Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 560: Loli Is Justice

Chapter 560: Loli Is Justice

Nick stopped and then continued walking after hearing Snows question.

You think Im the third apostle?

Is that not the case? When my brother helped me find the sacred crystal fruit and met the third apostles ambush, ShenDai Ying cut the third apostles upper leg and drove him to flee.


On the day he was ambushed, you also took sick leave, but when you came back, you said you werent sick and just broke your ankle, then finally admitted you had a cut on your upper leg after I saw through your lies, and the third apostle also had a cut on his upper leg Nick, thats too much of a coincidence, isnt it?

Hehe, you sure have a powerful imagination.

You still wont admit it?

Snow frowned and walked while being vigilant of the surroundings and Nicks ambush, but he didnt plan on ambushing her and continued to lead her toward the entrance.

Nick, Im confused my experiments have already moved the pope, so why have your people ignored me?

What do you want us to do?

When Nick said us he was already agreeing with Snows accusations.

I cracked your secret weapon, you should at least send some powerful assassins to kill me, right?

And youre not happy if I didnt send any after you?

Of course! Being assassinated is a symbol of your status! Only powerful people get assassinated, idiots like my brother who have no ambitions wouldnt!

Snow, your views are quite twisted, unlike that of a normal child.

Ill take that as a compliment. But compared to you cultists, I still feel like Im on the side of justice.

Justice, huh oh, were here.

The two finally arrived at the main hall of the church, there was an altar in the center with a statue of the Goddess silently observing them and listening to their prayers.

Nick? Hey! Nick, what are you doing? Wheres the Pope?

Snow shouted but Nick didnt respond and continued walking forward. Snow could only walk to the center of the hall based on her memory, felt around for the altar, and silently listened to the surroundings. She could only hear Nicks footsteps and breathing Snow knew that there were a lot of people standing around her.

Snow, you were right, Im the third apostle and the Pope isnt here, that was just a lie.

I was just curious why you didnt send anyone, so you planned to do it yourself.

I didnt want to kill you, if you hadnt succeeded, I would have only lured you out and stolen the black core, but you actually succeeded I have no choice.

Yes, you have no choice, who would have thought Saint Nick was the third apostle if I survived, you would probably die. So, what are you planning?

Ive already finished off all your subordinates, the only ones here are my people. Theyre all elite warriors, theyll be quick and you wont feel any pain.


Snow couldnt see them, but she could hear them unsheathing their swords and there were at least a hundred people.

What, youre not planning on personally killing me? You clearly hate me.

I dont like killing people to vent, and youre such a cute little girl also, the injuries your brother gave me arent minor, so I wont personally do it.

Its a pity my brother didnt kill you.

I feel the same way, so now its your turn to die!

Nick coldly laughed and didnt bother wasting any more time with Snow. He raised his fist and made an order!

This person has caught a glimpse of the secret behind the first of severance and tried to stop the descent of the new world, she is deeply guilty! I, the third apostle, order her to be erased!

Liberate the enlightened and illuminate the world!

Snow sighed and looked up, she knew she was looking at the Goddess.

This was an altar for the believers prayers, will it now become her grave?

Nick oh no, the third apostle, dont underestimate me. Im still a Saintess, do you think these small fries can finish me off?

Snow, I know your holy magic isnt strong, it barely passes and your blessings have no offense, so you are nothing but a little girl in front of my subordinates.

Sigh, I already said not to underestimate me did you forget who I was?

Youre the Lombard Kingdom, Winterless Citys Saintess.


And? Nick didnt understand what Snow meant.

Im also Lin Xiaos sister!


Since my brother can seriously injure you, as his sister, how can I be finished off by these small fries!?

Sow was finally angered and she secretly readied her magic and prepared to fight!

Third apostle if you want to kill me, please personally act, and dont send these useless nobodies to die for nothing!

Hahaha, stubborn to the very end

Nick coldly laughed and waved his hand.

Kill her!

The little girl sighed and her wide robes began rising without wind and terrifying marks began appearing on her pure face. Two dark purple wing-like webs appeared behind her.

Black magic, dark spider webs!

No one heard the little girls chant, but the sound echoed through the halls. Nick was the first to notice something off, but he couldnt stop it and watched as the webs shot out of Snows sleeves and covered the ground. The first wave of people next to Snow were swallowed by the webs before they could even raise their weapons.

What? B-black magic?

Along with Nicks startled cry, the webs suddenly tightened and twisted. The people that were swallowed were instantly churned up before they could cry out.

The sudden change made them all shiver, but they were all fanatics so how could they fear death? They became even more enthusiastic after finding out Snows strength and they all began raising their swords and trying to cut down that spider witch!

No wonder no wonder White Night would fall to you, and no wonder you cracked the black core so quickly, so you also know black magic!?

Nicks gaze became serious as he watched his people die one after another.

That little girl stood indifferently in front of the altar with her back to the Goddess, wing-like webs floated behind her and she ruthlessly cut down the fanatics, as expected of the Snow Witch!

If the statue behind her was the embodiment of the Goddess of Light, then wouldnt she be the embodiment of the Goddess of Darkness?

Snow, you hypocritical degenerate, is this cruel black magic your so-called justice!? Nick hollered from afar!

What are you hollering so loudly for? Whats wrong with black magic I am justice! Do you have a problem?

You are justice? Hmph, laughable, youre nothing but a conceited brat!

Nick ground his teeth, took a small black object, and swallowed it. He didnt want to personally act, but they had no way of breaking through Snows spider webs and there was no advantage in dragging it out any longer.

The black core exploded in his stomach and the black mist surged out, then Nick opened his mouth and planned to finish Snow in one move!

Black magic, Voodoo life claim!

Damn, youre coming for real!? Black magic, arachnid wall!

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