Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Hang these peoples

Chen Luo wanted to hung up these peoples bodies, but after a moments thought, he gave up the idea.

Its currently summer. If he were to display them at the entrance of the residential area, the foul smell they would emit could suffocate someone, not to mention the swarm of flies it would attract.

Could anyone manage to eat a meal while enduring such a stench?

Chen Luo might be able to tolerate it, but others most likely wouldnt.

Moreover, as Chen Luo pondered, he realized that welcoming the delivery of crystals was a more pressing matter. Level two crystals werent easily obtainable.

Chen Luo said, Retrieve the crystals and bury them in the back mountain.

The group of people nodded.

Brother Chen Luo, spare me this time. I wont dare again next time. Please dont kill me, sobbing.

Zhang Jingjing cried, her tearful eyes like pear blossoms in the rain.

Zhang Dongcheng also remained meek and didnt dare to speak, completely lacking the sternness he had shown when reprimanding Chen Luo earlier.

When should one not beg for mercy if not now?

Chen Luo smiled faintly, saying, What are you talking about? Youre a friend of Mi Li; how could I possibly lay a hand on you?

Just as Zhang Jingjings expression brightened, she heard Chen Luo continue.

However, I cant let you stay here any longer either. Were not on the same path. You should leave now.

Make your exit while I havent changed my mind.

Chen Luo let out a snort.

Zhang Jingjing widened her eyes. She wasnt foolish. After all, she had just had a falling out with Chen Luo and Mi Li. Staying here any longer certainly wouldnt yield any good results.

Mi Li isnt speaking up for her either.

Its not like Chen Luos place is the only one where survival is possible.

If Mi Li can attach himself to a big brother, I can do that too.

There will come a time when youll need me.

If Mi Li and Zhang Jingjing both end up in dire straits, Zhang Jingjing wouldnt feel so emotionally conflicted.  

She didnt understand the full situation, relying solely on her conjectures.

Her understanding hadnt fully shifted yet if you cant adapt to the world, the world will cast you aside.

Zhang Jingjing nodded. Zhang Dongcheng, on the other hand, regretted his decision at this moment. He didnt want to leave such a secure place, especially given Chen Luos prowess.

However, when met with Chen Luos sharp gaze, he didnt dare to speak and could only leave with Zhang Jingjing.

Mi Li opened her mouth as if to say something, but eventually gave up.

Chen Luo walked with his arm around Mi Li towards the villa, discreetly giving a gentle kick to the Thunderbolt King without leaving a trace.

The Thunderbolt King was briefly confused, then quickly realized.

When the master cant act conveniently, let me take action.

Oh, oh, oh, the assassin dispatched by that son of a bitch is at it again.

The first time they missed the opportunity and the target ended up dead. This is the second time.

Oh, so youre making me do the dirty work again? King thought.

This situation wouldnt pass without adding a chicken leg.

Wait, something doesnt seem right. Is it that the braised pork isnt tasty enough, or the ribs arent fragrant anymore?

When feeling down, just eat a chicken leg.

The Thunderbolt King stopped in his tracks, repeatedly sticking out his tongue, quietly following behind Zhang Jingjing and the other person.

Chen Luo glanced over, hey, I didnt say or do anything. I just accidentally kicked the Thunderbolt King.

The people in this world can be divided into three categories.

Friends, enemies, and my people.

You cant be my person, and becoming a friend is out of the question, so Im sorry.

You possess a bit of charm. Revenge-driven women are terrifying. What if you become a big shots person and then stab me in the back when its crucial?

I, Chen Luo, am not afraid of your retaliation at all. Even if I cant win in a fight, I can always run away.

But as for Mi Li and  Mi Ling

People cant just run away; they cant traverse the void.

For the sake of everyones safety, I can only apologize.

With so many occurrences like this, I can imagine that if Mi Li were to end up in your hands right now, her fate wouldnt be favorable either.

Mi Li cant bear it, which means Ill have to step in.

Wait, hold on. I had absolutely nothing to do with this matter, and I had no knowledge of it either. You cant pin the blame on me.

Having a dog is really nice.

Chen Guang ran over, saying, Brother Chen, the young man who left just now has come back. He says he has something important to discuss with you.

Chen Luo furrowed his brows as he turned around, something important?

Whats the matter?

Chen Guang shook his head, saying, I dont know. He didnt say much. But I felt that the kid seemed quite composed. He didnt appear like hed talk nonsense, so I came to report to you.

Indeed, if that young man had acted like Sun Dawei did back then, trying to take advantage of the situation, he would have ended up staying just like Sun Dawei did.

He seemed clever enough not to be unaware of the consequences of playing himself.

Chen Luo nodded, Mi Ling took Mi Li back.

Leng Chen, along with a group of fellow refugees, was seeking a place to settle down. After all, they couldnt keep sleeping in their vehicles forever.

Arriving at an area with hardly any zombies, they were about to enter a villa district to take a look, but they were stopped by someone.

Later, they encountered Sun Dawei.

When the leader of the opposing group smiled and asked if Leng Chens group was also after resources, Leng Chen felt a shiver down his spine.

Without hesitation, he ran away.

After leaving, a thought began to form in his mind could the absence of zombies in the vicinity be due to the group of people in the villa area dealing with them?

The next moment, not having gone far, he heard a continuous series of agonized screams.

It frightened him, causing his skin to prickle, reaffirming that running was indeed the right choice.

But where to run? He had no destination, and the world had grown perilous.

Leng Chen felt lost. Another idea sprang up: why not try joining the other group?

The reason for this notion wasnt just that the other group had many girls; that wasnt the pivotal point.

The pivotal point was that these girls seemed to be doing well. They were neatly dressed, composed in demeanor, in stark contrast to one girl in his own group who was already appearing somewhat disheveled.

If the other group harbored ill intentions, these girls wouldnt have their current state of well-being.

He believed he could treat these girls well, and considering the attitude of Chen Guangs group and others, he speculated that treating their members well was likely.

This prompted Leng Chen to entertain the idea. When he shared it with the others in his group, their eyes noticeably brightened.

With their limited numbers, they could easily run into major trouble and be in a precarious situation. For instance, if they encountered someone like Sun Dawei, could they really escape unscathed?

Leng Chen touched the object in his pocket and gained a bit of assurance.

So, Leng Chen ran back and told Chen Guang about it.

Chen Luo returned to the entrance of the residential area once more, his expression calm as he inquired, What important matter do you have?

Leng Chen forced a smile and said, Big Brother, are you recruiting? We want to join you.

Chen Luos expression immediately turned unfriendly, Is this what you consider an important matter?

Leng Chen felt a chill in his heart; this person before him was truly ruthless.

Without wasting time, Leng Chen quickly retrieved the item from his pocket.

A pale, quail egg-sized crystal.

Chen Luos pupils contracted sharply; this item was a crystal, and a sizable one at that.

Chen Luo swiftly reached out and snatched the crystal, a smile unconsciously forming on his face.

My goodness, its actually a level six crystal.

Level six crystals could only be obtained from level six zombie creatures.

Did the Leng Chen before him possess the capability to kill a level six zombie?

Pfft, even dealing with level three zombies would be a struggle. A group of survivors like them could easily be wiped out by level three zombies, let alone level six ones. Given the current strength of survivors, even a thousand of them wouldnt be able to take down a level six zombie.

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