Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 60: S-level Gift

Chapter 60: S-level Gift

ED: Oof, sorry guys, forgot to post yesterday. I should really set an alarm

In the carriage, the Loran Academy students finally set foot on the return journey. The way back was calm and quiet, not to mention demonic beasts, these days they havent even encountered any wild boars.

For Lin Xiaos so-called Secret Technique, Rosie was still very curious. In order to completely dispel her curiosity, Caesar lectured her during the trip.

Rosie, not only must we both keep this secret for Lin Xiao, but we must also always remember Lin Xiaos kindness! Without Lin Xiaos double chant, we would have already died under the Jackalwere leaders giant sword. In order not to leak his secret, he could have easily waited for us to die and then defeated the enemy, but he didnt do that, he didnt abandon us! So promise me this Rosie, bury this in your heart, and never mention it to anyone!

Eh Im not that noble. the usually shameless Lin Xiao, who was described so greatly by Caesar, was even kind of embarrassed.

As for Rosie, she did not want to make Caesar angry, and even more so did not want to carry the nickname of forgetting ones benefactor, so she also promised to help Lin Xiao to keep the secret.

Like this, the secrets of the Eastern Tribe and the battles at Black Lake were all hidden away. Caesar was a S-class hero, Rosie was a goddess, and Lin Xiao was a S-class muddler. They each took what they needed, got what they wanted, and came to satisfactory conclusion.

The journey home with nothing to do was the most pleasant thing, Lin Xiao especially enjoys the time spent on the journey, relaxing days where you do nothing but sleep and eat are the happiest! But Elena has been very anxious recently.

She was very worried about the safety of her niece Elona. She only hopes that Elona wont kill anyone, get into trouble again and successfully arrive in Sheryl City to find Lin Xiaos good friend, Snow, and then let her take Elona to meet up with them at Winterless City.

The secrets of the demon race, the Demon King who was stuffed into the parcel, all the answers to the puzzles were with Elona! Nothing can happen to her.

A few days later, the team finally arrived in Winterless City, the students went back to their families, and a vacation began temporarily. However, the storm of the actual combat drill has not yet ended.

After returning to the academy, the principal immediately asked about the details of the actual combat drill. He learned about the story of how Caesar led Rosie and Lin Xiao to skillfully fight the Jackalwere leader, and expressed great admiration. In accordance with the rules of the actual combat drill, under the joint recommendation of Woos and Momm, the principal decided to award Caesar Alex the S-level evaluation!

Getting an S-level evaluation also means that Caesar can get a tailor-made gift that the principal has personally prepared. Although Caesar looked forward to the reward, he also felt somewhat guilty.

After all, the person who really killed the Jackalwere leader was Lin Xiao, and the credit should also go to Lin Xiao. He only falsely took the credit to help Lin Xiao keep his secret. Therefore, he was ashamed about receiving the reward.

However, the news about the award has not yet been officially announced, and so the relevant ceremony has also been postponed. The reason is of course because of Caesar himself, his injury has not healed yet!

The wound in his left arm split and healed, then it was split and healed again. After a couple of repetition, if it was the average person, their entire left arm would have been written off. Fortunately, Caesar also trained his body while he meditated, his body was extremely strong, after some treatment, his injury was no longer a problem.

Of course, as the fifth prince of the kingdom, Caesar has a lot of money. He could hire the best doctors in Lombard Kingdom, and even hire the saints of the Holy Light Church for heal prayers, to speed up the recovery of the wound, not to mention being injured, as long as he was breathing, he will never die If you have money, you can be reckless.

As for Rosie, she was not injured, but she also has not been idle. In the past few days, she has completely regarded herself as a nurse, ignored the gossip, and spent all her time at Caesars home taking care of him.

Caesar felt uncomfortable accepting her care and tried to drive her away. But Rosie was shamelessly unwilling to leave and even made dignified arguments which left Caesar speechless.

Hmph, Caesar, dont misunderstand, Im only taking care of you because thats right! Caesar, you are going to be a hero in the future! Since youre hurt, you have to be nursed well, otherwise this is being irresponsible to humanity!

Yes, thats it. Im not taking care of you, but taking care of the future hero!

This is my glorious mission and responsibility as a human! Caesar, do you understand?

I dont understand

Facing Rosies sense of justice, Caesar had no retort and could only accept it silently. However, he had a nagging feeling that Rosies rhetoric was very familiar. These skillful praises that put one at a disadvantage felt like something he suffered from before.

He thought of a young black-haired boy that used this trick on him and lectured him obedient!

He wont fall for the same trick a second time!

Rosie, did Lin Xiao teach you this rhetoric? Caesar vigilantly asked.

Eh? How did you know No, no, not him! Why would he teach me these things? Thats so weird, I dont even know him that well, so I wont go to his house to ask for advice! Rosie, whose lies were exposed, was like a panicked bunny.

Hearing Rosie confess, Caesar felt like he was falling into Lin Xiaos schemes again.

So, you specially went to his house to ask for advice? Caesar asked sternly.

O-of course not! Stupid Caesar, why arent you listening to me?

Im not listening, I also dont need you to take care of me hurry and go!

Damn Caesar, if being soft doesnt work I can only be hard No! I wont go! If you really hate me, just force me out!

I wont do that kind of thing are the women of the Childe family all so unruly? You should hurry and leave.

No! Im not leaving! Ill leave whenever your wounds heal!

Miss, you are really annoying

Yes! Im annoying! If youre bitter, just hit me! Come! Your great Royal Highness, hit me right here!


Today, the relationship between Caesar and Rosie was still delicate.

Time passed day by day.

In the past few days, there was another thing that made Lin Xiao very happy. The matter of Caesar canceling the duel finally spread at Loran Academy.

The reason Caesar gave to the public was that he was seriously injured and could not participate on schedule. At the same time, he received strong support from Lin Xiao during the actual combat drill, and they got on the same wavelength, so he decided to give up the duel.

Of course, this was what Lin Xiao taught him to say. In fact, Caesar was very uncomfortable. He felt that Lin Xiao was the real hero, yet was mistaken as the S-class muddler. Its too depressing to suffer from it!

In the face of the arbitrariness of Caesar, Lin Xiao magnanimously expressed that he did not care about what other peoples said. He also pointed out that Caesar was the future hero. He only wanted to be a reserve hero for Caesar. He had no ambition and extravagant expectations at all.

Knowing Lin Xiaos indifference and atmosphere, Caesar admired him even more! As expected of the Eastern Tribe, theyre different to these idiots of the Lombard Kingdom! Theyre much more tolerant and generous!

In this way, Lin Xiaos peaceful life has returned completely. Sleeping, eating, and arguing with Elena when he had nothing to do, and then buying her some good-looking clothes as eye candy. The days were so decadent.

He thought that his peaceful life could persist for a while longer, however

One day.

Lin Xiao suddenly received a notice asking him to go to the academy to accept the principals gift.

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