Professor Vampire.

Chapter 253 - 253 Amicable settlement

Chapter 253: Chapter 253 Amicable settlement

Ron has also been very depressed recently.

The arrival of the unprecedented event of the Four Finals should have been something that people were looking forward to. Indeed, before the Goblet of Fire selected the final contestants, Ron was as excited as other young wizards.

But when the name of his best friend, Harry Potter, came out of the Goblet of Fire, everything seemed to change.

Ron didn't know how Harry had crossed the age limit to put his name in, nor did he know why the Goblet of Fire really chose a fourteen-year-old wizard like Harry as the extra fifth warrior.

This violated the rules of the game!

Of course, he didn't deny Harry's intention. He knew that his best friend was the savior of the wizarding world, and it was understandable that he received some preferential treatment...

But what Ron couldn't accept was that his best friend secretly put his name into the Goblet of Fire without telling him.

When Ron asked Harry why he did this, Harry actually told him that he didn't sign up...

If you didn't sign up, why would your name be spit out by the Goblet of Fire? Do you think I'm stupid?

We are best friends!

I won't reveal your secret, why do you hide it from me?

Ron kept shouting this in his heart.

During the period after the selection of the warrior list, he had been in an extremely complicated mood. Every time he talked to Harry, he would complain and be dissatisfied in his heart, so that the two of them would always part ways unhappily.

I don't know whether it was because of jealousy or dissatisfaction with Harry's "deception", he couldn't help but quarrel with his best friend, and his relationship with Harry gradually became cold and distant.

In this situation, the two twins of the Weiss family keenly discovered this.

On this Saturday when the school allowed students to go to Hogsmeade for fun, Fred and George pulled Ron aside and talked to him in private.

"Little Luo Luo, have you quarreled with Harry recently?" Fred asked with a mysterious expression, holding Ron's shoulders.

"How many times have I told you not to call me Little Luo Luo!" Ron blushed at Fred's nickname for him.

"What's the matter? Why can mom call you that, but we can't?" George said with a smile, "You are bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, you know?"

"Even mom can't call me that!" Ron said angrily, "This is the name from many years ago, and only you two guys use this name to bully me all day long. Don't call me that in the future, do you hear me!"

"Okay, little Luo Luo." Fred agreed to Ron with a grin, but he didn't change his words at all, "Tell me, what happened between you and Harry, why don't you even sit together for dinner recently?"

"Yes, little Luo Luo, you used to be inseparable!" George added.

Ron really couldn't come up with any way to deal with the two unruly brothers, so he could only pretend not to hear and snorted perfunctorily.

"You don't have to say it, but we know it. He must be unhappy that Harry became a warrior without you, right?" George said with a wise expression, winking.

"I'm not that stingy..."

Ron wanted to argue, but the twins didn't listen and continued talking.

"Don't deny it..." Fred said, "We have watched you grow up since you wet the bed. I know what you are thinking even if you don't say it!"

Ron's face turned red again, and he wanted to fight Fred, but he was pressed down by his two brothers with a smirk and couldn't move at all.

"You should calm down, little Luo Luo, don't be so impulsive." Fred laughed.

"Let me go, let me go! I'm going to fight you!" Ron shouted.

Seeing this, George pulled out a strange prop from his pocket and put it on Ron's mouth. Ron's mouth immediately turned into a pig's mouth, and the sound he made turned into a "snoring" sound.

"I have to say that the invention of the pig head gag is really useful." George gave Fred a thumbs up, "We must reserve a place for it as the main product of our joke shop in the future!"

"Yes, we can also produce a few magic pig ears as matching products." Fred also said excitedly, "I want to buy a set myself!"

After a long time, until Ron's "snoring" interrupted the two people's thoughts, they realized that there was a little wizard of their own here.

"Be quiet, little Luo Luo. Listen carefully to our analysis and see if it's right!" Fred smiled with a prank expression, "In our opinion, you must have been unbalanced about Harry becoming a warrior, and then he didn't tell you how to successfully sign up, so you got upset, right?"

The "snoring" sound from Ron's mouth stopped unconsciously.

"To be honest, we were a little angry at first... We wanted to help Harry cheat the Goblet of Fire and make him a champion!" George said, "Unexpectedly, our aging agent didn't work, and he secretly signed up!"

"Yes, the champion reward is 1,000 Galleons!" Fred agreed, "It's enough for us to participate in a competition."

"We were really angry at that time, but then I thought about it... It's not right, why did Harry sign up without telling us?" George looked into Ron's eyes and asked.

"We all know that Harry's parents left him a large sum of money, and he has a very wealthy godfather. The thousand Galleons are nothing to him. As for the fame of participating in the semi-finals, his reputation as the savior is already big enough, and there is no need for such a small competition to consolidate it..."

"Besides, Harry has never been a person who likes to show off, and this is not his favorite Quidditch game, so there is no need."

"Anyway, the two of us thought about it again and again, and felt that Harry might not have lied to us - he really didn't put his name in the Goblet of Fire."

Fred and George talked to Ron one after another, and then took off the pig's snout hanging on his mouth.

"Gululu...ah, you two bastards!" Ron looked at his two brothers angrily as they put the pig's snout back into their pockets. "You are willing to speak well of Harry, isn't it because he made you earn as much as winning the game from those Slytherin guys?"

"I admit that there is a reason for this." Fred raised his hands very simply, indicating that Ron was right.

"That's right, but these are just trivial matters." George said, "Just tell me if our analysis just now makes sense!"

"But if he didn't throw his name into the Goblet of Fire, how did he register successfully?" Ron questioned, "It can't be out of nothing, right?"

"Then we don't know." Fred shrugged, "Maybe it's really out of nothing?"

"Forget it, I guess you won't accept our analysis results directly, so let's skip this topic first." George said, "We called you here not only to talk about Harry's affairs, but also got a piece of news."

"What news?" Ron glared at him angrily.

"Charlie took the initiative to write to us..." said Fred, "He mentioned Harry in the letter, and it seems that he never expected Harry to become a warrior participating in the semi-finals."

"Yes, Charlie also said that this semi-final is very dangerous, and asked us to help Harry well." George said.

"He wanted to sign up himself, he deserves it, who would help him..." Ron curled his lips in disdain and muttered, "There is no tournament that is not dangerous."

Fred and George looked at him expressionlessly.

Ron looked at his two brothers who were rarely serious. At first, he didn't care. Slowly, he seemed to think of something-

Ron's child hole suddenly contracted, and his heart seemed to miss a beat.

"Wait... Why did Charlie know that this semi-final was dangerous? He is not from the Ministry of Magic!" He screamed loudly, "Unless... Unless there is a project in the semi-final arranged by Charlie!"

Then the final answer to this project seems to be about to come out-

Fire dragon!


"It's bad, Hermione! I think I just got some news... I think you need to tell Harry about this for me!"

In Hogsmeade Village, Ron ran around and finally found Hermione in front of Honeydukes.

"You should know my second brother, Charlie Weisley, you met him in the Quidditch World Cup final in the summer vacation." Ron said breathlessly, "He has been to the Fire Dragon Sanctuary in Romania since graduation, responsible for taking care of the fire dragons..."

"Of course I know, I also know that Mr. and Mrs. Weisley originally wanted him to become a professional Quidditch player." Hermione quietly glanced at the air around her, stiffened her neck and said, "What's wrong, did Charlie tell you something?"

Ron panted for a long time, and when his breath finally calmed down, he said:

"Charlie told us that... this semi-final competition is very dangerous!"

Hermione's eyes widened immediately.

As a smart know-it-all lady, Hermione's reaction speed is far beyond Ron's.

She immediately connected the competition items of the semi-finals with Charlie's work, and thought about what the next first item might be.

"Oh my God..." Hermione turned her eyes blankly to the empty space beside her, her lips trembling, and she couldn't say anything for a long time.

"You should know the seriousness of the matter, Hermione, so you must bring this news to Harry." Ron said solemnly, "Don't tell him that I told you this news!"

After that, Ron wanted to turn around and walk back to the direction of Hogwarts Castle.

However, the next moment, a piece of air around Hermione suddenly seemed to flow, and it was slightly distorted.

Then, Harry's figure emerged from the air.

"No need to ask Hermione to pass on the message... I've been here all the time." Harry took a deep breath and said in a heavy tone, "Thank you for bringing this news, Ron."

Ron opened his eyes wide and looked at Harry who appeared out of nowhere, stumbling and saying:

"You... don't think too much, I didn't tell you this news for you. I just don't want there to be casualties in the game and make Hogwarts look bad..."

"With Professor Dracula as a safety officer, Harry will be fine, Ron!" Hermione couldn't help but corrected, "Don't be so stubborn, you're just worried about Harry's safety."

"I'm not!" Ron blushed and retorted loudly.

Harry looked at Ron and was silent for a long time.

"Ron, thank you so much." Harry said sincerely until Ron couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to interrupt his sight.

His tone seemed very gentle and soft.

"It's my fault. I should have thought that it's normal to be misunderstood in such a situation. There's no need for us to be angry and keep silent." Harry said, "Even if I'm misunderstood by you all the time, it's better than isolating me in four colleges, right?"

Even though they were upset, even though he knew that Dracula, as a security guard, would not let the players get into trouble, Ron still cared about Harry's safety.

This touched Harry so much that he stood out from under the invisibility cloak and took the initiative to put down his face and reconcile with Ron.

"I... I have a bigger problem..." Seeing this, Ron also stammered, "You want to participate in such a dangerous game, I should have stood by you to help you, but I was jealous and petty, and I had a conflict with you..." As he spoke, he looked at Harry carefully, "So you really didn't throw your name into the Goblet of Fire?" "Yes, whether you can still believe it or not, but I really didn't throw my name in." Harry said solemnly, "I don't know who threw my name into the Goblet of Fire... But I definitely didn't volunteer to participate in this game." "Okay... I believe you." Ron lowered his head and said in a mosquito-like voice. In the end, although they didn't admit it, Fred and George's analysis was indeed very reasonable and convincing, and it subtly affected Ron's psychology. "Are you serious?" Harry heard Ron's whispered confession and looked at him in surprise. Ron pursed his lips and nodded gently. "Great!" Harry hugged Ron's shoulders, "I knew you were still my best brother! You don't know how I spent this time when even you didn't believe me..."

"Harry, I..."

"Ahem!" Hermione interrupted them with a cough, "Gentlemen, there's someone next to you! If you have anything to say, you can talk about it slowly in the Three Broomsticks."

"Also, we'd better discuss in advance how Harry should deal with a dragon!"

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