Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Chen Luo had been away from the base for half an hour. During this time, it wasnt calm and peaceful.

Two men wearing tattered shirts, with unkempt hair and faces covered in grime, passed by the entrance to the villa area.

These two men were starving, and the sun was scorching. They had no energy left in them.

When they saw this villa area, their hearts suddenly came alive.

These two men were named Xie Da and Miao Hui.

What made them even more ecstatic was that at the entrance, there was a black dog that seemed quite substantial.

As the saying goes, one black, two yellow, three spotted, and four white black dog meat is the most delicious.

After going hungry for over a day, the sight of the black dog made the two men overjoyed.

This dog was naturally the only one left behind to guard the place, the Thunderbolt King.

Xie Da was about to pounce on it, but Miao Hui stopped him. Wait a minute.

Xie Da was puzzled. What are we waiting for? What if the dog runs away?

Miao Hui shook his head. Weve been hungry for over a day. Dogs are fast runners. What if we startle it and it runs away?

Xie Da thought for a moment and said, Then what should we do?

Miao Hui grinned, We need to find something to lure that dog over. They say a dog cant change its habits, and luckily, Ive got a fresh pile for it. Its hungry for sure, and with this, it wont be able to resist.

Xie Da vigorously nodded in agreement.

The Thunderbolt King saw these two people but paid them no mind. If he had left his post, and someone took advantage of that and entered the residential area? His owner had entrusted him with the duty of guarding the home. He wouldnt fall for the trick of leaving the mountain.

Xie Da and Miao Hui arrived by the roadside, and Miao Hui began defecating directly into a plastic bag.

Perhaps influenced by him, Xie Da also felt the urge.

It was strange, hadnt eaten anything for over a day, yet they managed to produce so much feces.

Soon, they were both finished.

Then they encountered a problem: they had no toilet paper!

It didnt matter; their bodies had already smelled bad.

Miao Hui wasnt repulsed by the stench and disgustingly packed his feces, preparing to lure the Law King.

After finishing, Xie Da suddenly realized a problem.

If the dog eats the feces, and he eats the dog, wouldnt that mean hes essentially eating Miao Huis feces?

This was too disgusting, they couldnt accept it.

Xie Da quickly said, Ill eat mine, Ill eat mine.

Possibly due to the similar stench, Miao Hui also realized the issue and shook his head, refusing, No, Ill eat mine.

Xie Da was displeased, Why should I eat yours?

Miao Hui huffed, I came up with this idea.

Xie Da was angry, I dont care, you must eat mine.

The Thunderbolt King looked at these two in confusion. How did they start quarreling out of nowhere?

Their argument escalated, and Miao Hui, growing angrier, suddenly grabbed a handful of feces and smashed it onto Xie Das face.


There was now a streak of feces on Xie Das face.

Xie Da stood there dumbfounded, and so did Miao Hui.

Miao Hui awkwardly apologized, Sorry, it wasnt intentional.

Xie Das body trembled uncontrollably. His shaking hand scooped up a turd-like substance and smacked it onto Miao Huis face.

Miao Hui couldnt dodge it.

Well, they decided to go at it. One smeared the other, and vice versa.

In no time, both of them were covered in feces.

Truly a lose-lose situation.

A facepalm moment.

Miao Hui lay on the ground, panting, Why bother? We used up all the feces. How are we going to lure the dog now?

Xie Da, catching his breath, said, Its okay, I can still poop. Hmph, I won, so eat my feces.

Between eating feces and eating dog meat, Miao Hui ultimately chose to eat both. Otherwise, they had no other option.

Xie Da indeed managed to produce another turd.

Seeing Xie Das smug look, Miao Hui couldnt bear it. He grabbed a handful of Xie Das feces from his body and smeared it on the fresh pile Xie Da had just made.

Xie Da fumed, You

Xie Da really wanted to press this turd onto Miao Huis face, but he couldnt. Theyd run out of feces; there was no more to spare. No more eating dog meat?

All of this was witnessed by the Thunderbolt King, and it found it hilarious. These two fools, playing around with feces.

The Thunderbolt King had never seen anything like this in all its doggy years.

However, when the two men placed the feces not far away, signaling for the Thunderbolt King to come and eat, while making enticing sounds, the Thunderbolt King froze.

Its canine face slowly contorted, and its appearance turned terrifying. A sense of deep humiliation washed over it.

You could have plans to trick a dog, but you shouldnt humiliate a dog like this.

The Thunderbolt King was furious, and unnatural sparks of electricity crackled around its body.

Xie Da and Miao Hui were perplexed. How could this dog shoot electricity? Especially with the Thunderbolt King looking so menacing right now.

Both of them had a bad feeling about this.

The Thunderbolt King lunged at them, they were terrified, so they bolted.

Coincidentally, at this moment, Chen Luo returned. He saw the Thunderbolt King chasing after people and shouted, Thunderbolt King, what are you doing?

Chen Luos face turned grim. Whats that smell? How come theres such a strong stench at the entrance after a quick trip outside?

The Thunderbolt King had gone mad and didnt hear what Chen Luo said.

Chen Luo cursed inwardly. Whats wrong with the Thunderbolt King? Its treating my words as if theyre just a gust of wind.

Of course, the two men hadnt managed to escape. The Thunderbolt King was much faster than them. If you want to eat dog meat, you better be prepared to face the consequences.

You might think its too cruel, comparing humans and dogs. How can you compare them? But in nature, its survival of the fittest. If the Thunderbolt King were an ordinary dog, wouldnt it have been eaten a long time ago?

Hunting a male lion means being ready to be eaten by a pride of lions.

The Thunderbolt King was so angry it couldnt even eat its lunch.

Chen Luo, on the other hand, was considering whether he should recruit more people. While others were continuously expanding their teams, he hadnt. What if he encountered a group of several hundred people? His current team wouldnt stand a chance.

The number of people in his team might dwindle significantly in the next two or three months. If there were more people on Shu Yuns side today, this incident might not have happened.

Chen Luo had originally planned to establish a large-scale base to see if they could survive the increasingly challenging post-apocalyptic world. He needed both elite survivors and a solid foundation. Elite survivors were cultivated from the grassroots.

In his previous life, he knew that finding highly talented survivors who reached level ten and had royal-class abilities wasnt something that happened easily. It took time.

As long as they were willing to follow orders and dare to fight zombies, they could be recruited now. Chen Luo conveyed this order to the team. If they encountered survivors who had arrived nearby, they could test them. Those who passed the test would be accepted.

Those with auxiliary abilities didnt need to be tested; they could be recruited directly. After passing Rices check, they would be accepted into the group.

Chen Guang said, The boss said that if we encounter someone with auxiliary abilities who doesnt want to join, we should tie them up and bring them anyway.

Chen Guang passed this message to Su Dazhu, who then relayed it to Leng Chen, and so on, until it somehow got distorted.

In the end, it turned into this: The boss said that if we encounter beautiful girls, we should tie them up and bring them.

Chen Luo was quick to disavow any responsibility for this.

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