Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 15: Experiment on Testing Grounds (2)

Chapter 15: Experiment on Testing Grounds (2)

Unleashing magic doesnt just require magic power, there are also the two necessary steps of chanting and circuit formation. Simply put, if you want to use fireball, you need to complete the three following steps:

First, complete the chanting yelling the word fireball or something similar.

Second, complete the circuit formation make a strange posture with your hand or body to complete it.

Third, use mental power to control the spell in order to not to let the fireball self destruct, its better to concentrate.

In addition to the three necessary conditions listed above, some powerful magic also requires special intermediaries or sacrificial offerings. Like the time when Lin Xiao released the Demon Sealing Circle he not only provided an ample amount of magic power (embedded in a magic crystal in advance), complete the magic chant (screaming out the words Demon Sealing Circle), completed the circuit formation (drawing the magic circle on the floor), and also provided a sacrificial offering (biting his fingers to squeeze out his blood), which finally resulted in succeeding in releasing the spell.

There are still tons of interesting knowledge about magic. When Lin Xiao came to Eileen, the one thing that interested him the most was magic!

Its too cool, Eileen is clearly a large-scale VR real-life simulation online RPG game, a real holographic simulation, what can be more interesting than casting magic in a different world?

After joining Loran Academy, Lin Xiao wasnt only lazing around. As a matter of fact, he often snuck into the ancient books section of the Academys library. From there he learned magic knowledge from ancient books, the ancient languages and the Demon Sealing magic were learned there. Thanks to the the knowledge he learned there, he was able to sign a slave contract with Elena and pick up this beautiful and prideful maid.

Of course, Lin Xiaos main reason of learning magic is not to become the strongest, to make a harem, flirt with girls, become a villain, or act like a poser in a different world No, none of that, he is simply curious about these superpowers that earth never had.

A world traveler once said, never underestimate the enthusiasm of an otaku for magic.

On the training grounds, Woos wiped the sweat from his forehead, his left hand placed on his hips, and screamed out the name of the students.


On the far side of the training grounds, Lin Xiao and Elenas experiment was in full swing.

Based on the magic tests for the past two days, Lin Xiao already had a good grasp of the magic levels of his classmates. During those times, Elena was not present. So, if Elena can accurately tell the magic level of the students, it means that she didnt lie, and she does indeed have the ability to perceive the magic level of others.

That chubby girl, you see her? What level is she?

Intermediate second level.

Yup, youre right.

Lin Xiao quickly chose the next target.

That guy, whos kind of short, the idiot whos preparing to throw the ice cone, what level is he?

Beginner second level. Too weak. Elena shook her head and added, Casting ice cone is still too difficult for him.

Sure enough, just as Elenas voice faded, that student seemed to be unable to control the magic that he had just released. His body shook slightly, the sharp ice cone that came out of his hand changed directions and did not accurately hit the puppet. Instead, it was slanted and slammed into the ground, with a bang it turned into water vapor.

Maltz, you didnt pass the test. Woos who was standing next to him, sighed. Unfortunately, your magic control is too weak. If you forced yourself to participate in the actual combat drill, you are very likely to get injured.

Teacher! But I The student named Maltz tightened his fists and resisted the tears that were coming out of his eyes.

Losing the qualification to participate in the real combat drill meant that he would be kicked out of the ranks of the top students in the magic department. Although he can continue to study at Loran Academy, if he works hard enough, he will catch up one day, but thats just a baseless dream.

For most students, once they are left behind by the top ranks, this gap becomes insurmountable. They will never even catch up to the footprints of those geniuses in their lifetime.

Perhaps this is the gap between a commoner and a genius.

Wow, its amazing, its just as youve said! Lin Xiao sat up straight and finally started to look serious.

Elena has accurately reported it twice in a row, this was no coincidence, the experiment must continue!

On the field, Woos did not comfort Maltz. He steeled his heart and continued to organize students to take the test. Although this was just a small test within the academy, it definitely was not childs play! When you get on the battlefield, theres only one ending for those who wait for the weak, and thats death!

Its a pity that Maltz failed, but thats not necessarily a bad thing for him.

Next, Caesar! Following the call of Teacher Woos, a handsome youngster with shiny blond hair walked over.

The appearance of Caesar ignited the enthusiasm of the students. The crowd began to stir, the girls pulled each others hands, blushing while whispering words of admiration for Caesar, while the boys were watching with contempt, hoping that Caesar would make a fool of himself.

Exactly how strong is the number one of the Magic Department?

Him, the blond boy, the one that youve seen before. Lin Xiao pointed to Caesar who was at the center of the crowd and said to Elena, Whats his true strength?

Beginner third level. Elena replied unenthusiastically, His magic is pure, the flow is smooth Excluding you, he should be the strongest amongst the students present.

Bingo! All correct! Lin Xiao praised with a thumbs up.

At the same time, Caesars test began.

Under the scorching sun, the short golden hair moved along with the wind. That handsome youngster stood upright in the same place, the pressure he exerted was immense. He raised his right hand to eye level. He straightened his fingers and pointed his palm at the wooden puppets directly in front of him.

Fireball! [Chant] completed.

With a subtle magical fluctuation, a fiery red six-pointed star formation suddenly appeared in front of his palm! The beautiful circle slowly rotated, and the light gradually became stronger. Suddenly, the six-pointed star formation rapidly shrank and merged into a burning fireball in front of his palm!

[Circuit formation] completed!

After the spell was released, Caesar did not hesitate. He quickly clenched his hand and then slowly released it.

The fireball came out of the hand, accompanied by a strong current of air, and it instantly sped towards the pitiful wooden puppet.


The fireball accurately hit the wooden puppet and lit up a black smoke. The aftermath of the explosion dispersed the surrounding dust, the students who were nearby could not help but take a few steps back, raising their hands to protect their eyes from the sand blown up by the wind.

Hey, is this a joke? How can it have this much power? Fortunately, hes able to control it!

Haha, thats why hes prince Caesar, number one of the Magic Department! Hes much better than you stupid guys!

I love you prince Caesar! I wanna make babies with you! Caesar! Caesar!

The smoke dissipated, and the girls on the scene shouted excitedly while pointing at the scorched earth. Other than Caesar, Im afraid that other first years of the Magic Department cannot do the same thing

The puppet that was hit by the fireball was burned into black ash and was completely incinerated!

Sorry, Teacher Woos, I just wanted to bring out my best, I was a bit careless Caesar did not respond to the students shouts but apologized to the nearby teacher Woos.

Ah, its just a wooden puppet. Dont worry about it. Woos, while stroking his snow white beard, said with joy, Caesar, not only do you have a high magic affinity, but you also have great control. Its the first time that I have ever seen a freshman that can control the power of such a large fireball. Caesar, you must continue to work hard!

Yes, Ill definitely live up to your expectations! Caesar was deeply encouraged, respectfully bowed, and then quietly left the test site.

Thanks to the teachers praise, Caesars confidence doubled, but he was getting fed up with the noisy chattering of the surrounding students.

The result was to be expected. What is there to be surprised about? Rather than the results of his test, he was more concerned with another person

As he was leaving, Caesar looked towards another direction, deep in thought.

At the same time, the voice of Mr. Woos came again.

Next, Lin Xiao!

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