Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 558: Witch’s Torture

Chapter 558: Witch’s Torture

Half an hour ago.

Snow, who was burying her head in research, never would have thought there would be several noisy people heading her away, and whats more, she never would have expected what secret was awaiting her.

That blue-haired little girl who was wearing white robes was standing in front of a research table and on top of a small stool because she was too short. She was like a child pretending to be an adult, but if you saw what was on the table, no one would think she was a child

The dark room had no light at all which was obvious since she was blind and light was useless to her.

There was a piece of complex lab equipment on the spacious table in front of her, it had a heavy base and two mechanical arms that were injecting some strange energy into the empty space and formed a light blue ball of light.

A small black object was suspended in that ball of light and swayed left and right from time to time like it was alive.

Black core, oh, black core, Ive tormented you for so long, it should be time to give up right?

It was just an experiment, but in Snows head, it was a cruel interrogation the black core endured her bloody interrogation but still wouldnt spill its secrets!

Okay black core, youve got some backbone! But this time, hehe I brought you something good!~

Snows evil character really boggled the mind. When she took out that small bottle, her cackling was like that of an evil witch and was bone-chilling.

Black core, do you know what this is? Thats right, this is a powder made from the sacred crystal fruit! With it, no matter how much backbone you have, youll obediently give up your secrets! Hehe

Snow smiled smugly like she obtained a truth serum.

When it heard her threats, the black core actually got scared and started trembling like it was trying to escape from Snows clutches. But unfortunately, that ball of light acted as a prison and it couldnt escape no matter how much it struggled!

Hehe, now youre scared? Its too late! Come, open your mouth, let me feed it to you bit by bit!

Snow happily smiled as she opened the bottle and poured the contents into the ball of light. The white powder was slowly absorbed into the ball of light and it created a white halo. When the black core touched that strange halo, it was shocked and started violently shaking and its surface looked as if it was corroding.

Finally can you finally not endure it anymore? Hahaha, black core, have a taste of my power!

At that instant, the snow witch revealed her true colors!

She rolled up her sleeves, extended her arms, and stretched out her fingers, countless blackish purple threads extended from her fingertips and shot out and squirmed into the ball of light, straight into the black core. As the black core was skewered it stopped struggling and lost its strength.

Hahaha! I won in the end! Black core, let me peel your skin, tear off your flesh, grind your bones, and then cut your heart out and take a look!

The little girls crazed laughter echoed within the dark room, the countless threads illuminated her face and her fierce expression became even more terrifying.

Black magic thousand threads!

The countless threads instantly tightened and wrapped the black core up, then all the threads became as sharp as blades. After being corroded by the powder and then attacked with black magic, the black core defenses fell and its surface material shattered.

Along with that, Snows experiment came to an end.

Phew, Im exhausted

Snow took a deep breath and retracted her threads and crazed smile. She tidied her clothes put on a faint smile and returned to that pure and innocent Saintess.

So tell me, just what are you?

Snow couldnt see what was in front of her, so she placed her hands on a crystal ball in front of her. That crystal ball was connected to the lab equipment and that light blue ball of light, with it, Snow could see a magic projection of what was happening inside of the black core.

With the collapse of its exterior, the dark mist hidden inside was finally revealed. She had thought it would be the crystallization of some cruel black magic or a vengeful human soul. But anyways Snow thought it wouldnt be anything good.

But the sudden change made Snow drop her jaw.

What? Why? Why is it a gentle energy?

It wasnt black magic nor a vengeful spirit that dark mist actually lost color until it became a ball of white mist.

My god! Could it be impossible!

Snow let go of her hands slapped her cheeks, then reached out and touched the crystal ball again.

This time she clearly saw it

That white mist expanded and solidified into the shape of a sword!

The spirit of the holy sword? This is definitely but, how???

After finally arriving at the answer, Snow was dumbfounded as she continued mumbling to herself. She let go of the crystal and moved back but forgot she was standing on the stool and fell straight onto her butt.

The spirit of the holy sword is the soul of the holy sword it was born of the peak of light and symbolizes absolute justice its also the worlds purest divine power. Because of its existence, the holy sword is unlike any other weapon and is called the Holy sword.

Recalling information that even three-year-olds knew about, Snow rubbed her sore butt and continued to mutter to herself.

But why is the spirit of the holy sword, the black cores source of power? Wait! I know because it is the purest divine power, it can be distorted, even by black magic, and forcibly changed into a crystallization of black magic! This means that they used the spirit of the holy sword, but where did they get it from? Right, I almost forgot, the holy sword was lost! This means they stole it??

Lin Xiao relied on the journal he discovered to see through the third apostles plans while his clever sister was not outdone and also saw through their plans just with the appearance of the spirit of the Holy sword!

But whats their final goal? The spirit of the holy sword can do far more than just turn normal people into living dead, like creating a huge monster

Although she didnt know the full extent of the plan, but Snow was pretty much there.

I have to tell brother Elona! Elona?

Snow wanted to call Elona over, but she suddenly remembered she already chased Elona out. So she could only climb up to look for her brother, but because she received too much of a shock earlier her limbs werent listening to her. Before she could stand up straight her legs went soft and she fell back down again.

Damn! I

Saintess Snow! W-what happened? Are you hurt? Dont move, Ill help you up!


Saint Nick?

Thats right how is it Snow, did your experiment succeed?

Yes, it was successful.

What? Already!? Damn, I was late

Hm? What did you say?

N-nothing, let me help!

Hm no need, I can get up myself.

Snow didnt want to accept his help and stubbornly got up herself while vigilantly questioning him.

Hey, how did you get in? Didnt I say not to let anyone in, did those believers watching the door go off somewhere and die?

Hehe, they are indeed dead.

Hm? What are you muttering about again?

N-nothing! Cough, Snow, I came in here because of something big!


The Pope Pope St. George is here!!


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