Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 64: From Today on, Goddess Representative (2)

Chapter 64: From Today on, Goddess Representative (2)

Winterless City was the capital of Lombard Kingdom. It was one of the most prosperous cities. It has a large population and developed trade. Also, the parish in Winterless City not only spanned the city, but the nearby cities, towns, and villages also belonged to the Winterless City parish. It can be said that they are extremely affluent.

This parish was an excellent place for those who want to show their talents and accomplish great achievements. For those corrupted who wanted to make a quick buck, it was an even more endless treasure.

The questions was, which type of person did the Saint fall under?

No matter the type of person, this was not the kind of thing the a 10 year old girl should consider, right?

Are you coveting for the position of Goddess?

Bellcos question was tantamount to pushing her into a dilemma, no matter whether she answers yes or no.

If she answers Yes, that was insatiable greed and being blinded by power and status, losing the most sincere faith in the goddess!

If she answers No, that was abandoning oneself, not seeking improvement, going against the teachings of the Holy Light Church, a decadent believer who just eats and waits for death!

Bellcos seemingly simple problem was actually deliberately making it hard for her, forcing her to renounce her request of transferring to Winterless City.

It is a pity that the Saint would not fall for such petty tricks.

Great Sage Bellco, why are you asking this? How rude. She covered her mouth and widened her eyes in surprise!

Of course, she was blind and could not open her eyes.

You actually asked me something like that Wu wu, Im so hurt. Do you assume the worst of everybody you meet? Or do you just treat me like this?

She replied very cleverly, she did not bluntly refuse, but pretended to be wronged and changed the topic, then threw the question back.

Assume the worst of everyone? Or just her?

Bellco was at a loss for words.

How could he respond? Would he say that hes prejudiced against the Saint since shes clearly a little girl but full of schemes, so he wants to deliberately make things difficult for her?

If this kind of thing was heard by someone, Bellco would be immediately detained and a big hat of blasphemy would be put on him, and then he would be publicly denounced. Hell probably also lose his Great Sage position.

He wanted to embarrass the Saint, but instead suffered a loss. He twitched his long chin, and twisted his shoehorn-shaped face left and right, which was quite comical.

It is a pity that the Saint couldnt see it.

Sensing Bellcos dissatisfaction, she knew that she had the upper hand, but she did not pursue the victory, but rather gave him a way out.

Great Sage Bellco, why arent you speaking? My request should be permitted, right? The Saint pretended that nothing happened, and moved the topic back to the very beginning.

Sigh Bellco breathed a sigh of relief and his expression finally eased a lot.

This little girl was really a witch.

This time he did not rush to answer, but instead paced back and forth in the room, thinking about the cause and effect of this matter.

Before the Pope went to bed, this is what he told him If that girl wants to go to Winterless City, then let her go. Judging from that, the Pope should have already understood her thoughts, so thats why that arrangement was made.

The question is, what were the benefits to let her go to the Winterless City parish? Does she really want to use this as a springboard and wait for an opportunity to seek the position of Goddess? Or was this scheming little girl plotting other bad things?

But in any case, since the Pope already spoke, Bellco couldnt make things any more difficult, he has to separate private and public matters.

Okay, your wishes can be realized. But transferring between parishes takes time, the preceding work is very complicated, you have to go back to Sheryl City to wait. Bellco said with a stiff face.

Preceding work? The Saint twitched her mouth and helplessly accepted the reality. Great Sage, after the transfer, I have to conduct an inaugural speech Oh, no, its Spreading the Goddesss Gospel, right?

Yes. Bellco nodded his head and asked, However, who taught you this inaugural speech? Ive never heard of it.

Oh, my brother taught me. The Saint answered calmly.

What, you have a brother? That short statement almost made Bellco jump in surprise.

As far as he knows, this little girl was an orphan. Her identity, background and family origin were all a mystery. If not for the Bishop of Sheryl City, Jasmine, personally vouching for her, someone like her with an unclear background would have long been expelled.

This was the first time Bellco heard about the Saint having a brother.

Un, you guys dont know yet, right? My brothers hometown is on earth, he is a transmigrator. Speaking of which, I havent seen him for about a year. Thinking of the person in her memory, she revealed a smile of happiness that resounded from her heart, After transferring to Winterless City, Ill have more chances to see him! He cant escape even if he wanted to Hehe.

Your brother is a transmigrator?

Um how can I explain it? In short, a transmigrator is a very powerful person! He taught me a lot of things! The reason why I became a Saint so quickly was because of him!

The Saint was smiling, but Bellco was frowning.

In his impression, this annoying Saint has never smiled so sincerely. Who is this mysterious brother?

Her holiness, youre still young, dont learn bad things from strange people. Bellco admonished, Youre a Saint, you must not learn any shady things.

Shady things? When she heard Bellcos words, her tone suddenly became cold as ice. Great Sage Bellco, even if its you, I wont allow you to insult my brother like this!

She clenched her fist, and the smile on her face instantly distorted, and her body gave off a faint murderous aura! Even Bellco was shocked by her aura.

Tsk stop being arrogant what brother and sister, obediently return to Sheryl City!

Bellco didnt feel like continuing. He didnt believe that the little girl would dare to cause a scene here, so he quickly walked over and removed the stool under her, grabbed her collar and picked her up like a chick.

Although the Saints aura was scary, but after being really picked up, it instantly withered.

Eh, eh, eh?? slow down Great Sage, violence is prohibited! Do you have the heart to come to blows with a little girl like me? The saint struggled midair, her cute legs kicking back and forth. Her previous terrifying aura instantly disappeared.

No matter what, she was only a 10 year old girl, moreover, she was blind Bellco could easily pick her up, what else can she do?

Hmph, cut the crap, you can leave now. Go back to Sheryl City and wait for the transfer order! Bellco casually tossed the Saint out the door like a sandbag.

Tsk! Stingy! The Saint who was thrown outside the door pouted.

No! She cant just be thrown out of the door like this. Just now, Bellco insulted her brother, she had to reclaim his honor!

Just as Bellco was about to close the door and completely draw the line between him and the girl to make her scram, the Saint suddenly said something through the door.

Great Sage Bellco, I havent answered the question you asked me yet.

Question? Hmph, it doesnt matter, you can leave.

Hehe, is that so? But I also wanted to ask you a question.

The Saints eyes were shut and the corner of her mouth was slightly raised.

What question? Bellco was impatient to close the door.

If I may, Great Sage Bellco, do you want to become the supreme Pope of the Holy Light Church?

While smiling, this 10 year old little girl was calmly asking such a shocking question.

Do you want to get the title of Holy Bellco?

Her voice was like a enticing witch, who targeted the dark desire hidden in the bottom of ones heart, and made Bellcos heart incessantly palpitate.

If thats the case, my Winterless City parish would be willing to help you.

She especially stressed the words My Winterless City Parish. Although she has not officially taken office, she has already regarded the Winterless City parish as her own.

You!!! Bellco was angered with her words.

Just now he asked her if she wanted to be a goddess. Now, this girl has dared to ask him if he wanted to be a pope!?

Shes just a stinking brat that hasnt even hit puberty yet. How dare she utter such madness? Who taught her this horrifying way of speaking?

Was it her transmigrator brother that taught her?

Hehe, since you dont want to answer, then well meet again in Winterless City.

Hey! You wait a second, I

The angry Bellco just wanted to go out and ask for a clear understanding. But bang.

The Saint slammed the door from the outside!

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