Protect Our Patriarch

Book 1: Chapter 110: Awakening! Wang Shouzhe's Bloodline Talent

In fact, Wang Shouzhe's aptitude is already not bad compared to the children of other nine-rank families.

However, with such aptitude, he could reach the Spirit Platform realm and live nearly two hundred years, which is basically the limit.

If he wants to go further, with his current aptitude and potential, even if he uses resources to pile up, the chance is relatively small. Of course, it's not to say that he can't pile up, but the chance of breaking through the Heavenly Man realm is small.

"Lici, take your Fourth Uncle to have a look." Wang Shouzhe suppressed his surprise, "You should still remember where it is, right? After all, you are familiar with this family's back mountain."

"I vaguely remember, I haven't been up the mountain for two years." Wang Lici said casually, "Fourth Uncle, many wild fruits are not ripe in this season, they are bitter and astringent, not tasty."

Who wants those wild fruits? Your Fourth Uncle wants the marrow stone!

His eyelids were jumping, what kind of thought process is this?

Forget it, let's take her and find it slowly.

Then, he grabbed Wang Lici, and then found Ancestor Long Yan and Ancestor Xiaohan.

When they heard that there might be marrow stone in the back mountain, they were also surprised. This thing is worth a fortune, even if all the properties of Wang's Clan were sold, they couldn't afford a marrow cleansing pill.

A group of four people went up the mountain.

The main house of Wang's Clan is located at the branch of Liuan Mountain.

Although it is just a branch, it is still majestic and vast, with mountains overlapping. The terrain is very dangerous, ordinary beasts can hardly cross over, it is the natural barrier of Wang's Clan's main house.

Ancestor Zhouxuan chose this place to establish the main house at the beginning because it was easy to defend and hard to attack, and secondly, the feng shui here is good with mountains and rivers.

Of course, Ancestor Zhouxuan has cleared the surrounding beasts several times, and overall it is safe.

Considering that Wang Lici was young and her journey was limited, she couldn't possibly cross those dangerous mountain streams.

So the search range has been reduced a lot.

After searching for two days.

Wang Lici suddenly remembered: "Fourth Uncle, it's there, follow the stream in the valley, there is a small waterfall ahead. The cave is behind the waterfall."

Everyone followed her instructions and indeed found a hidden cave behind a small waterfall.

Being prepared, Wang Shouzhe lit several torches, followed the winding cave, and soon, the scenery in front of them became clear, and everyone entered a spacious cave.

There were many stalactites hanging upside down on the top of the cave, and they were dripping some liquid.

"Fourth Uncle, don't look at these ordinary mountain spring water, there's nothing tasty." Then Wang Lici led everyone forward, and soon arrived at a seemingly ordinary stalactite.

"Fourth Uncle, look, it's this one, the mountain spring water it drips is delicious." Wang Lici said excitedly.

"?" Wang Shouzhe looked carefully, but he really couldn't see what was special about this stalactite. But it hung quite high, about ten meters high.

And the stone directly below it has been dripped into a fist-sized depression, that spot is crystal clear, like jade.

In that groove, there was a drop of semi-transparent milky white liquid, which was faintly emitting starlight.

"It really is marrow stone, it's beautiful." Ancestor Long Yan was slightly excited, "I have only seen it in the atlas of the academy, but I have never seen the real thing."

"Only one drop?"

Wang Shouzhe's heart skipped a beat, then he looked up at the stalactite above his head, and saw that its tip seemed to be crystal clear, as if something was about to drip out.

Ancestor Long Yan took out a jade bottle, collected the drop of marrow stone with reverence, and handed it to Wang Shouzhe: "Shouzhe, marrow stone is the essence of the earth vein, even one drop is of extraordinary value. You keep this drop for yourself, it should be able to break through the bloodline."

"Wang Lici, why is there only one drop?" Wang Shouzhe said speechlessly.

Wang Lici blinked, touched Wang Shouzhe's forehead with concern: "Fourth Uncle, are you stupid? Because the previous ones have been taken by me, and I shared them with Luoqiu and Luoqing."

"This drop must have dripped down later. Last time I saw there was still half a drop hanging on it, but it was a bit high, I couldn't reach it to lick, it must be your drop, Fourth Uncle."

Wang Shouzhe slapped his forehead, so your Fourth Uncle should thank you for leaving a drop. His heart was bleeding a little: "Lici, how big was the bottle you took last time?"

"The bottle is not big, anyway, the groove was full." Wang Lici said carelessly, "It's too little, three people drink two sips and it's gone."

The groove was full? Two sips per person and it's gone?

Wang Shouzhe felt that he was wrong, he shouldn't have asked, asking was just to make himself upset.

"Oh, our Lici is really lucky." Ancestor Xiaohan said on the side, "She always has good things to eat wherever she goes, even marrow stone is eaten by mouthfuls. No wonder, our girls are all very powerful."

It hurts, Ancestor.

Then, Wang Shouzhe stared at the stalactite and said: "Ancestor, do you think there will be marrow stone inside if we cut this stone open?"

"Shouzhe, you must not drain the pond to get all the fish." Ancestor Long Yan said, "There may be a few drops inside, but it will ultimately destroy this treasure land. The appearance of marrow stone is the essence of the earth vein gradually brewing, no one knows where it will appear in the future."

Wang Shouzhe was just joking, how could such a treasure land be destroyed at will?

Besides, he also sees some things open. Everyone has their own opportunities, this is their opportunity, although he envies them, he will not be jealous. Anyway, if his sisters are powerful, he can also benefit.

Isn't it, he also got a drop thanks to Lici, and at the same time added a new foundation to the family.

Then, the two ancestors discussed sealing this cave, inspecting it every few years, and seeing how long it would take to accumulate a drop of marrow stone.

This thing is a valuable treasure, even if it takes twenty years to accumulate a drop, it is worth it.

After returning.

Wang Shouzhe pushed away all the things and locked himself in the room.

After a devout bath, he began to attempt a breakthrough in his bloodline. Of course, he didn't use the marrow stone first. The value of the marrow stone is high, and if he saved more, using it to refine into marrow cleansing pills would have far greater effects than swallowing it raw.

He opened the jade bottle, swallowed a "Spirit Awakening Pill", and then began to meditate and refine his Qi.

An hour later, Wang Shouzhe finished his practice.

His face showed a hint of disappointment. After taking the Spirit Awakening Pill, he indeed felt a slight warmth throughout his body, as if he was undergoing some transformation.

However, in the end, he still didn't transform from a lower grade to a middle grade, and his bloodline showed no change.

As expected, the Spirit Awakening Pill was just that, unable to push someone like him who was on the verge of stepping into the middle grade. No wonder it was considered a rather useless spiritual pill.

Of course, it's not to say that it had no effect at all. Even a slight improvement in aptitude, with long-term cultivation and resource consumption, would make it slightly more efficient.

Especially for someone like Wang Shouzhe, who consumed a lot of resources and accelerated his cultivation. This slight improvement in aptitude might save him eight hundred Top Gold over the decades.

"It seems that I can only pin my hopes on this drop of marrow stone." Wang Shouzhe took out the jade bottle.

Swallowing it raw certainly wouldn't be as effective as refining it into a pill, but a single drop of marrow stone couldn't be refined into much of a pill either.

However, the effect of this drop of marrow stone should be much stronger than that of the Spirit Awakening Pill.

After some consideration, Wang Shouzhe swallowed the drop of marrow stone. It was slightly cold as it entered his mouth, but it immediately turned into the purest energy and entered his body.

He didn't dare to delay and immediately entered the cultivation state again.

His entire being seemed to enter a state of silence.

A quarter of an hour passed.

An hour passed.

Mist rose from his body, and his skin turned red and hot.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly opened his eyes. A hint of strangeness appeared in his clear black and white eyes. There was some black dirt on his skin.

His face lit up with joy. This was the sign of marrow cleansing.

This dirt was not the toxins and impurities expelled from the body, but the dead cells expelled from the skin through metabolism.

Normally, this process is quite slow. But after marrow cleansing, a large number of cells would be replaced, causing this phenomenon.

He was in high spirits, feeling that he had broken through his bloodline, and his cultivation had also made some progress.

He ordered his servant Wang Gui to boil water. After taking a bath, he felt refreshed. Looking in the bronze mirror, he felt that he had become even more handsome.

He was only slightly ahead of Chen Fangjie before, but now he had left him far behind.

However, it was difficult for Wang Shouzhe to perceive what kind of bloodline he had awakened. He would have to conduct various experiments to determine it.

After all, with generations of ancestors intermarrying and descendants multiplying, the human bloodline is now very complex.

Even if the first generation ancestor was a being like the Flame Emperor, it wouldn't be surprising if Wang Shouzhe awakened the ice bloodline of some other ancestor.

"Fire." Wang Shouzhe prepared a piece of paper and tried to ignite it with his Xuan Qi, but the paper didn't burn, it just silently turned into fragments.

It seemed that he didn't have a fire attribute bloodline.

Wang Shouzhe was slightly disappointed.

Bloodlines like fire attribute have quite an advantage in battle, with strong explosive power and damage, and it's also easier to take on secondary professions like weapon refining and pill refining.

Moreover, he noticed that his Xuan Qi, which was originally very pure after practicing Xuan Yuan Jue, now had a hint of green.

Could it be?

Like the Water Spirit Turtle, did he have a water attribute bloodline? This is certainly a good physique, with both offensive and defensive capabilities in water, and a strong water escape technique, which makes underwater treasure hunting much easier.

Immediately, he ordered his servant to bring a basin of water. He put his palm into the water and circulated his Xuan Qi. The water in the basin was stirred and splashed by the Xuan Qi, but there was no sign of control.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a water attribute bloodline.

Then, he began to test bit by bit.

His strength and explosive power didn't increase significantly, and he didn't feel the passionate sensation when his cosmos burst.

Hmm, he could almost rule out all the battle-type bloodlines.

That was good, at least he wouldn't have to compete with Wang Luoqiu for advancement. Besides, as a clan leader, being at the forefront of battle was not a good thing.

Earth attribute?

He quickly ruled it out, which was good, as it seemed that the Ancestor Xie Han had awakened an earth attribute bloodline.

Lightning attribute? Ice attribute? Wind attribute?

These belonged to the three major special attribute series, the advantage was strong combat power, the disadvantage was that future cultivation techniques were hard to come by.

Ancestor Long Yan was an ice attribute bloodline, and now she was at the second level of the ice attribute bloodline, with explosive combat power.

After testing, Wang Shouzhe found that he had no connection with these three special attribute bloodlines.

His Xuan Qi had a hint of green.

Could it be a wood attribute?

He found a potted plant, on which was a peculiar pine and cypress, vigorous and powerful, simple and thick.

This thing would be worth some money on Earth, but in this Xuanwu world, only Wang Shouzhe would accidentally find it and pick it up to plant and appreciate.

Wang Shouzhe was very busy, so it hadn't been well cared for and was somewhat withered.

Wang Shouzhe held the pine and cypress in one hand and slowly infused it with Xuan Qi.

Suddenly, a miracle happened.

The slightly withered pine and cypress seemed to be covered with a layer of green life light. The withered roots seemed to be infused with life and became glossy. Fresh and tender branches and leaves sprouted on the branches, and the dying breath was gradually replaced by vitality, bursting with life.

"Spring comes to the withered tree!"

For the first time, Wang Shouzhe felt his bloodline ability. The feeling was as if everything was natural and smooth, without any awkwardness.

This ability to control the life of plants seemed to be naturally integrated into his bloodline, becoming an instinct.

No wonder, Girl Li Ci didn't know what her bloodline talent was, she just felt that everything was as it should be.

And Wang Luo Jing, unknowingly, walked on the path of a Spirit Bug Master, because that was her bloodline's innate instinct.

The same was true for Wang Luoqiu. She was passionate and loved to fight. Every time she fought, she was full of passion. That was her innate battle body bloodline, unknowingly influencing her to do so.

What is bloodline talent?Naturally, it was the ability passed down through the bloodline by the Ancestor. As long as you have the ability to activate it, it's as simple as eating and drinking, requiring no learning to use.

This is a gift of talent.

Wang Shouzhe, having traversed to this point, was excited for the first time.

He, Wang Shouzhe, had finally broken free from the shackles of inferior aptitude and acquired his own bloodline talent.

As a transmigrator, he had no golden finger, no system, no talent. It was truly embarrassing.

Subsequently, he began to explore the other abilities of his bloodline talent.

For instance, he could make a pot of unopened flower buds bloom in an instant, filling the pot with beautiful blossoms.

The wood element primarily restores life.

In his excitement, he thought of this.

He immediately called over his servant, Wang Gui, and made a small cut on his arm with a sword.

Then, under Wang Gui's panicked and shocked gaze, he used his bloodline talent. The wound on his arm healed at a visible speed, leaving no scar, and his skin was even more delicate and fair than before.


Wang Shouzhe was somewhat shocked. If this were on Earth, wouldn't it be much more powerful than a doctor? Who would need surgery or plastic surgeons?

With this ability, he would undoubtedly make a fortune, and have countless girlfriends.

With such a powerful and unique bloodline talent, Wang Shouzhe was quite satisfied. Undoubtedly, this bloodline talent greatly increased his chances of survival.

Even if his sisters got hurt in a fight in the future, he could easily help them heal.

Wait a minute!?

Wang Shouzhe suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

After frowning and thinking for a while, he finally realized.

Damn it...

Isn't this a healer's role!?


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