Pokemon: An Icy Path

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

I find a boulder to toss my clothes on before taking off my shoes and pulling off my dress, not caring for the two behind me. A few seconds later, my bare body is getting caressed by the sea breeze. I look over at the two of them and see one silver-haired blushing face that is trying not to look at me and one set of hungry flame colored eyes that greedily stares at my body. I give Flannery a flirtatious wink before running into the waves.

I turn back a few seconds later to see Flannery stripping as well, revealing her beautiful body to the sun. I can see my mark clearly against her skin which gives me a small thrill of excitement. I see Bea blushing up a storm as she watches Flannery’s fine ass run down the beach into the waves with me. She quickly jumps at me and catches me in a hug with a goofy smile on her face.

“Come on Bea! It feels great!”

With a reluctant smile, Bea grabs her clothes and…


[Fuchsia City]

Gary Oak steps out of the pokecenter and into the city filled with history and old buildings. Unlike his anime counterpart, Gary is not traveling with a group of cheerleaders but is seriously attempting the league. 

“So, sis is behind me and just won her second badge. I wonder what is taking her so long. Well, she did tell me that she made some friends that she is traveling with, maybe that is part of the slowdown.” Gary said as he makes his way over to the gym. “I can’t wait to battle her later, she was always studying to make sure she would have no troubles, so I’m sure that she will breeze through the gyms.”

He looks down at his Umbreon that is happily trotting beside him. His Eevee evolved into Umbreon shortly after his battle with Misty, making his next two gyms a breeze as he also caught a Gyarados and a Growlithe. 

“Ready for this gym buddy? I am counting on you and Kadabra to make short work of their pokemon. I don’t want Ash to catch up with me.”


“You said it bud, now let's go kick some butt!”


I lay back into the water and float in the cool water, letting the sun caress my skin. There is just something about floating in water on a sunny day that just lets everything seem right in the world. I tilt my head to the side and see flame red hair which brings a little smile to my face. The more time I spend with Flannery, the more I find myself watching her. 

I look around a little more and find our friend. Bea caved into our banter, after quite a bit of convincing, and joined us in skinny dipping in the ocean. I am glad that she joined us despite the awkwardness at first. Now, I am able to take my time in feasting my eyes on all of her sexy muscles, covered by supple caramel colored skin. 

Her breasts are a bit bigger than Flannery’s but her abs are to die for. To my surprise, she is naturally hairless. Apart from the silver hair on her head, there is not any visible hair on her body anywhere. I lick my lips a little at the sight, wondering if she tasted as good as she looks.

I enjoy the view, her body isn’t as appealing to me as Flannery’s is but she looks like a delicious treat that I wouldn’t mind indulging in. Bea is a great friend, even though I would enjoy seeing her face and listening to her voice as I played with her body. For now I will just enjoy the “spring” scenery before me and file away their wet naked bodies for later.


[Celadon City]

A tall teen wearing a red and white cap and a red vest with a Pikachu on his shoulder stands just outside of Celadon city. On his chest there are four badges pinned to it that gleam in the early morning sunlight. He pulls out his phone and looks at it for a while as he is planning out his way forward. After a few minutes pass, the teen begins walking down the path seeking other trainers to battle along his route.


“Got it!” I call as I run after the ball that Bea just hit into the air. As it turns out, Bea keeps a ball about the size of a soccer ball or volleyball in her bag. When I ask her about it, she says she uses it for training control. I hit the ball into the air and take a moment to enjoy the view in front of me. 

As the day has progressed, Bea has become less shy about her body and makes large movements that do nothing to hide her toned body. Flannery, who has been a ball of energy, bounces around all day without a care in the world. Everytime she catches me looking, she strikes a small pose with a big smile. Damn her and her adorableness. 

Flannery misses the ball as it goes long and lands on the beach instead of the waist deep water we have been playing in. She runs over to the ball and picks it back up slowly with her legs slightly spread, which I can tell is on purpose as she looks over her shoulder briefly and winks at me. As she stands back up and turns back toward us, Bea makes a weird sound next to me.

“F-Flannery! What is that on your stomach?!”

“Eh?!?” Flannery looks down at her stomach in panic. Not seeing anything wrong she lets out a relieved sigh before tilting her head cutely. “What do you mean Bea? Nothing is there.”

“Nothing is there? What is that tattoo? Did you always have a tattoo? Why do I get the same feeling I get from Frost from it?”

“Oh that. Well I guess there is no hiding it now huh?” Flannery says as she gets back into the water while carrying the ball.

“I guess not,” I agree as I slip behind her and give her sexy body a hug, playfully grabbing one of her breasts. I enjoy the feel of her sun warmed skin for a moment, as my hand gropes her playfully, causing her to let out a small moan and a giggle.

“Well Bea, if you couldn’t tell already, we hooked up the other night.” Flannery tells her without beating around the bush, not like any of us have one.

“Ah well um, I could kinda tell something changed, but I wasn’t sure what.” Bea shyly says. 

I giggle at her reaction. ‘She is so innocent! I hope I can corrupt her further.’ I thought that with our teasing it was obvious but Bea seems to be surprisingly sheltered. Flannery reached her hand over to my free one and laced out fingers together. Oh? She is really laying it on thick. To think she would be so lewd.

“You see, a few nights ago when we were walking around the city, Frost decided it was a good idea to tease me. That night after we headed back to the Pokecenter and you went into your room…” 


[Vermilion City]

Just outside the city limits stands an older teen with long dark brown hair. Beside the girl is an elegant Gardevoir that stands protectively over her. The girl looks back at the pokemon and smiles happily before leaning against it.

~I hope you are able to find some friends this time, Green. Even though I am more than happy to take care of you forever, it is to your benefit to make some friends.~

The girl, Green, looks back at Gardevoir and shakes her head in a pout before hugging the pokemon tightly. Gardevoir reaches up and gently pets the girl's head.

~Now don’t give me that. I’m sure that someone will accept your uniqueness. There are many people in the world.~

Green gives her another pout and turns her head away. She takes a step away and starts walking to a pile of rope and cloth. She grabs a sheer black halter top that seems to be a size too small and cleans off the little bit of forest debris that clings to it. She puts it on and adjusts it so that it clings to her skin properly, the black fabric covering her but not hiding anything. 

She picks up the smooth rope and her lips slide into a perverted smile as she loops it around her neck and spends a few minutes fashioning the rope into a bra-like harness that emphasizes her large breasts but hides the important bits. Feeling the bite of the rope on her skin makes her bite her lip as she moans quietly.

She grabs a pair of shorts that have large cutouts on the side and slips them on and over her shapely butt. The cutouts make it plainly obvious that she isn’t wearing any underwear and if someone is lucky, they might see even more. Finally she grabs the last thing in the pile, a pair of black clunky hiking boots. 

After a quick look around, she nods as everything is safely cleaned up. A green vine slowly snakes its way up her leg and into her shorts. Green lets out a gasp as the vine caresses her sensitive skin. She looks over at the source of the vine and gives a loving smile to Tangrowth.

~No more Green, we have already been out here for hours. We have been lucky that no one has decided to check out the noises you were making. There were a few close calls though.~

Green looks at Gardevoir with a knowing smile as she pulls out one of her pokeballs and recalls Tangrowth and his vine. She looks at Gardevoir who gives her a nod and the two of them walk towards the city filled with lights and sounds.


“So what of the group now?” Bea asks as the three of us sit on a boulder to dry off. Her face is as red as a tomato after Flannery described in graphic detail what we did. Though to my surprise, she doesn’t hide from our gazes even though we just told her we were both into girls. She actually has her legs open slightly and I can see a little bit of wetness that isn’t water. She catches my gaze and dips her head down a little to break eye contact but doesn’t change her position.

“Well nothing changes for me. I still want to do the circuit and would love the both of you to come along.” I say while still holding Flannery’s hand. It feels nice to not have to hide anything from my friends. 

“Yeah Bea, nothing is going to change. Well we might be a little more flirty than we were and I won’t mind if you want to watch or join~.” Flannery teases.

“I’ll keep that in mind. It sounds like fun.” Bea mumbles quietly but I can still hear it with my sensitive ears. I give Bea a little smirk as I rest my head on Flannery’s shoulder.

“I mean, now we could share a tent, no need to set up three tents all the time.” I threw out a suggestion now that we are being open. “Yes I sleep naked, but I don’t mind you two seeing me naked at any time. It feels so freeing to not wear any clothes.”

“After my night with Frost, I sleep naked as well. So it would only be fair for Bea to join us in the sleep naked team.” Flannery teases.

“Well, I guess I could… I heard it is more comfortable.” Bea says quietly but my sharp eyes see her core twitch as she says that. It seems like we have a pervert in the making. Wait, does that mean I am a pervert? I start to think about this new revelation and stop paying attention to my surroundings.


Suddenly Skadi lets out a loud cry, startling all of us as we look around. I quickly notice what looks like black smoke coming from the top of the cliff where Bill is. I take off running towards the path as quickly as I can. Zephyr is up there! She needs to be alright!

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