Professor Vampire.

Chapter 129 - 129 When the lezzies lose their lezzies

Chapter 129: Chapter 129 When the lezzies lose their lezzies

A terrifying green light shot out from the tip of Voldemort's wand!


Moody's shout echoed faintly in Tonks' ears... but she could no longer hear it clearly. The strong green light instantly occupied all her sight, as if it had deprived her of all five senses at that moment.

Tonks opened her eyes wide, watching this chilling green engulf every inch of her vision, and she had no time to make any effective reaction!

At the critical moment, some different colors suddenly appeared in Tonks's vision-

A pure black bat flapped its wings, and a black mark was squeezed out of the stubborn green, and its trajectory bloomed like a flower.

The next moment, a dark full moon suddenly rose quietly from the place where the bat flew out.

Several bats rushed towards the green beam of the killing curse like moths to a flame, and lost their vitality one after another under the effect of the spell, turning into light spots and dissipating.

Under the consumption of these bats, the green light gradually consumed, and the dark moon also silently dissipated in the background of wisps of fog on the island.

A man with long silver hair and a strange face emerged from the dissipating moonlight.

"This enthusiastic lady, you seem to have encountered some troubles?" A mellow voice sounded in Tonks' ears.

Tonks opened her mouth wide, and her hair instantly changed from violet to red.

"You... you are... the one in the Cairngorms a year ago!" She exclaimed excitedly, "Why are you here?"

Tonks vaguely remembered that a year ago, she had just graduated from Hogwarts. She became an intern Auror in the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic, and experienced the daily actions of the Aurors for the first time with the large team...

Then she failed the Auror's "Stealth and Tracking" subject and got lost.

Deep in the Cairngorms, Tonks met this handsome and cruel man. She was so smart that she wanted to protect him as an Auror, but she didn't realize that this person might be the source of the dark magic...

"Why wouldn't I come here?" Dracula glanced at Tonks and raised his lips slightly, "In fact, not only did I come here, but I have also watched the show on the wall of Azkaban for a long time."

"This is impossible!" Voldemort's horrified voice suddenly came from not far away, "Dracula, haven't you been staying in Hogwarts all the time?!"

He took out the parchment sent by Snape from his pocket and saw that the red light on it was still motionless on the left side of Hogwarts Castle, without any change.

Dracula turned his head and looked at Voldemort's incredible expression.

"Oh?" He asked with interest, "What made you have the illusion that I have been staying in Hogwarts all the time? The parchment in your hand?"

In fact, in the underground classroom full of ghosts in Hogwarts, Dracula's figure did stay in the same place, chatting happily with Helena's almost headless Nick.

However, this figure was not Dracula's real body, but a clone created by necromancy, who stayed in Hogwarts with the "positioning device" left by Snape, thus confusing Voldemort and letting him come to Azkaban to carry out his plan with confidence.

However, compared with the real body, this clone looked a little illusory. This is why he was regarded as a ghost by Harry, Myrtle and others.

As for the real Dracula, he had already arrived in Azkaban in advance, turned into a bat hanging upside down on the marble wall, and watched the good show from a high place for a long time.

"So it was Severus who betrayed me?" After a short period of surprise, Voldemort's voice became completely cold.

He fiercely pinched the parchment in his hand into a ball.

After rubbing it hard, the positioning map made by Snape was crushed into countless pieces, thrown aside by Voldemort, and blown away by the wind on the isolated island in a blink of an eye.

"Tsk, you just found out about this?" Dracula smiled sarcastically, teasing, "Professor Snape has always been trusted by Dumbledore and provided a lot of useful information for your great cause of destroying you."

"Mr. Voldemort, you don't really think Snape is your spy planted in Hogwarts, do you?" He walked a few steps closer to Voldemort with a sneer on his face, "But the truth of the matter may be just the opposite?"

Dracula's sarcasm made Voldemort's pale face gradually turn red, and his scarlet eyes kept flashing, obviously very angry.

"I will make him pay the price!" Anger rose in Voldemort's heart, and his eyes seemed to burn with angry flames.

Suffering setbacks in the hands of Dracula, the proud and fragile emotions of the Dark Lord completely broke out. He excitedly raised his wand and turned his anger into a dazzling green light that shot out of his hand!


Dracula turned slightly to the side, and a thick green beam of light hit the ground behind him, blasting a huge deep pit in the ground and stirring up a cloud of flying dust.

The next moment, Voldemort turned into a ball of black mist and flew up.

A magic wand suddenly appeared in the black mist in the air, waving a colorful light curtain, like a star covered by dark clouds falling from the starry sky.

These light curtains are beautiful and dangerous, all of which carry a soul-stirring evil breath and powerful momentum, and are all black magic that others have never heard of.

On this Halloween night when the dark atmosphere is the strongest, the power of black magic has been greatly increased!

Dracula looked at the gorgeous light curtains in the sky, chuckled, and raised his magic wand-

The dark moon lit up behind him, emitting an extremely cold light, and countless crescent-shaped light blades flew out of the moonlight, accurately colliding with every light curtain emitted by Voldemort.

Gradually, more and more light blades were released from the dark moon behind Dracula, and they gathered into a backward waterfall, covering the dense spells cast by Voldemort from a high place, and crushing into the sky filled with black fog in the opposite direction.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Voldemort immediately turned his whole body into a black fog again, trying to avoid the attack of the light blades.


Dracula snapped his fingers lightly.

The crescent-shaped light blades suddenly turned after contacting the black fog, and each group of four light blades formed countless turbines, which instantly dispersed the fog in the sky.

The turbines transformed from the light blades also dispersed the dark clouds over Azkaban, and a vacuum area suddenly appeared in the sky.

The crescent moon lay quietly in the sky surrounded by stratus clouds, casting cold moonlight on this sea that had never seen light.

"Wow... so awesome..." Tonks watched this scene with wide eyes, muttering in her mouth.

The scene of Dracula beating Voldemort shocked her greatly. You know, this is the Dark Lord who must not be named!

When Tonks thought about how she had once said that she would protect his safety, she felt ashamed...

Under the moonlight, the black mist seemed to become much thinner.

A thin black mist barely condensed on the ground, and then, Voldemort, with an extremely pale face, staggered and appeared where the black mist was.

"Dracula, don't be too proud too soon..." He looked extremely weak and panted, "When I recover all my strength, I will be the first to make you look good!"

"Hehe, it's different when you have something to rely on. You are still so confident at this time." Dracula crossed his arms and chuckled, "Whatever you say, I just need to "entertain" you well every time you are resurrected!"

"Mr. Voldemort, I wonder how many times your soul can be annihilated with your soul power?"

Hearing this, Voldemort's face finally changed.

Although he has Horcruxes as support and will never really die. But his soul is still limited.

If the power of the soul source is forcibly annihilated many times, then he may never be able to recover to his peak power.

At that time, let alone making Dracula look good, it is hard to say whether he can continue to be his Dark Lord.

"You forced me to do this, Dracula!" Voldemort lowered his voice, as if speaking through his teeth, "My allies, please help me..."

The sky seemed to darken suddenly.

The crescent moon that had just peeked out was once again blocked by a dark mass of evil, ugly black creatures.

The thick ink-like Dementors were stacked together thickly, and the entire group of Dementors looked like the ugly face of the devil, overlooking the front of the Azkaban Fortress.



Breaks of creepy sounds came from the overcast sky, and the air contained an extremely heavy and extremely oppressive atmosphere, which aroused the most fearful and painful emotions in people's hearts.

Innumerable Dementors surrounded Dracula in the blink of an eye. There were no facial features under their tattered hoods, and a hole opened where the mouth should have grown, constantly absorbing the emotion called happiness in the air.

Dracula's face immediately sank.

He felt that all his fun had been sucked away...

"Dementors... What a hateful thing..."

Dracula's voice slowly turned cold, and the corners of his mouth that used to be raised also lost their original arc, and his wine-red eyes became like blood, flashing with cold light.

After the only fun in his long life was suppressed deep in his heart, Dracula's figure seemed to be outside this world, surrounded by indifference and indifference, not like a human figure-

Two sharp side teeth protruded from his slightly opened mouth, and the sharp nails also extended, and the wide wings behind him suddenly opened, raising a gust of wind!

The Dementors' movements stagnated.

They could no longer feel any happy emotions from Dracula's body, but only felt the extreme emptiness and loneliness.

This made these evil species instinctively feel a fear!

The next moment, Dracula suddenly jumped up from the ground, spread his wings and flew in the air.

His cold eyes were like a beast that wanted to devour its prey. Relying only on the fighting instinct of the blood clan, he stared at a leading Dementor and flashed in front of it in an instant.

His sharp nails suddenly pierced into the chest of the leading Dementor, but he caught nothing and only tore a piece of rotten rag.


The Dementor made a few strange cries in its throat and opened the empty "mouth" under the hood again, trying to find and suck away the happiness in Dracula's heart.

But it failed again.

Dracula's current state is like a thousand-year-old ice, with indifference in his heart.

And this indifferent ice suddenly changed the position of his attack when he saw the Dementor's action.

He stretched out his other hand and suddenly pierced into the empty "mouth" of the Dementor--

The next moment, a white flame appeared in Dracula's hand and burned in the "mouth" of the Dementor.


The effect of this kind of flame that directly points to the soul is very obvious. The Dementor feels the burning of the flame and begins to swing its rag-like body in pain, struggling to escape from Dracula's palm.

Dracula lets go of his hand as it wishes, and admires the Dementor struggling to fly around in the air, but it can't escape the fate of being burned to ashes.

He twisted his mouth indifferently, but then found that he couldn't find the interest when he twisted his mouth in the past, and his face returned to a cold state again.

Then, Dracula seemed to have turned into a ruthless beast, killing all around in the group of Dementors, or tearing them apart in the most cruel way, or burning them into powder with flames...

The Dementors gradually realized what fear was, scattered, and tried their best to fly away from the place where the terrible man was.

After the monsters left, the moonlight fell again, still as cold and pure as usual.

Dracula spread his wings and quietly floated in the watery moonlight, with confusion in his blood-red eyes.

For some reason, he clearly slaughtered countless Dementors that made him unhappy, and it was considered a great battle, so he should have felt very happy.

But he didn't feel any great pleasure at the moment, nor did he feel any pleasure after revenge.

Dracula now only felt an inexplicable emptiness, as if he had forgotten something...


"Professor Dracula, what's wrong with you?" A voice sounded in Dracula's ears as if it was from a long distance.


Yes, I seem to have become a professor. But why should I become a professor?


"Uncle Dracula, your expression is so scary." A somewhat flustered and pleasant female voice sounded in my ears.


Isn't this voice the daughter of Rowena?


"Professor, wake up, the party is about to end!" This is a somewhat childish voice.


This voice seems to be from an interesting little wizard, his name is Harry Potter, right?


"Harry, your methods are useless, look at me—Professor, wake up and watch the fun!"


Hearing this, Dracula's heart moved slightly, he felt that something that was suppressed in his heart suddenly awakened.


"Where is the fun?!" Dracula suddenly opened his eyes.

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