Professor Vampire.

Chapter 256 - 256 First game of the championship

Chapter 256: Chapter 256 First game of the championship

After Ron kicked the castle gate open, he didn't even bother to go to the hall to eat, and ran with Harry and Hermione.

He took his two friends to the teaching area and found an abandoned classroom.

"Ron... Ron, what on earth did you think of?" In the empty classroom, Harry leaned on a dusty desk and said breathlessly, "Why did you say we don't have to go to the library?"

"Yeah, Ron..." Hermione was so tired that she didn't care about the dust in the classroom at all. She lay directly on a desk and asked exhaustedly, "I finally got a note from Professor Dracula to borrow banned books, why don't you use it?"

"No, we really don't have to go to the library." Ron was also panting, but his eyes were sparkling, "We have been going in the wrong direction before. In fact, we don't need to deal with the dragon head-on!"

"But... How can I finish the game without dealing with the dragon?" Harry hesitated.

"Harry, let me ask you, do you really think you will be allowed to defeat the dragon during the competition?" Ron stared at Harry with a wise and radiant face.

"Uh... I don't think so. After all, Charlie and other professional dragon trainers need seven or eight people to barely deal with a dragon." Harry hesitated, "I guess... maybe we can find a way to bypass the dragon?"

"Yes!" Ron slammed the table, scaring Harry and Hermione, "Here is the crux of the problem!"

"Think about it carefully. If you want to get past the dragon's defense, is it really necessary to learn those magics against the dragon? Harry just needs to be fast enough and sensitive enough!"

"Ron, what did you think of?" Hermione's eyes lit up.

"Harry, use what you are best at!" Ron said loudly, "Didn't Filch just ridicule Quidditch for being useless? Then prove it to him!"

Harry opened his eyes wide and became excited.

"I know, broom!" he shouted, "I can ride a flying broom to fly past the dragon!"

But then he became disappointed again, "But the rules of the competition say that warriors cannot carry any items other than wands... I can't bring a broom into the arena."

"No, Harry, you just need to bring your wand." At this time, Hermione stood up with a smile, her tone more relaxed than ever before, "There is a very simple spell, we have learned it in the spell class this semester!"

Harry looked into her eyes, and a very basic spell emerged in his mind-

"Surfing Curse!"


At two o'clock in the morning, in the Gryffindor common room, Harry stood by the fireplace, surrounded by many things-

Books, quills, several overturned chairs, an old wizard chess set, and Neville's toad Rifle.

Just now, Harry finally mastered the Surfing Curse.

"Much better, Harry, you've made great progress." Hermione lay on the sofa tiredly, but her face looked very happy.

"Huh--" Harry breathed a sigh of relief, "Great, at least now I know what to do if I can't learn a spell next time..."

The Accio Diary was originally a spell that fourth-year students were required to master in the next semester. He had not learned it in several spell classes, but now he has mastered it completely in one night.

Harry said, throwing a runic dictionary to Hermione so that he could try the Accio Diary again, "... Just threaten me with a dragon, that's right!"

He raised his wand again--

"Accio Diary!"

The heavy dictionary flew up from Hermione's hand, flew to the other side of the room, and was caught by Harry.

"Harry, I think you really mastered it!" Hermione said happily.

"What? Did it work?" Ron looked up from a sofa in a daze, "Why did I fall asleep? Why didn't you call me?"

"It's okay, Ron, you don't have to stay with me so late..." Harry said.

"What are you talking about? We are best brothers!" Ron jumped up from the sofa excitedly.

"I hope it will work tomorrow," Harry nodded with a smile, "But the Firebolt is much farther than the things here. Tomorrow it will be in the castle, and I will be outside on the field..."

"As long as you really concentrate and focus, the magic will definitely succeed." Hermione comforted, "Harry, go back to the dormitory and sleep for a while... You need to rest."

"Relax, Harry," Ron patted Harry's shoulder very relaxedly, "I can secretly help you take the Firebolt outside the audience. If anyone asks, I will say that I am going to play Quidditch after watching your game."


By the next morning, the atmosphere of the whole Hogwarts became very tense and excited.

After the morning classes, Professor McGonagall announced in the hall that classes would be suspended in the afternoon, so that all students would have time to go to the field with dragons below - of course, they didn't know that they would see such an amazing thing as a dragon there.

When Harry came out of the last class of the morning, History of Magic, and came to the hall to eat like sleepwalking, Professor McGonagall hurried towards him from the professor's seat.

Many people stopped eating and turned their heads to look at them.

"Potter, now the warriors have to go to the competition field... You must be ready and complete the first project." Professor McGonagall said to him, pursing her lips tightly.

"I know..." Harry stood up and didn't realize that he had knocked his fork to the ground, making a crisp "clang" sound.

"Good luck, Harry," Hermione whispered to him, "You will succeed!"

"Yes, Harry, don't forget your Firebolt when the time comes," Ron whispered, "I will take it outside the auditorium."

"Yes, I will succeed." Harry said in a daze, and his voice was not like his own.

He and Professor McGonagall left the hall and walked towards the forbidden forest northeast of the castle. The five dragons were placed in that direction.

Professor McGonagall also looked flustered.

In fact, she was as anxious as Harry, because she couldn't imagine how a fourth-year student like herself would deal with the extremely dangerous semi-finals?

She walked down the stone steps with Harry, came to the outside, and gently put her hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, don't be nervous," she said, not knowing whether she was comforting Harry or herself, "Keep a cool head... Professor Dracula will be watching you as a safety officer next to the stadium. If things go wrong, he will step forward to control the situation..."

"Although you are the youngest warrior, as long as you give full play to your own abilities, no one will think you are inferior to others... Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, professor." Harry heard himself say this.

Professor McGonagall led him around the edge of the Forbidden Forest and walked towards the place where the dragons were.

When they approached the bushes where they could have seen the venue clearly, Harry found that a tent had been erected there, blocking the dragons, and the entrance of the tent was facing them.

"You must go in with the other warriors," Professor McGonagall's voice became a little trembling, "You have to wait in the tent for a while, Potter. Mr. Bagman is also in there, he will tell you the steps one by one... Good luck."

"Thank you..."

Harry thanked him in a monotonous, floating voice, then moved his legs and moved himself into the tent.

It wasn't just Harry. Every warrior present seemed very nervous.

Fleur Delacour sat on a low wooden stool in the corner of the tent. She was not as calm as usual. She looked very pale and sick. Viktor Krum looked more gloomy than usual, with veins on his forehead throbbing from time to time. Cedric paced back and forth...

Only John Kowalski looked relaxed, sitting on a chair with his eyes closed.

"Harry! Great!" Bagman seemed relieved when he saw the last warrior come in, as if he was afraid that Harry would run away. "Come in, come in, relax, just like at home!"

Bagman put on the old Wasps uniform again and stood among several pale warriors, looking like a big cartoon character.

"Okay, now that everyone is here - it's time to introduce the situation to you!" Bagman said happily, "After the audience gathers, I will pass this bag to each of you in turn,"

He raised a purple silk bag and shook it at them.

"You need to pick out the small model of the thing you will face from it! They come in different types. In addition, I have one more thing to tell you... Your task in this game is to pick up the golden egg!"


On the other side, a huge platform has been built on the field.

This platform did not appear a few days ago. It was temporarily built with magic. The purpose is to hide the content of the competition and give the audience and warriors a "surprise".

At this time, the stadium was already crowded with people, and countless shouts came from the audience seats on all sides.

This spectacular scene was only seen in the finals of the Quidditch competition every school year at Hogwarts before, and this time, the audience around the stadium was even more than during the Quidditch game.

This is because there are always people who are not interested in Quidditch games, but no one wants to miss this semi-final match that has not been held for hundreds of years!

Dracula lazily lay on a broom, swaying in the air above the stadium, occasionally glancing at the enthusiastic students around the audience.

He saw that many young wizards were waving flags with the names of the warriors they supported, cheering them up loudly -

As the home court of Hogwarts, the flags with the words "Support Cedric" were naturally the most.

However, what surprised Dracula was that, looking back, the flags with Krum's name were not much less than Cedric's, which showed the great influence of this Quidditch star.

At the same time, there were also many students who supported Fleur, most of whom were boys who had become Fleur's fans in just one month. They shouted Fleur's name with red faces and ears, and their fighting power was no worse than those loyal female fans of Krum.

In contrast, Harry and John have fewer supporters.

As a Yinfamori warrior with no fan base and no apparent advantage in appearance, John has no one to support him except for a few students who came to Hogwarts from Yinfamori.

Although Harry is a "local" of Hogwarts, his becoming a warrior is not recognized by many people. The Hufflepuff House, which has the largest number of students, even thinks that he has stolen Cedric's honor.

As a result, apart from a few good friends of Gryffindor such as Hermione, no one is willing to cheer for him.

In contrast, many people in Slytherin held banners with Harry's name on them--

Of course, the words on it were "Potter Stinky Shit"...

Then, Dracula turned his eyes away from the audience and looked outside the entrance of the stadium.

There was a little red-haired wizard who was sneaking with a broom and carefully hiding it behind a thick willow tree.

"They actually thought of using a flying broom to deal with the game. They are really amazing." Dracula watched Ron's sneaky behavior from a distance, with a playful smile on his lips.

Just then, a helpless call came from below.

Dracula turned his eyes away from Ron and frowned to look at the place where the voice came from.

"Professor Dracula, can you trouble me to be a little more serious?" Ludo Bagman was standing on the long table of the commentary booth with a helpless look on his face, shouting to Dracula, "Principal Karkaroff and Ms. Maxim protested against you..."

"They think you are not vigilant enough and ask the competition to replace the safety officer." He said.

"I am so dedicated, why do they think I am not vigilant?" Dracula lowered the height of the broom and said innocently, "I am already very serious, okay?"

Bagman looked at Dracula lying on the broomstick, leisurely movements, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Do you have any misunderstandings about the word serious?

"I really don't understand why Hogwarts would hire such an irresponsible person as a safety officer." Ms. Maxime's stern voice sounded from the referee's seat next to him, "I seriously doubt that when an accident occurs during the game, he will not be able to save our warriors from the dragon in time!"

"I also have doubts... Can this posture really control the flying broom?" Karkaroff also echoed, "If Krum has an accident, the consequences will not be something Hogwarts can bear."

Dracula looked in the direction of the referee's seat, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Tsk, I really can't do anything about you..." He chuckled, "You doubt that I can't control the flying broom, right?"

Under the gazes of the referees, Dracula reached out and held the handle of the broom behind him.

The next moment, he suddenly threw the broom on the referee's seat.

But his figure was still suspended in the air, swaying leisurely.

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