Professor Vampire.

Chapter 169 - 169 There are other secrets in the Forbidden Forest?

Chapter 169: Chapter 169 There are other secrets in the Forbidden Forest?


Dracula let out a soft 'eep' and looked curiously over at the chapter hat.

Why did he remember that the hat had just said that Rolf wasn't suited for the Hufflepuff academy, and how did it self-slap itself in the blink of an eye?

Yet Rolf and Newt had absolutely nothing to be upset about.

Rolf had jumped up and hugged Newt heavily.

"Grandpa, I've really been sorted into Hufflepuff!" Rolf exclaimed excitedly, "I just thought I wouldn't be able to get into the academy that trained you."

"I'm so proud of you, Rolf." Newt smiled and patted Rolf on the back.

Both the grandparents and grandson had a pleasant look on their faces as Newt spoke words of encouragement to Rolf, while Rolf begged Newt to once again tell a story about something that had happened to him in Hufflepuff while he was in school.

"What's that ... Can you two wait a little while before you talk." Branch Hat said weakly above Rolf's head, "Can you put me down from my head first?"

The two men's excitement was instantly interrupted, and their expressions immediately became a little awkward.

Dracula let out a light laugh and beckoned, letting the Parting Hat fly over Rolf's head and holding it in his hand.

"Didn't you just say that little Mr. Scamander wasn't right for Hufflepuff?" He asked with interest, "Why did you change your mind again after only a few minutes?"

"It's not my fault this time, Professor Dracula." The Branch Hat looked innocent, "This little wizard wants to go to Hufflepuff too much. It can't be helped, even though I'm in charge of the branch, I'm usually still very reasonable and considerate of the opinions of the young wizards themselves."

"Is that so?" Dracula smiled noncommittally, "But he still carries some Hufflepuff qualities about him, doesn't he? I don't think you'd assign a young wizard who doesn't belong to a college at all to a college that doesn't correspond."

"As expected of a count-sama, you saw through things in a flash." The Branch Hat patted Dracula on the back for following his words, "Although Rolf Scamander is more suited to Gryffindor in terms of his personality, his animal-loving character and kind heart still fit in with Hufflepuff."

Dracula nodded in understanding and looked to both Newt and Rolf.

"Then congratulations to you both on getting what you want, Mr. Scamander gentlemen." He smiled.

"And thank you for your help, Professor Dracula." Newt put his arm around Rolf's shoulder and said to Dracula and Dumbledore, "Albus, Professor Dracula, since Rolf has already performed the ritual of separation, this is a way of ending one of his wishes."

"Thanks to the Hogwarts side for taking care of Rolf during this period of time, I will bring him back to Yin Fa Mony tomorrow, no need to trouble the professors of Hogwarts anymore."

Rolf seemed to have finally been convinced by his grandfather at this time as well. He took two steps forward and bowed to Dumbledore.

"Thank you for letting me into the school then, Mr. Headmaster." He said, "I'll be sure to come back to Hogwarts to visit you from time to time once I graduate from Yinfa Muni!"

With Newt's reminder, Rolf already knew that the reason why he was able to enter the Hogwarts castle, and even the Hufflepuff common room, was not just due to his wit and luck, but also the old principal's tacit approval.

Without the old principal's nod, he wouldn't have been able to fool so many smart, powerful, and intelligent Hogwarts professors for over a month anyway! Just one Snape alone could have dismantled him!

Dumbledore smiled and shook his head.

"There's really no need to wait until graduation to visit me." He said softly, "I'm too old and I'm not sure I'll live long enough to see you graduate."

"You mustn't say that! A great wizard like you surely won't have a problem living for two hundred years." Rolf was taken aback by Dumbledore's words, "Otherwise, I could come and visit you every year on my vacation?"

"That's not what I meant either." Dumbledore smiled, "What I mean is ... Rolf, you can stay at Hogwarts and attend school."

Rolf looked up menacingly, his eyes instantly filled with surprise.

"Is what you say true?!"

"Albus, but ..." Newt was stunned for a moment when he heard Dumbledore's words.

"Don't be so quick to retort just yet, Newt." Dumbledore raised his hand to interrupt Newt, "Tell me, what is the most fundamental reason why Tina won't allow Rolf to attend Hogwarts?"

"As far as I know, a witch as brilliant and sensible as Tina wouldn't force Rolf to attend Imperium simply because her alma mater is Imperium, regardless of his future, would she?" There was a wry gleam in his eyes.

"Indeed, Tina's main concern is still the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts." Newt said, while unable to hold back a glance at Dracula, "Tina felt that an important course like the Defense Against Black Magic class, studying it at Hogwarts wasn't conducive to Rolf's development."

"But that's no longer a problem now, is it?" Dumbledore said with a smile, "Professor Dracula is a very good Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and with his skills isn't going to be affected by Voldemort's curse and can teach it until Rolf graduates!"

"Wait, Dumbledore, I don't remember ever saying how long I'd be teaching, did I?" Dracula interrupted Dumbledore, "Maybe I'll get tired of teaching next year and butch myself?"

The corner of Dumbledore's mouth twitched.

Let alone next year, this year you are already feeling bored, how dare you let the teaching assistant teach the class on your behalf and go out to simmer yourself ...

"Uh ... Professor Dracula, I meant no offense." Newt said from the side, "I remember that Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts class didn't do well on the Wizarding Rank Exam last school year. Tina still wouldn't agree to Rolf's transfer when she saw that grade."

"Newt, that's not because of Professor Dracula." Dumbledore hurriedly remedied, "The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts changed too often some years ago, and the students at Hogwarts didn't have a strong foundation, that's why their grades were a bit weak."

He didn't mention this not-so-good grade at all, and there was actually a reason why Dracula rarely assigned homework in it.

"Newt, you should already know something about Professor Dracula, his level of magic is absolutely mother nature!" Dumbledore continued, "Believe me, in this school year's wizard level exam, Hogwarts' Black Magic Defense will definitely be at the top of the magical world!"

Dumbledore was very confident.

This was because Dracula had launched devilish training for a long time in the dueling club, and even in the classroom of black magic defense arts, and the students' defense arts skills progressed quite rapidly under practice.

How many schools have a great wizard personally helping students practice magic? I'm afraid not even one! This was Hogwarts' greatest advantage.

Seeing that Newt still seemed to be a bit hesitant, Dumbledore added one last point-

"How about this, let Rolf stay at Hogwarts for the rest of this school year, and during the final exam week he can be allowed to return to Imperatori for his exams." He said, "If Rolf's grades are more favorable than last year's, it would mean that the teaching at Hogwarts is better suited to his development!"

"It's also when it's just like being an exchange student at Hogwarts for half a year, Tina shouldn't refuse, right?" Dumbledore smiled and looked at Newt.

Newt frowned and thought for a moment before finally nodding.

"If it's only six months, I think I still have a chance of convincing Tina and Rolf's mother." He said.

After hearing Newt's words, Rolf jumped up fiercely.

"Grandpa, did I hear you right? I can really go to school at Hogwarts?" He shook Newt's arm and asked with a hopeful expression.

"It's only for a mere six months," Newt gave him a helpless look, "And I haven't even completely convinced your mother and your grandmother yet!"

Rolf however broke into an extremely happy smile regardless, "I don't care, just because you said so means it's a done deal anyway!"

"Hooray! You can stay at Hogwarts!"

Rolf circled back and forth around Fawkes, who was grooming his feathers, cheering, and unsurprisingly received a look of disdain from the phoenix.


Newt and Rolf's grandchildren soon left the Headmaster's office.

One of them had to go contact his wife and convince her to let Rolf stay at Hogwarts for six months; the other had an appointment with Luna for the evening to analyze the possibility of the existence of the Harassing Gadfly and the Bubbly Snot Monster.

Both had things to do.

By the time the two left, only two idlers, Dumbledore and Dracula, remained in the Headmaster's office.

"Stealing a student from the Imperatori?" Dracula looked at Dumbledore and teased.

"Between principals, how can this be called stealing students?" Dumbledore said with a big smile, "I'm just doing this for the sake of my old friend's child to be better in the future!"

"Come on, I think you just see that little Mr. Scamander's potential is not inferior to that year's Newt, so you want to poach him." Dracula instantly poked Dumbledore's thoughts, "You were comfortable using Mr. Scamander as a tool back then, so now you're hitting on his grandson?"

"Heh heh heh ... It's a nice day." Dumbledore smiled sarcastically and stiffly changed the subject.

Dracula looked back out the window at the foggy weather and grimaced breathlessly.

"You're doing this for Potter again, aren't you?" He clasped his hands to his chest and leaned against the bookcase behind him, giving Dumbledore a sidelong glance, "The savior trio has the courageous bearer, the wise bearer, and the funny bearer within them, is there anything missing?"

"Ahem ... Professor Dracula, Mr. Weasley might not be too happy if you say that." Dumbledore coughed dryly, "I didn't mean to insist on putting together a combination. Well, but Harry does lack a friend who is good with magical creatures."

Dracula was silent for a moment and sighed softly.

"So ... you haven't completely abandoned that plan of your own?" He asked softly, "What you said to Newt's grandson wasn't really a joke, was it? Why bother using yourself as a pawn just to eliminate a Voldemort?"

"There's always a backup plan." Dumbledore smiled gently instead, "I trust your skills, Professor Dracula, but I want to keep this on the safe side."

He smiled gently and looked at Dracula's burgundy eyed boy.

There was one more thing he didn't say:

'I trust your skills, Professor Dracula, but I can't fully trust your disposition.'

What if halfway through the plan, Dracula left on his own, as he had been doing all this time, because he was bored? What if something goes wrong with the plan and Dracula gets his attention drawn to something else interesting and doesn't want to return to the scene?

Dracula could care less about anything Voldemort did, but Dumbledore couldn't care less.

He's been thrust into the position of being the top man in the wizarding world for a long time now, and he's responsible for that wizarding world no matter what!


The semester, which didn't have a few days left, was quickly coming to an end, followed by the Christmas break that the young wizards had been waiting for.

Most of the students chose to go home for Christmas, and it was as if the castle fell silent all of a sudden, like the snow on the ground was thick with serenity.

Dracula leaned against the window and watched the young wizards laughing and playing in the snow below.

During the Christmas vacation when there weren't many people in the castle, the young wizards who had stayed in school seemed to have let themselves go, having snowball fights, playing with fireworks, and practicing dueling in private in various open spaces ...

Dracula could easily see a group of little red-haired wizards on a clean white ground, the Weasley children at first glance, with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger mixed in.

The twins, Fred and George, had made a trip to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office a few days ago, and the two had told Dracula that their parents had gone to Romania last year to visit their second brother, Charlie, and this year they would be going to Egypt to visit their oldest brother, Bill.

That's the trouble with having a lot of siblings, you have to go in batches if you want to visit several children ...

The reason the Wesley twins told Dracula about this was to ask him if he had anything he wanted the Wesleys to take to Egypt.

The previous Christmas vacation, Dracula had asked the Weasleys to help bring a crystal ball that sent messages with the vampire community to Castle Brown.

It was sort of because of that favor that Dracula had traded in a brand new limousine for the old modified Ford.

Obviously, Fred and George already had a deep impression of Dracula's wealth, and this time they asked if they needed to bring something with them with the intention of wool-gathering.

However, this year Dracula really did not have anything that needed to be piggybacked on, and he did not have any special familiarity with that area of Egypt, so he directly blew the twins who had fallen into the eye of the money out of the office ...

"Dong Dong Dong."

There was a sudden knock at the office door.

Dracula lightly snapped his fingers, the door automatically opened, and outside walked in a handsome young man with black hair, the youth's arm was still wrapped in a ring of bandages.

"Almost healed?" Dracula asked casually as he glanced back at him.

"Yes, normal work is no longer a problem." Riddle nodded, his face seemed to still be a bit embarrassed, "I failed your trust, Professor Dracula, and in a moment of carelessness some time ago, I was attacked by a small wizard."

"Are you sure that you were really only injured by a small wizard sneaking up on you, and not for any other reason?" Dracula laughed lightly.

Riddle was silent for a moment.

"Indeed, I should still be affected by the curse my main soul has placed on the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts." He sighed, "It was as if all luck had left me when that little wizard Scamander made a sneak attack on me ..."

"Searching the bushes where Scamander was hiding, having to search until the last one was his hideout; the stupefy spell cast on him just hitting the curled-winged demon he had with him; the casual use of the magic spell hitting the unicorn horn with pinpoint accuracy ..."

"Everything that happened then was too evil!" Riddle gritted his teeth.

"So this curse actually saps the luck of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" Dracula said with interest, "Imposing a minus-type status of everything going wrong, increasing the likelihood of something going wrong in general, right?"

"That should be the case." Riddle nodded gently.

"What a creative curse." Dracula exclaimed, then felt a little sorry for himself, "Is this Hogwarts' best student of the century? How is it that they've gotten themselves into such a classless state as they are now ..."

Riddle stood by the side without saying anything, his expression slightly embarrassed.

He and Voldemort shared the same memories from before the age of sixteen, and of course he was able to roughly understand that Voldemort had discarded his image and the integrity of his soul, and chose this option of strength and immortality.

But it was the case that Dracula, an Eldritch species, was extremely offended by this choice!

"Tell me something, why did you go to the Forbidden Forest?"

Dracula wasn't interested in hearing about Voldemort anymore and moved away from the window to sit back in his chair behind his desk.

He set his long straight legs on the desk and looked back at Riddle.

"I remember talking to Headmaster Dumbledore about this, I need some magical animals for my Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Riddle looked back and spoke, "Didn't you teach a class with captured magical animals at the beginning of the semester?"

"There's no need to make things up in front of me, is there?" Dracula raised an eyebrow and stared straight into Riddle's eyes, "Since when has instructional material required the use of dozens of so many Pokémon?"

"Mr. Scamander Jr. said he remembers clearly that some species of magical animals were knocked out several at once. That's simply not a situation you need to face when capturing teaching material! Isn't it enough to collect one or two of a type of magical animal?"

"Or is there another secret inside the Forbidden Forest?"

Dracula hooked up the corner of his mouth and kindly looked at Riddle's slightly changing face.

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