Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 27: To Get an A (4)

Chapter 27: To Get an A (4)

ED: (Just copied this notice from our other series) Hey guys, going to leave this survey here (for a week or so) in case some people didnt get a chance to fill it out. Also, just a quick update TL is back to uni, and I just graduated so Im doing a lot of job searching currently (hmu if you got connections in CS lol). So the website updates and additions will be slower than I thought, I apologize. But other than that, chapters will still release on schedule. Enjoy the chapter!

Lin Xiao seems to be very worried that Elena would catch the attention of another Green Wolf, so he used her right hand to make circuit formations and pulled her arm with his left and protected her with his own body.

Was Lin Xiao worried about her?

The sudden skin contact made Elena very uncomfortable. She wanted to speak out and shout, but found that the surrounding was too messy and too noisy, she could not hear her voice. So she wanted to pull her arm back, but Lin Xiao was holding on tightly, not giving her a chance.

What should I do? I cant have an argument with Lin Xiao in public.

Elena had second thoughts he was just holding her arm, was there a need to make such a big fuss?

Although she was displeased, for lack of a better option, she could only endure being uncomfortable and let Lin Xiao hold as much as he wants. However, the majestic Demon King was being worried about by a human this feeling made her feel uncomfortable and something felt wrong.

However, was the truth as she thinks? Was Lin Xiao protecting her because he was worried about her?

Half of it was, half of it was not

If Elena knew the truth, perhaps she would curse Lin Xiao for being sly.

The performance of Lin Xiao in the defensive battle against the Green Wolves was not outstanding, you could even say he didnt even exist. He was far from Caesar standing in the limelight, but the teachers must give him a high score!

First of all, in the first wave of attacks, there were only three students who listened to Caesars order and fired the fireball in time. In addition to Rosie and another student, the other person was Lin Xiao! The three of them, together with Caesar, the four of them were the quickest responders in the face of the crisis, remaining calm would undoubtedly add a lot of points.

Secondly, Lin Xiao was also the first group of students who followed Rosies and successfully launched the second wave of attacks he obeyed orders, was clear-headed, and had a mastery of technique. Lin Xiaos score rose again!

The crucial point: When Lin Xiaos maid was attacked by the Green Wolf, he was the first person to sense it and promptly lent a helping hand. After that, he also deliberately retreated to the rear of the team, carefully protecting the unarmed maid. At the same time, I will not forget to continue to contribute to the team and eliminate the Green Wolves that slip inside the compassion to protect the weak, the determination to work for the team, Lin Xiaos excellent quality was revealed in this incident!

Rating, UP UP UP! The A-level evaluation was already waving at Lin Xiao!

Unfortunately, Elena does not understand such a complicated scoring mechanism. In contrast, another handsome teenager caught her attention the fifth prince of Lombard Kingdom, Caesar Alex.

Elena could now slightly appreciate the reason why Lin Xiao elected Caesar as the hero, it was because he was like a natural hero, he did not need deliberate pretense, and does not need exaggerated performance, he was him, he was Caesar Alex, the strongest man in the magic department (not counting a certain pervert).

The students, including Lin Xiao and Elena, did not understand why Caesar, a magician, would hang a wide-blade sword around his waist. The scabbard of the sword was pitch-black, and it was obviously more than twice as wide as an ordinary longsword. The blade was pure white and strange lines were faintly visible. At first glance, it looked like marks left from pieces of metal fit together.

At first, everyone thought that the sword was an ornament or a status symbol of the royal family. In cartoons, dont all the princes you see have swords, medals and gems or something? But now, everyone finally knew what the sword was used for

It was simple, what else could a sword be used for? Of course, it was used for hacking!

With a bang, Caesar brandished his long sword and sent a pitiful Green Wolf flying with the wide body of the sword. He then clenched his sword and seemed ready to release a spell.


The magic chant was completed, but the circuit formation was not completed and the flaming six-pointed star did not appear as expected. Did he lose control? No, the spell was successfully released.

Caesar pointed the long sword at the Green Wolf that was sent flying. A big fireball suddenly shot out from the tip of the sword. It accurately hit and burned the wolf to ash before it even hit the ground!

Magic Swordsman? Elena exclaimed inwardly.

According to what Elena knows, humans can accumulate magic through meditation and temper ones body to refine battle aura in order to become a magic swordsman. The most distinctive trait of the magic swordsman is using weapons to release magic and conduct physical attacks with the support of magic, they have various methods of attack and is very flexible.

When Caesar released the fireball, he completed the magic chant but did not summon the six-pointed star formation, lacking the necessary steps to form the circuit, but Elena knew that he used another means to complete the circuit formation that sword.

To become a magic swordsman, one must possess an innate talent and strong willpower, in addition, must also have a matching weapon, this weapon must be sharp enough, tough enough, and must have a strong magic affinity!

During the casting process, excellent blacksmiths can engrave magic arrays inside the weapon and attach a powerful circuit formation. As a result, the weapon imbued with magic is not only a sharp weapon but also a staff and could unleash devastating power in the hands of a magic swordsman,

Although Caesar was still very immature as a magic swordsman, compared to the students who were even more inexperienced, his performance was enough to be described with the word stunning.

He is peerless without anyone to compare to.

At this time, Lin Xiao suddenly noticed Elena staring at Caesar and couldnt help but tease her.

What, did you fall in love with Caesar? Dont blame me for dampening your enthusiasm, Demon King, demons and humans walk separate paths, its impossible between you two.


Only this word could express Elenas mood.

Hehe, but seriously, Caesars pretty impressive, right?

A magic swordsman, he shows great promise. The Demon King gave her evaluation.

Practicing magic and martial arts is indeed impressive, but the cultivation process is too painful. Practicing both magic and battle aura. I cant do it, Its self-abuse, its perverted!

Arent you even more perverted than him? Elena spoke. Chantless instant cast. Last time it was just a small fireball. But just now, you can already use the power of a normal fireball.

When she was attacked by the Green Wolf, Lin Xiao was afraid that she would cause trouble again, so while no one was paying attention, he released a fireball to burn the Green Wolf. There was no doubt, it was a normal fireball, not like the small fireworks a few days ago.

Oh, this is my normal speed of progress, transmigrator standard, you dont have to make a fuss. Lin Xiao said enthusiastically.

So, what exactly is a transmigrator? Is it a special profession, is it more powerful than a magic swordsman?

Oh it should be more powerful. Why, are you interested?

Hmph, so, so

Ill tell you when I have the time.

Before that, can you let go first? Elena used her other arms finger to point to the arm that Lin Xiao was holding.

No matter what was said, she still felt uncomfortable.

Why? Youre my maid, isnt this normal? said Lin Xiao, changing his posture, not grabbing it, but hooked it, and the two of them got closer together. The teachers all think that Im a good master who cares about his maid. We still have to proceed with this performance.

Damn pervert

Elena whispered helplessly and turned her head away to keep away from him.

While they were chatting, the bodies of the Green Wolves littered the ground, there was only one more wolf that was slightly larger than the rest that was still breathing, the Wolf King.

The wounded Wolf King was crawling on the ground, with low growls and confronting the blond boy in front of him. Caesar no longer hesitated, he shouted, and lifted the broad-edged sword and jumped up. At the same time, the Wolf King opened his mouth, kicked off with his hind legs and leapt towards the boy.

In the air, Caesar and the Wolf King crossed each other, turned and swung the sword, the pure white broad-edged sword made a beautiful arc in the air.

After his cut, he steadily landed, swung off the blood stained on the sword, and slowly sheathed it. With a snap, the sword was returned to the sheath.

Thump, the Wolf King fell to the ground.

The pitiful wolfie had a deep cut across his neck, it almost cut halfway through, it was not alive anymore.

The last wolf fell under Caesars sword.


I dont know who started it but the crowd began to chant Caesars name.

Wow, prince Caesar is so handsome!

Ha ha ha, too amazing, my idol!!

In the face of the cheers and praise of the students, Caesar was not moved. He looked back at the crowd looking for a black-haired boy, and that boy was coincidentally looking at him, which is what Caesar wanted.

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