Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 117

Chapter 117

The Iron Claw was released again.

The Iron Claw growled, Im hungry, you promised to give me food.

Chen Luo replied, Yes, I did promise. Ill give you food tomorrow. Has tomorrow arrived?

Tomorrow was a relative term, but would there really be a tomorrow? In a literal sense, no one could guarantee that because tomorrow was always in the future.

The Iron Claw felt dizzy. Thats right, tomorrow hasnt come yet, so I have to wait until tomorrow.

Zombies were strange creatures. They knew they were hungry, but hunger couldnt kill them. Zombies mostly didnt eat other zombies or corpses. They only consumed living beings. Chen Luo also had his limits and wouldnt feed survivors to the Iron Claw.

Chen Luo said, If you defeat me, you can have food now.

The Iron Claw asked cautiously, You wont bite my waist, will you?

Under the temptation of food, the Iron Claw became bolder and approached. Once in battle, the Iron Claw would throw all caution to the wind and become increasingly ferocious.

However, with both of its hands gone, how could the Iron Claw fight? It didnt possess elemental abilities. It could only use its head to ram, bite with its teeth, or kick with its two legs.

Chen Luo also tested the waters. The Iron Claw was a Level 5 zombie, and without its hands, its strength and defense were not as good as an ordinary Level 5 physical-type zombie, but it was slightly stronger than a Level 4 physical-type zombie, and superior to Chen Luos elemental abilities.

Chen Luo didnt use any skills, trying to provoke the Iron Claw into revealing its full potential.

There werent many spatial abilities in the elemental category. Chen Luo had seen other spatial ability users with skills such as Spatial Blade, Spatial Barrier, Spatial Cutting, Spatial Compression, Spatial Cage, and Spatial Banishment.

Except for the last one, all these abilities could be used without reaching the King-level. Chen Luo himself had mastered Void Blade, Void Walk, Void Barrier, Void Sword, Energy Pulse, and Dimensional Blade.

The last two skills couldnt be used at the moment. Void Barrier could be used now, but its consumption was similar to short-range Void Walk, and its life-saving effect was far inferior to Void Walk.

Spatial Blade was not as convenient as Spatial Energy Ball, even though it had slightly more power, it was still not as good as Void Blade.

Chen Luo wanted to master Void Cutting and Spatial Cage.

With a hissing sound, Chen Luo gritted his teeth as Iron Claw kicked him. In terms of physical fitness, Chen Luo couldnt match Iron Claw, a pure Level 5 physical-type zombie.

Chen Luo wanted to force himself to unlock his potential and learn skills he hadnt mastered yet.

Although he was hit by Iron Claw very rarely, as time went on, he started getting hit more frequently.

Mi Li expressed concern from the side, Shouldnt you consider increasing your defense and strength?

Chen Luo waved his hand. How could he push himself if he increased his defense and strength?

Feeling the pain unbearable, Chen Luo immediately summoned the Void Sword, saying, Stop! Try moving again and see what happens.

Iron Claw was already in a frenzy and didnt pay attention to Chen Luos words.

Chen Luo shouted, Im going to twist your waist off!

Miraculously, Iron Claw regained some of its sanity and stopped.

Xia Haoran said in a deep voice, Let me give it a try.

Chen Luo said, Mi Li, enhance his defense, or he wont be able to withstand it.

Xia Haoran couldnt possibly defeat Iron Claw because there was a two-level difference, and the gap was too large.

Elemental abilities had the potential to surpass levels because elemental users were relatively more fragile. Xia Haoran, even though highly skilled, couldnt keep up with Iron Claws speed. When he was hit by Iron Claw head-on, despite using his hands to block, he was still sent flying.

After playing with Iron Claw all day, Chen Luo didnt gain any new skills. In the evening, he locked Iron Claw in the truck and had the Thunderbolt King watch over it, offering a reward of ten points.

Chen Luo contemplated that life-or-death battles were the best way to unlock ones potential. Although Iron Claw could hurt him, he knew it was just a simulation, and there was no real danger to his life.

However, he couldnt really engage in life-or-death battles, right? What method should he use?

On that evening, after absorbing the crystals, Mi Li successfully advanced to level four. She became the fourth person, aside from Chen Luo, the Thunderbolt King, and Rice, to reach level four.

Su Dazhu absorbed the crystals on the first day, and his treatment was the same as Mi Lis. Even though Mi Li absorbed them much later, she still advanced ahead of him. This was due to her exceptional talent. As time went on, the gap between them became apparent.

Shouldnt they celebrate this achievement? Some other members with promising talents also began to break through to level three, and in the days to come, more would follow suit.

The next day, Chen Luo came up with a method to push himself to his limits. He knew that his previous fights were not real, without any life-threatening danger. But what if he could create a sufficient sense of pressure? For example, he could set a goal for himself: if he didnt grasp a new skill that day, he would let the thunderbolt King slap him. Would that be motivating enough?

Getting slapped by the Thunderbolt King would be incredibly embarrassing, wouldnt it? Chen Luo made up his mind to go through with it. Of course, he couldnt let anyone else know about this plan. What if he couldnt achieve it? Would he really let himself be publicly humiliated?

Chen Luo brought the thunderbolt King to an isolated location and said, Thunderbolt King, lets agreed in advance that if I dont grasp a new skill today, youll give me a slap to teach me a lesson.

The Thunderbolt King was thoroughly baffled when he heard Chen Luos request, it was the first time he had ever heard such a demand from a human. He promptly shook his head, indicating that he couldnt do it. He was too afraid.

Chen Luo patted the Thunderbolt Kings head gently and said, Its decided, its for my own good, you understand? In his heart, Chen Luo was determined that he had invested too much in this, and he absolutely had to grasp a new skill today.

The principle behind Void Cutting was to cut through the space where the target was located, causing effects and damage similar to the Void Blade. However, one was long-range, while the Void Blade required proximity. It was much safer to use the former.

As evening approached, Chen Luo still hadnt grasped the new skill. He became increasingly anxious, thinking, If I dont get it soon, Im going to get that slap from the Thunderbolt King.

Mi Li called Chen Luo to have dinner, but Chen Luo didnt go. Well, it was past the eight oclock deadline Chen Luo had set, and even though Iron Claw was tired, Chen Luo still hadnt grasped the new skill.

Chen Luo felt disheartened. Should he try to weasel out of it? But without pushing himself, it was really hard to comprehend. If he spent more time on it, he would have figured it out in his past life.

Frustrated, Chen Luo called for the Thunderbolt King. They locked eyes, one pair human, the other canine.

The Thunderbolt King thought, Why are you making this difficult for me? I really cant do it, its insubordination.

Chen Luo impatiently said, Just do it. Dont dawdle. Do you think I want to eat your dog meat or something?

Eat dog meat? The Thunderbolt King shrank back, reluctantly raised his paw, and gave Chen Luo a light slap.

You asked for this, dont blame me.

Chen Luo received a mild slap, causing little damage but a great deal of humiliation. The Thunderbolt King, sensing something amiss, immediately ran away, fearing retribution from his owner.

Chen Luos expression shifted between anger and hesitation. He had asked for the slap, but did the Thunderbolt King really have to deliver it?

Thunderbolt King, did you dare to step into the room with your left foot first?

When was the last time you had a bath? Come, let me give you a bath. Chen Luo took out a brush and began scrubbing the Thunderbolt King vigorously.

The Thunderbolt King couldnt help but think, Is this to clean me up before putting me in the pot?

The next day, driven by the Thunderbolt Kings provocation, Chen Luo finally comprehended a mutated version of the Space Cage. 

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