Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 540: Rolling About

Chapter 540: Rolling About

Lin Xiao wasnt awake yet and he slept for two days before waking up on the third.

The burden from the previous fight was too hard, along with the fight with the internal demon and he was just exhausted. But thanks to his innate ability to gather power while asleep, he was completely recovered.

What made him happier was that after his long dream, the first person he saw was ShenDai Ying.

Sister Ying?

Hehe, good morning, youre finally awake.

Lin Xiao remembered what Snow had promised him and realized that she made it come true.

Uh Im so dizzy, how long have I been asleep?

Two full days, if it werent for Snow assuring me that you were fine, I was really worried that you wouldnt wake up. ShenDai Ying leaned over and gently caressed his head, like a mother concerned for her child.

Two days? But sister Ying, you werent here for that long, right?

Lin Xiao realized that she didnt know when he would wake up, yet she was still the first person he saw when he woke up and said good morning, didnt that mean she was by his side until he woke up?

When he thought about that, Lin Xiao felt warm inside, but also worried.

Did you wait long?

Hehe, dont worry, I have nothing to do and I cant leave so I kept you company.

But wasnt it boring? Lin Xiao was still immersed in his small happiness and didnt notice anything strange about what she said.

It wasnt, I was pretty happy.

I dont have a lot of time I can spend so peacefully like this, I really was happy waiting here for you usually, I cant beat you in a debate, but since you couldnt wake up, you couldnt respond no matter what I said, so that was pretty interesting.

Sister Ying

Lin Xiao felt like he was being embraced by blissful happiness as he looked at her smile and he couldnt help but want to hug her!

But he suddenly noticed something off, he was lying on the bed, while she was sitting on a chair facing the bed. The problem was that the chair she was sitting on was strange

Sister Ying, this is? Lin Xiao was startled and immediately sat up!

So this was why ShenDai Ying said she had nothing to do and couldnt go out!

W-why are you sitting in a wheelchair?

Hehe, Lin Xiao, how come you dont even know something like that? Im sitting in one because I cant walk.

Of course, I know that so, you cant use your legs?


Yes, she couldnt use her legs since she woke up, she still had feeling in them but couldnt control them. Even if she struggled she could barely wriggle a toe, so walking was completely out of the question.

Wait whats going on!? Didnt Snow say that the bug was asleep and you were fine?

She was saying that my life was fine and wouldnt die, but she didnt promise you anything else.

Hah? Damn brat, she tricked me!

He was confused why Snow wanted to say something last night but didnt and it ended up being this!

Now he was just thinking about one thing, and that was why couldnt she use her legs. So he quickly questioned her and she didnt hide anything and told him.

It actually wasnt that big of a deal.

Although the bug was asleep, this time it was different. Last time there was only a small amount, so there were no symptoms, but this time she encountered much more. She could forcibly suppress the bugs but couldnt expel them from her body, so all the bugs were gathered in her body and blocked the paths in her legs and creating this symptom.

So that means you can be helped? As long as we finish off all of them, then wouldnt you be able to move again?

It seems that way.

Sigh, dont scare me! I thought your legs

Tsk, who was scaring you? You scared yourself, I didnt even say anything yet!

Uh thats because I was worried about you if you really became crippled, then I

You what!? ShenDai Ying felt like he was going to say something disrespectful and interrupted him, Would you not want me if I became crippled?

Of course not! Even if you really became crippled I would still marry you and feed you so that you wouldnt even need legs to walk!

Hm? How would I walk without legs?

By rolling! As long as I feed you fat enough that you become a meatball, wouldnt you be able to roll around?

Lin Xiao!?

ShenDai Ying realized he was joking around, she wanted to hit him! But when he saw him smiling and imagining being fed like a pig, she was also amused.

Just like that, the two of them began teasing each other and the room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

ShenDai Ying was originally worried that Lin Xiao would be sad because of her legs, but now it wasnt a big deal, as long as the medicine is created, then her legs would be healed.

As the victim, she was relieved, but she didnt know that even though Lin Xiao was smiling, he was clenching his fists and made a decision.

A certain main culprit was already sentenced to death!

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