Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 48: The Real Hero Protects

Chapter 48: The Real Hero Protects

God knows how Elena was taken away, there was no sign of resistance. Only her cry for help awakened Lin Xiao. If you thought about it, this situation was very strange.

But now was not the time to think about it!

Tap tap tap Several people searched for the sound and quickly caught up. They were getting closer, and the cry for help was getting clearer. The group of Jackalweres was not far up ahead!

Theres a total of 13 Jackalweres and a really big one Caesar ran up two steps, hid behind a giant tree, and peeked out. That, thats the leader!

The leader? Rosie heard and moved closer.

Sure enough, the leaders stature was almost twice as large as the others. Its huge body was covered with various armor pieces, reflecting the moonlight, and was holding a broken giant sword in the hand. The ground seemed to tremble with every step it took.

The leader had a sword in its right hand, and in its left, there was a gray bundle over its shoulder. Since their vision was limited at night, they could not see what it was, but Rosie noticed something

She noticed that there was a strange silvery white in that gray bundle, like the bright moon in the dark night sky. There was no doubt that it was Elenas iconic silver hair! The person who was carried by the Jackalwere leader was her!

Thats Elena! Rosies eyes were sharp, and she could not help but exclaim.

As if she was trying to prove her identity, that thing once again let out her voice.

Let me go, let me go you monsters, help help The voice was clear and ethereal, if not Elena, who else could it be?

Lin Xiao pursed his lips and glanced at Caesars and Rosies reactions.

He didnt know how they felt after hearing that cry for help, but for Lin Xiao, it was awkward as hell. Couldnt Elena shout with more heart? Shouldnt you have some emotion, even if you were reading a manuscript? She was clearly taken away, but what is she trying to pull with this monotone voice?

But fortunately, Rosie and Caesar didnt notice, so lets continue on.

How could this happen after confirming the identity of the other party, Rosie lowered her head.

Like her, Caesar was also silent and depressed.

Whats wrong? Whats with your expressions? Pull yourself together! Lin Xiao frowned and put on a tough tone. The Jackalweres like human females the most. I will never allow Elena to be ravaged by these monsters!!


Im going to save her! said Lin Xiao as he rushed over.

Wait a minute! Caesar pulled him back. Lin Xiao, calm down first!

Calm down? How can I calm down? Dont say that, its not your maid who was taken away! Lin Xiao said frantically.

Just calm down first! Rosie quickly came over to mediate, Lin Xiao, I know that your relationship with Elena is very good, but we have to think of a plan first, its too dangerous to rush over.

Plan? What plan? Wait for the Jackalwere to bring her back? Lin Xiao was completely out of character, the rational him began to speak extremely emotionally.

Caesar and Rosie sighed helplessly and did not argue with him.

Lin Xiao, you should know that the Jackalweres have the advantage at night. We have limited vision, but they can move freely. Caesar rationally analyzed, And this place is the Black Lake, we dont know what ambushes are laying in our surrounding, if we charge in directly, well easily become the hunted!

Caesar is right! Lin Xiao, dont be too anxious. Rosie also helped him speak. There are 13 normal Jackalweres, and there is also a very powerful leader. Regardless if we can beat them or not What if there are ambushes in the vicinity? If were surrounded by a lot of Jackalweres like last time, well die!

Rosie did not speak without thinking! There were only three of them here, unlike before, when they could count on the teacher to save them. If theyre surrounded by enemies again, no one will come to save them!

After hearing them, Lin Xiao lowered his head deeply and his tone became a bit gloomy: That is to say you guys are afraid?

This isnt a matter of being scared or not! We cant throw our lives away meaninglessly just to try and save her, right? Rosie sighed and retorted. We should think of a plan! Why dont we wait until tomorrow, as long as theres sufficient lighting, then we can

Oh, wait until dawn? Lin Xiao interrupted the other party with a cold smile. Miss, have you forgotten how the Jackalwere treated you?


With the Jackalweres ***, catching a big beauty like Elena, do you still expect them to be able to endure until the next day? Lin Xiao was speaking word by word, and sobbing between each one, You actually said that I should wait until dawn. How ridiculous Do you know what kind of torture shell suffer through this night? How pure and innocent she is, if she encounters that kind of thing, itll be worse than death! Do you understand!?

Lin Xiao Rosie could not refute.

What Lin Xiao said was no exaggeration, because that is what Rosie herself has actually experienced.

Being licked, humiliated, and violated For these kindhearted girls, it was a nightmare worse than being hacked to a thousand pieces!

But Caesar wanted to say a few words, but he was interrupted by Lin Xiao.

I dont care! I dont care how many Jackalweres there are. I must save Elena! Lin Xiao clenched his fists and glared at them, revealing a fierce expression he had never shown before. What kind of man am I, if I cant even protect my maid?

Hearing that last sentence, it was as if Caesar was struck by lightning, and something struck one of Caesars sensitive spots.

A few days ago, because of his negligence, Rosie was taken away by the Jackalwere. If not for Lin Xiao coincidentally saving her, the consequences would be disastrous.

At that time, a deep sense of powerlessness and a strong sense of humiliation filled Caesars brain. Why, why was he so weak? He was a man who wanted to be a hero, why couldnt he even protect a woman? Caesar asked himself over and over again.

If something happened to Rosie that day, he would have regretted it for life. Therefore, he fully understood Lin Xiaos madness and determination. Lin Xiaos heart was full of unwillingness and anger. He felt the same way.

What should he do? Should he watch this tragedy repeat with Lin Xiao? Was he, Caesar Alex, the man who will become the hero, fall back here?

Last time he was alone, he could only kneel on the ground like a maggot, praying for a miracle when he faced the cruel reality that Rosie was taken away by the Jackalwere.

But this time was different! This time he was no longer alone, he had companions and teammates!

He, Caesar Alex, he was Lin Xiaos companion, and Lin Xiao was also his teammate! Both of them can definitely create a miracle!

Lin Xiao, Im going with you to save her. He did not scream excitedly, there was also no exaggeration, Caesar simply stated something.

Okay. Lin Xiao nodded with satisfaction and did not say anything extra.

At this moment, the two youth were opposite of each other, and they saw the same obsession in each others eyes.

Is only the strongest person qualified to be the hero? No, it should be protection! Put your life on the line and use a lifetime to protect the things you cherish. If you can do that, everyone is a hero!

And Elena, was she the treasure that Lin Xiao pledged his life to protect? Caesar thought.

If thats the case, he doesnt mind going with Lin Xiao to hell and back!

You better not die! We still have a duel. Caesar said quietly.

Ah, rest assured, I will never die in front of you. You, on the other hand, have an injured arm, you have to be careful.

Hmph, dont worry about me, just dont drag me down later!

Dont talk big, dear prince.

Finally, Rosie on the side couldnt stand it anymore.

Hey you two big fools, why did you reach a common understanding like this? She scolded angrily.

Missy, dont force yourself, take the map back and go meet up with teacher Woos. Lin Xiao smiled and handed the map of the wolf skin to Rosie. I also left the same map for teacher Woos, hell probably find us tomorrow morning.

You, what do you mean? Rosie took the map and her hands were slightly trembling.

If anything happens to us, you have to remember to help collect our corpses. Lin Xiao said lightly.

Wuuu you idiot! Why do you think of me as someone afraid of death? Rosie angrily rolled the wolf skin into a ball and threw it at Lin Xiaos face. Peh! Isnt it just a few Jackalweres? Im not scared at all!

Rosie, you dont have to take risks with us. Elena is my maid. Her life has nothing to do with you

What do you mean yours and mine? Hmph, too bad I was stupid enough to join your team, right? Rosie turned her head, crossed her arms and didnt look at him. Our team is four people, not three people! One less will not work!

Rosie, you

Dont misunderstand. I just said that I was going to go with you. Ill definitely be the first to run away when it gets dangerous! Rosie said with a grin.

Hehe, cant you just be frank? My dear Missy Lin Xiao bitterly smiled and whispered, Sorry, Im troubling you guys.

What are you saying? Elena is also my teammate, isnt it normal to save her? Rosie rebuked and shook her finger in front of Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao, take out some confidence! We are the strongest students in the Magic Department at Loran Academy, well be able to kill the Jackalwere leader and save Elena!

Thats right, youre right! We definitely can!

But theres only one S-level evaluation. Caesar followed up at an inappropriate time. He clenched his broadsword and put his right hand on his injured left arm. Lin Xiao, I will not give up the credit for that, the Jackalwere leader is mine!

Hehe, thatll depend on your ability.

The dark red six-pointed star array was formed in Lin Xiaos hand.

Lets go!

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