Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 594: Keeping An Eye On You Daily!

Chapter 594: Keeping An Eye On You Daily!

When Lin Xiao heard what Elena said, he exaggerated his reactions and pretended to be terrified.

What? So you were the one behind the scenes?

Hmph, its already too late for you, just wait to die!

Wah, so scary!? I never expected you to be the final boss! Then let me ask you boss, why did you make humans do so many bad things?

How would I know?

But arent you the final boss, why dont you know?

I, I hmph, I know! But Im not telling you!

Oh? Is that so?

Of course!

Okay then, I wont ask but even if you dont tell me, I can guess it!

Oh? Then take a stab at it, whats my goal?

Elena, the reason you laid this trap was to lure me in, right!

Lure you in? What do you mean?

Its simple you purposely made them do bad things, so I would go to beat them, then you would help me by my side and use the opportunity to get closer to me, so that we would become intimate and then make me fall in love with you that was your goal, right!?

Hah? Y-you pervert, what the hell are you talking about? How shameless! Just go die!

And so their never-ending fight continued and pillows and blankets went flying, and the room quickly became a mess.

Since it wasnt early anymore and the siblings should be at the gates soon, they should also leave as soon as possible.

And so they brought their things and tiptoed out of the room.

What? Why did they have to tiptoe? That was obviously because Lin Xiao didnt want to be seen!

This was the holy light church dormitories and Lin Xiao didnt tell Snow that he came back, neither did he tell ShenDai Ying. He sneaked back in, slept for a night and then was going to sneak away today.

Elena did ask him last night why he wasnt going to say goodbye to them before he left, and Lin Xiaos response was that he didnt want them to worry.

If ShenDai Ying knew about the risks he was going to take, she might try to stop him. Lin Xiao didnt want to bring more trouble to himself and didnt want her to have any burden, so he chose to leave without saying anything.

Though he said that, as he walked along the long corridor, he couldnt help but stop as they passed by ShenDai Yings room.

I-Im not going to wake her, it should be fine if I just take a look, right?

And so he indicated for Elena to keep watch outside as he gently pushed open the door and peered in. He saw ShenDai Ying fast asleep under her blankets and he instantly felt a lot better.

Just one look was enough for him.

He closed the door and prepared to leave, but when he turned around he heard a familiar hoarse voice.

Hey, peeping at sleeping girls when no ones around you really are a big pervert!

Hm? Who is it??

Lin Xiao stopped and thought it was a ghost when he heard the voice out of nowhere, but it was just an old acquaintance.

What, its Xiao Hua, you scared me can you please not just appear out of nowhere, its really startling.

Hmph, I dont think its my sudden appearance that scared you, but its because you have a guilty conscience!

How would I have a guilty conscience? Isnt it normal to look at my future wife from the door?

Shameless the miss has never agreed to marry you, so how is she your future wife?

Hehe, close enough, dont be so angry.

Sigh, I really dont get why I get so angry every time I see you how strange.

Right Xiao Hua, its been a while, have you thought about that thing?

What thing?

The thing I promised to do for you as thanks do you remember?

Oh, I remember.

So have you decided?

No, not yet.

Its fine! Take your time, as your brother-in-law, Ill do anything with my power!

Mhm, thanks wait, why did you use brother-in-law again, change that strange way of calling yourself!

Its fine. Since you dont want me to help with anything, then help me do something again!

Sigh, I dont get the logic, but fine, let me hear it.

Yes, she came to find Lin Xiao, to help him do things. Even she didnt understand why she was helping someone like him, but she still came

Xiao Hua, this time its simple, I want you to help me investigate these people.

Saying that, Lin Xiao took out a small slip of paper and handed it over. She took a quick look and asked, You just want information? Thats simple, why dont you just ask around?

Uh, I naturally dont just want that information, I want you to help me get more detailed information.

Thats easy I can even help you find out how many times they wet their beds!

Xiao Hua waved the paper in her hand and confidently boasted of her intelligence gathering capabilities and then smiled, So it just an easy mission I thought you would want me to help you get a map of the rebels.

Why would you think that?

Because you just agreed to Claire to investigate the rebels by acting as negotiators, thats not an easy task, so I thought you would push the dirty work to me.

Ugh, how could that be? Also, I dont need your help for such small matters please, dont defame my character, am I someone lazy like that?

Are you not?

Okay, I am. But Xiao Hua, I really cant hide anything from you. The mission Claire gave me is secretive, even Yao Zi and Lin Tian dont know everything, how do you know about it?

Hmph, of course I know! Because I had nothing to do recently, so Ive been watching you every day!

Ah? Y-youve been watching me every day?

Of course!

Even when Im sleeping?

Thats right!

Even when I use the washroom?

Yes! I eh? No, no bastard, who would watch you when youre using the washroom! Im not a pervert!

Hehe, thats hard to say. I never thought you cared about me so much. But Xiao Hua, dont get any thoughts, even if you watch your brother-in-law every day like a stalker, nothing will happen, so forget it!

Hm w-who would want anything to happen with you? The reason Im watching you, is because oh right, because of the miss!

Hm? What does this have to do with sister Ying?

Of course it does! Since she likes you so much, so I need to watch you so that you wont do anything youll be sorry to her about. Also, I cant let you be in danger if you die, wouldnt she be sad?

Oh, so thats why youre helping me?

Of course! I dont want her to become a wid I can at least help you come back alive by helping you gather information.

Xiao Hua slapped the paper in her clothes as she found a proper reason.

But Lin Xiao, you have to be careful this time! Shen Yue Ge gave me a new mission, so Im going to be busy soon, and wont have time to help so, this is the last time I can help you!

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