Professor Vampire.

Chapter 116 - 116 Hoklo

Chapter 116: Chapter 116 Hoklo

After Malfoy's wand was knocked out by the Disarming Spell, the black snake on the stage did not dissipate.

It seemed to have lost control all of a sudden and became even more ferocious.

"Once the Summoning Spell is cast, it is equivalent to generating a real magical creation." Dracula reminded at the right time, "Before the caster's magic power is exhausted, unless it is dissolved by the Vanishing Spell, it will not dissipate because the caster is freed of the wand."

"Are you still going to be brave at this time, Potter?" Snape held the wand tightly, but the words he said were still sarcastic.

"Do you really think of yourself as the savior of the wizarding world, and can easily turn danger into safety no matter what you face?"

However, Harry did not hear what Snape said at all, his mind was extremely focused-


Harry didn't understand why he did this, and he didn't realize that he decided to do this. He didn't even wave his wand, but stupidly shouted at the black snake.

However, his seemingly silly move was very effective, and a miracle happened--

Under Harry's incredible gaze, the black snake collapsed on the floor, becoming docile and docile, as soft as a thick and black watering hose, staring at Harry without aggression.

Looking at this scene, Harry felt that his fear disappeared little by little.

He knew that the snake would not attack anyone again... As for how he knew it, he himself could not say.

But Harry at least knew that he had won!

He grinned and looked up at Malfoy, trying to see the unwillingness, anger, and irritability on his face.

However, Malfoy did not show the expression Harry imagined, but instead was a little panicked with doubt, and took a step back.

Snape stepped forward and waved his wand-

"Vipera Evanesca."

The black snake turned into a wisp of black smoke and disappeared.

Snape also looked at him with a look that surprised Harry: it was a look of surprise and meaning, which Harry did not like.

He was also vaguely aware that the crowd under the stage were whispering and talking about him in private.

Harry looked blankly at Professor Dracula who was walking towards him. He wanted to ask a lot of questions. He wanted to know what happened when he was busy dealing with the black snake and did not have time to react.

"Mr. Potter, come to my office. I have some questions for you." Dracula said.

His wine-red eyes were full of strong interest, even a little hot, and Harry's eyes unconsciously wanted to dodge.

However, Dracula reached out without saying anything, grabbed the hat of Harry's school robe from behind, and easily lifted him up, just like lifting a chicken.

"Professor Snape, I have to leave a few minutes early for today's duel club meeting." Dracula turned his head to look at Snape, and smiled happily, "I'll leave the competitions of other grades to you."

"If you feel that you can't handle it alone, you can call Professor Flitwick to help. Don't forget that he was the duel champion back then!"

After saying this, before Snape agreed, Dracula took Harry and disappeared in an instant.

"Wait..." Snape wanted to refute a few words, but he didn't have time to speak.

So, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he turned his eyes viciously to the little wizards who were talking in the audience.

"Shut up!"

Snape took out his anger at Dracula on the students, "Tell me, has the mucus of the Flobberworm penetrated into your thick skulls? Or do you think the snake that Potter just dealt with has anything to do with you?"

"I am now deeply suspicious of your identity as wizards - whispering and making a lot of noise, are you students who come to Hogwarts to learn magic or parrots eating on the owl tower?!"


The little wizards trembled and fell silent, and Snape on the stage began his sarcasm and scolding without spitting a single swear word.


In the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office, the figures of Dracula and Harry suddenly appeared.

As soon as he returned to the office, Dracula couldn't wait to snap his fingers.

The window that had been opened when flying to the principal's office and had not been closed yet "snapped" and then the heavy curtains were automatically drawn, blocking the stars outside the window.

Because there were not many lights on in the office, the light suddenly became dim.

Dracula's attention was on Harry at this time. Because vampires like darkness, they didn't pay attention to the light problem in the office at all.

He waved his hand casually, and a chair placed on the side of the office moved sideways and stopped directly behind Harry.

Harry was then pressed by Dracula to sit on the chair.

Looking at Dracula's excited and even somewhat fiery eyes, he was very flustered.

'The professor suddenly brought me to the office, closed the window, drew the curtains, and didn't turn on the lights. What is he going to do to me? ! ' He was thinking about it in a panic, thinking about what countermeasures he could take to escape.

Then Harry found that a powerful professor like Professor Dracula would never give him a chance to escape...

So, Harry closed his eyes resignedly.

He felt Professor Dracula's slender fingers pressing on his shoulders——

"So you are also a descendant of Salazar, Potter?" Dracula asked softly.

Hearing Dracula's question, Harry opened his eyes blankly.

"Huh? Salazar? Who is that?"

"Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts." Dracula said, "Being able to talk to snakes is Salazar Slytherin's iconic ability and one of his most proud skills."

"Why do you think the symbol of Slytherin College is a snake?"

Dracula stared into Harry's eyes with a deep tone.

"You are a snake, Potter."

"What am I?" Harry didn't hear the unfamiliar word "snake" clearly and was still very confused.

"Snake Tongue!" Dracula repeated, "The ability to talk to snakes is called Snake Tongue!"

"I know!" Harry's eyes moved, and he suddenly thought of something that happened more than a year ago, "I mean, this is the second time I've done this. Once in the zoo, I accidentally released a python, and then the python pounced on my cousin Dudley..."

"It's a long story, but I still remember that the python told me that it had never been to Brazil mentioned on the animal card. I felt sorry for it and let it go without knowing it... But I really didn't mean it! At that time, I didn't even know that I was a wizard..."

Speaking of this, Harry felt a little flustered, "After receiving the admission letter, I learned that I was a wizard, so I thought... Many people in the magic world can do this."

"Oh, they can't do it," Dracula laughed softly, "This is not an ordinary skill, Potter, this is almost only a skill that can be used by the descendants of Slytherin."

"But I'm not!" Harry hurriedly defended.

He had a panic in his heart that he couldn't explain.

Long before the Sorting, Harry had a certain understanding of the four colleges through different channels.

For example, Hagrid once told him that Voldemort, who killed his parents, came from Slytherin; in addition, Draco Malfoy, whom he met in Madam Malkin's clothing store, also made him feel that most wizards in Slytherin were conceited, arrogant, and unfriendly.

Later on the Hogwarts Express, Ron, his first friend of the same age in his life, told him that Slytherin was still a place where dark wizards often appeared, which made him give up the idea of ??going to Slytherin.

So, later when he was sorted, Harry kept thinking in his heart, "Not going to Slytherin, not going to Slytherin..."

The Sorting Hat listened to his opinion and sorted him into Gryffindor, which made Harry feel relieved.

It turns out that Harry's enemies after coming to Hogwarts, such as Malfoy and Snape, were all Slytherins, so he never regretted his decision not to go to Slytherin.

But now Professor Dracula told him that he was actually the descendant of the founder of Slytherin?

Harry said he couldn't accept it.

"It's not that you say you are not a descendant of Slytherin, so I can be sure that you are not." Dracula said, "You will find it difficult to prove this - Salazar lived about a thousand years ago. From what I know now, you are very likely his descendant."

Harry opened his mouth and wanted to say that he really was not, but he didn't know how to refute.

"But..." Dracula changed the subject.

"!" Harry's eyes were filled with hope again.

"But... you are lucky, I happen to have a way to identify the relationship between you and Salazar!" Dracula smiled with interest, admiring Harry's expression from panic to surprise, "If you want to understand this relationship, you need me to collect some of your blood."

"No problem, professor!" Harry raised his arm very actively and rolled up his sleeves consciously, "By the way, the magic world doesn't seem to have needles for drawing blood..."

"Needles? I don't need such useless things." Dracula smiled contemptuously and took out an exquisite small crystal bottle from his pocket.

The crystal bottle is slender as a whole, and the lower part is somewhat similar to the test tube in the Muggle world, but there is an extra thing at the mouth of the bottle - a cute white little bat with only half of its body left!

The little bat flapped its small wings and flew up with the crystal bottle, then put its small and sharp side teeth on Harry's arm and bit it gently.

Harry felt a little numb and itchy on his arm, but it didn't hurt at all.

Then, bright red blood flowed from half of the bat's body and poured into the small crystal bottle.

When the blood volume reached half the height of the crystal bottle, the bat pulled its teeth out of Harry's arm, flapped its wings, and left Harry's arm with the crystal bottle.

Harry subconsciously wanted to cover the wound with his hands, but found that the two shallow tooth marks had healed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, they were back to normal, as smooth as if there had never been a wound.

"Professor, why do I always feel that you seem to be very skilled in drawing blood..." Harry couldn't help but complain.

"Very skilled? Probably." Dracula shrugged casually, stretched out his hand to take the half white bat that flapped its wings and the small crystal bottle under it.

In fact, as early as last semester, when he saw Harry contact with Quirrell and turned him into ashes in the restricted area where the Philosopher's Stone was stored, Dracula had already been a little curious about Harry's body composition.

After that incident, Dracula and Dumbledore had a long talk and confirmed that the reason why Harry could survive Voldemort's killing curse was actually because of the blood magic cast on him by Harry's mother, Lily Potter.

Therefore, Dracula became very interested in the magic cast by Lily Potter on Harry's blood, and even Harry's blood, and almost sucked his blood directly!

Unfortunately, Dumbledore had been on guard against Dracula's actions, making it difficult for him to succeed.

But today is different-

Harry showed his talent for snake talk in public. This skill of talking to snakes almost proves that he is the descendant of Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts!

In order to check whether Harry is a descendant of Slytherin, it is reasonable to test his blood, right? Even if Dumbledore is the headmaster, he can't find any fault with his approach!

What's more, making Harry a descendant of Slytherin does not meet Dumbledore's expectations of him.

Dracula certainly couldn't miss this rare opportunity!

So, he successfully collected Harry's blood with a small bat crystal bottle.

In the dim Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office, Dracula reached out and gently took the crystal bottle under the small bat.

He pinched the bottle and carefully looked at Harry's blood in the bottle.

At the same time, Harry had a blank diary in his arms and was gritting his teeth...

Because Harry was going to participate in the duel club today, he thought of the diary that taught him a lot of Defense Against the Dark Arts knowledge and brought it with him.

It was also because of Harry's decision that Tom Riddle's Horcrux diary saw the scene of Dracula easily getting Harry's blood, and he almost vomited blood in grief and anger-

Why did Harry Potter's blood, which he tried so hard to get, be so easily obtained by others?

No, it can't even be said to be easy, it was clearly given away for free.

Harry donated blood completely voluntarily, and even rolled up his sleeves himself!

Diary Riddle was so angry that he almost went crazy. But he was afraid that the terrible Dracula in front of him would find out, so he didn't dare to reveal any emotion.

So he could only stay in Harry's pocket and sulk.

Diary was obviously overthinking.

Dracula was in no mood to observe the book in Harry's arms at this time. All his attention was attracted by the blood in the crystal bottle.

It seemed that the little bat on the bottle mouth was a bit of a hindrance, so Dracula grabbed its head, pulled it out of the bottle mouth with a "puff", and then threw it aside.

After freeing up the space at the bottle mouth, Dracula began to concentrate on observing Harry's blood in the crystal bottle.

As for the little bat thrown aside, it was so scared that it flapped its wings a few times, dragged half of its body in the air, and got back into Dracula's pocket...

Harry looked at this scene with a smile, and inexplicably felt that the little bat with only half of its body left was a bit pitiful.

So he hesitated for a moment and asked, "Professor, did you raise that bat just now? Isn't it a bit cruel to treat it like this..."

Harry was a little confused at this time.

He didn't want to believe that Professor Dracula, whom he admired, would abuse a small animal, but the facts were right in front of him-

Professor Dracula split the body of a bat into two halves, used it as a tool to draw blood, and threw it away after use. It was so cruel!

'Is Professor Dracula really a cruel and ruthless person as some little wizards guessed? 'Harry thought secretly.

"Excuse me, what did you say just now?"

Dracula was concentrating on studying Harry's blood. When he heard Harry's question, he looked up at him and said, "You mean this bat?"

He took the poor little bat out of his pocket again, holding one of the bat's wings and letting it dangle in the air.

"That's right, Professor!" Harry looked at Dracula's indifferent actions and said with courage, "I think even a bat can feel pain and shouldn't be treated like this!"

"I once heard Hagrid say that because we are wizards, we always have to use the characteristics of animals and the abilities of magical animals to improve our lives, which is understandable. But we must also understand the difficulties of animals and not abuse them!"

Hearing this, Dracula finally raised his head and looked at Harry as if he were a retard.

"I... am I wrong?" Looking at Dracula's eyes, Harry instantly lost his confidence and asked weakly.

"I just want to say... have you ever seen a bat that can still live well after losing half of its body?" Dracula turned his eyes away from Harry and curled his lips with a bit of disgust.

"Ah? Isn't this one?" Harry asked puzzled.

"If you want, then this bat is for you." Dracula casually threw half of the little bat into Harry's arms, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I suggest you take a closer look at what this thing is, and then decide whether to "raise" it!"

Dracula emphasized the word "raise".

Harry quickly picked up the little bat from his arms and looked at it in front of his eyes.

He found that the body of this bat was actually hollow. In addition to the complete head, wings and half of the body, there was no organ or internal organ system in its body!

No, there is still an organ in its body - a small straw.

"How on earth does it survive..." Harry looked at the body structure of the little bat over and over again, puzzled.

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" Dracula finally raised his head and looked at Harry with a helpless look, "This is not a living creature at all, Potter, it's just an alchemical product specially used for drawing blood..."

"Ah..." Harry's expression froze, his face turned red in an instant, and he said in a mosquito-like voice, "Yes... I'm sorry, professor... I misunderstood you..."

"Forget it, it's not a big problem." Considering that he got Harry's blood today, Dracula was in a good mood and didn't embarrass him too much, "But I suggest you learn some useful knowledge after you go back, and don't make a fuss about everything you see all day long..."

Harry nodded repeatedly, indicating that he understood.

"I understand." Dracula waved his hand casually, "Put away the blood-drawing bat. Today's focus is not here..."

He suddenly leaned down, put his hand on Harry's shoulder again, and whispered, "You really have a very good mother, Potter."

"What... my mother?" Harry suddenly opened his eyes wide and became very excited, "Professor, do you know my mother?!"

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint you." Dracula shook his head gently, "I don't know your mother, Potter. But I can see that your mother left a very powerful protective magic in your blood-"

"And this protective magic... is not something that can be cast with her level of spellcasting."

"Why is that?" Harry murmured.

'It was created by sacrificing her own life. 'Dracula wanted to say this, but seeing Harry's lonely look, the words turned into: "Who knows? Maybe... it's because of love."

Dracula never thought that this Dumbledore-style statement that he once sneered at would come out of his own mouth.

So he shook his body uncomfortably and his face changed instantly.

"You can go, Potter." Dracula said coldly, "I have identified from your blood that you are not the descendant of Salazar Slytherin."

Harry was frightened by Professor Dracula, who changed his face faster than turning a book, and didn't know why the professor suddenly started to chase people away.

"Wait a minute, Professor." He asked hurriedly, "Have you found out the result? Don't you need to take my blood for testing? Then compare the two bloods and finally confirm the result... I remember that this is the process in the hospital..."

"Are you questioning my judgment?" Dracula said coldly, "Or... Can you find Salazar Slytherin's blood for comparison?"

After saying this, Dracula silently added in his heart, 'Although I did keep Salazar's blood sample. '

Harry looked at Dracula with a cold face and shook his head helplessly.

"I know, Professor." He stood up from his chair and then turned to walk towards the door of the office.

Harry looked at the alchemical bat in his hand, thought about it, and stuffed it into his chest pocket, together with Riddle's diary.

When he took his hand out, he accidentally brought out an inverted cross pendant.

"Wait a minute!"

Dracula shouted suddenly.

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