Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 601: Gamble With One’s Life

Chapter 601: Gamble With One’s Life

One hour ago.

Inside of the cramped cave, there were five people huddled into a group hiding in the corner. Their clothes were in tatters, their faces covered with dirt and their bodies riddled with wounds, it was like they just had an intense battle.

The five person group was strange, there were four men and one woman, around 20-30 years old. They didnt seem like mercenaries or adventurers.

Even though it was the middle of the day, the inside of the cave was rather dark and the enclosed cave gave off an intangible pressure that made it hard to breathe.

The first person to break the silence was a man.

Second lieutenant Shelly, what what should we do?

He sat on the floor and clenched onto his sword on his lap, he wanted to try and give himself courage, but he couldnt stop trembling.

Dont worry! Trust me, well surely complete the mission!

Shelley could see how anxious he was and even though she was also terrified, she still forced a smile and tried consoling him. In times like this, the team members could be afraid and be anxious, but she couldnt, as the leader, if she panicked, then it would really be over!

She was only a bit over 20, but she was already a second lieutenant. She was undoubtedly an outstanding warrior, and the reason she rose through the ranks so quickly was due to her ability and her leadership skills.

She may be young, but she has proven herself through completing multiple important missions, so the army trusted her and she has never let them down, this time, she also got a similarly important mission.

Delivering a letter.

Apparently, princess Claire already selected the negotiation squad and they would soon head out to the front lines for negotiation. The letter she had was personally written by the princess for the Grand Marshall, and it detailed the deployment arrangements and was encrypted so it was rather important.

Although she had no idea what the letter said, she knew that she couldnt lose it. Even if she had to risk her life, she had to personally hand it over to Grand Marshall Barrett.

But something unfortunate still happened.

Where the hell did they come from? Are they really the rebels?

They never expected to be ambushed on the way. At first they thought it was bandits, but after crossing swords, the opponents were organized and trained and completely overpowered them.

In order to complete the mission, Shelley could only order them to retreat and try shaking them off, but they wouldnt stop until they were dead!

And so, they were entangled for a full three days before she found the chance to hide in this hidden cave to get some rest.

Im not sure if theyre the rebels, but its definitely premeditated!

Oh? Why do you say so?

Second lieutenant Shelly, we didnt notice at the time, but now I remember they must have tampered with the signs!


Thats right! We were heading to the front lines by following the map and signs, but we ended up in this forest for some reason and got ambushed the reason we got lost must have been part of their plot!

Damn, I was too careless! Shelley clenched her fist and hit the ground.

No wonder they ended up in this forest, they fell into a trap!

At this time, she could only afford to think about their current situation and didnt even consider that after 3 days, the negotiation team should also have arrived and possibly fell for the same fake signs.

Thats right, Lin Xiao also ended up in the forest after seeing their fake sings, but they werent part of any plans, the rebels never even thought about intercepting them. The rebels goals were clear from the start, and that was to take Shelleys letter!

The rebels knew that they were going to enter negotiations, but they didnt know who they were going to send, so they could only send a small squad to intercept the kings letter.

They knew that if they could get the letter, they could see through Claires schemes!

So they had a small squad laying in ambush here and changed the signs so that they could trap the messengers in the forest.

Damn! Those bastards are after me I wont hand over the letter even if I die!

Youre right, the mission is important, but the situation is unfavorable, we we really cant beat them!

Yes, even if they dont find us, we cant hide here forever, we have to think of something.

If they suddenly left the cave and tried to escape the forest, they would die if caught! If they didnt leave, then they couldnt complete the mission and also would just be waiting to die.

They were dead either way, what should they do?

Would they have to hand over the letter and beg for mercy?


Calm down I have an idea! When they were in a dire situation, she demonstrated her capabilities and thought of a way to survive.

Really? Tell us, well listen to you!

Why didnt you tell us you had an idea?

Hehe, its still not too late. Shelly took out the thick letter and handed it over.


Why was she handing over the letter to them? Could she be planning to

This is the only way.

Shelley smiled and explained her plan.

Ill take care of the bag holding the letters and one of you hide the letter and then rush out with me.

What? W-what do you mean!?

You should understand if the five of us moved together, well surely be caught and none of us will escape, if we split up, we still have a chance!

Shelleys plan was very simple

The enemies may be strong, but if they split up, they might not all be caught. Then when they head out, shell still be carrying the letter bag and make them think that she still had the letters. Then the other four would take the chance to slip away in different directions.

They might not be as strong as the enemies and it will still be a death sentence after being caught, but they had four people, so they have a one in four chance of surviving!

How about it? A one in four chance, do you want to gamble on it!?

We may be scared, but we already resolved ourselves before leaving a one in four chance is already fortunate.

No! Another member suddenly shook their head and stared at Shelley, If we have a one in four chance, then what about you?


Dont take us for idiots if you go out there to draw their attention while we split up and run hah! We may have a chance to survive, but what about you? They would surely send at least half of their people after you, theres no way youll escape!

After saying that, they all clenched their teeth and trembled.

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