!


Guilong City, also known as Shangjing City or the Imperial Capital.

It has always been the political, military, economic, martial, cultural, and even fashion center of the Great Qian. One could say it is the heart of the entire nation.

Thus, it is also a prime place for making a name and climbing the social ladder.

Every year, countless ambitious young experts and powerful families, unwilling to remain local tyrants forever, come here, hoping to make a mark in Guilong City.

However, most of them return home defeated and dejected.

Only a very select few manage to barely gain a foothold in Guilong City, relying on generations of hard work and accumulation to eventually become part of the city.

As a result, those who live in Guilong City often have a natural sense of superiority and are generally more arrogant than local powerful families.

The sudden rise of the great prodigy Miss Liyao, who crushed the younger generation of Guilong City with an invincible stance, not only skyrocketed her fame but also shattered the pride of the city's youth, deeply stimulating them.

Many young prodigies began to work harder, entering a mode of rigorous cultivation.

Especially the Little Commandery Prince Wu Zhixing, who was knocked unconscious on the spot, has been urged by his elders to train daily. Treasures and elixirs are being thrown at him as if they cost nothing, all in the hope that one day Wu Zhixing can avenge his humiliation and prove to the world that the royal family is still the strongest.

In addition, Shangguan Yunque of the fourth-grade Guilong Shangguan's Clan has also been living in seclusion, either cultivating or comprehending the Dao daily.

At his strong request, the clan's total resources have been continuously tilted in his favor.

As a great prodigy, Shangguan Yunque is the key to the Shangguan's Clan's future promotion to third-grade. His status within the clan is undoubtedly extremely high. As long as he has a need, the clan will certainly do everything possible to meet his growth.

As one of the "Top Ten Families" in Guilong City, the Shangguan's Clan is renowned and highly respected even among the many powerful families in the city.

The main residence of the Shangguan's Clan is located in the southern part of Guilong City. With the clan's growing strength, the main residence has been expanded several times and is now quite large.

The outer walls of the main residence are irregular in shape, winding and twisting like a "city wall." The area enclosed by this "city wall" is almost the size of a medium-sized town.

The courtyards are scattered like stars, with countless trees and flowers, and even a man-made lake covering hundreds of acres, as well as a complex man-made water system running through the entire main residence.

This is the strength and heritage of a fourth-grade powerful family. Even in the land-scarce Guilong City, they can still own such a luxurious and large main residence.

In terms of history and heritage, the current Changning Wang's Clan is still far inferior to the Guilong Shangguan's Clan. However, in terms of development potential, the Shangguan's Clan is far behind the Changning Wang's Clan.

In the backyard of the Shangguan's Clan's main residence, there is a martial training ground covering thousands of acres.

The great prodigy Shangguan Yunque is diligently practicing the Basalt Battle Technique.

He is wearing ancient and heavy Basalt Armor, holding a Basalt Spear exuding a murderous aura. Every move is solid and unpretentious, as heavy as a mountain, with the fierce momentum of sweeping through thousands of troops and fighting for life on the battlefield.

Behind him, a huge and solid Kylin manifestation follows Shangguan Yunque back and forth on the training ground, running like the wind, roaring like thunder, displaying the unparalleled ferocity of the king of beasts.

Yes, Shangguan Yunque's main cultivation technique is the Battlefield Combat Technique.

In single combat, he might be at a slight disadvantage, but once on the battlefield with thousands of troops, he can sweep through enemy formations, unstoppable.

Shangguan Yunque is also a person with great fortune.

His set of spirit treasure-level Basalt Armor and Basalt Spear, as well as his cultivation technique "Kylin Basalt True Technique," were all obtained from the clan's secret inheritance site through his strength and luck.

In the future, if he joins the military, he is likely to achieve great military exploits and earn a marquis title for the Shangguan's Clan, securing a hereditary marquis position for generations.

At that time, the Shangguan's Clan can enter the ranks of the nobility, gaining a series of preferential treatments, greatly enhancing the clan's heritage.

As for the position of duke, that is beyond the Shangguan's Clan's wildest dreams. After all, the Great Qian is extremely cautious about conferring dukes and marquises. Unless one is a founding hero or has extraordinary military exploits, it is almost impossible to be conferred as a duke.

In the vast Great Qian, with thousands of families, there are currently only two dukedoms and two marquisates.

In the distance.

The younger generation of the Shangguan's Clan, while cultivating, all cast admiring and reverent glances at Shangguan Yunque. He is the great prodigy of the Shangguan's Clan, the hope for the family's rise.

In the hearts of many young members of the Shangguan's Clan, Shangguan Yunque is a god-like figure. Even Wu Zhixing of the royal family is only relying on the royal family's support and countless precious resources to achieve his current fame. If the situation were reversed, who knows who would be stronger?

As for the rumors that Miss Liyao and Shangguan Yunque had a private duel, resulting in Shangguan Yunque's complete defeat, no one within the Shangguan's Clan believes it. They think it is just Miss Liyao boasting to create a reputation.

What is Shangguan Yunque's strength? He is a great prodigy at the seventh level of the Celestial Realm. How could he lose to a woman under seventy?

As Shangguan Yunque was diligently cultivating, a gatekeeper suddenly hurried over and whispered a few words to him.

Shangguan Yunque's expression changed from bewilderment to surprise, then to seriousness. After instructing the gatekeeper, he took off his armor and left in a hurry.

Two hours later, inside the main residence of the Shangguan's Clan.

In the "Immortal Guest Pavilion" used to entertain distinguished guests, a group of young and beautiful maidservants gracefully served plates of rare fruits, dried meat, fish jerky, candied fruits, and other delicacies.

These snacks, regardless of type, were all made from the finest ingredients and meticulously prepared.

The maidservants, each young and beautiful with extraordinary temperament, had deep and restrained auras, indicating they all had Basalt cultivation.

Such high-level maidservants, if placed in various commanderies and guards, could be the precious gems of eighth or ninth-grade families.

Such a grand display is worthy of a powerful family with thousands of years of heritage.

Even within the Shangguan's Clan, this is already a very high standard of hospitality, not every guest qualifies for such treatment.

In the Immortal Guest Pavilion, there were only a few people, each with an extraordinary aura and imposing presence.

The host, a man in a purple formal robe with a calm demeanor and restrained sharpness, exuded a mature and steady aura. His every move was graceful and composed, making guests feel at ease and welcomed.

His name was Shangguan Zhenhai, a talented figure from the direct line of the Shangguan's Clan, who had served as the clan leader for two hundred years. Under his leadership, the clan had thrived and prospered.

He was a capable clan leader.

Shangguan Zhenhai, a prodigy in his youth, had many moments of glory, though he did not make it to the Top Ten Outstanding Youths. He was best known for the Shangguan's Clan's Basalt Sword Technique "Breaking Army Sword Art," known for its grand and heroic swordsmanship, earning him the nickname "One Sword Calms the Sea."

Fifty years ago, Shangguan Zhenhai broke through the Celestial Realm's barrier and became the fifth Purple Mansion Realm ancestor of the Shangguan's Clan. Typically, a fourth-grade clan leader would step down after reaching the Purple Mansion Realm to focus on cultivation.

However, Shangguan Zhenhai continued as clan leader due to his successful leadership and the clan's rise.

Moreover, with the emergence of a great prodigy in the clan, aiming for third-grade status, the clan needed to elevate its standards.

Thus, the Shangguan's Clan tacitly supported Shangguan Zhenhai as clan leader, preparing for the future. Future clan leaders would need to match Shangguan Zhenhai's level.

Besides Shangguan Zhenhai, the main reception included a white-bearded, imposing Purple Mansion Realm elder and the clan's pride, the great prodigy Shangguan Yunque.

Additionally, there was a mature and beautiful woman with a peach-like temperament—Shangguan Bilian.

Typically, Lady Bilian, as an external married woman, would not participate in clan affairs. However, one of the guests was the young clan leader of the Changning Wang's Clan from Longzuo Commandery.

Lady Bilian and the Changning Wang's Clan, both sixth-grade families from Longzuo, had regular interactions. Her presence facilitated smoother communication.

In the past, a visit from the unknown Changning Wang's Clan would not have warranted much attention. At most, a regular Celestial Realm elder would have been sent to entertain them.

But since Miss Liyao's rise in the capital, the Changning Wang's Clan's status had soared, catching the attention of many bigwigs. No one dared to underestimate them, especially considering Miss Liyao.

However, the young clan leader of the Changning Wang's Clan alone would not have warranted such attention. The special treatment was due to the presence of Commandery Prince An, one of the contemporary Quasi-Imperial Heirs.

Though not as prominent as Commandery Prince Kang, Commandery Prince An was still a Quasi-Imperial Heir, a great prodigy-level commandery prince. Even if he failed in the Imperial Heir Struggle, he would still be a Divine Realm prince in the future.

Such a person visiting could not be taken lightly by the Shangguan's Clan.

After some pleasantries, the atmosphere turned slightly serious and tense.

To the Shangguan's Clan, Commandery Prince An's visit, accompanied by the young clan leader of the Changning Wang's Clan, seemed like an attempt to gain their support.

Refusing might create a rift with Commandery Prince An.

This caused some discomfort among the Shangguan's Clan members. Commandery Prince An's request seemed almost impossible, putting everyone in a difficult position.

"Ha ha ha~" Lady Bilian laughed to lighten the mood, "I didn't expect to see Young Clan Leader Zong'an here while visiting my family in the capital. It's only been a year or two, but you seem more composed, much like Master Shouzhe."

Wang Zong'an smiled, "Lady Bilian flatters me. Compared to my father, I am far behind. But Lady Bilian looks more radiant than ever. I almost didn't recognize you."

"Of course, being away from your father has been quite refreshing," Lady Bilian laughed, "When one's mood is good, one naturally looks radiant. By the way, I heard your family caught a Yuan Shui Azure Flood Dragon. Congratulations! I hope it transforms into a dragon soon and becomes the Wang's Clan's guardian spiritual beast."

She thought to herself, with a Purple Mansion Realm guardian spiritual beast, the Wang's Clan should stop relying on our Fire Fox Ancestor.

"I've been away from home for some time and only learned about it through letters," Wang Zong'an replied gracefully, "It's a pleasant surprise to meet Lady Bilian here. It's always nice to see a familiar face in a foreign place."

Nice my foot.

Lady Bilian rolled her eyes internally.

She had stayed with her family for so long because of the pressure from your father. As a dignified fourth-grade direct descendant, she had been coaxed and tricked into this alliance.

The worst part was that she hadn't gained any advantage over Wang Shouzhe.

But she couldn't say that out loud. Instead, she smiled and said, "It must be fate. Let's have a few more drinks at tonight's welcome banquet."

They continued with more meaningless conversation, quickly lightening the atmosphere.

Shangguan Yunque frowned secretly. His sister's relationship with the Changning Wang's Clan was deeper than he thought, even knowing many family details.

First Wang Liyao, now Wang Zong'an, both pushed forward by his sister Shangguan Bilian. He couldn't help but think more about it.

He coughed and said to Wang Zong'an, "Young Clan Leader Zong'an, your visit with His Highness Commandery Prince An, is it true that your Changning Wang's Clan is..."

He left the sentence unfinished, drawing everyone's attention.

"The rumors are true," Wang Zong'an smiled calmly, "Our Changning Wang's Clan has decided to support His Highness Commandery Prince An in the Imperial Heir Struggle. My sister's rise in the capital was also to boost his and our clan's reputation."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Zhenhai and the Purple Mansion Realm elder Shangguan Liyan remained unfazed, as if they had expected it.

They understood that the great prodigy trials often had underlying purposes, and this time was no exception.

They were seasoned individuals and knew this was likely a move by Commandery Prince An to create momentum, using a great prodigy as a banner to contend with Gongyang Ce from Commandery Prince Kang's side.

This time, Miss Liyao's performance far surpassed Gongyang Ce's, her reputation soaring, overshadowing him.

It was clear that in the upcoming Holy Son Struggle after the Imperial Heir Struggle, Miss Liyao would be a formidable opponent for Gongyang Ce.

Despite Gongyang Ce's early entry into the Purple Mansion Realm, at the great prodigy level, bloodline potential, willpower, and character were more critical.

Typically, great prodigies would not take more than two hundred years to reach the Purple Mansion Realm, and the process would be smooth. With Miss Liyao's bloodline potential, she would naturally be a Purple Mansion Realm expert by the time the Holy Son Struggle began.

Among the group, only Shangguan Yunque looked slightly embarrassed. He was one of the stepping stones for Wang Liyao's rise. Rumors in the capital said he was beaten like a dog by Wang Liyao.

In reality, he only lost by a small margin, mainly due to equipment. If he had a Divine Spirit Artifact, the outcome might have been different.

But that was unavoidable. Unlike the royal family, few families could produce a Divine Spirit Artifact. The Shangguan's Clan, still a fourth-grade family, couldn't afford such treasures.

The rumors were likely spread by Prince Dexin's faction to divert attention from Wu Zhixing's defeat.

Feeling frustrated, Shangguan Yunque said coldly, "Commandery Prince An, Young Clan Leader Zong'an. Even with Miss Liyao's support, your chances are still weak. Besides, our Shangguan's Clan is loyal to the emperor. We will support whichever commandery prince inherits the throne."

His attitude was clear, representing the Shangguan's Clan's stance to remain neutral and politely decline Commandery Prince An's invitation.

With Shangguan Yunque taking the lead, the clan leader Shangguan Zhenhai had room to maneuver if needed.

"Yunque misunderstood," Commandery Prince An smiled, "I'm not here to persuade families to take sides. The details will be explained by Young Clan Leader Zong'an."

The Shangguan's Clan members exchanged glances, then looked at Wang Zong'an skeptically.

Wang Zong'an cleared his throat and said seriously, "Let's set aside the Imperial Heir Struggle for now. Regardless of who inherits the throne, our families must continue to live and cultivate heirs."

"As families, we value two things: unbroken inheritance and striving for higher status to benefit our members."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"To achieve these goals, we need one thing—money. With money, we can buy Wuji Baodan, acquire higher-grade treasures, and even buy Divine Spirit Artifacts."

"Why can't most fourth-grade families cultivate great prodigies? Everyone knows it takes six to seven hundred years and immense resources to nurture a great prodigy to the Divine Realm, costing two to five billion top gold."

"Even a strong fourth-grade family like the Shangguan's Clan, with a capable leader like Senior Zhenhai, must tighten their belts to support one prodigy."

The Shangguan's Clan members looked uncomfortable.

Wang Zong'an was right. Cultivating a great prodigy to the Divine Realm was a massive project, consuming vast resources.

Although Shangguan Yunque's current expenses seemed manageable, without careful planning and saving for future needs, problems would arise when he reached the Purple Mansion Realm.

Even great prodigies had only a high probability of reaching the Divine Realm. Without sufficient resources, they might fail to advance before their lifespan ended.

Failure to cultivate a Divine Realm expert could waste the family's resources and lead to decline.

Shangguan Yunque felt uneasy, knowing the clan had cut resources for other members, especially the Purple Mansion Realm ancestors, to support him.

This was why most fourth-grade families hesitated to aim for third-grade status, lacking the resources to support such ambitions.

"Moreover, after reaching the Divine Realm, there's the issue of Divine Spirit Artifacts," Wang Zong'an sighed, "The difference between Divine Realm experts with and without such artifacts is significant. Acquiring one is costly."

Shangguan Yunque's face darkened.

He glared at Wang Zong'an, feeling annoyed.

If he had a Divine Spirit Artifact, he wouldn't have lost to Wang Liyao.

Wang Liyao had a Divine Spirit Artifact from her master, and Wu Zhixing had one from Emperor Longchang. But Shangguan Yunque's family couldn't afford one.

Shangguan Zhenhai and Shangguan Liyan felt slightly embarrassed. They had thought they were doing well, but Wang Zong'an's analysis made them feel poor.

Their family was struggling to support a Divine Realm expert, and selling assets might be necessary for future needs.

As for Divine Spirit Artifacts, they were out of reach without selling most of their ancestral properties.

Lady Bilian rolled her eyes internally.

Wang Zong'an seemed honest, but he had inherited his father's eloquence. He had hidden his talents well.

The Guilong Shangguan's Clan was one of the wealthier fourth-grade families, but Wang Zong'an made them seem destitute.

"Young Clan Leader Zong'an, are you here to mock us or boast about your sister's resources?" Shangguan Yunque said coldly.

"Boasting? No, I'm here to help everyone make money," Wang Zong'an said calmly, with a hint of pride, "I, Wang Zong'an, at sixty-five, am also a great prodigy."

Before anyone could react, a surge of pure Wood profound energy erupted from him, sweeping the room with immense power.

Celestial Realm, third level!

Such age and cultivation confirmed his status as a great prodigy.

Lady Bilian was stunned. Wang Zong'an was also a great prodigy?

He had hidden it so well! And that scoundrel Shouzhe had managed to produce two great prodigies in a row. His bloodline must be incredibly strong.

For a moment, Lady Bilian's eyes were dazed, and she unconsciously licked her lips, a hint of desire flashing across her face.

If there were an opportunity...


Wang Zong'an's display of power left the Shangguan's Clan members in awe. The atmosphere in the Immortal Guest Pavilion grew even more tense.

Shangguan Zhenhai and Shangguan Liyan exchanged glances, their expressions serious. They had underestimated the Changning Wang's Clan. Producing two great prodigies in such a short time was no small feat.

"Young Clan Leader Zong'an, your talent is indeed extraordinary," Shangguan Zhenhai said, his tone respectful. "But how exactly do you propose we make money together?"

Wang Zong'an smiled, his demeanor calm and confident. "Our Changning Wang's Clan has recently discovered a new method of cultivating spirit herbs and refining elixirs, which has significantly increased our production and quality. We are looking to expand our operations and seek partners to share in the profits."

The Shangguan's Clan members listened intently, their interest piqued.

"With our new techniques, we can produce high-quality elixirs at a fraction of the usual cost," Wang Zong'an continued. "We are willing to share these techniques with our partners, along with a portion of the profits. This will not only benefit our clans financially but also strengthen our overall power and influence."

Shangguan Yunque's eyes narrowed. "And what do you expect in return?"

Wang Zong'an's smile widened. "We seek a mutually beneficial alliance. By working together, we can pool our resources and expertise to achieve greater success. In return, we ask for your support in the upcoming Imperial Heir Struggle. With our combined strength, we can ensure Commandery Prince An's victory, which will benefit all of us in the long run."

The room fell silent as the Shangguan's Clan members considered the proposal. It was a tempting offer, one that could potentially elevate their clan's status and secure their future.

Shangguan Zhenhai finally spoke, his voice steady. "Your proposal is intriguing, Young Clan Leader Zong'an. We will need some time to discuss it among ourselves. But rest assured, we are open to the idea of a partnership."

Wang Zong'an nodded, his expression satisfied. "Of course, take all the time you need. We believe that this alliance will be beneficial for both our clans."

As the meeting concluded, the Shangguan's Clan members couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The future held great promise, and with the right alliances, they could achieve heights they had never imagined.

Lady Bilian watched Wang Zong'an leave, her mind racing with possibilities. The Changning Wang's Clan was rising rapidly, and she needed to ensure her family remained on the right side of history.

The Imperial Heir Struggle was just beginning, and the alliances formed now would shape the future of the Great Qian. The Shangguan's Clan had to choose wisely, for the stakes had never been higher.

As the guests departed, Shangguan Zhenhai turned to his clan members, his expression serious. "We must consider this proposal carefully. The Changning Wang's Clan has proven their strength, and their offer could greatly benefit us. But we must also weigh the risks and ensure that our loyalty to the emperor remains unwavering."

The members of the Shangguan's Clan nodded in agreement. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but with careful planning and strategic alliances, they could navigate the turbulent waters and emerge stronger than ever.

The future of the Shangguan's Clan hung in the balance, and the decisions made in the coming days would determine their fate for generations to come.

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