Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 32: Monarch’s Aura Ain’t too Bad

Chapter 32: Monarch’s Aura Ain’t too Bad

He was barely able to avoid the torch, it brushed past Lin Xiaos ear and finally hit the tent. With a roar, the tent ignited, the fire suddenly intensifying, the dry night wind fed the fire more and more, they watched as all the surrounding tents got lit.

I had nothing to do with it. Elena proclaimed her innocence.

She was not talking about the torch falling down. She was saying that the current disturbance happening in the camp has nothing to do with her.

Yeah, it doesnt have anything to do with you. Lin Xiao nodded and agreed.

Not only were their tents burned, but the entire camp was in chaos, the moonlight, the light from the fire and the green light emitted from monsters eyes. At this moment, they seemed to have come to another somber and desolate world of terror.

A strange group of Kobolds attacked the camp!

What Kobold, are you an idiot? That is a wolf head, those are Jackalweres! Elena corrected Lin Xiao.

Jackalweres are fine But didnt we come here to exterminate the Jackalweres, how did we get raided by them?

Lin Xiao did not expect that this group of Jackalweres actually took the lead in attacking the camp, how shameful.

The torches that were originally set up in the camp to guard against Jackalweres have all become accessories. The sly Jackalweres hid in the bushes around the camp, secretly throwing stones to smash the torches, igniting the tents, and the burning tents burned the surrounding tents. In a blink of an eye, the entire camp was in chaos!

The students just got ready to go to sleep, but suddenly found their heads catching on fire. They thought it was a nightmare, until the hot flames burned their hair, they then ran out of the tent shouting.

However, the first thing they did after running out of the tent was not fighting, but hurriedly escaping to the shelter of Teacher Wooss tent.

You cant blame them. After all, they are still students. Even if they are geniuses, they will be scared if they have no actual combat experience. Lin Xiao justly commented.

What about you? asked Elena.

Me? Im going to finish my mission ahead of time.


Suddenly, four Jackalweres scuttled out of the shrubbery. They stood with two sturdy legs, large wooden sticks in their hands, and wore tattered armor from who knows where. They had a ferocious appearance, and at first glance, they saw Lin Xiao.

In their view, this black-haired human was unremarkable and looks very weak, so they decided to kill Lin Xiao first and then join the other companions in the camp.

Four Jackalweres, each one was a genuine second-level demonic beast! They were also fully armed, even if it was Caesar, Im afraid that it will be impossible to deal with the attacks of four Jackalweres at the same time.

Does he want to run? No, Lin Xiao wanted to try.

If I take care of these guys and then decapitate them and hand the heads over to Teacher Woos, I can probably get an A. Lin Xiao carefully calculated, This way, for the remainder of the actual combat drill, I can cruise by, or even apply to return home early!

Looking at the scenery, teasing Elena and then returning home to sleep think of his happy life afterward, Lin Xiao was extremely excited.

Jackalweres, I am sorry, please die for my happy life.

He raised both hands, pointed his palms forward, planted his feet firmly on the ground and he concentrated on moving the magic inside his body.

The surrounding students all ran away. Now, only Elena was standing by his side, silently watching his heroic posture of releasing magic. Lin Xiao could finally use his true strength without holding back.

Soon, a gorgeous red six-pointed star was formed in front of him.

Circuit formation, complete!

This time the circuit formation was different compared to a regular fireball, this time Lin Xiaos circuit formation was bigger and more gorgeous. The fiery red six-pointed star array was full of complicated patterns and strange engraving lines, even those who did not understand magic could also feel the power of that flame.

This was an intermediate magic that can be performed by a magician above fourth-level

Explosive flame!

Magic chant, complete!

A large clump of violent flame energy gathered in Lin Xiaos palm. The flames burned the air and made an ear-piercing sound. That violent energy was shouting and struggling, desperately trying to escape from Lin Xiaos control, and then burn everything before them into ashes!

A few Jackalweres made a deep growl, they did not expect that this unremarkable human was capable of exerting such powerful magic, to the point where they instinctively feared him.


Almost at the same time, the sly Jackalweres gave up on standing on two legs and rushed towards Lin Xiao on four legs. They wanted to take the advantage of speed to get rid of this dangerous human!

I am a real macho man, you garbage Kobolds, die!

Lin Xiao was excited and the magic in his hand was about to be released!

Suddenly, there was a faint voice next to his ear.

Ive already said it, those arent Kobolds, theyre Jackalweres!

It was as if Elena did not see the Jackalweres in front of her, she slowly walked to Lin Xiao, and pressed his arm to prevent him from releasing the spell.

What the fuck!? Lin Xiao couldnt help but swear.

When releasing magic, especially after the completion of the loop, you need to concentrate. Once the caster is disturbed, its very easy to lose control of the magic. Then, there was nothing

The circuit formation was destroyed, and the violent flame energy, like an inferior firecracker, burst open and then disappeared into the air without any destructive power.

Its over, its over, its all over!

Why did you destroy my magic? Do you want to kill me? Lin Xiao snarled.

What are you afraid of? Elena asked puzzledly.

Dont be stupid! Are you looking forward to me dying that much?

You cant die anyway.

Peh! Even if I can instant cast magic, dont increase the difficulty for me! Stop causing me more troubles Demon King! Seeing that the group of wolves was getting closer, Lin Xiao was scared to a cold sweat. Oh, its too late to release the intermediate magic, I definitely cant stop them with an instant cast fireball I can only run, run!

Elena ignored him and didnt run. Instead, she silently walked forward by two steps.

I noticed that the violent flame energy disappeared, and the Jackalweres were no longer afraid. They all crazily rushed towards Lin Xiao like they were on drugs.

Five seconds No, just three seconds, then Lin Xiaos skull would be smashed by the big sticks the Jackalweres were holding!

However, Elena was not panicking, she still had her cold and indifferent expression, and unflinchingly stood in front of Lin Xiao.

What are you afraid of, theyre nothing but a bunch of low-level demonic beasts.

Before the Jackalweres pounced, she faintly said one word.


It seems they were scared by Elenas voice and all the Jackalweres suddenly stopped! Their movements began to become stiff, and they even gave up running, and finally stood up with two hind legs, looking strangely at the woman wearing a burqa.

They started sniffing with their black noses, and one of the Jackalwere seemed to notice something, he howled something, and the other three Jackalweres also joined in and started howling.

No matter what they were doing, Lin Xiao already understood that they have given up the attack.

It was safe.

Demon King, what did you do?

Me? I just told them to scram.

Lin Xiao had a complicated gaze.

Why are you looking at me like that? Elena patted the dust on her body and calmly said, The magic you wanted to release was too hot. I didnt like it, this way was much more convenient.

Just for that? Tell me earlier if you could control demonic beasts! Lin Xiao didnt know where to start.

Actually, he should have already discovered Elenas ability.

When they encountered the Green Wolves surprise attack a few days ago, Elena also used an unknown method to make the Green Wolf fall to the ground. Now, the same thing happened, Elena only said a single word, scram and those Jackalweres obediently scrammed.

Demon King, is this an ability exclusive to you?

No. Elena shook her head. Not only me, but all high-level demons have the ability to command Demonic beasts, so we are called the higher demons. Didnt your teachers talk about this stuff?

Eh, I didnt listen Lin Xiao was speechless.

He always sleeps through theory classes! How could he know? Lin Xiao decided to name this special ability as Monarchs Aura!

Next, Elena personally explained to him the magical effects of Monarchs Aura.

Although the four Jackalweres ran away, Lin Xiao found that a large expansive black shadow began flowing out from the shrubs. One, two, three Nearly more than twenty Jackalweres holding sticks came out one after another!

Lin Xiao knew why Elena wanted to stop him.

Although he could use the intermediate magic to kill the first four Jackalweres, he would be surrounded by the remaining twenty Jackalweres. Although he wont die, but once he gets into a fierce battle, Elena will also suffer, so wouldnt it be better just to tell them to get out of the way.

There are more than twenty! What should we do next? Lin Xiao asked nervously.

You dont have to worry about them.

Are you sure?

Although I cant get them to completely obey my commands, but I can still make them scram.

Does it work?

Without waiting for Lin Xiao to finish, more than 20 Jackalweres came towards him and brushed by him. He was shocked. He had just wanted to say that Elena was a big fat liar, but he suddenly found that he wasnt the groups target.


The Jackalweres made horrifying strange screams while walking past Lin Xiao and completely ignoring his existence, treating him and Elena as air.

For the first time in his life, Lin Xiao felt the feeling of being sandwiched by a group of Demonic beasts. The closest Jackalwere almost brushed his shoulders. He even had the urge to reach out and touch them.

He did not dare to touch the Jackalwere, because he has to hug another person

Elena, let me hug you.


Under Elenas astonished gaze, Lin Xiao opened his arms and suddenly hugged Elena from behind! Through the burqa, he couldnt feel her body temperature, but the feeling of her soft and plump body made him crazy.

Do you want to die? Let me go.

No, Im afraid that theyll suddenly turn around and smash my head open. Lin Xiao pointed to the group of Jackalweres.

If Elena could get them to scram, maybe, she could even order them to smash Lin Xiaos head, so Lin Xiao has to guard against it.

Are you trying to use me as a shield?

Its just in case.

Even if I wanted to kill you, I will do it myself and I wont order them.

Do you want to kill me? You saying that makes me even more afraid!

Feeling the softness within his arms, Lin Xiao hugged even tighter.

You, youre not purposely touching my chest, right?

No, of course not. Youre misunderstanding, Demon King. I cant do anything about it. In my hometown, this is called a lucky pervert.

your hometown? Eastern Tribe, Ocean archipelagos?

No, Earth.

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