Professor Vampire.

Chapter 150 - 150 Vile Hellebore

Chapter 150: Chapter 150 Vile Hellebore

The conversation that just took place between Dracula and Andros was actually in the Greek language of the ancient and early times.

There's a big difference between Ancient Greek and Modern Greek -

During the Classical Greek period, the various dialects of the time were collectively referred to as Ancient Greek. Gradually, these dialects underwent linguistic homogenization and formed Common Greek, the lingua franca of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, which later evolved into Middle Greek.

Modern Greek since then has been divided into two main types, informal Common Greek and formal Pure Greek. Modern Standard Greek is largely a descendant of Common Greek and retains some features of Pure Greek.

It is therefore quite normal that Albertus, a modern Greek, could not understand ancient Greek.

Dracula, on the other hand, a fellow who had lived for more than a thousand years, had learned most of the common languages of the world without realizing it.

In order not to miss out on the fun around the world, he tends to use the language of whatever place he's talking to, which is kind of well-intentioned ...

"Dracula, my old friend, who are these two?" Andros asked enthusiastically, "It's the first time I've seen outsiders here besides you!"

"An interesting magical zoologist, and a Greek." Dracula said casually, "I'm mostly interested in the magical zoologist, the Greek is just incidental."

Next to him, Abattoir, completely oblivious to what Dracula was saying, flashed a polite smile and nodded confidently to Andros.

"Uh, is this what we Greeks have become?" Andros looked at the shiny-brained Abattoir and subconsciously touched his own hair before he sort of sighed in relief.

"Well ... he might be considered a special case?" Dracula said casually, "Most of the Greeks I've seen are still very handsome, he might have balded his head from worrying about the Greek magic world."

A sudden flash of realization flashed in Andros' eyes, followed by a deep sigh.

"Sure enough, the magic world here is still in inevitable decline?" He sighed.

Dracula furrowed his brows, his eyes moving slightly, "How does it feel ... that you don't seem to be very surprised about the decline of the Greek magic world?"

"Alas, I am indeed not very surprised." Andros said softly, "But it's better to take care of the matter of Helbo first, and wait until a little while later to carefully explain the rest to you."

Dracula nodded softly, then turned his head to look at Newt and Abner.

"Mr. Scamander, Minister Abbottel, I'm going to trouble you to wait for us here for a few minutes." He smiled at the two, "The architecture here is quite artistic, so you can wander around for a bit, as long as you don't step inside the building."

After a nod from both Newt and Abbottel, Dracula and Andros walked shoulder to shoulder deeper into the complex to find the sorcerer that Andros had watched over for two thousand years ...

Helpo is a black wizard in ancient Greece, in the entire history of the magic world, he is the pioneer and leader in the field of black magic, is the first to create the "soul weapon", is also the first to create the "serpent monster" wizard.

Salazar Slytherin is because inadvertently received the inheritance left behind by the Helbo, to the older slowly began to indulge in black magic, can not be extricated.

Because of Helpo's evil reputation in the field of black magic, he could be considered infamous, and was even called "Vile Helpo" by his wizard contemporaries.

"So ... Helbo is sneaking and hiding now?" Dracula asked as he surveyed the various ancient Greek buildings around him.

"That's right." Andros shrugged, "That coward Helpo, just now he was fighting me like hell. As soon as he sensed someone coming in, he immediately shrunk somewhere."

"But what I'm more amazed about now is actually that after so many years have passed, you haven't found a way to completely solve him?" Dracula rubbed his eyebrows in some perplexity, "I'm not going to ask you why you've been so happy this time, I just want to know ... are you willing to keep playing hide and seek with Helbo like this?"

"I don't want to either, but there's no way, no one knows where this despicable Helpo has hidden his own soul weapon." Andros was also a bit depressed when he said this, "So I can only be bitter and happy!"

As a matter of fact, the feud between Andros and Helpo was born from a long, long time ago, and it could even be traced all the way back to the Ancient Greek period-

At that time, there were two great sorcerers in Ancient Greece, the invincible Andros and the despicable Helpo.

One of them was a notorious black sorcerer, often making all kinds of inhumane black magic experiments; the other was a leader in the eyes of the sorcerers, able to cast a giant-sized daemon, and was quite righteous.

These two characters, who have very different styles of behavior, are supposed to be at loggerheads.

In order to get rid of such a black sheep as the despicable Helbo, Andros brought along a large number of wizards from the Greek magical world, representing the great power of justice to go on a crusade, and easily destroyed Helbo, and in the process, destroyed the base where he was doing experiments in black magic.

However, after a short time, Helpo appeared in front of the Greek wizards again as if he hadn't gone through all this, unharmed.

It wasn't until several times after the elimination of Helpo that Andros realized that this black sorcerer had created a new form of magic like never before - Soulcraft!

Helpo had always had a deep understanding of the nature of the soul.

With his knowledge of black magic and his cold and ruthless character, he had deliberately killed people with the intention of splitting his own soul, and subsequently used black magic to seal the split soul in an object, becoming the first known sorcerer to successfully create a Horcrux.

In the presence of the Horcrux, no one was able to completely destroy Helbo!

Therefore, Andros deliberately gathered the power of the top sorcerers in all of Greece to create a mysterious and mysterious secret realm at the top of Mount Olympus, and completely imprisoned Helpo in the middle of this secret realm.

This secret realm at the top of Mount Olympus could lock up the soul of a sorcerer, so that Helpo could not be resurrected to the outside world by virtue of the existence of the Horcruxes, and could only be trapped in such a corner for a long period of time.

In order to keep a firm watch over the vile Helbo, Andros voluntarily integrated his soul into the secret realm and became one with his daemon, becoming the eternal guardian of this secret realm.

As long as the problem of Helpo could not be completely solved, Andros could not be relieved!

Beside a tall ancient Greek temple, Dracula looked deeply at Andros.

"I sometimes really envy wizards like you who are pure of heart." He laughed softly and said in a fluttering tone, "Working for a goal for thousands of years, two thousand years as one day, and never feeling dull."

"Do you take it that I don't envy you this way of living?" Andros retorted, "Doing whatever you want, living as long as you want, who wouldn't envy such a life?"

"Then why don't you?" Dracula asked, "You'd still be alive and well even if you didn't bother with Helpo, right?"

"Maybe." Andros shook his head, "But since I'm the only one who can stop him, it's become my mission, a responsibility I've never been able to shirk lightly."

The conversation between the two came to an abrupt end here, and neither of them had any thoughts of exploring it any deeper.

For both Dracula and Andros knew that they had their own unique insistence on each other.

"From here?" Dracula asked softly as he looked at the ancient Greek temple in front of him.

"Let's start here." Andros nodded, "You take care of the front part of this temple, and I'll take care of the back area."

Dracula nodded softly, then lifted his wand-

"Exhale God Guard (Expe)!"

In an instant, it was as if countless bats scattered in all directions and surged towards the front of the temple, illuminating every inch of space obscured by the black aura.

Andros, on the other hand, spread his right hand-

A silver-white light sprang out of his hand, connecting with the magnificent giant that was far taller than the looming temple in front of him.

In the next instant, the giant bent down deeply, and a fist as big as a mountain bag came at him from above, sweeping through countless buildings in the blink of an eye and clearing away a large swath of the pervasive black aura.

"Why are you using your wand all of a sudden?" While clearing the presence among the various buildings, Andros curiously looked at the black branch-like item in Dracula's hand, "I remember that you never used something like a wand back then."

"Don't mention it, I wanted to make a guest appearance as a professor at a magic school where wand use was mandatory." Dracula bristled, "But after I really got used to it, this wand of mine is quite handy."

Andros sniffed and scrutinized the wand in Dracula's hand before the corner of his eye suddenly jumped.

"You're ... casting a daemon spell with an eerie wood wand?" The corner of his mouth twitched, "Is there really no conflict between the two?"

"I don't find any conflict here anyway." Dracula hooked the corner of his mouth, "Wasn't it you who taught me? The sanctity manifested in the Guardian Spirit spell is only a manifestation of the purest emotion, and has nothing to do with the personal attributes of the spell caster."

"Or else it's because my daemon is originally a dark creature like a vampire bat, so it's inversely attuned to the Eerie Wood Wand?"

"I won't lie to you, I only taught you to cast the daemon spell back then because I wanted to tease you." Andros said with a helpless face, "What I told you was really fine in theory, but who would have thought that a vampire would actually cast a daemon spell for real?"

He pondered carefully for half a day before finally shaking his head casually.

"Forget it, I can't figure it out." He smiled, "It's already unheard of for an existence as black and dark as you to cast a daemon spell, so it's not that hard to understand that the eerie wood doesn't clash with daemons."

Dracula laughed softly as well and said no more.

It wasn't long before Dracula suddenly lit up.

"Found him, at the replica of the Parthenon!"

He snapped his fingers.

A dark moon unceremoniously wrapped the figures of Dracula and Andros within, and in the next moment brought the two of them before an extremely magnificent ancient Greek temple.

As far as the eye could see, the temple as a whole was rectangular in shape and towered over three tall flights of steps, with an extremely expansive footprint at the base, half the size of a Quidditch pitch.

The temple was made of white marble, and the entire temple was surrounded by forty-six ten-meter-high marble pillars chiseled in grooves, and the marble was flawless.

The roof of this temple is divided into two pitches, and the ends of the top form a triangular rampart, surmounted by a beautifully colored triangular frieze.

And the front of the temple's doorway was currently surrounded by a large swath of silvery-white bats, wrapping an old man whose body was filled with a black aura, not leaving him the slightest bit of space to escape.

"Mr. Helbo, we meet again." Dracula greeted the old man surrounded by numerous bats like an old friend, "Do you still remember me after so many years?"

"I remember you very well, Count Dracula-sama!" Helpo looked at the silver-haired man who was walking in the moonlight in conjunction with Andros, and greeted him through gritted teeth, saying.

"To be a dark creature and yet help others backstab fellow members of the same dark camp, you're the first I've ever seen!"

"Who told you that dark creatures have to help you dark wizards?" Dracula walked carelessly to Helbo's side and swatted away the swarm of silver-white bats around him, "You dark wizards always do things with no style whatsoever, I'm simply ashamed to be in your company."

A look of disgust crossed his eyes as he looked at the unkempt, thieving, gray-haired, dry, and rather lewd looking Helpo.

Whether it was Voldemort, the vile Helpo, or the dark wizards Dracula had ever seen in his thousand years of life, there seemed to be very few of them who had that kind of style and class.

Most of them have been immersed in the study of black magic for a long time, not seeing sunlight for years, and their bodies have been eroded by the dark power. Some of these black wizards were even obsessed with remodeling their bodies with black magic.

As a result, most black wizards look quite ugly. Even the late Saracha Slytherin was the same, becoming hunched and wrinkled.

As for why Dracula was willing to befriend Slytherin and not other dark wizards ...

That was of course because the two of them knew each other early enough! The founder of Slytherin Academy was still quite classy when he was young, otherwise he wouldn't have been recognized by the three great wizards, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

At this moment, the Helper in front of him was also a typical black wizard with no style, and he could be considered as the culprit who dragged Salazar Slytherin into black magic.

Dracula certainly didn't think much of him!

"Now that we've got him it's a good thing." Dracula gave Helpo a disgusted look before turning his eyes back to Andros' face. In comparison, it was Andros' comical moustache that looked a little bit better.

"Just destroy him and wait for him to slowly come back to life, or do you mean torture him to his weakest state?" He asked with interest.

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